Quote Originally Posted by indago View Post
Yes, Rathbone was a somewhat softer version of what Holmes is described as, but to me he presents the better portrayal from others I've seen. I would rather have seen those movies portrayed in the time in which Holmes was originally drafted: Late 1800's.

i actually find this kind of interesting. Better than arguing about which idiot is running for President. Ian Fleming wrote the James Bond books, and I'm totally an early Sean Connery fan. What I see is Americans "Americanize" movies. They pretty much re-wrote Dracula. The English are verbose. Dracula and Frankenstein are exercises in words. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde could put a baby to sleep.

I just wish kids would read books now instead of facebook. They might learn something. Like English.

And while I realize it's a sign of the times, but wasn't Sherlock a coke-head?