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    Default Specialist finds the Vaxxed are MAC tagged . Killer Shots with a tag device .

    This is from a renowned expert Dr Luis de Benito -- whose main work is in Madrid I believe .
    Verbatim extract from a longer initial report

    International organizations that are also investigating this matter asked me for a brief report on what I had done during the summer.
    They’re translating it into several languages. I say this because, probably, by the 31st it’s going to be made public in other places .

    If , from the medical point of view , there’s no need to administer any preventive measure for a disease with a maximum lethality of 2 per thousand, why so much insistence that everyone should be inoculated?

    What’s the vaccine going to give me that I don’t already have? Well, this experiment arose from this reflection.

    Although there are many consultations,this summer of 2021, in the afternoons, I was the only operative. There wasn’t even administrative staff in the afternoons in my building. Under my office, occasionally an ambulance parked from SUMA, from the emergency service, because they have a base there. Those were the only “interferences” I detected. I started the consultation at 15:00 and had patients listed every 20 minutes.
    Due to COVID measures, it was recommended that they come alone and, if possible, at the appointed time. Not before or after.
    Before starting the consultation, I’d connect the Bluetooth application on my cell phone and invariably check that there was no device available to contact. There was no electronic device in range to connect to. When a patient appeared, often already up the stairs or at the beginning of the corridor, about 20 meters away from the practice, on my cell phone, I could see if one or two devices to connect to with Bluetooth appeared. One or two or none.

    On my phone, I could check to see if the Bluetooth was detecting something or nothing. And if it was something, it was a device with a MAC Address (Media Access Control) code. This is a unique identifier that electronic device manufacturers assign to a card or item that can be networked.

    After attending to the patient’s medical requirements, I’d ask him whether or not he had been vaccinated for COVID. If the answer was affirmative, it was usually quick and without hesitation. And if it was negative, it was often accompanied by a certain wariness, if not anger at the question. A reaction that explained to me that, in general, those who hadn’t wanted to be vaccinated had been subjected to some kind of adverse social situation. After reassuring the patient, whatever his response, I’d write down on a sheet of paper the answer he gave me.
    None of the 137 patients I asked refused to answer. If the answer was affirmative, I’d ask them what type of vaccine they had received, when, and if they had had any adverse reactions. I’d then ask them if they had any cell phones or electronic devices such as wireless headsets or tablets on them, and if so, I’d ask them to turn it off for a moment. When they turned it off, on my cell phone, usually, one of the devices that registered to Bluetooth would disappear.
    Out of hundreds… Here are the results.
    Of the 137 patients questioned, 112 said they had been vaccinated, and 25 said they hadn’t been vaccinated. None of the patients who said they hadn’t been vaccinated registered on my cell phone any device available for Bluetooth connection, having ensured the disconnection of their cell phone, if they had one.
    With 96 patients of the 112 who said they had been vaccinated, and having switched off their electronic devices if they were carrying them, a MAC code remained on the screen of my cell phone, which I had already noted in my notes next to the patient’s medical history.

    I interpreted that it was a code that the patient himself was carrying and that, in fact, when he left the office, leaving the building, it disappeared from my cell phone. With this simple observation throughout July and August, I’ve been able to verify that 100% of the patients who say they aren’t vaccinated don’t raise any contact device with my cell phone via Bluetooth. But 86% of those who said they were vaccinated generated a MAC address on my cell phone. These are the observations made, and many doubts and questions arise from them.
    Among them, the ones that seem to me be the most significant are: First, does the signal detected on my cell phone come from the vaccinated person? Well, precisely the isolated environment and not being interfered with by other signals has meant that there’s no other source of contamination. In fact, when the SUMA ambulance arrived, apart from other devices such as “SUMA base” and several MAC addresses that I attributed to ambulance personnel who could be vaccinated, I noticed that these signals disappeared when the ambulance left. And when there were suspicions about whether there was some other distorting element, for example, patient escorts in the corridor, accidental operators in the corridor that could be the source or origin of other markers, then I dismissed that case. It’s not within the 137 that I have confirmed.
    Second, do all cell phones detect Bluetooth devices with equal capability? My answer is no. My experience is that they don’t.
    Third, does the detectable MAC Address on a person allow interaction with him? To what extent? At least I’m sure of one thing: it allows me to know where he is because I knew that someone vaccinated was coming to my office before he showed up.
    The fourth question I asked myself: If the MAC Address is something personal, individual, and unrepeatable, how is it possible that the five people who were injected with the contents of the same vial, from the same distribution of the same batch, don’t have 5 different MAC addresses? Well, I consulted with some computer technicians, roboticists and fellow biologists and engineers, experts in computer science, and nanorobotics. And they advocate the possibility that this code is generated as a result of the interaction of what’s injected with the genetic material of the patient. Perhaps not so much with their DNA as with the larger compatibility complex, the HLAs, which are ultimately derived from the genome.
    Six, if the MAC address is generated by the vaccine, why do only 86% of those who claim to be vaccinated have it? Different answers have been considered to answer this question.
    The first one: some of the vials could be placebo.
    Second: some vials could be denatured.
    Third: a lack of response. In other words, the expected results are not always obtained when a product is applied.
    And the fourth, which seems very important to me, is because the patient lies and says he is vaccinated when he isn’t to avoid problems or controversies.
    I have many doubts. These are the findings that I’ve made. They’re outside my medical knowledge. I simply attest that when you’re in consultation with a person in an isolated environment, that comes up on my cell phone.

    What does it mean? I have no idea. But I don’t like it.

    As always expected .Next steps and results should be interesting -- to put it mildly .

    Spanish seem right at the forefront -- it was the specialist group La Quinta Columna that isolated Graphene Oxide in large quantity in the killer shots -- a universally recognised poison when ingested by humans .

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    This is the kind of wild conspiracy theory i used to love to read about in the 1990s.
    The kind that makes for cool Sci-Fi stories.

    It's not something that most folks can take seriously, and is kind of a waste of time when put with the Covid horror show.
    since it's a distraction from the real issues that many people still haven't ginned up enough stream to push back against the problems.

    At this point it's counter productive "information" .
    and it poisons the well. If i was a full blown conspiracist i'd called this "controlled opposition" & "disinformation".
    Last edited by revelarts; 11-27-2021 at 08:39 AM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    This is the kind of wild conspiracy theory i used to love to read about in the 1990s.
    Now you are reverting to reacting like a Normie .

    This establishment paragon of previous virtue has recounted something which has happened to him and over 130 of his patients : And it is now being investigated . Internationally .

    That is how science works .
    Hypothesis . Tests . Retests . Peer reviews . New theory .

    That has absolutely nothing to do with Conspiracy and the author goes out of his way to dispel such silly thinking .

    Invention comes from Critical Thinking and it is absurd to confuse it with out and out Conspiracy .A simple abuse of language and scientific process .And in this instance ,

    Shame On you .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Juicer66 View Post
    Now you are reverting to reacting like a Normie .
    This establishment paragon of previous virtue has recounted something which has happened to him and over 130 of his patients : And it is now being investigated . Internationally .
    That is how science works .
    Hypothesis . Tests . Retests . Peer reviews . New theory .
    That has absolutely nothing to do with Conspiracy and the author goes out of his way to dispel such silly thinking .
    Invention comes from Critical Thinking and it is absurd to confuse it with out and out Conspiracy .A simple abuse of language and scientific process .And in this instance ,
    Shame On you .
    Like i said I've read about this type of thing since the 90s
    And I know there's of bizarre tech out there but this is UNCONFIRMED "news" from the ether man.
    I can post a dozen similar stories that might make your hair catch on fire. Mind control beams via Harrp tech, poisons and chips in processed foods and the water, Russian mind control tech, Chinese mind control tech, Alien mind control tech, Masonic mind control tech, Roman Catholic mind control tech, DaJuzz! Mind control tech, Ka-zars mind control tech, and Q-Anon and/or the White Dragon Society will come to save us all!

    DUDE! call me when you get some major confirmation but until then I'm not interested. It's SciFi kindling wood.
    It's like you're saying, "I think I smell wood smoke coming from over the hill", when there's fire coming out from under the hood of the car.
    WHY worry about what the heck MIGHT (not likely) be going on over the hill?!?
    Why not Focus on the fire CLEARLY here.
    Last edited by revelarts; 11-27-2021 at 12:12 PM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    Like i said I've read about this type of thing since the 90s etc etc

    Not like you to argue only via Deflection and unrelated failed History .

    Here is a professional who has run a test with staggering results if duplicated and confirmed by recognised independent experts . Period . End of .

    It matters not a jot that you think you might have heard about similar types of stories in the past----- and people remember the failures and garbage but not the successes !!

    I suspect I have heard about every so called Conspiracy ever raised in the the last century ( and the earlier big ones ) and could reference them all in detail immediately . But

    even if well over 90% fail to bear good fruit we must never stop trying to sort the promising from the absurd and to test anything where initial results sensibly suggest that

    previous thinking might require revision / updating .

    Actually I suspect you never read the OP in detail initially and overlooked how carefully the originator guarded against everything you are worried about plus a lot more !!

    Just suppose we had applied your approach to the first reports ca. 20 months ago that the Spike Protein was a synthetic toxin with total body and brain distribution and then

    later that it was delivered with the help of Graphene Oxide -- another known killer , dependent upon dosage level ? Anti Science and Anti Progress .

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