Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
Are you saying that if someone buys a "green" house, instead of a resource-hog of a house, they get no credit? Surely you know that President Bush could have bought any house he wanted.
Doniston believes that President Bush is an idiot..... I always get a kick out of the assumptions made about the President. He is supposedly an idiot and yet he some how has achieved more than a anyone except a handful of people on the planet. A Masters from Harvard Business School, supersonic jet pilot, owner of a baseball team that he sold for a huge profit, Governor of one of the biggest states in size and economy and now President twice. Kicked ass in 2 wars, brought the economy to a record setting pace and has remained in love and married to his wife who he would rather be with than anyone else(conquered an addiction to alcohol too). On top of that, he comissioned an in-state architect to create a self sufficient home on his giant ranch...... all while suffering from dyslexia.....what a dufuss! Too bad we don't have more politicians this stupid.