Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
What makes a Dresden resident any more "real" than any other city resident during WWII? I got news for folks: WAR IS HORRIFYING BY ITS VERY NATURE! There never has been a war where no one gets hurt and one side or the other or both has soldiers none of whom commited atrocities. War is brutal, dirty, costly in lives and treasure and leaves a lot of scars of all kinds. Dresden is one city on a long list, to be sure. The ghosts of Dresden are no more real than any other.
It's not the location that made it real to me. It was hearing the stories from someone who was there.
It was like the Nova program I saw once where veterans of Dunkirk return to the beaches 50 years later and describe what happened in their own words.
I am very fortunate to have relatives who fought on both sides in WWII. Both are gone now, but their related experiences greatly enriched my life and made me the extreme history buff that I am now.