Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
And again, you have the right to your opinion. If those things come to pass, which they may do, than the who 'experiment' is over and done.

BTW, attempts to say I think both sides are at the same point is ridiculous. The only reason I have to say that so often is that seems to be a favorite logical fallacy in response to any disagreements with the majority here.

Once again, while my chosen positions align more with one side, that side no longer has the goals, methods, nor values in many ways that I can go along with. The other side? Offers nothing that aligns with my positions.
If this is about being "for" something, I don't think I'm "for" any political party, the bureaucracy or the Government that created them. I expect none of the above to do anything for me except by coincidence.

Anyone who is deluding themselves into thinking we don't already live in a socialist Hell needs to reexamine the cookie cutter car they drive to their cookie cutter job and back to their cookie cutter home with groceries from the cookie cutter store bought from their cookie cutter paycheck. Or their children rolling off to a cookie cutter school to learn the same nothing (as far as I can see) except adherence to the cookie cutter society and its cookie cutter rules. Got to educate those future taxpayers on how to pay their taxes.

We're all "free"? When and where is this? I tried to think of a single thing I do that isn't somehow controlled by someone else's rules. Suicide is all I can come up with. And they so can't stand not being control even THAT is outlawed. Like that particular law means anything

Perhaps you can point out where I am wrong about some of these "freedoms" and/or "Rights". I can't even go to the bathroom without a government approved toilet in my cookie cutter house.

So, I'm really having a hard time getting up for the arguments anymore. I'm just against anything making it worse.