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    A most interesting thread ! Thanks to Tyr for it .. I've just now read it in greater detail.

    From my own experience in the UK, it seems perfectly obvious that Islamists have three distinct ways of operating in order to achieve a form of dominance in a Society.

    The first is through terrorism .. and not much needs to be said on that score. 9/11, the UK's '7/7' attack in London, the attack at the Atosha station in Spain .. and many more attacks besides, in various parts of the world. Through murder and mayhem, they hope that through acts of terrorism, the will to fight back can be sapped .. and, I'm sorry to say, this sometimes is successful.

    The second, pivotal, means (aided and abetted by the Left) is through social incursion. Immigrants arrive, equipped with their cultural and religious identities, they take root in specific areas, form their own communities, all of which pushes out what was in the area they occupy beforehand. Demands are made, all of which serve the requirements of the invading Islamic culture and traditions. Integration is a non-starter ... always, those communities expect OTHERS to bend to THEM.

    The third is through exploitation of indigenous freedoms. Demands are made to insist that concession after concession is made to them. Pressure groups form, and always citing either the race card, or the 'bigotry' card, they insist that anyone opposing them must be doing so through unacceptably antisocial means. This is particularly where the Left comes in ... Left-wingers insist that to speak out against them is evidence of racism or bigotry, and pressure groups invariably win out. Laws are passed, such as 'hatespeech' legislation, making strong criticism actionable in law. But more, the indigenous population becomes conditioned to revile anyone not conforming to these socially-conditioned imperatives.

    Terrorism is a very 'blunt instrument' for Muslims to use ... though also a much-favoured one, as we've all seen.

    Social incursion is less blunt, dealing in large measure with a form of physical invasion. Areas are occupied and, in essence, 'terraformed' to become Muslim in 'nature'.

    Exploitative incursion is the most insidious. Through it, social conditioning is brought to bear, aided, as I've said, by the Left. People are pressured into believing that just THINKING of forms of opposition is wrong .. bigoted, racist, intolerant generally. So, belief-systems grow which always, but ALWAYS, lead to an ongoing process of evolving deference .. to Islam and to those practising it.

    Folks, understand .. I am not theorising, just describing an ongoing reality in my own society !! Common throughout all of this is the sheer invasiveness of Islam. Islam, in my experience, has no interest in compromise that doesn't end up in achieving considerable advantage to ITS purposes, and more often than not compromise isn't even a factor AT ALL. No, Islam spreads and dominates .. and that's the point of Islam in a nutshell .. one of DOMINION.

    Now .. how is that remotely compatible with the preservation of freedoms ? Answer .. IT ISN'T, not if those 'freedoms' are freedoms to defy Islam.

    The conflict of Sharia with Western values is a case in point. In the UK, as a guiding legal principle, UK law should always prevail. If a Sharia directive can be arrived at and no UK law is broken, then 'fair enough' in our system ... BUT ... legally, no Sharia law 'court' can set itself up in defiance against UK law.

    Sounds fine, doesn't it ... BUT for the process I've described already. Our laws are the product of values reflected by the population, HOWEVER, if those values change, then we can expect our laws to reflect that. Hatespeech legislation is a case in point. So .. if our values bend over time, if in the name of 'tolerance' we find we 'want' to accept other values and defer to them (led by the nose into this by Lefties ..) .. then the law, in the fullness of time, can undergo a form of erosion, where other laws supersede them.

    As a consequence of ALL this, it's evident that we've been seen in the UK to be fair game for incursion. We get remarkably little incidence of terrorism here, I think because the 'sneakier' methods work here so very well !! So, goodbye churches, and hello, monolithic Mosque structures. And be careful what you say !!!!

    But, America has an advantage we fail to have. You have a Constitution which can act as a barrier to certain incursions, it seems to me. So, the question for me is, just how bulletproof does this make America by comparison ?

    I've heard that Obama is known for acting unconstitutionally when it suits him to .. surely a dangerous precedent. Should your society allow it ?

    Does Obama cite reasonings to justify himself, reasonings which persuade others to adopt societal values which can 'catch on' and seem reasonable ? Folks, I'm somewhat out of my depth in trying to judge this either way, but what I'm saying is, IF this is happening, the dangers inherent in that process are grave.

    So, surely, Americans must be prepared to fight if needs be, for what is theirs by right .. by birthright. Tyr's spirit is commendable, but perhaps more importantly, is INSIGHTFUL ... because you ARE in a war against those utterly determined to overthrow your values. They'll use whatever methodology works, be it the gun or bomb, acts of savagery, or of deployed propaganda crafted to fight your very thought processes and change them to THEIR preferences.

    Therein, if they succeed, lies the road to the death of freedom.

    DO YOU WANT THAT ? YES OR NO ? Because if 'no', then my suggestion is that you take the utmost notice of what Tyr had to tell you. And .. if that isn't enough for you, then cast your eyes and ears eastwards, to learn what's happening on my side of the Pond. To see what COULD happen .. if you allow it to.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    Not quite sure what you're getting at here, Dilloduck.

    Are you saying that the only way to meaningfully combat Islam is lawlessly ?

    ... and actually, that's a point in itself. Over here in the UK, to even strongly CRITICISE Islam, within earshot of a Muslim and in a public place, can lead to said 'offended' Muslim being empowered to expect our authorities to act against the 'offender'.

    Think about that.
    That's your problem. In America the right to worship as you please and freedom of speech is protected

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    Default Koran quotes ...

    I looked for a link like this one as evidence of the 'non-peacefulness' of Islam, since there are those on this forum who insist that Islam is entirely peaceful, and no basis for terrorism !!

    Well, my link shows the opposite .. violence is clearly encouraged as a means to an end in Islam. More, it's actually mandated .. specifically from Koranic imperatives recorded as such, as central to what it is.

    And here's another point .. links such as the one I'm posting here show just how uncompromisingly Islam is focused on seeing to it that it predominates - how intolerant it is of anything outside of it.

    So to the link ...

    • Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war. Qur’an:9:5
    • The Believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain, kill and are killed. Qur’an:9:112
    • Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission. Qur’an:9:29
    • Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah. Qur’an:8:39
    • So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world). Qur’an:8:39
    • Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low, and cover them with shame. He will help you over them. Qur’an:9:14
    • Believers, what is the matter with you, that when you are asked to go forth and fight in Allah’s Cause you cling to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? Unless you go forth, He will afflict and punish you with a painful doom, and put others in your place. Qur’an:9:38
    • Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you. Qur’an:9:123
    • The Messenger and those who believe with him, strive hard and fight with their wealth and lives in Allah’s Cause. Qur’an:9:88
    • O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred; if there are a hundred then they will slaughter a thousand unbelievers, for the infidels are a people devoid of understanding. Qur’an:8:65
    • The revelation of the scripture is from Allah, The Mighty, The Wise. Qur’an:45:2
    • And He has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not shake with you. Qur’an:16:15
    • Have you not seen how God makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a stack, and then you see the rain come out of it. Qur’an: 24:43

    Quran as political charter

    The Quran is a political document used by many Islamic nations as a constitution; Libya's constitution (Article 2 of the one adopted in 1977), Saudi Arabia's Basic Law, Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, etc. make this clear. Ergo, I add [[Category:Politics]] to this page.--Inesculent 11:18, 2 December 2007 (UTC)
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    I looked for a link like this one as evidence of the 'non-peacefulness' of Islam, since there are those on this forum who insist that Islam is entirely peaceful, and no basis for terrorism !!

    Well, my link shows the opposite .. violence is clearly encouraged as a means to an end in Islam. More, it's actually mandated .. specifically from Koranic imperatives recorded as such, as central to what it is.

    And here's another point .. links such as the one I'm posting here show just how uncompromisingly Islam is focused on seeing to it that it predominates - how intolerant it is of anything outside of it.

    So to the link ...
    We've been through all this with people who cherry pick Bible verses to prove how violent the Bible is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    That's your problem. In America the right to worship as you please and freedom of speech is protected
    Oh, I'm sure it is. And I accept your point as a fair one, so far as it goes.

    But consider what I posted after answering you previously ... have I not made the point, in my own way, that you face an adversary that uses those freedoms to further a process of incursion ?

    Freedoms such as those you obviously adhere to are perfectly fine in themselves. But .. and as I've argued in the past .. with freedom, comes responsibility. It can't just be taken for granted, and at times it needs to be defended.

    What I'm saying is this. Be alert to those who'd subvert those freedoms for their own ends.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    Oh, I'm sure it is. And I accept your point as a fair one, so far as it goes.

    But consider what I posted after answering you previously ... have I not made the point, in my own way, that you face an adversary that uses those freedoms to further a process of incursion ?

    Freedoms such as those you obviously adhere to are perfectly fine in themselves. But .. and as I've argued in the past .. with freedom, comes responsibility. It can't just be taken for granted, and at times it needs to be defended.

    What I'm saying is this. Be alert to those who'd subvert those freedoms for their own ends.
    We are---doesn't mean we can stop it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    We've been through all this with people who cherry pick Bible verses to prove how violent the Bible is.
    But the quotes are unequivocal. They're not exactly mistakeable for anything else other than proof of a thoroughly aggressive, actually violent religion that'll stop at nothing to predominate !!
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by logroller View Post
    Oh but if he gets a Gestapo, think of how much easier it will to round up all the Muslims.-- you'd like that
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 09-13-2012 at 05:43 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    We are---doesn't mean we can stop it.
    What are you saying, then ? That surrender to incursions is mandated ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    But the quotes are unequivocal. They're not exactly mistakeable for anything else other than proof of a thoroughly aggressive, actually violent religion that'll stop at nothing to predominate !!
    So are the Biblical quotes.

    A nutcase will do nutty things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    We've been through all this with people who cherry pick Bible verses to prove how violent the Bible is.
    Truly a faulty comparison because the bible has a New Testament that teaches violence is not the way. Christians are clearly taught that violence is not the way. Islam has no such reformation. Islam teaches violence is a method commanded by Allah. You have seen the verses ,Drummond and others have posted them often enough. Why do you continue to ignore such clear verses sanctining violence from the Koran?-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    So are the Biblical quotes.
    Interesting. You're suggesting equivalence ?

    OK, try this one as an example .. the first listed ...

    Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.
    Cite me a quote from the Bible that gives the same command to Christians.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Truly a faulty comparison because the bible has a New Testament that teaches violence is not the way. Christians are clearly taught that violence is not the way. Islam has no such reformation. Islam teaches violence is a method commanded by Allah. You have seen the verses ,Drummond and others have posted them often enough. Why do you continue to ignore such clear verses sanctining violence from the Koran?-Tyr
    Your examples of scripture are valid yet mine aren't ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    Interesting. You're suggesting equivalence ?

    OK, try this one as an example .. the first listed ...

    Cite me a quote from the Bible that gives the same command to Christians.
    I'm suggesting violence. Stoning people etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    A most interesting thread ! Thanks to Tyr for it .. I've just now read it in greater detail.

    From my own experience in the UK, it seems perfectly obvious that Islamists have three distinct ways of operating in order to achieve a form of dominance in a Society.

    The first is through terrorism .. and not much needs to be said on that score. 9/11, the UK's '7/7' attack in London, the attack at the Atosha station in Spain .. and many more attacks besides, in various parts of the world. Through murder and mayhem, they hope that through acts of terrorism, the will to fight back can be sapped .. and, I'm sorry to say, this sometimes is successful.

    The second, pivotal, means (aided and abetted by the Left) is through social incursion. Immigrants arrive, equipped with their cultural and religious identities, they take root in specific areas, form their own communities, all of which pushes out what was in the area they occupy beforehand. Demands are made, all of which serve the requirements of the invading Islamic culture and traditions. Integration is a non-starter ... always, those communities expect OTHERS to bend to THEM.

    The third is through exploitation of indigenous freedoms. Demands are made to insist that concession after concession is made to them. Pressure groups form, and always citing either the race card, or the 'bigotry' card, they insist that anyone opposing them must be doing so through unacceptably antisocial means. This is particularly where the Left comes in ... Left-wingers insist that to speak out against them is evidence of racism or bigotry, and pressure groups invariably win out. Laws are passed, such as 'hatespeech' legislation, making strong criticism actionable in law. But more, the indigenous population becomes conditioned to revile anyone not conforming to these socially-conditioned imperatives.

    Terrorism is a very 'blunt instrument' for Muslims to use ... though also a much-favoured one, as we've all seen.

    Social incursion is less blunt, dealing in large measure with a form of physical invasion. Areas are occupied and, in essence, 'terraformed' to become Muslim in 'nature'.

    Exploitative incursion is the most insidious. Through it, social conditioning is brought to bear, aided, as I've said, by the Left. People are pressured into believing that just THINKING of forms of opposition is wrong .. bigoted, racist, intolerant generally. So, belief-systems grow which always, but ALWAYS, lead to an ongoing process of evolving deference .. to Islam and to those practising it.

    Folks, understand .. I am not theorising, just describing an ongoing reality in my own society !! Common throughout all of this is the sheer invasiveness of Islam. Islam, in my experience, has no interest in compromise that doesn't end up in achieving considerable advantage to ITS purposes, and more often than not compromise isn't even a factor AT ALL. No, Islam spreads and dominates .. and that's the point of Islam in a nutshell .. one of DOMINION.

    Now .. how is that remotely compatible with the preservation of freedoms ? Answer .. IT ISN'T, not if those 'freedoms' are freedoms to defy Islam.

    The conflict of Sharia with Western values is a case in point. In the UK, as a guiding legal principle, UK law should always prevail. If a Sharia directive can be arrived at and no UK law is broken, then 'fair enough' in our system ... BUT ... legally, no Sharia law 'court' can set itself up in defiance against UK law.

    Sounds fine, doesn't it ... BUT for the process I've described already. Our laws are the product of values reflected by the population, HOWEVER, if those values change, then we can expect our laws to reflect that. Hatespeech legislation is a case in point. So .. if our values bend over time, if in the name of 'tolerance' we find we 'want' to accept other values and defer to them (led by the nose into this by Lefties ..) .. then the law, in the fullness of time, can undergo a form of erosion, where other laws supersede them.

    As a consequence of ALL this, it's evident that we've been seen in the UK to be fair game for incursion. We get remarkably little incidence of terrorism here, I think because the 'sneakier' methods work here so very well !! So, goodbye churches, and hello, monolithic Mosque structures. And be careful what you say !!!!

    But, America has an advantage we fail to have. You have a Constitution which can act as a barrier to certain incursions, it seems to me. So, the question for me is, just how bulletproof does this make America by comparison ?

    I've heard that Obama is known for acting unconstitutionally when it suits him to .. surely a dangerous precedent. Should your society allow it ?

    Does Obama cite reasonings to justify himself, reasonings which persuade others to adopt societal values which can 'catch on' and seem reasonable ? Folks, I'm somewhat out of my depth in trying to judge this either way, but what I'm saying is, IF this is happening, the dangers inherent in that process are grave.

    So, surely, Americans must be prepared to fight if needs be, for what is theirs by right .. by birthright. Tyr's spirit is commendable, but perhaps more importantly, is INSIGHTFUL ... because you ARE in a war against those utterly determined to overthrow your values. They'll use whatever methodology works, be it the gun or bomb, acts of savagery, or of deployed propaganda crafted to fight your very thought processes and change them to THEIR preferences.

    Therein, if they succeed, lies the road to the death of freedom.

    DO YOU WANT THAT ? YES OR NO ? Because if 'no', then my suggestion is that you take the utmost notice of what Tyr had to tell you. And .. if that isn't enough for you, then cast your eyes and ears eastwards, to learn what's happening on my side of the Pond. To see what COULD happen .. if you allow it to.
    Freaking --A.. -----
    Outstanding presentation my friend! I've stated many times here ,want to see what they have in store for us just look to what they have done to Britain with the help of their leftist allies there. We see the same alliance here in its early stages. If we refuse to act firmly and with courageous resolve they will win here even if it takes 40, 60 or 80 years. They are big believers in a slow death by a thousand small cuts, they use that philosophy in other ways as well.--Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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