Quote Originally Posted by Russ View Post
This pathetic "Tushnet" professor is willing to trample the rights of conservative Christians, even though they are the only reason he has the right to free speech in the first place. He is a disgrace as a Harvard professor (that may be a redundant statement), and a disgrace as a human being.

I, for one, would like to propose a law to make it a felony for a college professor to push his political views on his students. Any student that can get cell-phone video of their professor forcing their political views on a class should result in the professor immediately being fired and frog-marched out of their classroom to a waiting detention van. The professor can be considered "fired for cause", so the college can replace the position without any paychecks or severance pay going to the sleazy professor. Maybe the next generation of students and professors will be a better bunch.

Who's with me?
Count me in, I am leaving for the hospital in a couple minutes.
Decided to check here as, it may be a few days before I return.
Check my newest sonnet (note presented there) or more information on that. ok?-Tyr