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  1. Meteorite causes illness in Peru (14 replies)
  2. Take a look (4 replies)
  3. What about the fat genes? (0 replies)
  4. Cancer Information (6 replies)
  5. Eating Less Meat May Slow Climate Change (22 replies)
  6. 500 Scientists Counter Al Gore (33 replies)
  7. Salt-Water: the new fuel? (1 replies)
  8. Hurricane Scientists Flubbed Forecasts for Two Years (15 replies)
  9. The "mark of the beast" causes cancer? (13 replies)
  10. Video: How Dogs Became Man's Best Friend (10 replies)
  11. This Is Why I Love Ithaca, Ny!!! (16 replies)
  12. Sometimes it's almost too painful to bear... (10 replies)
  13. Skinny Gene / Fat-Master-Switch (10 replies)
  14. Takin' a week off (13 replies)
  15. Bionic Arm Powered by Rockets (1 replies)
  16. Bill Nye (26 replies)
  17. the dawn of man.......africa (4 replies)
  18. Belching moose add to global warming (9 replies)
  19. Exxon's 4th Law of Thermodynamics (2 replies)
  20. Conduct Research contradicting some homos? Ridicule and Worse. :( (3 replies)
  21. We must have that liver John! (1 replies)
  22. The Patient Should Expire! (6 replies)
  23. Want Socialized Medicine? Great. I'd Be Dead (69 replies)
  24. Scientists undermine theories of space and time (9 replies)
  25. Marijuana (37 replies)
  26. Cancer...now this is cool...... (9 replies)
  27. spontaneous life in space? (47 replies)
  28. Fly me to the moon: Space Hotel sees 2012 opening (7 replies)
  29. The Global Warming Test (0 replies)
  30. Fossils challenge old evolution theory (4 replies)
  31. The Global Cooling Challenge (1 replies)
  32. Global Warming - the scientific debate (1 replies)
  33. Solar Activity cannot account for recent warming trend (34 replies)
  34. The Global Warming Challenge (140 replies)
  35. Cold Temperatures in Texas Threaten Cotton Crop (3 replies)
  36. Love me, love my goo? (16 replies)
  37. What Global Warming? (84 replies)
  38. Seven Postural Habits To Make (1 replies)
  39. "Overview Effect” - Astronauts get from being in Space (6 replies)
  40. The 60-second skeptics guide to global warming (0 replies)
  41. Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green (9 replies)
  42. 5 Powerful Reasons to Eat Slower (3 replies)
  43. You Decide (8 replies)
  44. Global warming is a fact (4 replies)
  45. Miniature robots play nano-soccer (0 replies)
  46. Al Gores Ten Things to Do to prevent Global Warming........ (1 replies)
  47. WTF!!!! Washington, DC to set Marijuana LIMITS!!!!! (41 replies)
  48. Stonehenge Mystery solved- by an American contractor (3 replies)
  49. DNA tests may ID mummy as pharaoh Tuthmosis (8 replies)
  50. Alarmist global warming claims melt under scientific scrutiny (3 replies)
  51. Doctors back plan to store medical info under your skin (12 replies)
  52. Egypt's Female Pharaoh mummy found (11 replies)
  53. Question for Pond-scum (Evolution) believers (39 replies)
  54. Announcement from the SETI Program (1 replies)
  55. Possible 'Mile-Wide UFO' Spotted by British Airline Pilot (17 replies)
  56. The best new pain cures, with a focus on women (1 replies)
  57. 100-foot deep Andes lake disappears (0 replies)
  58. Global Warming Skeptics (30 replies)
  59. Global Warming Test (9 replies)
  60. Are UFO's Real? (10 replies)
  61. How can we stop the polar bear from dying out due to global warming? (318 replies)
  62. A World Without Oil Coming Sooner Than You Think... (23 replies)
  63. Al Gore's Mount Kilamanjaro is not a victim of Global Warming (2 replies)
  64. Britain launches nuclear sub that can hear a ship from across the Atlantic (5 replies)
  65. Seafood imports from China raised in untreated sewage (3 replies)
  66. Global Warming 3 Times Faster Than Worst Scenario By Other Scientists (18 replies)
  67. Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health (9 replies)
  68. UK Healthcare decision (1 replies)
  69. Best Global Warming Quote I've read (27 replies)
  70. Salt-Water Fuel? (4 replies)
  71. Cluster Bombs Are an American Value (27 replies)
  72. tale of two houses (23 replies)
  73. Good news for lady libers. (7 replies)
  74. Common Sense Still Prevails (0 replies)
  75. U.S. checking all toothpaste imports from China (5 replies)
  76. I saw this shark (1 replies)
  77. 15 Reasons Why Prostitution is Beneficial (76 replies)
  78. Goin mo-bile (0 replies)
  79. New possibilities for skin repair (1 replies)
  80. Purchase your Carbon Debits today ! (5 replies)
  81. Time for "socialist" healthcare? (72 replies)
  82. seig heil Al Gore (9 replies)
  83. Why Am I Doing This To Myself? (25 replies)
  84. Thin people may be fat inside! (0 replies)
  85. Archaeologists find tomb of King Herod (0 replies)
  86. Astronomers see star explode 240 million years after the fact (9 replies)
  87. Positive story about abortion...... (3 replies)
  88. Sheryl Crow says American arrogance is causing Global Warming (31 replies)
  89. Cut ? ... or Un-Cut ? (11 replies)
  90. Why Isn't the Atmosphere Warming Like the Earth's Surface? (13 replies)
  91. Nine Lies Of Global Warming (25 replies)
  92. Filler In Animal Feed Is Open Secret In China (14 replies)
  93. Potentially habitable planet found (18 replies)
  94. 1 in 30 "aborted" babies found alive (17 replies)
  95. Chimps Evolved More Humans (0 replies)
  96. THEY FOUND the FAT GENE :) (10 replies)
  97. CDC says gonorrhea is drug-resistant (4 replies)
  98. Patients Living Insulin-Free; used their own stem cells (1 replies)
  99. On Numerical Models, etc. (4 replies)
  100. Sunspot activity at highest level in 1000 years (10 replies)
  101. Surprising Star Explosion Upsets Theory (37 replies)
  102. Jews Have Higher IQs (21 replies)
  103. Granting legal rights to great apes... (21 replies)
  104. Astronomy software FREE. (2 replies)
  105. Pink M&Ms (31 replies)
  106. Another new forum (8 replies)