Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Hulk Hogan got all his stuff from SBG. SBG was 70s. The video is from 77 when he was WWWF Champion. He STILL holds the record for most consecutive sellouts of MSG as WWWF (now WWE) Champion. Hulk Hogan would tell you that before his ego got in the way.

Scott Steiner and his brother Rick made it big as a babyface tag team in the late 80s - early 90s in WCW. He wasn't all roided out the. Both were collegiate wrestlers from U of Michigan. They were tag champs off and on for years. Scott decided to go solo, roided up and became Big Poppa Pump. Of course he turned heel by turning on his brother and beating his ass

He's has had constant injuries off and on since he bulked up. That and his RL attitude is probably what held him back. When he first came out as Big Poppa Pump, he was a SBG clone and IIRC even called himself "Superstar" before tweaking his gimmick and becoming BPP. I honestly never cared for him but the entertainment value in pro wrestling for me was gone by then.
I see the advertisements for it still, and I've tried to watch a little here and there but, it's just boring, can't get interested.

I figured BPP was on roids.