Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
Myself, I don't consider a kid mentioning God at a graduation to be the end of the world, or the state being involved. Same as for nativity scenes. I suppose some have a point if the government is paying for it, but what if it's 100% paid for by private donors? There was a place recently where a scene was on display every year for like a hundred years - no more. The park was a city park, and the funding didn't matter to those "offended". And then you have stores being condemned or boycotted of they dare use "Christmas" too often, as it may offend those that don't celebrate the holiday. Of course they need to watch the dollars, so they cave. Was it a military owned area? Honestly can't remember, but was fairly recently, where they were being told to remove a cross that remembered fallen soldiers. Can't have that!

Over the last 30 years or so it went from being something that was seen or heard everywhere, and now it's being told to occupy the proverbial closet that the gays came out of. It's ok still to be religious, just do so privately as not to offend anyone else.

I'd like everyone to do it privately and not offend anyone! And that includes Muslims. A black woman -- American, must have been a black Muslim -- came into the supermarket a few weeks ago, all clothed in black head to toe and one of those creepy veils with only her eyes showing! And two rude little boys telling me to get out of the way -- I suppose they'd been trained to disrespect women!! People ran from all over the store to get a look at her. Now, really, that's terrible. That goes too far. That's pushing religion way too far onto other people, IMO.

Basically, you are saying you don't agree with the church/state issues that have been backed off recently, because you are used to them and like them. However, they ARE church/state constitutional stuff, so we are all going to have to do without them.

Do you have stuff that people do that is NOT constitutional that you think offends people, but shouldn't?

Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
Over the last 30 years or so it went from being something that was seen or heard everywhere, and now it's being told to occupy the proverbial closet that the gays came out of. It's ok still to be religious, just do so privately as not to offend anyone else.

To be fair, the Bible itself tells people to pray in their "closet," not right out showing off like those guys shouting mean stuff on the corner!

I think knocking on peoples' doors and haranguing them is pretty awful --- but of course the people doing that are mostly not Christians at all, Christians have gotten away from that sort of intrusion, very properly.