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    Quote Originally Posted by Gem View Post
    OK, now we're actually getting somewhere.
    And you know what? I hear you!
    Sounds like you were in 'Nam, CSM. I think there's something you need to know about me. I lost more than a few friends during that time when I tried to tell my fellow peaceniks that they shouldn't be spittin' on returning soldiers, that they- as a general rule anyway- weren't the problem- that it was the lies and deceptions of those in power and those that stood to gain so much from that military campaign that were the problem. Yeah, you may have thought you were fighting for our country, but the sad fact is you were misled by your own government and fought a war that, in hindsight, never needed to be fought at all. I hate to tell you this, CSM, but you were being used- by your own government and the corporations that made billions off of all those misled soldiers, you included. I also don't believe I've ever said that our soldiers deserved to die because "they knew what they were getting into". You're not the only one that lost friends in that war, CSM- and it hurt me just as bad as it hurt you.

    If I come across as "morally superior" to you maybe it's because I've been through my own battles and gotten screwed and hurt and faced death a few times myself. There are many battlefields in the journey of life, CSM, and a lot of those are concerned with learning the appropriate ways of dealing with misfortune and bitter disappointments. It is the battles within that are the hardest battles to win, and to win those battles one must learn to step out of oneself and learn to see the world or a situation through someone elses eyes. It is, in a word, an excercise in getting over oneself and learning to move forward and releasing the anger and pain of previous realities that have caused us pain.

    You say you were wounded. Well, you know what, I've been wounded from hostile fire on the battlefield of life too. And you know what? When I returned to that battlefield a month later I wasn't allowed, by law, to carry a weapon on that battlefield. But I returned to that battlefield, unarmed, as required by law, with a paralysed arm and still spitting out chunks of lead, and performed the duties I was ordered to do. There are many forms of courage, CSM. You know, it took a lot of courage to go back on the job, unarmed, by myself, on the graveyard shift, after I'd been hit, point blank, with a 16 guage shotgun in the back and the side of my face. Especially without a weapon with which to defend myself. But I did what I knew I had to do. You know, it took a lot of courage for those flower children in the 60's to walk up to those National Guardsmen that had their weapons leveled at them and stick the stems of flowers into the barrels of the weapons the Guardsmen had leveled at them, knowing full well that the order to open fire could come at any time too. It wasn't a courage born of fear or an instinct to survive, CSM, it was a courage borne of belief and conviction and a knowledge of right and wrong and a desire to do what we knew was right. It was a spiritual courage, CSM, the kind of courage Jesus tried to teach, and there is no level of courage greater than that.

    Know why we aren't seeing any protestors spitting on wounded returning soldiers today like we saw during the 'Nam years? It's because we learned the lessons of the mistakes of our past. It has nothing to do with anyone supporting a "cause celebre' ". We know now what not to do. Question is, have those that support Bush&Co and the War in Iraq learned their lessons from the past, as US liberals have? Have they learned what not to do? Have you?

    If we come across as being "superior" maybe it's because US liberals are disgusted at seeing our nation and our soldiers duped, not once but twice, in the same way in a single lifetime. This may come as a surprise to you, CSM, but US liberals support our troops and don't like what this administration, and the corporate entities they cater and kow-tow to, are putting soldiers much like yourself through. Instead of all the partisan bickering and hate and resentments from the past taking control of our lives wouldn't it be better to just let a peacenik liberal come up to you and hug you, say what needs to said, offer the deserved apologies and let the tears flow and watch the hatred, angst and bitterness melt away so that we can be one people and one nation once again? That, I think, would be the healing way, and I think both you and I know that there's plenty of healing that needs to be done in OUR country.

    I think you also need to know that I haven't written this from a space of ego or superiority. What I have written here comes from the heart. I know you can't see it, but I am wiping the tears of hope and forgiveness from my face as I write these last few words. That should serve as a clear indication of the depth of what I have come to believe and wish to share with you. In the crowd I run with we say that you can always count on your fair-weather friends to tell you what you want to hear, but it's your real friends that will tell you what you need to hear. I really would prefer to be your friend, CSM, but you're going to have to let me be that friend- and that choice would have to be up to you.

    Peace, Brother!

    Are you related by chance to psychoblues? Wonded by hostile fire on the battlefield of life?

    You come across as being "superior" because quite simply, in your own little mind, you believe you are. Everyone's being duped but you few that are somehow "in the know."

    You cannot support the troops while telling them you believe what they are doing is wrong. It doesn't get any simpler than that. NOTHING is going to screw up that young troop's mind quicker than being told he's party to an unjust war. And nothing HASW screwed up more troops' head than just that.

    Stick THAT in your peacepipe of superiority and smoke it.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    I think it's because you think too highly of your ability to assess the situation.
    He shoots ... he scores ... and in one sentence.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gem View Post
    Still think I think too highly of my abilities to assess the situation, Dilloduck?

    After reading your assessment of the situation, I'd say you might want to consider placing your unfounded pride in an attribute you can actually claim.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gem View Post
    I think you are now obligated to show where I've said that, Stephanie. Has it ever occured to you that if someone doesn't like you that you shouldn't go engaging in actions that might piss them off? It isn't that we deserved 9/11, Stephanie, but it is true that our past actions in regards to supporting the Israeli's, plus our placing a military installation 10 miles from Mecca- a direct show of disrespect to the religion of Islam- might have infuriated them enough to want to attack US?
    I might be wrong but I get the impression that you may be a biker gal. How would you like it if I went to your clubhouse and started setting my wares up on your bike to sell? Think maybe other people might feel the same way about their own property and personal space?

    Has it ever occurred to you that allowing someone's dislike of you to dictate your behavior/actions is cowardice?

    Obviously it hasn't occurred to you that supporting Israel is the right thing to do. Your lack of ability to assess the simple situation that so-called Palestinians are in acutality Transjordan Arabs with no more claim to the land occupied by Israel than I have pretty much blows any reasonable conversation on this topic out of the water.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by pegwinn View Post
    CSM: System won't let me rep you until I spread it around. Sorry boss.
    Did a blog on Walter Reed. I am really surprized at the sheer number of folks going nuts over this.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by LiberalNation View Post
    Humm they should have handled the problem without having to be outed by the media first. Considering even Bush said it was a shame. This guy was right to resign but the general they fired first was just the scape goat.
    the general they fired was a scape goat? wasn't he in charge? or was this just some random general?

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    Quote Originally Posted by manu1959 View Post
    the general they fired was a scape goat? wasn't he in charge? or was this just some random general?
    Ultimately, the General was responsible for his command. He got fired to appease the headhunters. As I posted in another thread on this same issue (because we can NEVER have enough), they'll move the furniture, dust, slap on a coat of paint, stick another chair-polishing general in command, and wait for the MSM's short attention span to shift to another Earth-shattering event, and it'll be back to business as usual.

    This is just another lame attempt to lay something at Bush's feet that doesn't belong there.

    One can only wonder what goes through the minds (alleged) of libs when they NEVER attack Bush on the shit he actually does wrong. For some reason they have to fabricate their accusations.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Ultimately, the General was responsible for his command. He got fired to appease the headhunters. As I posted in another thread on this same issue (because we can NEVER have enough), they'll move the furniture, dust, slap on a coat of paint, stick another chair-polishing general in command, and wait for the MSM's short attention span to shift to another Earth-shattering event, and it'll be back to business as usual.

    This is just another lame attempt to lay something at Bush's feet that doesn't belong there.

    One can only wonder what goes through the minds (alleged) of libs when they NEVER attack Bush on the shit he actually does wrong. For some reason they have to fabricate their accusations.
    i agree not bush's fault the commander of walter reed fucked up....hell if the democrat controlled congress and senate were as smart as the claimed they would have fixed this in their first 100 they way have they fixed anything yet

    "I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I'd also like to know where the lefty, newfound concern was for inadequate military healthcare before now? There wasn't any. Not until you thought you could use as just another dishonest attack against Bush.
    It's called pandering, something all politicians do. And the only reason the lefties are in an uproar about this, and at this particular time, is because they want to try to use the situation to pander to voters. There's nothing altruistic about it. The lefties have a very flighty sense of what is important. Just let a couple of Hollywood "stars" make a plea for any cause, and the lefties fall on board, raising the clarion call to action. Yet as soon as the issue leaves the major media, the Hollywood activists go back to their cushy lives of abundance, to wait for the next cause to arise.

    OK, rant over for the moment.
    “Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face” - Thomas Sowell

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    Quote Originally Posted by manu1959 View Post
    i agree not bush's fault the commander of walter reed fucked up....hell if the democrat controlled congress and senate were as smart as the claimed they would have fixed this in their first 100 they way have they fixed anything yet
    "Fixing" would require REAL and honest concern .... not politicizing the problem to make lameass accusations.

    As soon as they figure out this shit isn't going to stick to the wall anymore than most of the shit they throw at it, they can get back to "important" things like finding out who the father of Anna Nicole's baby is and this will go back to the back of the file cabinet where it started.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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