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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Except according to most religions I have gone too far, far too far, simply by existing. And (using most Christian religions as an example) unless I seek forgiveness for existing, then I deserve the eternity in hell that's waiting for me in a few years.

    That is a moral problem, and ofcourse whether of not its disagreeable doesn't alter the fact of whether of not that is how we are judged, it is nevertheless obviously flawed.
    God is not flawed but obviously we all are. God provided a way but you reject it , can't blame that on God amigo.That was and still is your choice to make or not.. Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Except according to most religions I have gone too far, far too far, simply by existing. And (using most Christian religions as an example) unless I seek forgiveness for existing, then I deserve the eternity in hell that's waiting for me in a few years.

    That is a moral problem, and ofcourse whether of not its disagreeable doesn't alter the fact of whether of not that is how we are judged, it is nevertheless obviously flawed.
    Allow me to put it this way, it's not you're going to hell because you didn't seek forgiveness and it's not that you deserve it for trying to be a nice guy but not being christian.
    It's for denying god. Imagine, your child flat out says no to you and denies your forgiveness. Your kid then turns around and flat out bashes you and then tries to be a good person. Are you really going to feel good about that? That's why non-believers go to hell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cadet View Post
    Allow me to put it this way, it's not you're going to hell because you didn't seek forgiveness and it's not that you deserve it for trying to be a nice guy but not being christian.
    It's for denying god. Imagine, your child flat out says no to you and denies your forgiveness. Your kid then turns around and flat out bashes you and then tries to be a good person. Are you really going to feel good about that? That's why non-believers go to hell.
    So i deserve eternity in hell because i've hurt a gods feelings? xD
    In any case, it doesn't really matter, i'm either going to hell or i'm not. What i'd be more concerned about would be if i was say a Jew, someone who believed in god, tried to live a life by that god etc, only to find that at death i'm off to hell because i didn't meet that gods requirements.

    I mean, just looking through this thread, there are obvious disagreements about what it is to be a christian, just words? Or must there be deeds? Is praying to Mary worshiping a false idle? etc. One of my Aunties and my Mum are pretty big christians, but my Auntie goes to a church that teaches you must go to church to get into heaven, were my mum is only ever in churches for weddings, christenings, or funerals.

    I think the ambiguity that ripples through christians should be much more troubling that what an atheist thinks.
    If you also agree that an animals suffering should be avoided rather than encouraged, consider what steps you can take.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Except according to most religions I have gone too far, far too far, simply by existing. And (using most Christian religions as an example) unless I seek forgiveness for existing, then I deserve the eternity in hell that's waiting for me in a few years.

    That is a moral problem, and ofcourse whether of not its disagreeable doesn't alter the fact of whether of not that is how we are judged, it is nevertheless obviously flawed.

    That is a paradox with popular Christianity - While Adam's sin is enough to cover all of mankind, from then to eternity - with our without man's choice, Christ's attonement - it seems - is NOT enough to cover all mankind from then to eternity. Seems like the Power of being 'born-into Sin' through Adam is stronger than the power of redemption through Christ.

    I'm fairly convinced most of what we think we understand about God and what God "requires" will ultimately be proven as bullshit. There's nothing we can do, period, for God's grace and forgiveness. If there's nothing we can 'do' - and grace is bestowed absolutely apart from ANY works, then I sumise "proclaiming christ" in the traditional christian way of 'asking forgiveness' won't matter. I'm starting to think God created us for a reason - to exist into eternity. Would be short-sighted of God to "Lose" more souls to Hell than he "won" to heaven.

    That brings into topic historical reglion's attempt at social engineering and behaviour modification by deciding what behavior is sinful or not.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Christ's Atonement does cover all mankind. He makes us innocent from birth and responsible for only our own sins. Because of His resurrection every one of us will rise from the dead into Immortality regardless of our choices.

    Because of the Atonement we do have a choice. We are free to choose good or evil.
    If we were as industrious to become good as to make ourselves great, we should become really great by being good, and the number of valuable men would be much increased; but it is a grand mistake to think of being great without goodness; and i pronounce it as certain that there was never yet a truly great man that was not at the same time truly virtuous." - Ben Franklin

    Imagine what good we can do if we all joined together, united as followers of Christ - M. Russell Ballard

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    During most of my long, adult life. I have learned, as a Christian to be forgiving of those who claim Not to believe. And it is also important to me, based on my experiences in life. Never to attempt to convince anyone who claims to be a NON-Believer, to change their mind, or tell them they are wrong because they DO NOT BELIEVE as I believe.

    Truth is. As I have also learned, from others of all ages, races, and religious beliefs. Claiming NOT TO BELIEVE, is nothing more than an easy kind of excuse most use to Ignore, or Disobey what we Christians know as the TEN COMMANDMENTS, or the accepted Rules of Man.

    If the Non-believers can say they are not held responsible to follow, or obey the Ten Commandments, or Common, accepted Rules of man. They have an instant out to BREAK any Rules they like, and feel no responsibility to obey laws they disagree with, or do not want.

    Atheists seem to be phony to me. They need to claim being Non-believers, or Atheist in order to Justify their ignorance, intolerance of rules, laws, or common courtesy to other human beings who TIE THEMSELVES DOWN with Anti-Atheist kinds of Silly Murder, Incest, Rape, Stealing, or Adultery.

    In other words. If they deny a God, and those silly Ten Rules...they have freedom to break any laws they like, without feeling any responsibility to others.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    This had me wondering yesterday, as some seem to think there are very strict requirements to be a Christian and gain entry into heaven. I think this picture tells the story best.

    Wild applause. Thanks a lot for that.

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    My warfare is, and has been for years, to get the people to understand that if they do not take care of themselves they will not be taken care of; that if we do not lay the foundation to feed and clothe and shelter ourselves we shall perish with hunger and with cold; we might also suffer in the summer season from the direct rays of the sun upon our naked and unprotected bodies - Brigham Young
    I hope no true Christian refuses to vote for Mitt Romney because the man is a Mormon. I am one as well.

    Some support a man being married to a man or a woman being married to a woman yet resist the belief that a man can have more than one wife. They want no rules placed on homsexuals while at the same time vigorously defending rules set down to keep adults from marrying those who are relatives. Take this case for example. CA arrested a mother and her adult son and charged them with incest. They had two children. The rest of the story is the son had been put up for adoption when he was an infant. His mother did not raise him. She all but forgot him. As an adult, he found out about his adoption. He wanted to meet the woman who gave birth to him. I can't tell you why, but apparently the attraction she had felt towards his father got transfered to her son. I can't prove it but I think that perhaps she had a love for the father and somehow the son fit the bill. I don't know who seduced whom. But I know that despite them having 2 kids, the cops arrested both.

    The people who support homosexuals refuse to support that mother and her son.

    My church gave up polygamy about 120 years ago. Those in the splinter group call themselves Mormons and I guess they are. But the main church does not promote or accept polygamy. They also don't accept any form of incest even though what I described was between two consenting adults. Let's not go ugly by trying to approve kids being victimized.

    But another point we believe. We believe one does not deliberately harm his own body. That is what is behind the word of wisdom. Some things hurt your body. The word of Wisdom has been validated by modern science.

    We believe in making sure none of our members goes hungry or lacks money to pay for shelter. We go so far as to pay rent or mortgages when the need is learned of. Some don't realize that our leaders do not collect wages for doing church work. They do it all for the love of humans.

    Mitt is a very good man. Notice he has during his life gone out of his way to put up his own cash to help others to the point he and his family have lots of hands on experience at taking care of those in need.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tailfins View Post
    Those kind of friends? I don't think so. Relatives? Those kind already know they'd be hauled away in handcuffs if they ever darken my doorstep, which isn't an issue being that those relatives wouldn't be caught dead in New England.
    Are you actually saying that New England is free of those types? You know your own family far better than any of us could know them. And what it sounds like is you came from bad stock.

    Yet you try to equate your family to those living in the South. I happen to know a lot of people living in the South and for the most part, they are very decent human beings.

    Take Ky for instance. Yes, his first name is really Ky. I met the man and met his wife. Ky lives in TX. Ky graduated from the Military academy at West Point and served as an Armored officer. Ky to this day, though he has long been out of the Army, serves his community. And believe me, he deals with the poor. Ky if you asked him to vote for Obama would lose his cookies. No way does he support that clown.

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    Mormons and hell.

    We believe in 3 levels where the departed wind up being.

    I can't remember any mention of hell in any of our classes. I doubt that Mitt Romeny would say somebody can end up in hell.

    We do believe in 3 places.

    We believe in the level that is as I understand this, just like the Earth is.

    We believe in a next higher abode area where those who have learned much more about GOD and Jesus and have been much more virtuous than those living in the lower place.

    We believe in one more level, even higher where God and Jesus spend much of their time. This would be for the very extreme good people.

    But no, i never hear of hell but from some types that have yet not had their eyes opened.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert A Whit View Post
    I hope no true Christian refuses to vote for Mitt Romney because the man is a Mormon. I am one as well.

    Some support a man being married to a man or a woman being married to a woman yet resist the belief that a man can have more than one wife. They want no rules placed on homsexuals while at the same time vigorously defending rules set down to keep adults from marrying those who are relatives. Take this case for example. CA arrested a mother and her adult son and charged them with incest. They had two children. The rest of the story is the son had been put up for adoption when he was an infant. His mother did not raise him. She all but forgot him. As an adult, he found out about his adoption. He wanted to meet the woman who gave birth to him. I can't tell you why, but apparently the attraction she had felt towards his father got transfered to her son. I can't prove it but I think that perhaps she had a love for the father and somehow the son fit the bill. I don't know who seduced whom. But I know that despite them having 2 kids, the cops arrested both.

    The people who support homosexuals refuse to support that mother and her son.

    My church gave up polygamy about 120 years ago. Those in the splinter group call themselves Mormons and I guess they are. But the main church does not promote or accept polygamy. They also don't accept any form of incest even though what I described was between two consenting adults. Let's not go ugly by trying to approve kids being victimized.

    But another point we believe. We believe one does not deliberately harm his own body. That is what is behind the word of wisdom. Some things hurt your body. The word of Wisdom has been validated by modern science.

    We believe in making sure none of our members goes hungry or lacks money to pay for shelter. We go so far as to pay rent or mortgages when the need is learned of. Some don't realize that our leaders do not collect wages for doing church work. They do it all for the love of humans.

    Mitt is a very good man. Notice he has during his life gone out of his way to put up his own cash to help others to the point he and his family have lots of hands on experience at taking care of those in need.

    Robert. As a true Christian. I will have no problem voting for Romney...despite his beliefs. What scares me is someone like Obama, pretending to be a Christian, when most of us know. FALSE PROPHETS never succeed, even in politics.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    Robert. As a true Christian. I will have no problem voting for Romney...despite his beliefs. What scares me is someone like Obama, pretending to be a Christian, when most of us know. FALSE PROPHETS never succeed, even in politics.
    I and Mitt are both true Christians. There is no if or but about it. If you believe that the entire Bible is in the Bible we so often have at our hand, you may not believe in the view of Heavan we believe in. If you believe you or others may end up in Hell, perhaps your religion is not very Christian at all. I don't know what you believe. But I know that Obama is the false prophet and that Mitt is not one. Can you cite or think of any instance that Jesus promised Hell to anybody?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert A Whit View Post
    I and Mitt are both true Christians. There is no if or but about it. If you believe that the entire Bible is in the Bible we so often have at our hand, you may not believe in the view of Heavan we believe in. If you believe you or others may end up in Hell, perhaps your religion is not very Christian at all. I don't know what you believe. But I know that Obama is the false prophet and that Mitt is not one. Can you cite or think of any instance that Jesus promised Hell to anybody?

    No... You're Mormons...
    Christianity and Mormonism might both talk about being saved, but the two are nowhere near the same. I'm sorry, but no.

    (not saying i'm not voting for him, i already sent my absentee vote in.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by cadet View Post
    No... You're Mormons...
    Christianity and Mormonism might both talk about being saved, but the two are nowhere near the same. I'm sorry, but no.

    (not saying i'm not voting for him, i already sent my absentee vote in.)
    What exactly is the difference in terms of the belief that Jesus is the son of god?
    If you also agree that an animals suffering should be avoided rather than encouraged, consider what steps you can take.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    What exactly is the difference in terms of the belief that Jesus is the son of god?
    My main concern with Mormonism is getting a planet if you're good enough. It, It's a cult. No other way to say that.

    Some of you people on here bash Muslims, even though their views come from the same branch as the rest, (Jews, Christians, etc.) They at least are smart enough to not call themselves Christians. I actually dislike Mormonism more then Islam.

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