Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
Maybe they purposely tossed this out there to get the little fat bastard thinking about his own actions? If not, and the haircut guy does in fact keep pushing buttons, I'm almost a little worried about where this may be going - only for the sake of the South Koreans. I surely wish there was a way to kill their electronics for about a 2 minute period, and during that period, use the time wisely to drop about 1 or 2 or 50 or so of the MOAB's and obliterate all that is necessary, including the life of the little chubs.


Sen. Graham: 70 Percent Chance Trump Attacks If NKorea Tests Again

Sen. Lindsey Graham said the odds right now are at 30 percent that President Donald Trump attacks North Korea, the South Carolina Republican told The Atlantic.

If North Korea runs another nuclear test — 70 percent, Graham told The Atlantic.

"I would say there's a three in 10 chance we use the military option," Graham told The Atlantic. "If the North Koreans conduct an additional test of a nuclear bomb — I would say 70 percent. … We're not to the tipping point yet (but) if they test another weapon, then all bets are off."

He told The Atlantic he talks to Trump about it "all the time."

"War with North Korea is an all-out war against the regime," Graham told The Atlantic. "There is no surgical strike option. Their [nuclear weapons] program is too redundant, it's too hardened, and you gotta assume the worst, not the best.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/lin.../14/id/831860/
This has been addressed in different places in different threads. What AT pretty much DIDN'T tell you is we have EMPs FAR better than anything that little douchebag does. If WE are on the offense and employ an EMP first. His weapons systems, communications, etc are toast. He's dead in the water.

The problem with it is using the weapon without turning off your own shit.

Graham apparently needs to listen to his military people instead of trying to think for them. There is no place in Korea we cannot hit from the sea. That equals a surgical strike. Last I heard we have 2 battle groups doing combat boxes offshore, and Okinawa is an island base for the USAF and USMC. Kadena AFB is there, and III MEF. I'm not sure if we can still used Clark in the RP or not, but Anderson AFB on Guam is a B-52 base.

So I don't know where Graham is getting his info, and EVEN IF it was true? Why the fuck put the knowledge in the hands of our f-ing blabbermouth media? They couldn't keep Christmas Day a secret.