Quote Originally Posted by Evmetro View Post
Item 1: Live free or die. I'll fight for freedom till I die.

Every time we bend the knee to anything covid, we are surrendering a bit of freedom. Every time one of us treats lockdowns, masks, experimental vaccines, or social distancing like it is something medical or health related instead of political, we surrender more freedom.

America didn't go to shit overnight, it happened progressively over a long time. Everytime we accept a small change that erodes our freedom or culture, we damage it even more.

Item 2: Capitalism. Taking your business to someone else who does it better is at the heart of capitalism. Letting a business know why you are going to their competitors is a courteous thing to do.
"Live free or die. I'll fight for freedom til I die". Hackneyed cliche consisting mostly of hot air, usually coming from people that know nothing about freedom or death.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" (Kris Kristofferson). Truth. The second you add responsibility/family/SOCIETY, you give up just that much of what you call freedom that is regulated by the government anyway. Or is it that it's "freedom" because the government tells you so and what it is?

Here's how death and freedom work together: When you die, you are free. Not your body nor its disposition, but your soul at least is beyond the reach of government. For now.

Capitalism: Choosing which cookie cutter box store you wish to shop in. Being a jackass on a pointless errand: Going to a cookie cutter box store for no reason other than to protest that store's policies you disagree with. There's nothing capitalist, nor righteous about it. Nobody cares what you have to say. Especially where you don't shop.
