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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    OMG, this is why you're as dumb as F* and a hypocrite to boot. Go ahead and tell me how blacks needing "another couple of centuries to advance to any decent level" is not racist.
    Last edited by fj1200; 08-19-2014 at 06:40 PM.
    "when socialism fails, blame capitalism and demand more socialism." - A friend
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    “Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.” - Paulo Coelho

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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    OMG, this is why you're as dumb as F* and a hypocrite to boot. Go ahead and tell me how blacks needing "another couple of centuries to advance to any decent level" is not racist.
    ... see ? There it is AGAIN .. a variation on the very same tactic. Now, it's just insults.

    The very fact that you have to KEEP doing this is a strong indicator that you know you're playing a weak hand.

    Still, if you want a more in-depth reply (.. more so than you seemingly want to enter into yourself !), I'll give it a go. To the extent I can.

    So, here's what I have to say.

    The first point to make is that it's important to say that these are Tyr's own observations and experiences. I'm pointing this out because I think that the difference in country is relevant.

    What Tyr observes is something I've recognised as true over here .. to a point, the specific point being that I think in the UK it's a diminishing truth. Bear in mind that we've had generations of Socialism here (.. off and on ..) ... which means that a dependency culture is more entrenched into the very fabric of our society.

    This creates a more level playing field, and a greater cultural acceptance. People of varying races jump right in, taking advantage of what they can sponge out of the State. Immigrants especially. My guess is that Muslims are an increasing category of 'sponger', not caring to strive or to carve out for themselves a good life, instead relying on others to give them what they want. Things go wrong for them ... they wail at their misfortunes. Blaming others ... never themselves.

    Abu Hamza, Muslim, hatespeech practitioner and terrorist supporter (and radicaliser) hated the UK ... but, 'strangely', never enough to refuse State handouts. He bemoaned the nature of the Society he was nonetheless a willing part of ... a willing sponger, anyway.

    His hatreds had their - highly convenient - cutoff point.

    My belief is this ... America is different, to the extent that this is more race-centred in the US than over here. You have a different race-mix. You have a different history. This is why it's better for Tyr to comment than myself, because he's reporting on experiences which are true for him, and his (and your ?) culture.

    Tyr centred on thieving. In American culture, there's less State help, so less capacity to thieve on a grand scale. Here, with the State falling over itself to offer benefits, race-minority people can just jump in and take what they can get on the grandest of scales. And they do.

    And ... here's the real point, I think ....

    I think your own posting lends authentication, as if it needed it, to Tyr's posting. I do NOT see you challenging Tyr's comments in useful detail ... why is that ? SURELY, if he's wrong, you should be capable of doing this ?

    But .. no. You name-call. You tack a demonising label on it, and on him. No detailed critique from you, no counterings of real substance .. just a term used in order to personally attack.

    If that's the best you can do, FJ, you should quit taking Tyr on. You should willingly concede to him. But ... I'll just bet you won't. You'll do some more demonising, won't you, FJ ? After all, why not ?

    It's the LEFT WING thing to do. It's what your beliefs, your very psychology, will lead you to do.

    Because you argue in a vacuum. The vacuum that comes from zero substance .. but the need to push a propagandist stance.

    Because that's what Left-wingers do. You'll hide behind jibes, expecting the weight of them to carry you, and to influence others. What you WON'T DO .. because it seldom helps Lefties to go in for it .. is to GROUND points of SUBSTANCE in REALITY. Because you have none.

    Show me I'm wrong. I challenge you to.
    Last edited by Drummond; 08-19-2014 at 07:34 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    I made no black --white comparison but you are now explaining what?
    Is you accusation that my comments prove racism. I say truth can not be racist only the chumps that say it is - are racist. I made absolutely no black vs, white comparison yet you now say truth is racist regardless of the opinion of the person citing said truth. In my opinion you are so full of it your eyes are brown!-Tyr

    Blacks engage in far higher rate of crime than any other race yet you say anybody saying that proves they are racist. I have to laugh at the liberal stupidity on display when I read that massive load of horseshat.. . -Tyr
    Please show me where I said you made a black/white comparison you little bitch.
    He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.AeschylusRead more at

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    Quote Originally Posted by logroller View Post
    Please show me where I said you made a black/white comparison you little bitch.
    You blather on to Jim making dumbass comparisons after he presented exactly what I was going to present-the statistics showing that blacks more prone to stealing, drug dealing and violence. The facts don't lie but you spat out that dumbass circular reasoning straight from the dem/lib handbook. And praised fj for calling me a racist for telling the truth. Then you went on to say the act of telling the truth is itself racist!!! That is pure liberal insanity to the ffing max!!! Yet you hide and pretend not to be a liberal. I'd call that hiding cowardly.

    As to your bitch comment made about me ------You couldn't tie my left shoe punk.
    Now kiss a real man's ass...
    I knew when I started this thread that you'd jump in to try to save fj.
    You try to preach to me once but I got your number right away.
    All blather no matter.
    Do ever try to talk to me like that in person will ya?
    And yes, this is me laughing at your try at being a bad ass. --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Not just that they differ amongst different races, but that in certain categories, blacks FAR outweigh other races. There have been and endless amount of reasons that criminal statistics have been brought up. When I do bring up the statistics, it is solely to show that it's a fact that black folks commit a disproportionate amount of violent and other crimes. I fully blame it on the culture and not because they are black. <--- that should apply to all scenarios. Blaming the black culture for much crime will often get someone labeled a racist.
    Damn sure got me called one.. And now suddenly I am a bitch too according to the resident muslim appeaser and fool...
    Dude is a liberal in hiding, always has been.--Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    FJ an Log 1st comments make the key points.
    Tyr your comments are racist and Jim if you don't take time to examine the stats yep your BS is just plan racist to especially since you have no problem piling on comments about monkeys etc.

    Look, the dumb question is, do people act certain ways because they are Black or White or Native American or the devil made them do it.
    Are Whites just BORN racist? i wonder. Are Asians born good at math and kung fu?
    Are Poles born stupid? Are the Irish sub human? SCIENCE once said the last one was true so it must be. Hilter's Scientist and clear head measurements said the Jews and Gypsies were sub human. they wrote it in papers and books so there ya go. And all the Germans experience told them that the Jews were just money hungry, subhuman, thieves. They are BORN that way right?
    No, it's stupid, lazy, small provincial thinking that just serves to divide people and promote more misunderstanding.
    Rather than what God intended, love and mutual respect for all created humanity.

    But anyway, no minds to change here because they seems well made up.
    However just FYI for people who want to use their highly evolved superior brains to think though the ideas.
    Here are few bits from that naturally thieving, lazy and stupid Thomas Sowell.

    by THOMAS SOWELL April 26, 2005 (extract)

    For most of the history of this country, differences between the black and the white population--whether in income, IQ, crime rates, or whatever--have been attributed to either race or racism...Three decades of my own research lead me to believe that neither of those explanations will stand up under scrutiny of the facts. As one small example, a study published last year indicated that most of the black alumni of Harvard were from either the West Indies or Africa, or were the children of West Indian or African immigrants. These people are the same race as American blacks...

    What then could explain such large disparities in demographic "representation" among these three groups of blacks? Perhaps they have different patterns of behavior and different cultures and values behind their behavior. There have always been large disparities, even within the native black population of the U.S. Those blacks whose ancestors were "free persons of color" in 1850 have fared far better in income, occupation, and family stability than those blacks whose ancestors were freed in the next decade by Abraham Lincoln.

    What is not nearly as widely known is that there were also very large disparities within the white population of the pre-Civil War South and the white population of the Northern states. Although Southern whites were only about one-third of the white population of the U.S., an absolute majority of all the illiterate whites in the country were in the South.

    The North had four times as many schools as the South, attended by more than four times as many students. Children in Massachusetts spent more than twice as many years in school as children in Virginia. Such disparities obviously produce other disparities. Northern newspapers had more than four times the circulation of Southern newspapers. Only 8% of the patents issued in 1851 went to Southerners. Even though agriculture was the principal economic activity of the antebellum South at the time, the vast majority of the patents for agricultural inventions went to Northerners. Even the cotton gin was invented by a Northerner.

    Disparities between Southern whites and Northern whites extended across the board from rates of violence to rates of illegitimacy. American writers from both the antebellum South and the North commented on the great differences between the white people in the two regions. So did famed French visitor Alexis de Tocqueville...Slavery also cannot explain the difference between American blacks and West Indian blacks living in the United States because the ancestors of both were enslaved. When race, racism, and slavery all fail the empirical test, what is left? Culture is left.

    The culture of the people who were called "rednecks" and "crackers" before they ever got on the boats to cross the Atlantic was a culture that produced far lower levels of intellectual and economic achievement, as well as far higher levels of violence and sexual promiscuity...While a third of the white population of the U.S. lived within the redneck culture, more than 90% of the black population did. Although that culture eroded away over the generations...It eroded away much faster in Britain than in the U.S. and somewhat faster among Southern whites than among Southern blacks, who had fewer opportunities for education or for the rewards that came with escape from that counterproductive culture.

    Nevertheless the process took a long time. As late as the First World War, white soldiers from Georgia, Arkansas, Kentucky and Mississippi scored lower on mental tests than black soldiers from Ohio, Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania. Again, neither race nor racism can explain that--and neither can slavery.

    The redneck culture proved to be a major handicap for both whites and blacks who absorbed it...The counterproductive and self-destructive culture of black rednecks in today's ghettos is regarded by many as the only "authentic" black culture--and, for that reason, something not to be tampered with...
    ...Color has obviously played a major role in determining the fate of many Americans, and yet a black ethnic group like the West Indians earns more than a predominantly white ethnic group like the Puerto Ricans, and the Japanese earn more than whites in general. The initial wealth of a group and its time of arrival are obviously important, as many wealthy “old families” show, but the Jews arrived late and penniless in the nineteenth century and are now more affluent than any other ethnic group....
    I read Sowell's Book "Ethnic America: A History" several years ago which covers some of this (race, IQ, wealth, crime) and other aspects in more detail looking at various cultures/races in the U.S. and elsewhere and changes over time. And the various factors involved in different group accomplishments. But the thing is, he breaks the groups down FURTHER than simply "black, white or native" etc he brings in age, education, hours of education, books in the home, parents in the home, old money, etc etc and finds...
    well he doesn't find one race "lazy, stupid and born criminals" as the klan and some here would say.
    In one chapter he points out that the Italians, when they 1st arrived on the east coast in large numbers, had that exact same reputation "lazy, stupid and born criminals" and had the high rates of incarnation to "prove" it as well. They excelled in sports too btw. ei Rocky Marciano etc..

    there are few pages of the book here that gives a taste of it.
    the high IQd here will take the time to read the few pages and very high IQd will read the whole book. then add the facts their to the current high end wisdom and adjust accordingly. Unless they already know it all, and their pure and unprejudiced personal experience is all there is to know of the world.

    (A while back I posted something from Ann Colture No less that pointed out some o this and i also focused on the parenting issue with facts and stats. which pointed out that Pre 1950 black families were INTACT. and in some years more than Whites, (more than all whites now percentage wise) . But the welfare state and "free love" concepts hit the poor blacks with a 1-2 punch and have dropped the community to lows now which were NEVER the historical norm.
    just mention this for those that care about history and facts that is. If not just keep name calling and assuming the worse ... "because they are black".)
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    FJ an Log 1st comments make the key points.
    Tyr your comments are racist and Jim if you don't take time to examine the stats yep your BS is just plan racist to especially since you have no problem piling on comments about monkeys etc.
    I'll admit that I have made an idiotic statement here and there, no denials. The words and pictures I posted were in fact racist. Although I was having some fun, that doesn't make it any less racist. With that said....

    If I merely post statistics, and don't "examine them" - just merely pointing out FBI statistics and such - "your BS is just plan racist to"? Why would pointing out stats be racist, even without examining them? Are those stats somehow lying? Do they change if you stare at them long enough? Do those committing those crimes become less criminal if you examine further?

    And NO, my mind will not change, not unless the statistics change.

    Thomas Sowell is extremely intelligent and as far as I know has never committed a crime. He is also a former Marine.

    "because they are black"
    Sorry, but my comments are because of the crimes, not because of their color. I would say the same if a group of orange people somehow committed a highly disproportionate amount of the crimes while being a low percentage of the total population.

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    Quote Originally Posted by revela[QUOTE
    rts;699998]FJ an Log 1st comments make the key points.
    Tyr your comments are racist and Jim if you don't take time to examine the stats yep your BS is just plan racist to especially since you have no problem piling on comments about monkeys etc. [/I]

    No Rev, it was fact, it was truth and it was acknowledgement of reality made by me. Then that was unsoundly criticized by cowardly appeasers, blinded people... I don't do blind. I don't turn the other cheek to my attackers. I do not suffer fools gladly...

    FJ would have quoted crime stats to refute my claim except he knew those stats supported my claim. Apparently he lives in a bubble and so do you since you just backed his play. I lived it , saw it, endured it and survived it yet here you two come and say , "how dare you state the truth--That's racist"! Logroller outright wrote that the truth is racist!

    Well, here is a truth for you.
    The truth is color blind. The truth stands alone and invincible. It is man that rationalizes to go around the truth when it suits his biases, purposes and lusts. Which is exactly what fj, logroller and now you have done. Add in accusing me of being a racist for my daring to post the truth. When the fact is I am brave enough to post when others are not! And I post it knowing how falsely I will be attacked.
    Believe what you want, it is people that deny reality in favor of lies, propaganda and feel good moments that are now destroying this nation.

    Congrats, you just joined them, hope you are proud to be aboard a ship with fools, asshats, liars , scum , destroyers, haters of morality and damn cowards!
    I do not deny truth for man or beast.
    I do not deny truth for a feel good, pat on the back moment.
    I do not deny reality out of fear! --Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 08-20-2014 at 08:06 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    No Rev, it was fact, it was truth and it was acknowledgement of reality made by me. Then that was unsoundly criticized by cowardly appeasers, blinded people... I don't do blind. I don't turn the other cheek to my attackers. I do not suffer fools gladly...

    FJ would have quoted crime stats to refute my claim except he knew those stats supported my claim. Apparently he lives in a bubble and so do you since you just backed his play. I lived it , saw it, endured it and survived it yet here you two come and say , "how dare you state the truth--That's racist"! Logroller outright wrote that the truth is racist!

    Well, here is a truth for you.
    The truth is color blind. The truth stands alone and invincible. It is man that rationalizes to go around the truth when it suits his biases, purposes and lusts. Which is exactly what fj, logroller and now you have done. Add in accusing me of being a racist for my daring to post the truth. When the fact is I am brave enough to post when others are not! And I post it knowing how falsely I will be attacked.
    Believe what you want, it is people that deny reality in favor of lies, propaganda and feel good moments that are now destroying this nation.

    Congrats, you just joined them, hope you are proud to be aboard a ship with fools, asshats, liars , scum , destroyers, haters of morality and damn cowards!
    I do not deny truth for man or beast.
    I do not deny truth for a feel good, pat on the back moment.
    I do not deny reality out of fear! --Tyr
    One only has to listen to folks cry about how many young black men are in prison to prove this point, I mean seriously the whole world is against them and incarcerate them for no reason
    Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    One only has to listen to folks cry about how many young black men are in prison to prove this point, I mean seriously the whole world is against them and incarcerate them for no reason
    Dude, DAT IS RACIST!!!!!!
    How ffing dare you cite facts!!!!
    How dare you not kiss ass!!!
    You got your KKK robe back from tha cleaners yet?

    Here we had two people try to paint me as a racist for citing what I have lived seeing for almost 60 years! While they go about kissing ass and playing deny the truth to have pissy ass little feel good moments...
    I don't do pansy ass crap like that and irks them so because deep down it convicts them of their shallowness, ignorance and cowardice.. They do exactly the same thing when defending the ffing murdering savages the muslims. FFK THAT, FFK THEM.-Tyr
    Tough cookies says this man.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    No matter what fj, or the rev say. They still cannot, and will never be able to CHANGE the TRUTH.

    The more they argue, and accuse to deflect, distract, and change the conversation.

    At the end of the day. They can't make Lies become Truth, and Truth can never become lies.

    And their problem is. They have never been able to prove...their lies. So, they call everyone else liars.
    Last edited by aboutime; 08-20-2014 at 03:16 PM.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    No Rev, it was fact, it was truth and it was acknowledgement of reality made by me. Then that was unsoundly criticized by cowardly appeasers, blinded people... I don't do blind. I don't turn the other cheek to my attackers. I do not suffer fools gladly...

    FJ would have quoted crime stats to refute my claim except he knew those stats supported my claim. Apparently he lives in a bubble and so do you since you just backed his play. I lived it , saw it, endured it and survived it yet here you two come and say , "how dare you state the truth--That's racist"! Logroller outright wrote that the truth is racist!

    Well, here is a truth for you.
    The truth is color blind. The truth stands alone and invincible. It is man that rationalizes to go around the truth when it suits his biases, purposes and lusts. Which is exactly what fj, logroller and now you have done. Add in accusing me of being a racist for my daring to post the truth.
    When the fact is I am brave enough to post when others are not! And I post it knowing how falsely I will be attacked.
    Believe what you want, it is people that deny reality in favor of lies, propaganda and feel good moments that are now destroying this nation.

    Congrats, you just joined them, hope you are proud to be aboard a ship with fools, asshats, liars , scum , destroyers, haters of morality and damn cowards!
    I do not deny truth for man or beast.
    I do not deny truth for a feel good, pat on the back moment.
    I do not deny reality out of fear! --Tyr
    Folks ... note the portion of text from Tyr that I've bolded.

    This, to me, is what this is ultimately all about.

    The Left are control freaks of the very worst sort. Left to their own devices ... and given the opportunity ... they'll precondition everyone to such a pitch that it'd be nigh on impossible to recognise any truth for what it REALLY is, without a conditioned response getting in the way.

    I've see it in my own society, over generations. In microcosm, I'm also seeing a version of it here, in this thread.

    NOBODY, here, has proven Tyr wrong. However, I've seen an attempt (rather, a number of them) to cry 'racist' .. to bring to the fore a preconditioned response to a recounting of truth which the Left is unwilling to ever allow unfettered and accepted expression.

    The Left wants that blocking-response so hardwired into people that they cannot think past it. So it is that propagandist preference 'wins' the day.

    It's true of the sort of subject considered (to the extent it HAS been) right here. If the Left had their way, the very same dictatorship of preconditioned response would equally apply in many more aspects of life.

    What you end up with is people BELIEVING they're free thinkers, but instead they're just clones of Left-led preference. Enslaved to modes of thinking as delusional and rigid as their Leftie masters dictate.

    Unwelcome truths are in danger of being freely expressed. Quickly, cry 'RACIST', stick your fingers in your ears, and wish that TRUTH to go away !!!!!

    The Left requires you to respond in that way. Without though. Without reason. It's preconditioning ... it's societal slavery, masquerading as 'enlightenment'. Just .. think as we do, see only what we see, and a comforting fool's paradise is there to blind you.

    Truths are only permitted if they can be sanctioned as 'politically correct' ... in LeftieWorld ....

    I ask: do you want to be told how to think and feel ? Or do you want to face truths because they ARE such ?

    Freedom, or blindness ? Which ?

    Ponder this, folks. Those who've most stridently criticised Tyr .. aren't they those who've been previously identified as being significantly further to the Left than either Tyr or myself ? Ask yourself ... is this 'mere coincidence' ?

    Or do I perhaps have a point worth - FREELY - considering ?
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    You blather on to Jim making dumbass comparisons after he presented exactly what I was going to present-the statistics showing that blacks more prone to stealing, drug dealing and violence. The facts don't lie but you spat out that dumbass circular reasoning straight from the dem/lib handbook. And praised fj for calling me a racist for telling the truth. Then you went on to say the act of telling the truth is itself racist!!! That is pure liberal insanity to the ffing max!!! Yet you hide and pretend not to be a liberal. I'd call that hiding cowardly.

    As to your bitch comment made about me ------You couldn't tie my left shoe punk.
    Now kiss a real man's ass...
    I knew when I started this thread that you'd jump in to try to save fj.
    You try to preach to me once but I got your number right away.
    All blather no matter.
    Do ever try to talk to me like that in person will ya?
    And yes, this is me laughing at your try at being a bad ass. --Tyr
    So you can't show me where I said that. How embarrassing for you that your first line was so easily shown a falsehood. You invite this on yourself; you started a tread about how big of a racist you are, and you are, then get more pissed when I explain, definitively, that it was racist. The handbook you accuse me of using is the dictionary. If you don't like being a racist then change. Don't get all bitchy when someone says you're a racist-- fucking own it.

    Admittedly, you're on your own on tying your shoes; I'm not your momma-- maybe the old lady will let you borrow her house slippers. So far as what I say to you in person , the next time a tornado moves your trailer north of the mason-Dixie line, look me up.lord knows you can't afford a plane ticket. In the meantime, I heard there's some coloreds in the whites-only bathroom, so you best get to bouncing bitch.
    He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.AeschylusRead more at

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    Folks ... note the portion of text from Tyr that I've bolded.

    This, to me, is what this is ultimately all about.

    The Left are control freaks of the very worst sort. Left to their own devices ... and given the opportunity ... they'll precondition everyone to such a pitch that it'd be nigh on impossible to recognise any truth for what it REALLY is, without a conditioned response getting in the way.

    I've see it in my own society, over generations. In microcosm, I'm also seeing a version of it here, in this thread.

    NOBODY, here, has proven Tyr wrong. However, I've seen an attempt (rather, a number of them) to cry 'racist' .. to bring to the fore a preconditioned response to a recounting of truth which the Left is unwilling to ever allow unfettered and accepted expression.

    The Left wants that blocking-response so hardwired into people that they cannot think past it. So it is that propagandist preference 'wins' the day.

    It's true of the sort of subject considered (to the extent it HAS been) right here. If the Left had their way, the very same dictatorship of preconditioned response would equally apply in many more aspects of life.

    What you end up with is people BELIEVING they're free thinkers, but instead they're just clones of Left-led preference. Enslaved to modes of thinking as delusional and rigid as their Leftie masters dictate.

    Unwelcome truths are in danger of being freely expressed. Quickly, cry 'RACIST', stick your fingers in your ears, and wish that TRUTH to go away !!!!!

    The Left requires you to respond in that way. Without though. Without reason. It's preconditioning ... it's societal slavery, masquerading as 'enlightenment'. Just .. think as we do, see only what we see, and a comforting fool's paradise is there to blind you.

    Truths are only permitted if they can be sanctioned as 'politically correct' ... in LeftieWorld ....

    I ask: do you want to be told how to think and feel ? Or do you want to face truths because they ARE such ?

    Freedom, or blindness ? Which ?

    Ponder this, folks. Those who've most stridently criticised Tyr .. aren't they those who've been previously identified as being significantly further to the Left than either Tyr or myself ? Ask yourself ... is this 'mere coincidence' ?

    Or do I perhaps have a point worth - FREELY - considering ?
    The fact is that tyr is a racist. I proved it in my in my first post. He may not like being labeled as such; neither to blacks like being labelled as an indecent race-- but Tyr's free to be as such, just as Fj is free to be a leftie to you. You have no qualms calling Fj a leftie-- shouldn't Fj be afforded the same freedom of calling tyr a racist?
    He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.AeschylusRead more at

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    You blather on to Jim making dumbass comparisons after he presented exactly what I was going to present-the statistics showing that blacks more prone to stealing, drug dealing and violence. The facts don't lie but you spat out that dumbass circular reasoning straight from the dem/lib handbook. And praised fj for calling me a racist for telling the truth. Then you went on to say the act of telling the truth is itself racist!!! That is pure liberal insanity to the ffing max!!! Yet you hide and pretend not to be a liberal. I'd call that hiding cowardly.

    As to your bitch comment made about me ------You couldn't tie my left shoe punk.
    Now kiss a real man's ass...
    I knew when I started this thread that you'd jump in to try to save fj.
    You try to preach to me once but I got your number right away.
    All blather no matter.
    Do ever try to talk to me like that in person will ya?
    And yes, this is me laughing at your try at being a bad ass. --Tyr
    Quote Originally Posted by logroller View Post
    So you can't show me where I said that. How embarrassing for you that your first line was so easily shown a falsehood. You invite this on yourself; you started a tread about how big of a racist you are, and you are, then get more pissed when I explain, definitively, that it was racist. The handbook you accuse me of using is the dictionary. If you don't like being a racist then change. Don't get all bitchy when someone says you're a racist-- fucking own it.

    Admittedly, you're on your own on tying your shoes; I'm not your momma-- maybe the old lady will let you borrow her house slippers. So far as what I say to you in person , the next time a tornado moves your trailer north of the mason-Dixie line, look me up.lord knows you can't afford a plane ticket. In the meantime, I heard there's some coloreds in the whites-only bathroom, so you best get to bouncing bitch.

    Road Trip !!!
    Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up

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