Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
It is customary to deny extra-curricular activities to kids whose grades are poor, but this is a whole different thing. Where is the ACLU on this? Oh, that's right, they're too busy fighting Christianity.
Yep, they sure do deny certain things based on grades - but denying religion? That's an entirely different ballgame. Even some stated in this very thread that it's mandatory for Muslims and they need to pray 5 times per day. Well, if it's mandatory, why deny it to underachieving kids? It's an insult to ALL religions for a SCHOOL to tell any of us when we should pray and what we need to do in order to get that "privilege". They are denying certain kids the ability to pray while giving it to others. Nowhere in any religion that I am aware of is getting good grades a prerequisite for having a connection with God, or whatever their religion chooses to have faith in. And just as much as I stated that they should allow Christians and Catholics, I would say it equally to the Muslim kids who would be denied - either give the accommodation to all, or none.