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  1. First Date... (1 replies)
  2. Martins Humor thread (2 replies)
  3. "Weenis Liberalis Syndrome" (WLS) Newly Discovered Genetic Defect (1 replies)
  4. Pirate jokes (0 replies)
  5. this is why socialism doesnt work (7 replies)
  6. The male mindset explained!! - moved: there's a HUMOR section for a reason (11 replies)
  7. Petv? (0 replies)
  8. Power of makeup (8 replies)
  9. The Husband Store (4 replies)
  10. Self Examination for men (8 replies)
  11. This Is Truly Freaky ......... (5 replies)
  12. Victoria 's Secret negligee (0 replies)
  13. thinking about joining the church (3 replies)
  14. for monogamous men everywhere (0 replies)
  15. why having roomates is a problem (0 replies)
  16. Take a deep breath (2 replies)
  17. Two quickies (0 replies)
  18. Look closely (11 replies)
  19. Bet she was blond (4 replies)
  20. Why cant we trust wikipedia (1 replies)
  21. Wailing Wall (8 replies)
  22. Only in Texas (2 replies)
  23. Your Age By Eating Out (2 replies)
  24. cab driver (0 replies)
  25. gas (0 replies)
  26. people are great (0 replies)
  27. The Sniffer Dog (1 replies)
  28. The worst porn ever (0 replies)
  29. I found something to entertain you (0 replies)
  30. Make Me Feel Like A Woman !! (0 replies)
  31. What is Butt Dust?? (0 replies)
  32. Oh my...Hillary Clinton...tryforgetin..heehee (3 replies)
  33. Why MACs suck! - LOL (0 replies)
  34. Tattoo of the year (1 replies)
  35. My spider plant is a whore. (0 replies)
  36. I want this man teaching our kids about the birds and the bees (5 replies)
  37. Achmed the Dead Terrifying Terrorist (1 replies)
  38. Nursing Home (0 replies)
  39. Oh Bin Laden (0 replies)
  40. Membership Has Its Privileges(satire) (5 replies)
  41. What's homo's (9 replies)
  42. Jesus Jokes (2 replies)
  43. Homo Sings The Covers (3 replies)
  44. The game "Guess Who?" (12 replies)
  45. Rubes (1 replies)
  46. MFM's service record is Unquestionable! (4 replies)
  47. Good Deeds in Nature (0 replies)
  48. One difference between a Porsche 911 and a trunk full of dead hookers? (0 replies)
  49. Political Petition (1 replies)
  50. Telemarketer beware (3 replies)
  51. Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Southerner? (3 replies)
  52. Jim Gaffigan On Recycling... LOL (0 replies)
  53. How Liberals arrived.... (0 replies)
  54. Hillary Nutcracker! (6 replies)
  55. Dissing your dog! (0 replies)
  56. Colbert on the "Tazer Kid" and kids of today.. (15 replies)
  57. A long days work (0 replies)
  58. Mr. Clinton's new dog................. (0 replies)
  59. nfl haltime show (0 replies)
  60. My Living Will (3 replies)
  61. Clean Drunk Joke! (2 replies)
  62. SNL Dora parody (0 replies)
  63. Now we know where Alan Colmes came from! (3 replies)
  65. Third best short joke of the year (2 replies)
  66. World's 2nd best short joke of the year (1 replies)
  67. Nominated as the world's best short joke of the year. . . . . (53 replies)
  68. New Husband Store (2 replies)
  69. Great cop clip.... (1 replies)
  70. Black Hurricanes (4 replies)
  71. Great Picture (2 replies)
  72. Hillary's new magazine cover (15 replies)
  73. This just in...... (2 replies)
  74. The revisionist history channel (0 replies)
  75. God Loves Blondes (0 replies)
  76. Banned Opus Cartoon (4 replies)
  77. Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? (6 replies)
  78. Whats the deal? (9 replies)
  79. The Proposed Clinton Dollar Bill (15 replies)
  80. The Real Ted Kennedy (0 replies)
  81. A Target All Gun Owners Should Have To Practice On (6 replies)
  82. Bill Clintons New Headgear (0 replies)
  83. The Seminal Event (0 replies)
  84. Clintons The College Years (2 replies)
  85. Bill Clintons New Fling (0 replies)
  86. Clintons Warplan (0 replies)
  87. The Arkansas Quarter (0 replies)
  88. The Clinton Memorial (0 replies)
  89. Monicas Testamony (0 replies)
  90. Clintons Pain (0 replies)
  91. New Signs Put Up In Arkansas (0 replies)
  92. Bill Clintons Idea Of Peace Talks (0 replies)
  93. The Sweetness of Married Life (0 replies)
  94. Monty Python's "SPAM" skit (8 replies)
  95. Harry Reid's New Direction For America (1 replies)
  96. President Romney (0 replies)
  97. Proof that women are smarter than men (9 replies)
  98. getting caught cheating (1 replies)
  99. support the troops (0 replies)
  100. Herlihy Boy (0 replies)
  101. Environmantalist (0 replies)
  102. man with no arms (1 replies)
  103. No Sex Since 1955 (0 replies)
  104. For the Democrat that has everything (1 replies)
  105. One liners (0 replies)
  106. 2008 Democratic Convention Agenda (3 replies)
  107. Hillary To Rename The Oval Office! (68 replies)
  108. Dictate (0 replies)
  109. Love Is In The Air (0 replies)
  110. Problem solving (4 replies)
  111. funny story. (0 replies)
  112. The important questions (5 replies)
  113. I love "This Modern World" (5 replies)
  114. Subject: Talk to Strangers (0 replies)
  115. Metal Harvard Commencement speech (0 replies)
  116. Great Books That Will Not Take Long To Read (8 replies)
  117. rodeo position (0 replies)
  118. LMFAO!!!! (No Title) (3 replies)
  119. Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb, and Quasimodo were all talking one day. (3 replies)
  120. Pulp Fiction Hockey (3 replies)
  121. Died in Service (1 replies)
  122. Yikes! (2 replies)
  123. Aunt Karen (37 replies)
  124. Bar Jokes........... (3 replies)
  125. Michael Jackson Jokes.......... (33 replies)
  126. Redneck Jokes.......... (0 replies)
  127. Hillary Clinton Jokes........... (9 replies)
  128. Michael Moore Jokes (14 replies)
  129. Live Earth (3 replies)
  130. What about the Transformers who DIDNT Make it in the movie? (4 replies)
  131. Coming Out (0 replies)
  132. Realistically (0 replies)
  133. Rosie's Rabbi (0 replies)
  134. Monica Jokes (5 replies)
  135. Monica's Dress (0 replies)
  136. Top 10 Unusual Comments on Monica Lewinsky's Intern Performance (0 replies)
  137. Bill Clinton Jokes (32 replies)
  138. Hillary's Pregnant (0 replies)
  139. Monica's Billboard....................... (0 replies)
  140. President Carters Presidential Library Burns Down! (0 replies)
  141. Democrat Jokes (45 replies)
  142. The Speech George Bush should have issued after 9/11 (0 replies)
  143. Taliban TV Guide (0 replies)
  144. Bin Laden and Taliban Jokes (5 replies)
  145. Osama's Inter-Cave Memo (0 replies)
  146. Racial or golf joke? (3 replies)
  147. Spread the Stupidity (2 replies)
  148. Lawyer Jokes (4 replies)
  149. Butt Dust. You gotta laugh at this one!!!!!!! (0 replies)
  150. Top Ten Reasons Why America Rules (3 replies)
  151. This is wrong.... (1 replies)
  152. Proof Of Re-Incarnation. Chris Farley is BACK (6 replies)
  153. How to remove her bra with one hand (4 replies)
  154. How to make the first move (0 replies)
  155. Children's books that didn't make it (0 replies)
  156. Blonde Jokes (32 replies)
  157. Mexican Jokes............ (15 replies)
  158. Husband in check.......... (0 replies)
  159. gay marriage?! (2 replies)
  160. Write the punch line... (0 replies)
  161. Look Who's Into Eos (0 replies)
  162. Yo mama (15 replies)
  163. On Growing Old (1 replies)
  164. Locking the masturbation post was too "heavy handed" (3 replies)
  165. the puzzle (0 replies)
  166. difference between men and women (4 replies)
  167. response contest........... (16 replies)
  168. Superheroes need to keep up with the times (2 replies)
  169. This gives a new meaning to Going Online........ (1 replies)
  170. I Rear-ended a dwarf today :( (3 replies)
  171. Email Joke From An Italian Friend (0 replies)
  172. birds and the bees (0 replies)
  173. Little Bobby (0 replies)
  174. local biker club (0 replies)
  175. sneeze (0 replies)
  176. dentist (0 replies)
  177. Link, on Zelda (1 replies)
  178. Gilbert Gottfried for the Win (0 replies)
  179. What did the first samurai say to the second samurai? (1 replies)
  180. Important warning (15 replies)
  181. Dont know what to name this, was emailed to me (1 replies)
  182. The Mexican, The Iraqi and The Redneck (6 replies)
  183. New Rules For 2007 By George Carlin (3 replies)
  184. Wikigroaning (1 replies)
  185. Insanity!!! (0 replies)
  186. Scooter Libby's Top 10 Ways To Do Time (17 replies)
  187. The ideal GOP candidate for 2008 - moved (9 replies)
  188. Don't Mess With Old Folks (0 replies)
  189. Amish Elevator (0 replies)
  190. Letter to a wife (0 replies)
  191. The Duck & the Lawyer (0 replies)
  192. Bar Hopping............Free Drinks (3 replies)
  193. Knocked the Hell Out (1 replies)
  194. Yay Canada (0 replies)
  195. Monsters! (0 replies)
  196. A scary sound (2 replies)
  197. David Blaine (12 replies)
  198. Bomb Threat Double-Take (1 replies)
  199. The Week in Review -Peeps style (3 replies)
  200. Extreme Redneck Jokes (1 replies)
  201. Dear Dad Letter .......... (5 replies)
  202. Blonde time piece (2 replies)
  203. hillary special (1 replies)
  204. Not the Best Defense (1 replies)
  205. Forum Overload? (4 replies)
  206. Darin's Short Stint as a Utility Worker (2 replies)
  207. hahahahehhe (6 replies)
  208. They Didn't Study! (2 replies)
  209. anyone want 69? (4 replies)
  210. Liberal Job Application (1 replies)
  211. True Love............ (3 replies)
  212. Game Show Bloopers (4 replies)
  213. Atheist's Holiday (0 replies)
  214. Sometimes.... (6 replies)
  215. Smart Ass Answer Of The Year 2006 (0 replies)
  216. As long as it fits... (1 replies)
  217. Johnny B Bad (0 replies)
  218. Great "seeking matrimony" ad (0 replies)
  219. Jedi Politics (0 replies)
  220. Alec Baldwin Caption Contest! (15 replies)
  221. Loey??? (16 replies)
  222. hahaha (1 replies)
  223. Chris Farley at his finest (1 replies)
  224. Rhymes from the naughty nursery (1 replies)
  225. Keg Party (0 replies)
  226. Liberal jokes...... (11 replies)
  227. Paris is a spoiled whore... (18 replies)
  228. the fence (1 replies)
  229. Anyone have kids who watch Dora the Explorer? (12 replies)
  230. The Female Genie (0 replies)
  231. Male Vs. Female At The Atm Machine (3 replies)
  232. School Answering Machine (0 replies)
  233. NRA advocates gun sales to terrorists (4 replies)
  234. Worst first date (9 replies)
  235. Cow (0 replies)
  236. How To Wash A Cat (5 replies)
  237. Opinions can be wrong (2 replies)
  238. Pictures tell the story (1 replies)
  239. Laughing at the Left (6 replies)
  240. Ninja Cow (0 replies)
  241. For the Vets (0 replies)
  242. How to Gracefully Lose an Internet Argument (2 replies)
  243. the pearly gates..... (0 replies)
  244. George W Bush needs to have gay sex (adult) (0 replies)
  245. What does Hillary Clinton do after..... (adult).... (1 replies)
  246. the chicken and the egg (1 replies)
  247. rudy G's push to save america (6 replies)
  248. Satan v/s Jesus (1 replies)
  249. Old Blonde Joke (0 replies)
  250. Union Brothel... (1 replies)