What about SHARP Fingernails???
What about SHARP Fingernails???
I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
So, this is for them.
yeah. Get the hotties on your side. I'm STILL kicking your ass. I cannot be deterred by feminine wiles when it comes to hoops. And don't try to feel sorry for me. Only thing you'll hurt kicking this leg brace is YOU. I think Tony Stark designed it at Area 51,
You and Abs actually remind me of my grandparents. Those 2 would fuss at each other all day then kiss goodnight. I thought that was how it was supposed to be. Big disappointment road sign for gunny. I don't envy you her. What you have? You can't buy. Appreciate it.
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke
I've carried a knife for as long as I can remember. My Dad gave me my first knife. He always carried one too. I probably have a dozen knives sizing from a little guy to my switch blades up to a Case XX Bowie knife... and I don't give a fuck who thinks I shouldn't have them... if you can kill me you can take them, but you'll be prying them out of my cold dead fingers.
You want my guns... you want my knives... I only have one thing to say to you... FUCK, OFF.
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke
I also cook....
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson
Me too. But you know, being a cook makes you somehow unworthy of a title. I loved the cooks. They had hot coffee, real food. Best chow EVER. Kadena AFB chow hall. They hated us but were stuck. We even got seconds. I was like seconds? For real? I thought they were looking for a wheel barrow to cart me off.
I just got off a boat you're giving a Marine Cpl seconds?
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke
I heard that for 8 years... "you Air Force pukes have the BEST chows halls." I never ate in different branches chow hall, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I will say, I'd KILL for an AF chow hall breakfast. I usually ate breakfast and lunch on base all through my time in, and I have no complaints.
There's probably no other issue that shows the difference between the UK and the US more starkly than this one. Most people here in the UK are - if you can believe it - happy with the way things are here. Has that come about because of decades of indoctrination from the Left ? I certainly think so.
Most people here have never even SEEN a gun .. not personally, anyway, other than in films or on TV .. much less handled any and tried shooting with one. That's as true of me as the vast majority here.
I've always argued that ours is the stupid mindset on this. Someone commits a violent act, maybe a life-threatening one .. they can continue to, until the police arrive (however long that takes). We had riots here, in 2011, and shopkeepers couldn't use guns to defend their stores. So, those riots, all that pilfering, continued for days on end.
Knife crime in London has rocketed recently. Hardly anybody can deter thugs with a gun, so, the crimes continue. Drive-bys by teenagers on mopeds, who throw acid at a passers-by .. again, no actual DEFENCE against it exists, real-time. Yet ... there's no cry for the general public to start defending themselves with guns. The psychology which thinks it's a good thing has been programmed out of us.
Instead, our media broadcast news of the latest shootings in America, and the media usually take the line ... 'This is happening because the US hasn't civilised itself enough to want to be tough on gun control'.
That it's PEOPLE who kill, rather than the guns (which are inanimate objects) is wholly lost on people here.
So, I envy you. Deterrence is a fine weapon against crime, and what's a better deterrent, than a society where anyone can be packing a gun, and so could theoretically shoot you dead, or cripple you, if you do something to deserve it ?
America has that commonsense. We lack it. You will always be much the better society for having recourse to self-defence, which we insanely will never have the intelligence and sheer backbone to take on for ourselves.
It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!
This is just... SAD, brother... SAD. I can't even BEGIN to imagine the mind set that someone would have when there's rampant crime, and then think having NO self defense is a GOOD thing... it's mind bobbling. If someone comes to my house, if they kick in my door, they're going to have a hole through them that you could drive a MACK TRUCK through, and I'll walk, that's my RIGHT to defend my life, limb and property with DEADLY FORCE. THANK GOD we still have that CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT in America.
And you know what? Where the GUN violence is the WORST in America, is the cities with the STRICTEST GUN CONTROL. Now if that doesn't tell people something, then they're just RETARDED. Breaking and entering types of crime around my parts out here in small town America are virtually NON EXISTENT. Even the thugs are smart enough to know that almost EVERYONE has a GUN here, most have LOTS of guns, and if you try forcing your way into someone's home, the chances you'll be SHOT are about 99.9%. THAT is the kind of DETERRENT that keeps the morons in check. I have a Uberti Colt Birdshead replica .45 Long Colt, LOADED, with hollow points by my desk by the back door, and a Taurus Raging Bull .44 Mag, LOADED, with hollow points in the drawer in the front room. So it doesn't matter what door you kick in here, you're DEAD. I couldn't even imagine NOT having my guns. It wouldn't be America.
Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 04-27-2018 at 09:26 PM.