Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
Thanks Sassy. For some reason I cannot explain. Using the CAPS...for me, is more of a tool to give Emphasis to what I am trying to get across. Since I intentionally avoid Political Correctness, and all of the little quirks of Twittering, Facebooking, and Email Courtesies that just drive me nuts. The CAPS have become my method of Rebellion...in my own way.

Never intended to offend, or insult you, or your posts. Guess all the years I spent in the military, where Most of us ALWAYS had to remain quiet, and were never permitted to voice our opinions...has finally come home to Roost (so to speak).

Thanks for the lesson in yelling. But even when I use CAPS....it still never seems LOUD enough for me.
I totally understand, AT, about the emphasis thing. When I first started posting on message boards I used caps to emphasize my points also. However, when I got lambasted for yelling (I had no idea of the etiquette rules for internet posting) all the time I realized that the people I wanted to hear me were ignoring me. So, I started bolding, underlining, enlarging, using different colors, or italicizing those points I wanted to make sure everyone noticed. Sometimes I use all of these if something is really important. Any of these will catch the eye and bring attention to that part of your post. However, with this said, over emphasizing in every post is also a turn off.

So, bottom line is that you are a little "hellion" bent on "rebellion"? I hope you take this as a

but don't you think you can type faster without doing the CAPS LOCK thing? Imagine how much more you can say if you didn't have to take the time while typing.