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    Default STTAB come on down and play that victim-hood card. Its only card you gotmoron. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar View Post
    Let's all settle down!

    I respect both the combatants in this thread, but if it continues I recommend trying the Steel Cage.

    This personal sideline fight detracts from the thread itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post

    I left the thread precisely to let things cool down and dude basically called me a coward for doing so, lol he's a whack job.

    And Turkey has no business being in NATO, Gunny is 100 on that.

    Actually , after you unprovoked called me a whackjob, I answered without insulting you and stated my case more clearly, then you
    again insulted me.
    After that I pointed out your utter lack of logic and how ignorant your support and faith in obama was after you yourself described obama as a liar, corrupt and a racist President!

    To which you left a few days to try to figure out how to come back and save face.
    And now you come back with that garbage you just posted.
    When you'd been better off to drop the whole thing, but being the ffing dumbass, "both sides of the fence" playing asswipe that you are- you decided to try to kick the dog again.
    I am not a dog, if a piece of shit like you ever faced me face to face, you'd find that out and never dare utter another word to me.
    And of course--you are a ffing coward and the way you post reveals that too..
    So come on down asswipe and state your case about how you are the innocent one in this.
    I love that liberal, cry of being victimized that you are on.
    POS... Are you even an adult?
    You act like you are a kid... You are certainly too stupid to stop your childish antics.
    So in two days of hiding, you worked up enough courage to try again.. which points to your stupidity and ego getting the better of you..
    Why dont you say what other name you used here before?
    NO? Is that because that information will reveal how I handed you your cowardly little punkass at least once before??
    If you are a man, an adult , you have a standing invitation to speak to me face to face any damn time you like ..
    I promise that if you ever do, you will learn a damn fine little lesson you will never forget..
    However, if you are a kid, then you get a pass.
    I do not give lessons to kids... That is their parents jobs... -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 04-08-2019 at 02:41 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    So you are just the snake I thought you were, the former fraud that went by the name of Conhog.
    I guessed correctly. A ffing turd can not change its smell.
    And I was correct in my prediction that you would eventually, unprovoked decide to insult/attack me.
    Proving yet again for the umpteenth time what a douche-bag loser and true POS that you are.
    You simply have to be not only a lying piece of shit but also a true dumbass.
    Perhaps moron would be a better description. If memory serves me well, you have attacked me multiple times in the past and each time you got your stupid punkass handed back to you well kicked!
    A glutton for punishment or is it that your are a true lying moron that hasnt a clue about anything but your own self-aggrandized ego and totally infantile bullshit fantasies about being an army major!??
    Damn, knew it was some kind of ffing worm like you!!
    Say how many incarnations have you used here over these many years..
    Certainly a coward's way to hide who you really are and come back flying a false flag!
    Why hide unless you knew you had showed what a lying sack of shit you are many times over before?
    I guess nobody should blame you for hiding who you are, since you have proven what a despicable little lying maggot you are-- and have done so many times over in the past.
    Army major my ass.
    You could not lead a one man parade to shovel horseshit without fkking up it up someway.
    Probably by snacking on it until you got sick, you worthless , cowardly, lying-ass ffing moron.

    What is this , our 7th or 8th time having a go-round and each time you crawled away to lick your wounds, your sorry-ass only to come back and try to kick the dog that you failed to understand or realize was not a dog.
    If I couldn't easily handle a sad and pitiful little punkass worm like you, I'd blow my own brains out.- --Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 04-09-2019 at 10:27 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    So you are just the snake I thought you were, the former fraud that went by the name of Conhog.
    I guessed correctly. A ffing turd can not change its smell.
    And I was correct in my prediction that you would eventually, unprovoked decide to insult/attack me.
    Proving yet again for the umpteenth time what a douche-bag loser and true POS that you are.
    You simply have to be not only a lying piece of shit but also a true dumbass.
    Perhaps moron would be a better description. If memory serves me well, you have attacked me multiple times in the past and each time you got your stupid punkass handed back to you well kicked!
    A glutton for punishment or is it that your are a true lying moron that hasnt a clue about anything but your own self-aggrandized ego and totally infantile bullshit fantasies about being an army major!??
    Damn, knew it was some kind of ffing worm like you!!
    Say how many incarnations have you used here over these many years..
    Certainly a coward's way to hide who you really are and come back flying a false flag!
    Why hide unless you knew you had showed what a lying sack of shit you are many times over before?
    I guess nobody should blame you for hiding who you are, since you have proven what a despicable little lying maggot you are-- and have done so many times over in the past.
    Army major my ass.
    You could not lead a one man parade to shovel horseshit without fkking up it up someway.
    Probably by snacking on it until you got sick, you worthless , cowardly, lying-ass ffing moron.

    What is this , our 7th or 8th time having a go-round and each time you crawled away to lick your wounds, your sorry-ass only to come back and try to kick the dog that you failed to understand or realize was not a dog.
    If I couldn't easily handle a sad and pitiful little punkass worm like you, I'd blow my own brains out.- --Tyr
    Handle me lol, when you first joined this board and I rightfully pointed out what a moron you are You threw such a fit that I eventually left of my own accord because I got tired of the daily private messages from Jim begging me to just leave you alone as he was tired of the whining from you and that Red State moron . You didn't handle me then, you haven't handled me now.

    As for not being around for two days, I NEVER post on the weekends, that's my time with my family. I'm sorry that you don't have anyone who loves you enough to get you away from a message board for 2 days.

    As for handling me in person. Son, you're a pathetic old geezer. I'm a still in shape retired MP, Ask any of the members who have served how easy an MP is to handle in person. Even one that has been retired for almost 10 years. Not to mention the very obvious fact that if you get so upset with someone on a message board that you want to meet up with them in real life you are obviously mentally ill and should probably be referred to law enforcement.

    As for being a liberal. I am hardly a liberal in fact in many areas I'm more conservative than you.

    As for being stupid, well you're the expert on that.

    Jim, fair warning I don't want my box exploding with messages to leave this moron alone if he continues attack me, nor will I tolerate being accused of being the entire issue if I answer any further attacks with attacks of my own.

    Tyr, you really have very few years left on this Earth, do you really want to waste them being kicked around a website? Good day

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    I don't "beg" anyone. I may take the upper road at times to keep peace, but I never beg.

    You 2 are adults, I'm not involved here.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
    Handle me lol, when you first joined this board and I rightfully pointed out what a moron you are You threw such a fit that I eventually left of my own accord because I got tired of the daily private messages from Jim begging me to just leave you alone as he was tired of the whining from you and that Red State moron . You didn't handle me then, you haven't handled me now.

    As for not being around for two days, I NEVER post on the weekends, that's my time with my family. I'm sorry that you don't have anyone who loves you enough to get you away from a message board for 2 days.

    As for handling me in person. Son, you're a pathetic old geezer. I'm a still in shape retired MP, Ask any of the members who have served how easy an MP is to handle in person. Even one that has been retired for almost 10 years. Not to mention the very obvious fact that if you get so upset with someone on a message board that you want to meet up with them in real life you are obviously mentally ill and should probably be referred to law enforcement.

    As for being a liberal. I am hardly a liberal in fact in many areas I'm more conservative than you.

    As for being stupid, well you're the expert on that.

    Jim, fair warning I don't want my box exploding with messages to leave this moron alone if he continues attack me, nor will I tolerate being accused of being the entire issue if I answer any further attacks with attacks of my own.

    Tyr, you really have very few years left on this Earth, do you really want to waste them being kicked around a website? Good day
    Do not invoke Jim's name into this you ffing asswipe. He did not beg a damn thing of you because I never asked him to do anything.
    I didnt need to because your sorry-ass went beserk after I trashed you so well and you blew up and ran away!
    HA! Now your punk-ass is talking about referring me to law enforcement, what a cowardly little piece of shit you are..
    You take the cake moron.
    Invoking Jim's name , threatening to refer me to law enforcement, etc.
    What ffing candy-ass move.
    You truly are a ffking coward, a damn liar, a stupid piece of sniveling and worthless shit.
    Come here hiding under a false flag, attack me and now you try to play the innocent card.
    Now you give warnings to Jim hoping he will ask me to cool it. Bullshit you daft little vermin.
    I defend myself from insults, especially any bullshit that a ffing slimy little maggot like you may toss out.
    And never you mind about my age or my health- you ffking worm.
    If I couldnt handle the sorry-ass likes of a punk-ass worm like you, I'd go out back and off myself.
    You started this and now you hope Jim will intervene, giving Jim -:"fair warning" -hell cry some more bitch.. - --lol.
    You are too damn dumb, too ego driven to shut up for your own good.

    Yes punk, I started this thread because here in the cage I can speak my mind, point out exactly who and what a ffking coward you are and not interrupt the threads in the top board.
    Anybody here that would agree with a ffking lying piece of shit maggot like you, can kiss my ass too....
    Your damn IQ must be in the low 80's...

    Hey, retired (fantasy) "army major", ,
    why dont you ask your imaginary general to loan you a tank to protect your candy-ass from being exposed for the scum, fool, liar and sniveling little piece of shit that you most assuredly are. .. -- -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    I don't "beg" anyone. I may take the upper road at times to keep peace, but I never beg.

    You 2 are adults, I'm not involved here.
    Jim, I take no heed of what this worm says.
    The very idea that you ever begged him for-anything- is beyond belief.
    And no way in hell was this lying loudmouth sack of horse shit ever a major in army.
    He lies like a damn rug......-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Yes, you take no heed, except in that you felt the need to start a thread about little old me cuz I hurt your feelings. You're a fool bro, you always have been. All of this because I don't kowtow to your ridiculous positions on every subject. Are you some sort of liberal scum, justifying attacking people simply because they disagree with you?

    Oh and feel free to attack my military service, or any other aspect of me that you like. I can click the X and go back to real life at any time, you on the other hand, this IS your real life.

    Now threaten me some more

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    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
    Yes, you take no heed, except in that you felt the need to start a thread about little old me cuz I hurt your feelings. You're a fool bro, you always have been. All of this because I don't kowtow to your ridiculous positions on every subject. Are you some sort of liberal scum, justifying attacking people simply because they disagree with you?

    Oh and feel free to attack my military service, or any other aspect of me that you like. I can click the X and go back to real life at any time, you on the other hand, this IS your real life.

    Now threaten me some more
    So posts the candy-ass little worm that ran away more than once back then.
    No, asswipe this is because instead of simply disagreeing with me, you decided to insult me.
    I know a damn little worm like you wouldnt know this- but a man does not take being insulted and just ignore it.
    Your are the typical little pussy that starts shit and then cries innocence.
    So enjoy being exposed for the lying , candy-ass little ffing worm that you are.
    Idiot-- you confuse hurt feelings with, a right and proper action taken against an asshat (thats you), that started shit he can not handle.
    You the cowardly piece shit that has ran away several times from this forum only to return hiding under a false flag..
    Who does that but a lying worthless cowardly little punk!
    I came here and never left despite being attacked over the years by several other pieces of shit just like you(all of which either got banned or ran away). I wonder which ones were you using another false name.
    Your reputation shows what a worthless slimeball that you are despite your damn lying to try to convince members here that you are not exactly that at least ten times over .
    Hey, go get your general you imaginary army Major, I'd like to speak to that imaginary asshole TOO.....-
    If you had anybody here fooled, then they arent now, unless they too are lying sacks of worthless shit just like you..

    By the way,do not call me - "bro"-- I am not your bro and if I were, I'd never ever admit being blood kin to a lying cowardly piece of shit like you.. -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 04-09-2019 at 01:34 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    O' by the way-- are we having fun yet?
    I am despite it being not only boring- handing you your sorry-ass yet again, but also a worthy cause and duty to expose lying little snakes like you!
    You see, when you returned after your first few days of hiding(after the first round), you being a fkking dumbass sought to save face by stepping in it again.
    And with that you gave me cause and a great opening to completely expose the damn dishonorable fake you are.
    Damn all that dishonorable character and a dumbass to boot!
    O' Man , I mean "boy" (my bad, excuse my slip, I am just too used to talking to a real man)-- you are truly ate up with it...
    Now do yourself a favor and shut the fkk up .
    Go hide a few more days and come back like nothing ever happened.
    At least that way this thread ends..
    If not, well you know.
    Tis still a bit more I can expose -- you know-- like some of your dumbass crap from one of your former dumb-ass, belligerent incarnations, etc..-Tyr

    edit: Least your lies fools somebody, here is the quote that started this ball rolling. An unprovoked insult that you issued directly to and about me.
    So stop the crap about how I attacked you... YOU lying POS...

    I see you are the same whack job that you have always been . There are ZERO circumstances in which American military units would obey an order to attack an ally force.
    Your words not a single thing edited by me..
    You gave this unprovoked reply after I explained my previous statement in regards to my thoughts on the piece about obama- the same obama you sought to defend.
    You are too damn stupid to even try to reason with and that points to a massive ego-driven narcissistic personality coupled with a low, low IQ, IMHO
    Yet you called me a whack job!!!

    Now that you shit in the punch bowl, enjoy drinking it moron...
    Instead of pointing at another guy trying to blame it on him , while you cry your damn innocence. --Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 04-10-2019 at 09:51 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    So posts the candy-ass little worm that ran away more than once back then.
    No, asswipe this is because instead of simply disagreeing with me, you decided to insult me.
    I know a damn little worm like you wouldnt know this- but a man does not take being insulted and just ignore it.
    Your are the typical little pussy that starts shit and then cries innocence.
    So enjoy being exposed for the lying , candy-ass little ffing worm that you are.
    Idiot-- you confuse hurt feelings with, a right and proper action taken against an asshat (thats you), that started shit he can not handle.
    You the cowardly piece shit that has ran away several times from this forum only to return hiding under a false flag..
    Who does that but a lying worthless cowardly little punk!
    I came here and never left despite being attacked over the years by several other pieces of shit just like you(all of which either got banned or ran away). I wonder which ones were you using another false name.
    Your reputation shows what a worthless slimeball that you are despite your damn lying to try to convince members here that you are not exactly that at least ten times over .
    Hey, go get your general you imaginary army Major, I'd like to speak to that imaginary asshole TOO.....-
    If you had anybody here fooled, then they arent now, unless they too are lying sacks of worthless shit just like you..

    By the way,do not call me - "bro"-- I am not your bro and if I were, I'd never ever admit being blood kin to a lying cowardly piece of shit like you.. -Tyr
    Bro, it come as no surprise that you don't understand that in reality being able to walk away from a potential fight is the sign of a real man, you stupidly think that fighting with someone online makes you a man LOL.

    Oh and you might take note, that unlike you I truly don't care what you think about me. That's why I don't protest no matter what you say to or about me, your opinion really doesn't matter to me. Certainly not enough to 3 days after a little squabble start a thread calling you all kinds of names for saying something I disagree with .

    You're a pathetic old man who is a real life pussy living a very sad existence trying to make yourself feel better about your pathetic life by being an internet tough guy. I would bet one thousand dollars that in real life you couldn't possibly cash the checks you write online.

    Yeah, I was a "worm" who "crawled away" the last time I was here because I didn't want to tolerate the constant bullshit from you and red state and a couple others. I mean the occaional insult is one thing. the carrying thing from thread to thread day after day? I'll leave a board where that happens every time,, if being called a worm by the likes of you is the penalty , then so be it.

    Oh and as for socking in and not telling anyone who I am. I don't do that. I sock in, I tell EVERYONE who I am. I'm actually pretty well known for that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
    Bro, it come as no surprise that you don't understand that in reality being able to walk away from a potential fight is the sign of a real man, you stupidly think that fighting with someone online makes you a man LOL.

    Oh and you might take note, that unlike you I truly don't care what you think about me. That's why I don't protest no matter what you say to or about me, your opinion really doesn't matter to me. Certainly not enough to 3 days after a little squabble start a thread calling you all kinds of names for saying something I disagree with .

    You're a pathetic old man who is a real life pussy living a very sad existence trying to make yourself feel better about your pathetic life by being an internet tough guy. I would bet one thousand dollars that in real life you couldn't possibly cash the checks you write online.

    Yeah, I was a "worm" who "crawled away" the last time I was here because I didn't want to tolerate the constant bullshit from you and red state and a couple others. I mean the occaional insult is one thing. the carrying thing from thread to thread day after day? I'll leave a board where that happens every time,, if being called a worm by the likes of you is the penalty , then so be it.

    Oh and as for socking in and not telling anyone who I am. I don't do that. I sock in, I tell EVERYONE who I am. I'm actually pretty well known for that.
    Yet here you are yet again attempting to save face.
    Do you actually think any member here that has knowledge of you as your real self has any damn respect for you?
    The very few that ever did are gone, got banned or else ran away just like you have done several times.
    I am glad you admitted crawling away.
    At least we are making some progress in this
    Then you bring up insults while omitting how you started this with your unprovoked insult given to and about me- I quoted you dumbass.
    Now you attempt to play innocent, as the injured party--you damn sure must be some rare kind of loser(with liberal victim mentality) to try that crap.
    And no you did not come back informing members here that you are that dumbass ignorant piece of shit that formerly infected this board under the name of Conhog.
    You are ate up with lying and your own self-aggrandized image that you crafted as an imagined magnificent Army Major and some tough hombre.
    I know tough and I damn sure lived it- and a miserable little ffking worm like you aint it and never will be.
    Anybody that thinks you are is either, gullible as all hell or else a damn fool.
    Why not come back as the moron Conhog?
    We know why, you burnt up that piece of shit name and anybody that is worth a damn that was here back then knows it.
    So cry some more about how you are just an innocent victim - and that bastard Tyr- is picking on you!
    You are without a doubt the most pathetic loser that Ive ever encountered.

    Started some crap and now are moronic enough to try to blame me for your own words.
    A true and most cowardly little pussy if ever there was one...
    Hell, you are worse than pathetic..
    You are totally laughable and perhaps so damn egotistical that you are suffering from some form of insanity. -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Yet here you are yet again attempting to save face.
    Do you actually think any member here that has knowledge of you as your real self has any damn respect for you?
    The very few that ever did are gone, got banned or else ran away just like you have done several times.
    I am glad you admitted crawling away.
    At least we are making some progress in this
    Then you bring up insults while omitting how you started this with your unprovoked insult given to and about me- I quoted you dumbass.
    Now you attempt to play innocent, as the injured party--you damn sure must be some rare kind of loser(with liberal victim mentality) to try that crap.
    And no you did not come back informing members here that you are that dumbass ignorant piece of shit that formerly infected this board under the name of Conhog.
    You are ate up with lying and your own self-aggrandized image that you crafted as an imagined magnificent Army Major and some tough hombre.
    I know tough and I damn sure lived it- and a miserable little ffking worm like you aint it and never will be.
    Anybody that thinks you are is either, gullible as all hell or else a damn fool.
    Why not come back as the moron Conhog?
    We know why, you burnt up that piece of shit name and anybody that is worth a damn that was here back then knows it.
    So cry some more about how you are just an innocent victim - and that bastard Tyr- is picking on you!
    You are without a doubt the most pathetic loser that Ive ever encountered.

    Started some crap and now are moronic enough to try to blame me for your own words.
    A true and most cowardly little pussy if ever there was one...
    Hell, you are worse than pathetic..
    You are totally laughable and perhaps so damn egotistical that you are suffering from some form of insanity. -Tyr
    You are well and truly stupid Tyr. If liberals drew up a picture of the drooling retard they think all Trump supporters are, they would draw you. You give credence to their arguments.

    I haven't blamed you for anything moron. I just point out that you screaming "he started it" as you call me names is beyond pathetic. But you're pathetic, so that stands to reason.

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    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
    You are well and truly stupid Tyr. If liberals drew up a picture of the drooling retard they think all Trump supporters are, they would draw you. You give credence to their arguments.

    I haven't blamed you for anything moron. I just point out that you screaming "he started it" as you call me names is beyond pathetic. But you're pathetic, so that stands to reason.
    ah well. Exposing a snake like you is always worth it.
    You being a dumbass, all you had to do was not attack/insult me and I was not going to expose you.
    I was 99% certain by the way you post that it was you Conhog. Yet, I never DID ANYTHING TO PROVOKE YOU...
    But you thats a different story, as you remember how I made you look like a fool all those times before, long ago and just couldnt control your pansy-ass emotions--thus you attacked me..
    And thus got your little subterfuge exposed.
    Now everybody her knows you are that ffing worm..
    So perhaps you can drop the false bullshit name of STTAB, its dumb anyways-- perhaps rename yourself SPAB.
    You know =
    S tupid
    P rick
    A nd
    B igmouth....

    Sad that assholes like you never learn.. They are so damn conceited that they think everybody is fooled by the lies and crap they spew...
    Hell, you are worse than pathetic.
    It is enough for me that you are now exposed as that fing little sniveling worm that ran away , and has now come back to lie and pretend to be something that you are not-- you know, pretend to be a decent/normal man.
    An asshole like you does not change.
    The fact you couldnt control yourself got you exposed idiot.
    Now cry a bit more, play innocent a bit more .
    And then convince yourself that anybody here actually has any kind of respect for you...

    In fact, this entire thing is justice being delivered unto you a bit , you worthless ffing worm..

    From now on I will address you either as "worm" or "Conhog"-- since they are both the same thing..--
    This is fun, who knew that being insulted by a ffing pussy, could turn out to be so much fun??

    Enjoy the spotlight worm, because it is shining right on you...........--Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 04-10-2019 at 10:04 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    ah well. Exposing a snake like you is always worth it.
    You being a dumbass, all you had to do was not attack/insult me and I was not going to expose you.
    I was 99% certain by the way you post that it was you Conhog. Yet, I never DID ANYTHING TO PROVOKE YOU...
    But you thats a different story, as you remember how I made you look like a fool all those times before, long ago and just couldnt control your pansy-ass emotions--thus you attacked me..
    And thus got your little subterfuge exposed.
    Now everybody her knows you are that ffing worm..
    So perhaps you can drop the false bullshit name of STTAB, its dumb anyways-- perhaps rename yourself SPAB.
    You know =
    S tupid
    P rick
    A nd
    B igmouth....

    Sad that assholes like you never learn.. They are so damn conceited that they think everybody is fooled by the lies and crap they spew...
    Hell, you are worse than pathetic.
    It is enough for me that you are now exposed as that fing little sniveling worm that ran away , and has now come back to lie and pretend to be something that you are not-- you know, pretend to be a decent/normal man.
    An asshole like you does not change.
    The fact you couldnt control yourself got you exposed idiot.
    Now cry a bit more, play innocent a bit more .
    And then convince yourself that anybody here actually has any kind of respect for you...

    In fact, this entire thing is justice being delivered unto you a bit , you worthless ffing worm..

    From now on I will address you either as "worm" or "Conhog"-- since they are both the same thing..--
    This is fun, who knew that being insulted by a ffing pussy, could turn out to be so much fun??

    Enjoy the spotlight worm, because it is shining right on you...........--Tyr
    What subterfuge are you talking about moron? Jimmy knew IMMEDIATELY who I was, everyone did, I even posted in the introduction sub forum "hey it's me ConHog" Jimmy then offered to reset the ConHog password if I wanted, I chose to use this account instead, but I wasn't sneaking back in.

    Oh, and one of us certainly has lost control of his emotions. I swear you are a liberal in sheep's clothing "wah you hurt my feelings"

    How you address me is of no concern to me whatsoever.

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    Also, I can't help but notice that Darin hasn't stopped by to ask Tyr if he feels better about himself. Just things that make you say hmmm

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