Quote Originally Posted by tailfins View Post
Has it occurred to any of you he was just so repulsed by homosexuality that he went "partially postal". I'm thankful he didn't go even further off the deep end. He pushed the limits of the First Amendment, nothing more. May he find peace in the place where there is no sin. Sure he went nuts towards the end of his life, but I see more hate from his oppenents than from him.
IMO, him and his cohorts went beyond freedom of speech and into the harassment department when they made every attempt to picket every American soldier burial that they could, and make the most repulsive comments and hold them signs, during a funeral, so those grieving would hear and see it. Post it on the internet, put it on a billboard, send letters to the editor, go to town hall and get a bullhorn, get a permit and do so at a park - I can come up with endless ways for them to still spread their hatred. But I think the one thing that should be stopped is anyone doing so literally at ones final resting place, during a funeral. I can't think of many lower and despicable acts than that. If they truly believe that, they should go and picket active duty soldiers, perhaps at the closest watering hole to the base. Why wait until they are dead, when the only people they are then hurting is the family?

And sure, there is a lot of hatred being tossed back in his direction. Hate breeds hate. One can't expect to live a life the way he has and not attract some non well wishers.