Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
Ok, according to you the right just hasn't hit its stride yet or maybe it's just that barbs aimed at the people you like sting more? I'm pretty sure that's what's happening too on the left, when they felt Obama was not given the deference they thought he deserved.

It's just possible that each side feels justified in their attacks on the other, because of the attacks from the other.

Anyways, I've posted enough about how I think others should treat those they disagree with, though I've lost it myself more than once. I wish things were different, but what is, is.
Tyr has just sent you a great reply, in my opinion.

You're trying to infer an equivalence between what the Left gets, and what the Right gets ... when there IS none. That some criticisms are DESERVED and RICHLY EARNED ... why doesn't that figure in your assessment ?

The Left attacks from a different motivational basis to those who criticise from the Right. I really fail to see how you don't recognise that.

Perhaps you could explain why that is the case ?