Quote Originally Posted by Wind Song View Post
Look you stupid fuck, your whole idea is nothing but pie in the sky. We will have our marriage equality when we get licenses in all 50 states. I could care less about the churches.

You don't get it. You pretend to support equal rights for gays, but what you come with is this stupid idea that will NEVER happen, and you think gays will be satisfied to sit around and diddle libertarian nonsense? NOT in my lifetime.

You truly are fucking stupid.

Gays make up oh roughly 10% of the population. Why do you think 10% of the population is going to get all 50 states to accept gay marriage as legal? Are you really to retarded to understand that you COULD sell having NO government marriage license at all and then each church could define marriage however they want?

Oh, but you just keep screaming the same thing over and over.