Quote Originally Posted by Russ View Post
This whole story doesn't pass the sniff test. Some vaguely-described "blonde woman" collected absentee ballots from an unknown number of absentee voters, and for some reason investigators came around to tell some of the absentee voters that their ballots never arrived. Dems are now howling that they're sure that all of these votes would have for the Democrat candidate.

Here's just a few of the many reasons why the whole story is crap:
- The article doesn't even state that voters they interviewed were voting for the Democrat. There's no story, unless there's a pattern that all the voters involved were voting for the Dem
- The "blonde white woman" description sounds a little too vague and convenient, like the "bushy haired man" in the Sam Shephard murder case
- It is suspicious that they even investigated this. They don't normally investigate if not all the absentee ballots applied for get sent back in. They just assume the the person didn't bother to send it back in.
- Pete thinks its a big story. That by itself is a big clue that its a crock.
- The Dems solution is "let's redo the election". What a raft of you-know-what. They're just a bunch of desperate twits.
That was "the one-armed man" in the Sam Shepard case

My first thought was "the woman in red". The illegal alien that set up John Dillinger for citizenship that J Edgar ensured she got screwed out of.

Either way I agree with the "Pete thinks it's a big story" part being a crock