Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
It's early days in this war, which is what this is IMO. These early attackers seem to be very much a product of their immigrant families. These three 'bigger attacks' in Boston, San Bernardino, and now Orlando all were from people born here, but raised by Islamic immigrant parents-dysfunctional in the sense of US assimilation. For the most part, the parents, at least women were not Westernized. The father's behaviors garnered interest of investigators. The killers seemed to have mixed abilities in getting along with others, most being loners and considered strange, but the Boston bombers were pretty well accepted by peers. Ultimately though, the family affiliations proved stronger than whatever ties that were there to general society.

One thing that is pretty well known via social science, perhaps one of the few, is the attraction to gangs of those who are not connected well to society and don't connect or reject whatever family they have. If one considers 'gangs' an alternative to the family unit, rather than just a criminal group, it makes a sort of sense. Indeed if one substitutes the word 'gang' for 'alternative mores group, set up for a common group' one can include not only the criminal gangs, but any affiliations that have strong mores of behaviors and provide stability for their members. Thus the branches of the military, good or bad social clubs, scout groups, church groups, sports teams etc., all can fill a place for those seeking some structure.

What strikes me with the current news and discussions, here and in the broader media, is that ISIS in particular seems well aware of the numbers of seekers available for the opportunity of joining. Better alternatives should be under consideration by other organizations-those that have Westernized mores and are inclusive. They should also be aware of those who are already indoctrinated and trying to infiltrate-ala Hasan at Ft. Hood.

These ideas have been swirling around the past few days-anyone have other ideas?
You trying to make my point from the other thread for me? What'd you just say?

If Orlando wasn't full of tourists not allowed to transport their firearms, one person with a handgun could have stopped the whole damned thing. Obama and Lynch are a total FAIL with their argument. It backfires with me.

As far as sociology/psychology goes? That's on you MS Teacher Ma'am. I'm shooting his ass.