
We both know that you are not ignorant but so that there is no confusion as to which poster needs to read and learn I'd like to address the statement below:

"Do a little research into when In God We Trust came into being and you'll see the FOUNDERS had nothing to do with it."

You sir, seem to posses the same "higher than thou" mentality of the so-called leftist/elitist which only confirms that THEY professed themselves to be wise..." OK, we all know the rest so I'm not going to bring up a Biblical point here for this topic....although it does have something to do with the state that this Christian Nation is in.

Many of today's society lack education and confuse their education with what they actually received...indoctrination, which is why I'm doing my best to be civil but after the above display and attempt to make another poster look ignorant, simply because they have a firm grip on the REAL America and what she has stood for all these years, I felt the need to explain something to the more simple minded among us. Mr. Tyr knows darn well when that phrase appeared on our bills and coins and most other places of prominence. What he also knows is that there is a phrase in our earliest of documents that our founding fathers declared with purpose and importance. They knew full well that our independence depended upon it so they set the foundation that this great Christian Nation lives by to this very day. It is also the foundation that those of the left seek to destroy (our core). I suggest, SIR, that you read up on those very early documents and try not to read something else into them. You can start by trying to get around this phrase "...by our Creator." Our founding fathers knew that Christ provided freedom (gov takes away freedom). Gov. didn't give us the right to buy, carry and use firearms and it certainly doesn't mean that gov. needs to be protected FROM religion. Any yahoo knows why most people of many faiths came here and made such a journey....because someone across the big pond was mandating how they worshiped. Well, I'm sure this has fallen on deaf ears, thick head and a hard heart so I'll close with an address to my friend.

Good post Tyr...your are spot on in your analysis regarding the leftist using islam and ultimately being destroyed by this freedom-less religion of FORCE...why the word islam itself explains this perfectly. THEY used Hitler and thought he could be controlled and we seem to be repeating history. The current occupier in the White House is using the same tactics of division and blame.