Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
Why stop at the clearance? Let's put Brennan in jail. Better yet, let's hang him. Too far? All part of the same scale. All because Trump has thin skin.
You also keep harping about Trump, his thin skin and his actions. Even if...

Tough shit! Deal with it. This is what happens when a party tries to lie, cheat and steal into victory & still loses. And then like little children turn red and stomp their feet - for 2 years running.

It's so much fun to watch the anger and drooling & knowing there really isn't jack shit they can do about it. They obstruct everything to death, so if they, as I predict, take over the house, it'll just be another day with the same actions continued. And they'll still have to deal with Trump and the actions & like it, since they can't do jack shit about it.

And the way the left acts, and the media supporting them acts, and the way the left ignores all wrongdoing by their own side - is why Trump will have a good chance at winning reelection in 2020. And as a lame duck president, oh boy will it be fun!