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  1. CDC Report: Vaccination Rates Drop Among Minors (0 replies)
  2. Making an alternative to Drudge/Yahoo (11 replies)
  3. No spike in coronavirus in places reopening, U.S. health secretary says (12 replies)
  4. Meanwhile in NYC (2 replies)
  5. Possible Antibody treatment for Covid Virus (1 replies)
  6. Meanwhile, in New Jersey (16 replies)
  7. Goldman Sachs predicts 2nd stimulus check or "shekels come with shackles". (1 replies)
  8. A Michigan Barbershop Used Armed Militia To Stop Police From Shutting Them Down (72 replies)
  9. 113 year old woman survives coronavirus (1 replies)
  10. The best newspaper article comment that I have seen in a long time. (0 replies)
  11. Loving all the wildlife (0 replies)
  12. Legal vs. Illegal (5 replies)
  13. One to really freak-out the Libertarians (25 replies)
  14. Iran: Whoops! Again! (8 replies)
  15. Coronavirus Cases Drop to New Lows After Georgia (2 replies)
  16. Elon Musk says he's moving Tesla out of California (0 replies)
  17. $2k a month, indefinitely? (21 replies)
  18. Chinese Gates Foundation Partner Visited Wuhan Institute of Virology In 2018 (0 replies)
  19. Virus micron sizes (7 replies)
  20. For The Hand-Wringers: How's That Opening Up Working Out? (24 replies)
  21. UK acts to protect its borders !!! (7 replies)
  22. Speaking of Blue State Power (2 replies)
  23. WTF? Forced removal to quarantine centers (31 replies)
  24. Father and son hunt and kill a black guy (3 replies)
  25. Thanks medical workers, now pay up (3 replies)
  26. CBS News caught faking COVID story! (2 replies)
  27. 66% of New York state coronavirus hospitalizations are people staying at HOME (2 replies)
  28. The uniqueness of Russia (2 replies)
  29. More abuses over the virus (0 replies)
  30. This one’s for Hot Dogger (3 replies)
  31. World Renowned Doctors Release Studies Supporting Hydroxychloroquine (3 replies)
  32. Age of Great Zero (1 replies)
  33. Police State Prevents 5 Year-Old Boy's Dreams of Freedom (0 replies)
  34. If you want guaranteed work from home in the UK, eat hearty! (2 replies)
  35. Just how stupid can folks get? (3 replies)
  36. Michael Rockefeller Announces "The One World Religion" or "The Ascent of Man" (11 replies)
  37. Tearful Nurse Blows Whistle on New York Hospitals ‘Murdering’ COVID Patients (5 replies)
  38. Cali police officers stand down for Marine? (3 replies)
  39. Report to be released - Wuhan Lab (0 replies)
  40. Boris to Unveil Strategy to End Lockdown This Week (2 replies)
  41. The 'World" Is Angry At China (59 replies)
  42. Found himself a tropical paradise (2 replies)
  43. Response to China (0 replies)
  44. Wuhan Laboratory Under Investigation (0 replies)
  45. Media touts NY mosque staying open (4 replies)
  46. Pilots salute NYC, now similar in Michigan... (0 replies)
  47. How Do You Celebrate International Workers Day When No One Is Working? (2 replies)
  48. Money $$$ - when is enough enough? (8 replies)
  49. Some people need to stay put in jail (0 replies)
  50. 'Covid-19 came from a Chinese lab' .. Trump (10 replies)
  51. Differences on re-opening (195 replies)
  52. CHINA Stole Remdesivir from Gilead then Tried to Patent the Drug in January (10 replies)
  53. “Our Food Supply Is In Trouble” (1 replies)
  54. Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine (1 replies)
  55. NY Times "investigated" and cleared Biden of sexual assault (1 replies)
  56. Another scumbag in New York (0 replies)
  57. Carlson: Big Tech is using coronavirus to increase its power --- censorship (3 replies)
  58. UK/Wales Undercounting (4 replies)
  59. Delaying herd immunity is costing lives (18 replies)
  60. Howard Stern - hopes many of us drop dead (4 replies)
  61. NY Times absolves Biden (5 replies)
  62. IRS Sets May 5th Deadline for Non-Filers to Claim Dependents for COVID Relief (0 replies)
  63. Sweden's Story Thus Far (2 replies)
  64. Hannity demands apology from NYT - I agree on this one (5 replies)
  65. Chinese scientists predict coronavirus won't be eradicated (5 replies)
  66. Virginia Governor’s Gun Range Shut Down is Against the Law (0 replies)
  67. Those Cali doctors, Youtube and censorship (0 replies)
  68. A case for herd immunity (23 replies)
  69. Al Gore: ‘Climate Crisis and the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Linked’ (0 replies)
  70. Fox Dumps Diamand and Silk (2 replies)
  71. El Salvador prisons (2 replies)
  72. 1 In 10 Americans Believe U.S. Government Created Coronavirus (4 replies)
  73. Is the advice on face masks going to change? (43 replies)
  74. Coronavirus Antibodies Present In Nearly 25% Of All NYC Residents, Cuomo Says (6 replies)
  75. Boris IS BACK. Making his mark ... (7 replies)
  76. A damn fine read for some unknown details Covid-19 (32 replies)
  77. Lockdown vs. Non-Lockdown 'Did Not Produce a Statistically Different Number of Deaths (2 replies)
  78. Richard Branson races to find Virgin Atlantic buyer (2 replies)
  79. CNN thinks all or nothing, no in between (6 replies)
  80. Mortality rates around the world (0 replies)
  81. Read this article on C-19 and definitely read comments made about it.. (1 replies)
  82. The re-opening has begun, a lot more than just Georgia - 18 total? (28 replies)
  83. ‘Mindless And Destructive Measures’ (2 replies)
  84. Kim Jong Un in 'vegetative state', Japanese media claims (19 replies)
  85. Florida Antibody Testing Suggests Coronavirus Death Rate Far Lower Than Reported (14 replies)
  86. The Economy Will Reopen Sooner Than You Think (0 replies)
  87. China Keeps Using The Crisis (2 replies)
  88. UK Has Struggled With How To Deal With Virus and Now How To Deal With Aftermath (2 replies)
  89. California Tried To Force Background Checks For Ammo (10 replies)
  90. Some Georgia Businesses Reopen Despite Trump's Criticism (3 replies)
  91. Media busted AGAIN! Those pics of doctors protesting protesters? (1 replies)
  92. Walking a dog will cost ya $880 (2 replies)
  93. 80% of Swine Flu Victims were Under 65 – No Lockdown (16 replies)
  94. Mortality rates.... and Russia (2 replies)
  95. Constitutional Rights (10 replies)
  96. 94% of All NYC Coronavirus Patients Have Underlying Health Problems (2 replies)
  97. I think I know where Nighttrain the racist has been! (14 replies)
  98. Research Reveals Between 12 Million and 33 Million Americans Were Infected by Covid19 (4 replies)
  99. 'Constitutionalist sheriffs' won't enforce coronavirus restrictions (22 replies)
  100. Miserable landlords (10 replies)
  101. Amazon sued for price gouging (13 replies)
  102. North Korea's upcoming tyrant? (4 replies)
  103. Vic Dibitetto - I LOVE this man!!! (1 replies)
  104. Biden saw virus coming like a steamroller - no one listened (3 replies)
  105. An old argument rehashed - who picks our veggies on hot days? (2 replies)
  106. CDC: Second, More Dangerous Coronavirus Wave May Hit This Winter (8 replies)
  107. NIH Warns Against Using Antimalarial Drug Touted by Trump (9 replies)
  108. 60% Of Democrats Blame Trump For Covid 19 Instead Of China (2 replies)
  109. Mother Handcuffed and Arrested by Police in Idaho for Letting Kids Play in a Park (1 replies)
  110. New Documentary Reveals Bill Clinton Kept CIA From Killing Bin Laden (1 replies)
  111. My thoughts on COVID-19 and the World Health Organization. (44 replies)
  112. New York's snitch line (3 replies)
  113. ABC Blasts Trump’s ‘Xenophobic’ Immigration Order (4 replies)
  114. Missouri Files Lawsuit Against China for Lying to the World... (1 replies)
  115. The Christian Faith is Treated Much Differently - I Think It's Treated unfairly (0 replies)
  116. Andrew Cuomo: Donald Trump Right About Critics Playing ‘Blame Game’ (0 replies)
  117. The smell may be hell but the mist could leave you pissed (0 replies)
  118. Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds (5 replies)
  119. Chris Cuomo re-emerges from his basement (1 replies)
  120. Youtube and W.H.O. (2 replies)
  121. The Running of the Bulls (6 replies)
  122. North Korea's Kim getting treatment after cardiovascular procedure.... (7 replies)
  123. How about a bit of truth???? (0 replies)
  124. Neither Trump Nor Cuomo Nor Anyone Can Be Blamed for a Single Coronavirus Death (0 replies)
  125. Animals enjoying our absence (0 replies)
  126. Idaho representative compares coronavirus lockdown to Nazi Germany (0 replies)
  127. No more need for $$$ money, the world will run on "FREE" (1 replies)
  128. Billionaire Branson Asks For Government Money To Save Virgin Atlantic (0 replies)
  129. People getting restless around the world (18 replies)
  130. WSJ/NBC Poll: Nearly 6-in-10 Concerned About Easing Restrictions Too Quickly (0 replies)
  131. Sheriff threatened to jail teen's family if she did not delete Instagram posts about (1 replies)
  132. Are we overreacting to the coronavirus? Let’s do the math (3 replies)
  133. Germany Takrs Swing At China (0 replies)
  134. Germany's Bild Carpet Bombs China with Truth (1 replies)
  135. Holy crap, cut your balls off!! (5 replies)
  136. ‘Petty, Tyrannical Bulls***’: California Is Filling Skateparks With Sand... (2 replies)
  137. Trump Admin Redirects W.H.O. Funding to Samaritan’s Purse, Red Cross (0 replies)
  138. ‘One World’ Benefit Concert for the W.H.O. Sparks Outrage: ‘Commie Propaganda' (0 replies)
  139. Another reason why we have high numbers in NY (0 replies)
  140. Which one should I get? Or all of them? (4 replies)
  141. Authoritarian Overreach via the Corona Virus? (4 replies)
  142. China: Now About Hong Kong (0 replies)
  143. Dr Fauci suggests China is lying but rejects claim that disease escaped lab (1 replies)
  144. As people stuck home, also now stocking up on frozen pizzas (21 replies)
  145. Charlie Daniels - Common sense on China - the world is watching (1 replies)
  146. Stephen Moore Calls Coronavirus Protesters ‘Modern-Day Rosa Parks’ (1 replies)
  147. Africans in China: ‘You Can’t Go Out on the Street if You Are Black’ (2 replies)
  148. These 'Secondary Outbreaks' Are Not Boding Good Things (4 replies)
  149. Racine Sheriff Will Not Enforce Wisconsin’s Authoritarian Stay-at-Home Order (6 replies)
  150. US Diplomats Warned in 2018 of Wuhan Bat Lab Virus Danger (0 replies)
  151. WHO Praised China For ‘Containing’ COVID-19 Just Before Dramatic Rise In Virus Cases (0 replies)
  152. Teaching Her Students That Trump is Fascist, Trashes Rep Students On Social Media (1 replies)
  153. Cher: Republicans Turn Their Heads While Trump Kills Americans (8 replies)
  154. #MeToo movement is now over (1 replies)
  155. Another drug with positive results? (13 replies)
  156. Actually, an excellent idea from a liberal! (0 replies)
  157. Reported U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Reach Record 4,591 in 24 Hours (1 replies)
  158. Nice show of support from Swiss people (0 replies)
  159. Trump-Hating Doctors Steal Senior's Trump Flag While Their Own Children Watch (5 replies)
  160. Good Thing he was armed....... (0 replies)
  161. Esper Repeats Navy Capt. Crozier Could be Reinstated (4 replies)
  162. Couple in their 80s say Hydroxychloroquine saved their lives (0 replies)
  163. Iranian Ships Harassing US Navy Ships In International Waters (1 replies)
  164. China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days (0 replies)
  165. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo orders all people to wear face coverings in public (4 replies)
  166. Oh no, the acronyms are growing! - LGTBQIA+ (7 replies)
  167. This Virus Is Wily (10 replies)
  168. Pete's list of Trumps mishandling (4 replies)
  169. What did WHO know and when? (1 replies)
  170. Email Taiwan To W.H.O. Regarding Human-to-Human In December (0 replies)
  171. ABC News host George Stephanopoulos tests positive (0 replies)
  172. All 50 states under disaster declaration for first time in US history (0 replies)
  173. Folks unloading on Trump, Fauci...MSM... (15 replies)
  174. If I were the devil (1 replies)
  175. First wave of coronavirus stimulus payment deposited (0 replies)
  176. Evidence Chinese Officials Reported Wuhan Institute Was Source of Coronavirus (0 replies)
  177. Screw you Costco (9 replies)
  178. 783 more New Yorkers dead as death rate stabilizes at 'horrific rate' (2 replies)
  179. Executive order regarding Texas businesses reopening could be coming next week, Gov. (5 replies)
  180. MSM failure throughout this outbreak (4 replies)
  181. French study of 80 patients is now 1,000 patients (0 replies)
  182. Lies, lies and more lies from the MSM (2 replies)
  183. Cuomo: 777 deaths Thursday (1 replies)
  184. Only 150 Americans to Date With No Pre-Existing Conditions Have Died (1 replies)
  185. WHO Seeks $1 Billion Funding Boost from International Governments (4 replies)
  186. China changes status of dogs from 'livestock' to 'pets'..... (0 replies)
  187. Only Fox Talks to Democrat Saying She Was Saved by Trump and His 'Miracle Drug' (1 replies)
  188. More on it being potential leak from Wuhan lab (4 replies)
  189. Trump trolls liberal media (3 replies)
  190. Wearing masks incorrectly (3 replies)
  191. Do Face Masks Actually Work To Protect You From Getting Sick? (1 replies)
  192. NCMI Director Counters ABC Story Claiming November Intelligence Document (7 replies)
  193. Ventilators May Not Be The Answer (6 replies)
  194. UK surpasses Italy’s worst day for coronavirus deaths (3 replies)
  195. Linda Tripp dead at 70 (0 replies)
  196. 'Big Brother' policing: appropriate to Covid-19 ? (12 replies)
  197. The incorrect cv-19 projections, and what does it mean (1 replies)
  198. "This Man is My Father" (0 replies)
  199. MN Senator - who is also a doctor - tells us we ARE being lied to about death numbers (3 replies)
  200. New York higher once again (4 replies)
  201. The Comprehensive Timeline of China’s COVID-19 Lies (2 replies)
  202. WHO chimes in again on masks (3 replies)
  203. Deadliest 24 hours in USA (0 replies)
  204. Now a Denver doctor and the medication mix (10 replies)
  205. Wuhan Funeral Homes Burned Coronavirus Victims Alive (1 replies)
  206. Idiot conservatives (5 replies)
  207. Nurse crying had to quit her job because of no masks (5 replies)
  208. Joe Biden Deserves ‘Due Process’ In Sexual Assault Allegation (4 replies)
  209. NY reached apex and going down now... (4 replies)
  210. Coronavirus Death Toll Will Be ‘Much, Much, Much Lower’ than Projected (10 replies)
  211. I don't think we need to worry.... (0 replies)
  212. Symptoms went away in just a couple of hours (6 replies)
  213. Zoom (3 replies)
  214. As to the fluctuating predictions (2 replies)
  215. Too far? (0 replies)
  216. Idiots still on the 5G conspiracy (3 replies)
  217. Chinese Media to ‘Stupid U.S. Politicians’: ‘Just Shut Up’ (29 replies)
  218. Why all those doctors and success stories are wrong (1 replies)
  219. Boris Johnson taken to intensive care. (58 replies)
  220. Honor Blackman Dies at 94 (1 replies)
  221. More on the hydroxychloroquine (28 replies)
  222. Too far, not enough? (3 replies)
  223. Burglaries skyrocketing (0 replies)
  224. Funny but not funny. Masks MUST fit and seal (0 replies)
  225. Don't eat bats - but crickets, locusts & grasshoppers ok (4 replies)
  226. China Takes Daily Mail To Task-Get A 2 Page Response AKA Fisking (1 replies)
  227. Surgeon General says this week will be 'Pearl Harbor moment' for coronavirus crisis (1 replies)
  228. UK's Boris admitted to hospital ... (15 replies)
  229. Alternative masks (8 replies)
  230. Covid numbers far behind (0 replies)
  231. Mainland China sees rise in new coronavirus cases (0 replies)
  232. Stay home next 2 weeks (19 replies)
  233. Some New Yorkers riding crowded subway commutes during coronavirus pandemic (5 replies)
  234. 1500 US Deaths since yesterday (0 replies)
  235. True numbers from China (0 replies)
  236. What did China's Xi Jinping know, and when did he know it? (1 replies)
  237. Stories younger folks dying, scared me more! (2 replies)
  238. Dr. Fauci Downplayed Hydroxychloroquine 2 Weeks Ago (5 replies)
  239. Venezuelan Naval Ship Rams Cruise Liner, Sinks Itself (8 replies)
  240. More Clarity: The End Of EU Experiment? (5 replies)
  241. Tucker Carlson Says Dr. Fauci’s Advice Could Lead To ‘National Suicide’ (2 replies)
  242. Sweden Chose Wrong, Brazil Followed (19 replies)
  243. New 5G cell service causing coronavirus? (1 replies)
  244. Coronavirus claims 1,000 U.S. lives in a single day (6 replies)
  245. And now crime (1 replies)
  246. ER doc Covid info (0 replies)
  247. Adam Schlesinger succumbs to COVID-19 at the age of 52 (2 replies)
  248. Wow Cuomo (7 replies)
  249. Alcohol (36 replies)
  250. U of Pitt Might Have Vaccine? (4 replies)