Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
Interesting thread ! I've only just caught up with it.

I'm British .. so it might not be any surprise to anyone that I'm a fan of fish & chips. Or, steak & chips (the thicker and juicier the cut of steak, the better ...). Sometimes I add slices of some delicious black pudding to the meal, for added spice and fortifying iron content. For those Americans still not clear as to what black pudding is ...


Ah, but, what's my 'quirk' .. ?

Well ... I love garlic. I'm not talking about crushing garlic and having a hint of its taste added to my meal. I'm talking about peeling at least two garlic cloves, and munching through them as part of the meal.

A mouthful of chips, mixed with some battered cod .. then, bite through a garlic clove and munch half of one along with the mouthful of food (then, the other half with the next mouthful). It adds 'kick' to the whole mixture ... adds life to your food. I've got to the stage where I think that no such meal is complete without the cloves to munch through.

I think of eating a raw garlic clove as the food equivalent of a shot of whisky. Brilliant ...