Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
Here is MY belief. God is against Christians divorcing. A Christian man , hopefully, wouldn't be beating on his wife - well unless she REALLY deserved it (just kidding) so God makes allowances for partners who realize there mate isn't a Christian.I walked in on my first wife and another man. I doubt God is going to condemn me for divorcing her.
Geez, that always without fail makes me cringe whenever I hear about someone who is married walking in on a spouse having an affair. I am sorry that she hurt you that way but on the bright side at least you found your soulmate instead of being stuck in a lie of a marriage with your ex whore wife.I have been married and divorced 2 times, my 1st ex husband did used to beat me up, I should have known better since he was on probation when I met him for putting his last girlfriend in the hopsital, but he said it was her and that he nromally never hit a woman, and I was only 16 so yeah I fell for his story LOL. My 2nd ex husband cheated on me too only I never walked in on it thank goodness. He left me and our 2 daughters (who were 6 and 3 at the time) for some girlfriend who it only lasted a couple months with.Now I am just glad to be alone. I flirt online and thats good enough for me. I personally pass on the butt sex but I ain't judging you and your spouse for itnor am I judging stan and stew in they want to play in poo that is there business as long as they adults and do it in there own private space.