Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
This thread was dedicated to the topic of taking a stand. To some such a topic likely has little to no meaning but to others it may strike a chord. Its to those readers that I post my words about the great danger Islam and its ultimate goal presents to our nation and its survival! This can not be stressed to much IMHO.

To my surprise , my original first post received more condemnation than I had thought possible. This to me clearly points to how far our nation has fallen when many of its citizens are so quick to defend its enemies and abandone the values and priniciples so represented in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Ever quick to try to point to my doing so which I have not done. I have attempted to sound the alarm only to get others to face the threat. I have not called for any illegal, unconstitutional actions to be taken. Nor will I in regards to this matter. For I am a firm believer in the Rule of Law.

My critics here are so quick to demand that I give my remedy to this threat even while they declare that there is no threat! I view that as trying to ride the horse after having shot it for being of no use! Yet I have in my own dastardly way, remained true to my principles and the TRUTH. I have been very firm in my stand and in my exspressed desire that holds it is not up to me to solve this problem but rather once known and actually faced its up to our citizenry as a whole. That is in itself a daunting task but the fields were once deep forests of many trees and the first tree had to be removed to make room to grow crops. America sprang from that clearing and industry and progress calls for sacrifice. As so often does survival!

I am no stranger to facing hard and intense opposition and here proved to be no exception. I've been listed as a bigot, racist, troublemaker, liar, traitor, terrorist, hatemonger, coward, etc. Yet my only course has been to post link after link of facts and true news about actual deeds of evil carried out by our nation's enemies. Because of that I 've been called such names and made out to be a troublemaker. So be it, Im not complaining here. I am firmly denying the accusations. Knowing that I will be judged by my words , I do not fear the criticisms of others , nor seek to falsely defend my works. I am concious , however , of having once lost my temper thus ill-serving the task I had set for myself. In that time of error,often the most serious topics are the most ridiculed and the most honorable enterprises are viewed with the deepest suspicion. Moreover, the minds of many people are such that they are not disposed to believe anything new and strange and outside their experience unless it is proved by convincing evidence and the testimony of realible men. So, in order to increase confidence in my words and gain a more worthy appreciation for its truth , I have thought it worthwhile to explain briefly my purpose and goals. In this way I trust I may escape the absurd but shameful charges placed against my character by those opponents whose fertile imaginations prove that they are ill-disposed persons that seek to devise rejection of the truth about Islam by attacking the messenger rather than any adequate refutation of the message!

In short, I have often waged attacks back upon my accusers rather than pointing out the folly of their false attacks upon my character and then demanding that they disprove the message rather than lie about the messenger..This I shall attempt to remedy.

Subject is Islam and its attempt to rule all humans by force . Primarily we are discussing this in regards to its ongoing activities in America with the necessary references to Islam activities around the world. To that end I have posted many links and much information with much more to come. To those opposing I say refute my sources or my facts but knock off the character attacks because Im not the subject . The evidence that I present is either to be refuted, ignored or agreed with , any other response will get a big ---from me. A
FITTING RESPONSE TO SUCH BASELESS PERSONAL ATTACKS. As I have not the time to waste on those too damn lazy to post a logical or well reasoned reply..-Tyr

Yes, yes, you're oppressed, what specific actions are you suggesting?