Quote Originally Posted by GW in Ohio View Post
"obama started the feud..."

Give me a break, okay? Limbaugh has been trashing Obama on his radio show for 18 months.

And the only "feud" that exists is in Limbaugh's Oxycontin-clouded mind. Limbaugh would like nothing better than a feud with the president of the U.S. to give his radio show some prestige and boost his ratings.

But it ain't gonna happen. Limbaugh is to Obama as a flea is to an elephant.
rush talking about obama is not a feud it is political speech and commentary. for the president to be such a ninny that he would mention rush as being all powerful and as such, we should not listen to rush, is a sign of desperation and vast immaturity. when the dixie chicks bashed bush, he didn't tell people to stop buying their records.

your leader is a school yard bully.