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    Not for anything, to anyone who has lived in Southern California Sterling's racism is no surprise. It is well documented. The real question is, what took the NBA so damn long?
    "I am allergic to piety, it makes me break out in rash judgements." - Penn Jillette
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    The man had every right to be as big an asshole as he wanted to be in a private conversation. The commissioner has no damn right to do anything other than censure him and fine him. This forcing him to sell the team sure looks like set up to me.. The freedom of speech protects even his hate speech!!! Yet we see how that's ignored to protect certain groups!! That's a road to a dictatorship as sure as the ocean is wet!!! What's next punitive actions for stating disagreement with gays, muslims and/or pro-abortion loons??? For internet statements that present truths about such scum?? FF-THEM ALL SAYS THIS REAL AMERICAN!!! I SAY EXACTLY WHAT I WANT AND DARE ANY MAN ALIVE TO TRY TO STOP ME!! Nobody has yet and more than a damn few have tried in my 60 years!!
    I don't just talk the talk I ffing live it to. That's what it means to be a true American, the fakers can just kiss my ass!! All of them , government and otherwise!!

    This special group protections will only be given to dem/lib/leftists supporters/allies and doesn't take a genius to see that's where this is headed!! --TYR
    Unfortunately, in all the agreements he has signed he has agreed to these outcomes. It will require 3/4 of the other owners to vote that he sells. Due to the pressure, I don't think they'll have trouble getting the votes. He bought the team for 12.5 million in 1981. When they force the sale he will make millions and millions. He was getting rich at this point regardless.

    I don't agree with what they are doing, but it's a private organization, and then it comes down to contracts and such.

    The hypocrisy is something that won't be discussed though, as to why so many other racist things are overlooked, and this guy is now public enemy #1 throughout the nation, if not further. But I guess that's the price one pays for being so rich and famous.

    But I still hope they go by the book with this woman who recorded and leaked them. What she did was illegal and look what it's cost this guy. Suing her would be useless, other than to get things back that he gave her (cars, clothes and other goodies).

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    Quote Originally Posted by hjmick View Post
    Not for anything, to anyone who has lived in Southern California Sterling's racism is no surprise. It is well documented. The real question is, what took the NBA so damn long?
    Having it on a recording handed to them on a silver platter! They say prior to this that he has been able to use his money to make things disappear, but this time this recording went straight to a celebrity website. They say worse than this, that apparently he's a slumlord as well. If the guy is a racist from way back when, then why the hell is he, or was he, dating a girl that was half black? Odd old bugger.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hjmick View Post
    Not for anything, to anyone who has lived in Southern California Sterling's racism is no surprise. It is well documented. The real question is, what took the NBA so damn long?
    This is America and he is free to hate whomever or whatever he pleases. If not then we have no real freedom. For hate speech must be protected or else no speech will truly be!! This used to be a cherished concept by Americans and a central theme in any freedom of speech debate. Now that the race card is played suddenly all that gets tossed out!! Hell no, not in my damn book.
    The man is an asshole and if we start punishing those selectively we are already in a dictatorship that will only get worse!! If going to punish assholes we had better start with the lying traitorous bastard in the WHITE HOUSE IMHO..

    “We live in a world in which people are censured, demoted, imprisoned, beheaded, simply because they have opened their mouths, flapped their lips, and vibrated some air. Yes, those vibrations can make us feel sad or stupid or alienated. Tough shit. That's the price of admission to the marketplace of ideas. Hateful, blasphemous, prejudiced, vulgar, rude, or ignorant remarks are the music of a free society, and the relentless patter of idiots is how we know we're in one. When all the words in our public conversation are fair, good, and true, it's time to make a run for the fence.”
    ― Daniel Gilbert
    ^^^^ This man has it right.
    IMHO the current outrage expressed is by and large people making statements to cover their asses in advance.. I'll speak ill of any race, any person or any damn thing I want to. That I choose not to is my choice and no human has a right to try to force me to live to standards they set. I'll not be a slave to such standards and such a dictatorship. Either freedom of speech applies to what is called "hate speech" or it doesn't exist at all!! We live in a dumbed down society that hasn't a damn clue that this punishing train can and will crash onto all of us because such power engulfs and destroys all before it eventually!! History has many ,many examples of that to study.. --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Hate can not be cut out of man. Name anything you hate and there are people that want you punished for it!! You hate child molesters , then there are people think you have no right to feel that way. You hate Christians, Muslims, Jews, Whites , Blacks, Asians , baseball players, used car salesmen , rich men, fat women, cops, etc.. Some person or group agrees you are dead wrong about it and they usually want you stopped.

    Giving to that sets up volleys that shoot freedom of speech as well as freedom of expression and freedom of thought. It plants the seed of tyranny. Our founders knew this and gave us protection from those that would by any means possible seek to destroy freedom of speech.

    Jumping on the punishment train is a damn ticket I'll not buy. Do you see blacks being punished for their blatant racism!???? Hell no, they are often celebrated for it!! --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    I think Sterling is insecure about his honey being around black guys, because he has a teeny weenie.

    The guy may be a racist and a jerk, and the NBA may have him dead-to-rights contractually, but make no mistake, the right for certain groups to not be offended has officially trumped our Constitutional right to freedom of speech.

    Can we now hold all the NBA players to the same standard when they make racist remarks?

    And as an aside, was there any outrage when Trayvon Martin said "some cracker" was following him?
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    I think Sterling is insecure about his honey being around black guys, because he has a teeny weenie.

    The guy may be a racist and a jerk, and the NBA may have him dead-to-rights contractually, but make no mistake, the right for certain groups to not be offended has officially trumped our Constitutional right to freedom of speech.

    Can we now hold all the NBA players to the same standard when they make racist remarks?

    And as an aside, was there any outrage when Trayvon Martin said "some cracker" was following him?
    What gets me is how far they're taking it. He's been banned for life from anything to do with the team he owns, and they're even talking about stripping the team off of him. This, to me, is way over the line, and sets a really horrible precedent. I mean, I can understand getting angry at him, fining him, stuff like that, but the way they're going forward, they're pretty much stripping away the man's life's work, and property he bought and paid for, all because he said something people didn't like.

    While I agree he's a racist asshole, that isn't something that should result in this degree of animosity. There's assigning appropriate punishment for bad behavior, and then there's letting an angry mob determine justice.
    "Government screws up everything. If government says black, you can bet it's white. If government says sit still for your safety, you'd better run for your life!"
    --Wayne Allyn Root

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    I think Sterling is insecure about his honey being around black guys, because he has a teeny weenie.

    The guy may be a racist and a jerk, and the NBA may have him dead-to-rights contractually, but make no mistake, the right for certain groups to not be offended has officially trumped our Constitutional right to freedom of speech.

    Can we now hold all the NBA players to the same standard when they make racist remarks?

    And as an aside, was there any outrage when Trayvon Martin said "some cracker" was following him?
    The new ruling junta, Obama, dem party and media thought the words "some cracker" were just fine and a well founded indictment of we white people. When truth is they and their views are by far the more racist.
    NBA players are about 90% black so any words they use will be just fine. The race card gives them 100% immunity!!
    Only we whites are to be punished. Remember Holders' comment, "I'll not prosecute my people"!!
    Nothing could be more racist than that yet it was ignored. Ignored when it clearly showed he was breaking his oath and engaging in an illegal act by doing that..-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    I thought about this more last evening. What this boils down to, is this man is being punished for having an opinion within the walls of his own home. I understand that others now have heard it, but what he is being punished for was within his own home - and taped illegally. I can see if he was running around town with that opinion. So now someone has had his own "company" taken away from him, for having an opinion, in his own home, however horrible the opinion. I understand that the cat is out of the bag now, and too late to go back, but the more I think about it the more I think it stinks.

    Some say it on records, on the streets, to the police, to the president, on the internet... but don't dare let a girlfriend tape you saying it in your own home!

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    More smoke and mirrors here folks. The guy is a democrat. He's a big donor to the DNC and all it's affiliates. He's being a scapegoat right now because all the media are concentrating on him. Why? Because there's big news in the Benghazi scandal. The falsification of statements and imprisonment of an innocent man are coming to light and all point directly to the white house. So lets redirect the media.

    The guys a piece of shit, but he's a small turd compared to the guy in the white house and his media cronies.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    More smoke and mirrors here folks. The guy is a democrat. He's a big donor to the DNC and all it's affiliates. He's being a scapegoat right now because all the media are concentrating on him. Why? Because there's big news in the Benghazi scandal. The falsification of statements and imprisonment of an innocent man are coming to light and all point directly to the white house. So lets redirect the media.

    The guys a piece of shit, but he's a small turd compared to the guy in the white house and his media cronies.
    Sure, the magicians are making fancy moves with this hand to try to divert attention away from what the damn left hand has done and is doing.
    The media does this from
    "central command"..
    O' yes, they have one of those too. The beast roars from the cave he infests..
    the slavish minions respond and sacrifice whatever seems handy at the time..
    This asshole made the mistake of being not only handy but also honest about his views.
    His biggest mistake was in ever trusting a slut like that woman..
    Some mistakes just beg to be exploited... A sad truth many fail to realize... --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Default With all that B.O. has done....we cover THIS?!!!

    I may be chiming into this a bit late but wanted to comment on the respondents below:

    About Time: "Gaffer. I also heard, this guy gave BIG BUCKS to Democrat's, and even Obama's campaign"

    JimNYC: "In NO WAY at all am I condoning what this man said. But damn, $2.5 million, lifetime suspension"

    TYR:"The man had every right to be as big an asshole as he wanted to be in a private conversation. The commissioner has no damn right to do anything...."

    So, AboutTime, we hear very little of these type guys.....who most always turn out to be democrats/leftists and to add insult to injury, this wealthy creep was NEVER turned down from the NAACP but rather kept his money. They even nominated him for a special award so go figure.

    Jim, as Americans, we should all have the right (especially in private) to say what we darn well please (be it about other ethnicity or sins such as homosexuality). Sadly, we are becoming a Nation that has adopted ideologies foreign to the founding (our founding). AboutTime mentioned, I want to see 'FAIRNESS' instead of things like affirmative action and the one-sidedness that the leftist always demand when it comes to everyone adhering to THEIR moral code or lack their of.

    Once again, Tyr, has nailed it with a passion that can only be TRUE to his calling (a REAL AMERICAN) who can't stand what we see each and every day. B.O., of course, is eating this up cuz it is, as About Time and Gaffer stated, just another deviation from the real story we all should keep alive. That is all the MANY corrupt scandals, cover-ups and lies that B.O. and crew have been transparent enough to reveal.

    Jim said it best when he reminded us that it boils down to a man being punished for having an opinion within the walls of his own home. Gee, I thought we all (Cons and libs) frowned on the NSA doing similarly.
    Last edited by red state; 04-30-2014 at 08:45 PM.

    "A wise man is at the right hand but a fool is at the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2
    "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God" Psalms 53:1

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    This should turn into a large battle, if it holds. Sterling has made it clear that no way is he selling his team. He will fight this in the courts if the owners vote to force him to sell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red state View Post
    I may be chiming into this a bit late but wanted to comment on the respondents below:

    About Time: "Gaffer. I also heard, this guy gave BIG BUCKS to Democrat's, and even Obama's campaign"

    JimNYC: "In NO WAY at all am I condoning what this man said. But damn, $2.5 million, lifetime suspension"

    TYR:"The man had every right to be as big an asshole as he wanted to be in a private conversation. The commissioner has no damn right to do anything...."

    So, AboutTime, we hear very little of these type guys.....who most always turn out to be democrats/leftists and to add insult to injury, this wealthy creep was NEVER turned down from the NAACP but rather kept his money. They even nominated him for a special award so go figure.

    Jim, as Americans, we should all have the right (especially in private) to say what we darn well please (be it about other ethnicity or sins such as homosexuality). Sadly, we are becoming a Nation that has adopted ideologies foreign to the founding (our founding). AboutTime mentioned, I want to see 'FAIRNESS' instead of things like affirmative action and the one-sidedness that the leftist always demand when it comes to everyone adhering to THEIR moral code or lack their of.

    Once again, Tyr, has nailed it with a passion that can only be TRUE to his calling (a REAL AMERICAN) who can't stand what we see each and every day. B.O., of course, is eating this up cuz it is, as About Time and Gaffer stated, just another deviation from the real story we all should keep alive. That is all the MANY corrupt scandals, cover-ups and lies that B.O. and crew have been transparent enough to reveal.

    Jim said it best when he reminded us that it boils down to a man being punished for having an opinion within the walls of his own home. Gee, I thought we all (Cons and libs) frowned on the NSA doing similarly.
    Good to see you post this.
    They never frown on anything their false messiah does! He could go out into the middle of the street at high noon and rape a two year old child and most of his bots would find a way to excuse it IMHO. Yes millions are just that far gone and have their heads stuck that far up his ass. -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    This should turn into a large battle, if it holds. Sterling has made it clear that no way is he selling his team. He will fight this in the courts if the owners vote to force him to sell.

    Thanks for that info, JimNYC....I hadn't followed it much after lunch with my dad yesterday. We both agreed that he should say "screw you" to the pencil neck who thinks he's just another B.O. dictator. I can't stand that old fart who has been a prick most of his life BUT he should not be treated this way simply because of his (HIS) beliefs and certainly not because of the frame job that his prostitute put on the old fart. Make no mistake about it.....she framed him and the pencil-necked/big-eared "commish" is nothing more than a pinko-fascist who is looking out for a few NBA legends who would like (and WILL) buy this team............................................on the CHEAP if they get their way. This is nothing more than running a guy out of town or off his land as the tycoons did in the old Cowboy/railroad days. Watch it and wait for it. Of course, this old fart probably gets what he deserves (from his own "KIND") cuz they are the ones who would dis-arm us and force their agendas on REAL AMERICANS who believe in freedom.

    Ya'll have a GREAT day....hopefully this will go away and we can get to what actually matters.....Benghazi, Fast & Furious, IRS, the greatest loss of S.E.A.L.s (who were probably traded off after "we" took OBL, and so many other corrupt, un-American goings-on from this evil, anti-American administration who feels that WE THE PEOPLE are no more exceptional than that lil' hell hole part of the world where the current president spent a number of years being taught God knows what and from whom.

    "A wise man is at the right hand but a fool is at the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2
    "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God" Psalms 53:1

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