Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
READ WHAT YOU JUST SAID TO ME Gunny. And if you can. Tell me who's pouting.
I'm not pouting. I'm laying your sour puss ass out. Never have anything nice to say about anything nor anyone. You're like a wet towel on a campfire. You'll piss all over a comedy thread. No, I'm not pouting. I'm pissed. I get people to post here, Jim gets people to post here, trying to get this board a little more well-rounded and growing and you have to piss all over it.

So you tell me why anyone should give a shit when all you want is a sounding board for your own voice and do your best to run off anyone new? You even tried it with me. Too bad you weren't smart enough to know I was part of the party LONG before you started ruining it.

You want to question someone else's service? Produce some evidence or keep that opinion to yourself. Or you can question mine if you want, squid. I'm right here.