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    Quote Originally Posted by REDWHITEBLUE2 View Post
    OCA is nothing more then a Liberal Tool just like womenfrommaine

    Quality political commentary from another partisan hack.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
    Flame? Is that the best you can do when proven wrong? Your title of this thread says that Gallup has Obama up by 2, doesn't matter what the body says, just the title..............if you were honest you would take the average of the two Gallup polls and call it 4 points but you've never been accused of being honest, have you?

    Why don't you address Obama's death grip on the electoral college and his inroads into states that haven't voted Demo since Kennedy? Or is that just too much to bear?
    Now you are just being a moron. The first paragraph of my opening post clearly covered the expanded poll - the secons paragraph covers the traditional poll

    You said I did not include the expanded poll

    As usual you ignore facts when they are placed under your nose

    Obama may win, but I do not think it will be the blowout you and your fellow libs are saying. Obama's gaffe about "spreading the wealth around" may come back to bite him

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
    More disinformation from the biggest partisan hack on the board......RSR

    Game over
    Ok.......Say your right.............We live with four years of it, and just like an old biblical term, you get beat down enough, the scales fall of you eyes, and you see the light.

    I think the Charisma will wear off real fast with President Obama. All these glazed-eyed folks who walked in lock step to his every word, can't maintain that level of hypnotic focus forever. When they realize that his economic plan gets them laid-off, cause their employer decided to cut back or to protect his tax status from getting thoroughly "raped", then they will start to think on the objective side of their brains.

    As for McCain: I don't dig the mortgage re-negotiation plan. People got into housing with 10% or less down on a very hot, inflated housing market. Even though certain politicians of a certain party forced or coerced Fanny and Freddie to lower their qualifying terms for home buyers, doesn't excuse the fact that buying homes with little or no down is plain old "playing craps" and nothing else.

    I got burned in the High Tech implosion back at the end of Clinton's presidency. I lost 80% of my investments as I bought at the peak of the high tech explosion. I have no one to blame, but myself. I took a chance and I got burned.

    Many of my sons Gen-x friends that range in age from late 20's into mid 30's now, are the ones that got sucked into the housing market a few years back with low a and no downs. Also their debt to asset ratios were much different in qualifying than in previous years. Most of these young people were living in houses, devoid of furniture, just so they could afford their mortgage and three square meals.

    When their equities went negative, a panic happened, and then add on a sluggish, but not quite recessive economy, and some were losing jobs, and then we had ensuing bankruptsys, and foreclosures.

    Is it our responsiblity as tax payers to pay the equity loss difference so that folks who bought with little or no down and may have negative equities well over $100k, can have that negative equity erased, and have a cheaper home loan.

    I realize that Sen McCain is an empathetic guy, but stuff happens. One of my sons lost his home but was able to rent it back currently. He and his wife had to go the bankruptsy root. They have learned a heard lesson in living beyond their means.

    Just because a lender or broker says, "You qualified" doesn't mean it's affordable with the debt/asset ratios being so terrible favoring higher debt in the ratio.
    I've taken advantage of the housing buble myself, but have owned much longer and still have a decent equity even with some refinancing. Never the less, this situation has taught me to tighten-up.
    Regards, Eightballsidepocket

    "Nothing should be said anonymously behind a P.C., that can't be respectfully said in person"

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    Quote Originally Posted by REDWHITEBLUE2 View Post
    OCA is nothing more then a Liberal Tool just like womenfrommaine
    He is a sore loser who is pissed off he has had to eat so many of his words recently. He is like a small child having a very long temper tantrum

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    Now you are just being a moron. The first paragraph of my opening post clearly covered the expanded poll - the secons paragraph covers the traditional poll

    You said I did not include the expanded poll

    As usual you ignore facts when they are placed under your nose

    Obama may win, but I do not think it will be the blowout you and your fellow libs are saying. Obama's gaffe about "spreading the wealth around" may come back to bite him
    Nope.......Americans have clearly voiced their preference that the middle class, the middle class that McCain disdains, get their taxes cut and that incomes over 250,000 get their taxes raised.................Obama has hit a huge grand slam with that and J.Lib knows it thats why he stays on the personal attack only that isn't working either because the more he stays on the personal shit the lower his numbers go.

    Your title was deliberately meant to mislead......................we all know it.............we await your admission.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    He is a sore loser who is pissed off he has had to eat so many of his words recently. He is like a small child having a very long temper tantrum

    Unable to debate the issues so he pulls a McCain and goes personal. Like McCain his numbers are falling like a rock also.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
    Nope.......Americans have clearly voiced their preference that the middle class, the middle class that McCain disdains, get their taxes cut and that incomes over 250,000 get their taxes raised.................Obama has hit a huge grand slam with that and J.Lib knows it thats why he stays on the personal attack only that isn't working either because the more he stays on the personal shit the lower his numbers go.

    Your title was deliberately meant to mislead......................we all know it.............we await your admission.
    The $250,000 number is a lie and you are smart enough to know it

    His increase of the dividend tax will hit retired couple living off investments

    His taking the cap off SS will hit anyone making more then $103,000

    His increase of the capital gains tax will hit anyone with a 401K

    His increase of the corporate tax will be passed on to us the customers

    The top 5% pay currently about 65% of the federal income taxes, while the bottom 50% pay less then 3%. Any tax cut for the middle class will so small it will fo little for the economy

    Besdies, I think Obama will pull a Bill Clinton and raise taxes across the board

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post

    Unable to debate the issues so he pulls a McCain and goes personal. Like McCain his numbers are falling like a rock also.
    What is personal? Ever since Hillary lost you have become a liberal Obamabot out of spite

    Or have you turned into a liberal moonbat?

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

    Ronald Reagan

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    Quote Originally Posted by eighballsidepocket View Post
    Ok.......Say your right.............We live with four years of it, and just like an old biblical term, you get beat down enough, the scales fall of you eyes, and you see the light.

    I think the Charisma will wear off real fast with President Obama. All these glazed-eyed folks who walked in lock step to his every word, can't maintain that level of hypnotic focus forever. When they realize that his economic plan gets them laid-off, cause their employer decided to cut back or to protect his tax status from getting thoroughly "raped", then they will start to think on the objective side of their brains.

    As for McCain: I don't dig the mortgage re-negotiation plan. People got into housing with 10% or less down on a very hot, inflated housing market. Even though certain politicians of a certain party forced or coerced Fanny and Freddie to lower their qualifying terms for home buyers, doesn't excuse the fact that buying homes with little or no down is plain old "playing craps" and nothing else.

    I got burned in the High Tech implosion back at the end of Clinton's presidency. I lost 80% of my investments as I bought at the peak of the high tech explosion. I have no one to blame, but myself. I took a chance and I got burned.

    Many of my sons Gen-x friends that range in age from late 20's into mid 30's now, are the ones that got sucked into the housing market a few years back with low a and no downs. Also their debt to asset ratios were much different in qualifying than in previous years. Most of these young people were living in houses, devoid of furniture, just so they could afford their mortgage and three square meals.

    When their equities went negative, a panic happened, and then add on a sluggish, but not quite recessive economy, and some were losing jobs, and then we had ensuing bankruptsys, and foreclosures.

    Is it our responsiblity as tax payers to pay the equity loss difference so that folks who bought with little or no down and may have negative equities well over $100k, can have that negative equity erased, and have a cheaper home loan.

    I realize that Sen McCain is an empathetic guy, but stuff happens. One of my sons lost his home but was able to rent it back currently. He and his wife had to go the bankruptsy root. They have learned a heard lesson in living beyond their means.

    Just because a lender or broker says, "You qualified" doesn't mean it's affordable with the debt/asset ratios being so terrible favoring higher debt in the ratio.
    I've taken advantage of the housing buble myself, but have owned much longer and still have a decent equity even with some refinancing. Never the less, this situation has taught me to tighten-up.
    Oh they'd get laid off alright..................under a McCain admin. after their health care benefits were taxed through the roof and the employer was forced to layoff employess in order to keep healthcare for a few.

    Also no middle class tax cut under J.Lib.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    What is personal? Ever since Hillary lost you have become a liberal Obamabot out of spite

    Or have you turned into a liberal moonbat?
    When will you admit that Obama's initiatives are simply better thought out than McCain's?

    Or are the overwhelming number of Americans who think that just a bunch of Obamabot dumbasses and you are the only smart one..................or so Rush tells you lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
    When will you admit that Obama's initiatives are simply better thought out than McCain's?

    Or are the overwhelming number of Americans who think that just a bunch of Obamabot dumbasses and you are the only smart one..................or so Rush tells you lol.
    I covered his lie about only 5% of the people will se a tax increase in post # 22

    What other questions do you have?

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    I covered his lie about only 5% of the people will se a tax increase in post # 22

    What other questions do you have?

    Candidate Watch
    McCain vs Obama on taxes

    Washington D.C., June 10, 2008.

    "Under Senator Obama's tax plan, Americans of every background would see their taxes rise--seniors, parents, small business owners, and just about everyone who has even a modest investment in the market."
    --John McCain, National Small Business Summit, Washington D.C. June 10, 2008.

    The McCain camp is attempting to persuade Americans that their taxes will increase dramatically with Barack Obama as president. The presumptive Republican nominee has repeatedly said that Obama would enact "the largest tax increase since the Second World War." A surrogate, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, insists that Obama has not proposed "a single tax cut" and wants to "raise every tax in the book."

    The Facts
    There are significant differences between the two candidaes on tax policy. McCain would like to make the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 permanent, and has proposed a few more of his own. Obama, by contrast, favors allowing the tax cuts to expire as scheduled for Americans earning more than $250,000 a year. He would raise taxes on capital gains and dividends, but has also promised tax breaks for low and middle-income Americans.

    McCain's speech to the Small Business Summit yesterday leaves the impression that Obama favors raising taxes on all Americans, across the board. But his words have been carefully parsed. A more literal reading suggests that he could also be talking about some Americans from "every background," not "all Americans." The key issue is how many low and middle-income Americans would be affected by the Obama tax increases.

    In order to substantiate its claim that large numbers of ordinary Americans will be worse off under the Democrats, the McCain camp points to an Obama proposal to raise tax rates on dividends and capital gains. Obama advisers argue that any tax increases will be offset by credits for lower-income families. They also point out that most middle and low-income families invest in the market through 401 (k) plans that are exempt from capital gains taxes.

    Maya MacGuineas, a budget expert at the New America foundation, says that the McCain camp is trying to create an exaggerated impression of the number of people from low and middle-income groups who will be adversely affected by the Obama tax proposals. "It is legitimate to say that they can find a cleaning person or a waitress somewhere who will be affected, but the numbers should not be overwhelming," she said.

    The claim that Obama will "enact" the largest tax increase since World War II is also overblown. The Bush tax cuts will expire automatically at the end of 2010, so it is hardly a question of "enacting" a new tax increase. According to Obama's new economics adviser, Jason Furman, the revenues raised from letting the tax cuts expire will be returned to middle and low-income tax payers in the form of tax credits to pay for health insurance, so the overall effect will be revenue neutral.

    McCain spokesman Brian Rogers pointed to an analysis by the non-partisan Annenberg Political Fact Check that found that the gross tax increase would amount to $103.3 billion in 2011, the largest single-year tax increase since World War II. The Annenberg study pointed out, however, that "most economists" prefer to measure tax changes as a percentage of gross national product, in which case it would be the fifth largest increase since 1943.

    According to Brookings economist Douglas Elmendorf, the Obama plan will eliminate income taxes for 10 million Americans. "It's very clear that taxes for lower income Americans will decline under Obama," he said.

    I think i'll take the word of experts and not someone who spends 12-14 hrs a day on a message board. You are simply wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
    More disinformation from the biggest partisan hack on the board......RSR

    Game over
    My favorite quote of all time - directly from OCA:

    "Polls mean exactly this...........jackshit."
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
    Candidate Watch
    McCain vs Obama on taxes

    Washington D.C., June 10, 2008.

    "Under Senator Obama's tax plan, Americans of every background would see their taxes rise--seniors, parents, small business owners, and just about everyone who has even a modest investment in the market."
    --John McCain, National Small Business Summit, Washington D.C. June 10, 2008.

    The McCain camp is attempting to persuade Americans that their taxes will increase dramatically with Barack Obama as president. The presumptive Republican nominee has repeatedly said that Obama would enact "the largest tax increase since the Second World War." A surrogate, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, insists that Obama has not proposed "a single tax cut" and wants to "raise every tax in the book."

    The Facts
    There are significant differences between the two candidaes on tax policy. McCain would like to make the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 permanent, and has proposed a few more of his own. Obama, by contrast, favors allowing the tax cuts to expire as scheduled for Americans earning more than $250,000 a year. He would raise taxes on capital gains and dividends, but has also promised tax breaks for low and middle-income Americans.

    McCain's speech to the Small Business Summit yesterday leaves the impression that Obama favors raising taxes on all Americans, across the board. But his words have been carefully parsed. A more literal reading suggests that he could also be talking about some Americans from "every background," not "all Americans." The key issue is how many low and middle-income Americans would be affected by the Obama tax increases.

    In order to substantiate its claim that large numbers of ordinary Americans will be worse off under the Democrats, the McCain camp points to an Obama proposal to raise tax rates on dividends and capital gains. Obama advisers argue that any tax increases will be offset by credits for lower-income families. They also point out that most middle and low-income families invest in the market through 401 (k) plans that are exempt from capital gains taxes.

    Maya MacGuineas, a budget expert at the New America foundation, says that the McCain camp is trying to create an exaggerated impression of the number of people from low and middle-income groups who will be adversely affected by the Obama tax proposals. "It is legitimate to say that they can find a cleaning person or a waitress somewhere who will be affected, but the numbers should not be overwhelming," she said.

    The claim that Obama will "enact" the largest tax increase since World War II is also overblown. The Bush tax cuts will expire automatically at the end of 2010, so it is hardly a question of "enacting" a new tax increase. According to Obama's new economics adviser, Jason Furman, the revenues raised from letting the tax cuts expire will be returned to middle and low-income tax payers in the form of tax credits to pay for health insurance, so the overall effect will be revenue neutral.

    McCain spokesman Brian Rogers pointed to an analysis by the non-partisan Annenberg Political Fact Check that found that the gross tax increase would amount to $103.3 billion in 2011, the largest single-year tax increase since World War II. The Annenberg study pointed out, however, that "most economists" prefer to measure tax changes as a percentage of gross national product, in which case it would be the fifth largest increase since 1943.

    According to Brookings economist Douglas Elmendorf, the Obama plan will eliminate income taxes for 10 million Americans. "It's very clear that taxes for lower income Americans will decline under Obama," he said.

    I think i'll take the word of experts and not someone who spends 12-14 hrs a day on a message board. You are simply wrong.
    His tax increases clearly will hit many people who make less then $250,000/yr

    You, like when presented proof on the Dems hand in the fall of Fannie and Freddie, you dismiss it out of hand

    Obama has already promised about $1.3 trillion in new spending - how will he pay for it? Not with just a tax increase on 5% of the people

    His 5% promise can't be kept. 40% of workers do not pay any income taxes, and the top 5% pay about 60% of the federal income taxes

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    My favorite quote of all time - directly from OCA:
    and he attacks me for cutting and pasting, and how does he reply to my post on Obama's tax increases?

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

    Ronald Reagan

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