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  1. 20-Year Army Vet Gets Shocking Notice From Employer (7 replies)
  2. China ships spotted close to Japan-controlled islands (6 replies)
  3. Hundreds of strangers mourn veteran with no family after online appeal (1 replies)
  4. Military Heroes: Happy Veterans Day to our Nation's true Heroes (1 replies)
  5. Military March on Washinton 1932 (11 replies)
  6. Happy Veteran's Day (9 replies)
  7. Happy birthday usmc (1 replies)
  8. A final reunion for vets of WWII Doolittle raid (1 replies)
  9. Marine Corps Birthday coming. (0 replies)
  10. being a veteran (0 replies)
  11. Just saw this (0 replies)
  12. West Point men become first to marry at academy (294 replies)
  13. Navy SEALs Ordered Not to Wear Navy Jack “Don’t Tread on Me” Patch on Uniforms Due to (13 replies)
  14. Flight turns unforgettable when passengers learn of fallen soldier (3 replies)
  15. Obama Firing of Military Reminiscent of Stalin's Purge . (1 replies)
  16. Russian Brigades Brace For The Chinese Threat (3 replies)
  17. Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats (58 replies)
  18. Old news now, but... (4 replies)
  19. Afghanistan risks becoming 'narco-state': U.N. official... really? (1 replies)
  20. Is Sky-Net in our future? (2 replies)
  21. New Air Force cargo planes fly straight into mothballs (0 replies)
  22. Obiturary for Navy Tradition... (0 replies)
  23. US special forces 'capture' Anas al-Liby ...again? (2 replies)
  24. Shutdown Preys upon Chaplains (5 replies)
  25. Soldier's widow gets surprise homecoming (3 replies)
  26. Just for AT ok all us Patriots (3 replies)
  27. Rep. Duckworth Deplores Witness for Claiming Veterans Disability (2 replies)
  28. The effects of combat on veterans and their family (4 replies)
  29. Stolen Valor Act Signed By Obama (9 replies)
  30. More Purging by obama.... (6 replies)
  31. Soldier who ‘sucked at being a civilian’ earns Medal of Honor (3 replies)
  32. Colonists were 'extremists' (5 replies)
  33. DOD Training Materials Call Founders ‘Extremists’ (15 replies)
  34. 1200 miles per hour and can land on a dime. (1 replies)
  35. Only available for same-sex "weddings" (1 replies)
  36. Bush(s) war oil and stuff (17 replies)
  37. What you may not know about Major Nadal (0 replies)
  38. U.S SOLDIERS Expose Obama Martial Law Agenda (2 replies)
  39. This-Video Will-Blow your Mind This-Is-A-Real Hero (8 replies)
  40. Another Vietnam vet hero dies.. (11 replies)
  41. Look who dropped in for a visit (2 replies)
  42. A Great Marine Retired... (4 replies)
  43. So it begins (13 replies)
  44. Think Again: China's Military (17 replies)
  45. California Cadet Corps (6 replies)
  46. General Patton in real life (4 replies)
  47. The coolest aircraft - ever! (12 replies)
  48. Independence is Never Free (2 replies)
  49. 101st seeking to save 'Band of Brothers' regiment (9 replies)
  50. Stolen Valor, Again???? (10 replies)
  51. Marine wins Mr. Gay USA crown (4 replies)
  52. Pardo's push (4 replies)
  53. June 6, 1944 (0 replies)
  54. Ranger's off hand shot with .50 cal @ 1000 yds (11 replies)
  55. D-Day, if reported by the Liberal Media (6 replies)
  56. My friend Al (over 90 yrs old) (33 replies)
  57. WW2 Marine's diary--70 years later (0 replies)
  58. Memorial Day Tribute (1 replies)
  59. Military and religion (21 replies)
  60. Sergeant Raped in Afghanistan Found Nowhere to Go (24 replies)
  61. Memorial Day Rememberance (7 replies)
  62. Pentagon Unilaterally Grants Itself Authority Over ‘Civil Disturbances’ (14 replies)
  63. Obama and his umbrella holding Marines (5 replies)
  64. Information few will learn from Washington about Vietnam (0 replies)
  65. SEAL Team 6 Afghan Shoot Down blamed on Obama/Military (3 replies)
  66. Why I am Proud, and wish I could do it all again. (2 replies)
  67. Pentagon upgrades 'bunker buster' bomb (3 replies)
  68. Afghan Leader: Cash Deliveries by C.I.A. (2 replies)
  69. Signature strikes discussed (4 replies)
  70. Major Winters attacks Carantan (1 replies)
  71. Damien Lewis as Major Wintgers (0 replies)
  72. Tribute to Major Dick Winters (Requium for a soldier) (0 replies)
  73. MoD admits campaign in Afghanistan is 'an unwinnable war' (107 replies)
  74. Media Honors Vietnam War Protester Joan Baez's Return to Vietnam. (1 replies)
  75. No Female Marines Have Made It Through Infantry Officer Training Yet. (14 replies)
  76. Purple hearts for victims at Ft. Hood, TX (76 replies)
  77. The new "300" - 300 heroes rush to the aide of One. (0 replies)
  78. Three Marines die in shooting at.. (14 replies)
  79. In remembrance of my uncle (6 replies)
  80. When you think Freedom is Free... (25 replies)
  81. Sad, and not far from the truth (19 replies)
  82. How Americans feel about war (17 replies)
  83. Ranger tabs (44 replies)
  84. psychiatrists prone to lie about PTSD to save Tax $$ ? (0 replies)
  85. This might interest you about WW 2 (9 replies)
  86. Obama awards Medal of Honor to Afghanistan war hero Clinton Romesha (2 replies)
  87. U.S. Military Suicides Outnumbered Combat Deaths in Afghanistan in 2012 (1 replies)
  88. One of my favorite in your face Obama moments (1 replies)
  89. An American hero: The uncommon valor of Clint Romesha (1 replies)
  90. Radio DJ Outed for Impersonating Military Service Personnel (4 replies)
  91. Lt. Gen. James Mattis (10 replies)
  92. Soldier who lost 4 limbs has double-arm transplant (3 replies)
  93. Military to open combat jobs to women!! (13 replies)
  94. Stolen Valor, should not be ignored! (161 replies)
  95. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf has passed away (4 replies)
  96. Should he get the medal of honor? (64 replies)
  97. Hows this for a shot in the dark? (6 replies)
  98. December 7th, 1941 (9 replies)
  99. VET told he'd never walk without cruthes agian... (2 replies)
  100. Females Not Flocking To Marine Infantry (27 replies)
  101. Thunderstruck (78 replies)
  102. A Step (1 replies)
  103. .50 Cal - 1 mile kill shot - just a pink mist! LOL (45 replies)
  104. Happy Veterans Day (2 replies)
  105. Oath of Office (7 replies)
  106. US Army on duty... (66 replies)
  107. Soldier tackles Westboro scum stomping our flag at fallen soldier's funeral. (44 replies)
  108. This is how honorable military membes get treated by liberal aazhats!! (5 replies)
  109. Western defense budget cuts may be unstoppable. (12 replies)
  110. Camo fatigues...accent on the fatigue. (1 replies)
  111. Death of a Hero (2 replies)
  112. Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 (0 replies)
  113. Should Purple Hearts be Bought and Sold? (18 replies)
  114. Lt. Col treatment by police leads to investigation (5 replies)
  115. Perspective - from Agent's wife (0 replies)
  116. Woman to lead basic training at scandal plagued base (10 replies)
  117. Interesting story of a marine's pistol and its journey. (1 replies)
  118. Marine B. Raub, Arrested sent to crazy house 4 facebook etc comments... (2 replies)
  119. Paratus Rifle (5 replies)
  120. U.S. Army battlinmg "supposed" racists.. (4 replies)
  121. Stars Earn Stripes (7 replies)
  122. Vietnam veteran receives Silver Star 44 years later. (4 replies)
  123. Old reliable (6 replies)
  124. Purple heart soldier fullfills vow to slain buddy to play college football! (9 replies)
  125. Soldiers returning home (2 replies)
  126. First Military Base Same-Sex Wedding Held (29 replies)
  127. Letters of SC soldier killed in Vietnam come home (0 replies)
  128. Women in infantry? Marines!? (61 replies)
  129. Arlington Burial for Six Airmen Killed in 1965 Crash (2 replies)
  130. Arms dealers selling tech to China (0 replies)
  131. Veterans excel on another front -- fighting forest fires (0 replies)
  132. Military Wives Strip Down to Raise Awareness About PTSD: Battling Bare (4 replies)
  133. Prez sending 3000 + troops to Africa (15 replies)
  134. Things no veteran would ever say (14 replies)
  135. Navy a global force for good ads (82 replies)
  136. Real heroes (0 replies)
  137. Army's terry tate CPT Wedley (0 replies)
  138. Murder Charge Dropped for Bales (0 replies)
  139. Memorial Day 2012 (3 replies)
  140. Did Afghanistan massacre of 17 really happen? (0 replies)
  141. Hannah Luce: Woman is Sole Plane Crash Survivor After Rescue by Marine Friend (0 replies)
  142. Yeah, baby! (0 replies)
  143. Punished for wearing Pro-Military T-shirts (2 replies)
  144. Magic Bullet (0 replies)
  145. Marine Crosses (6 replies)
  146. Staff Sergeant being charged wtih 17 murders (3 replies)
  147. Paper: Marines down on Obama (2 replies)
  148. Vet Groups Sue DoD, CIA + for chem testing (2 replies)
  149. US military unveils non-lethal heat ray weapon (15 replies)
  150. World's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, 'the Big E' makes final voyage (0 replies)
  151. Marine Seeks to Adopt Military Dog (1 replies)
  152. Marine's Facebook page tests military rules (1 replies)
  153. About those troop cuts.... (46 replies)
  154. Budget Cuts and Troop Reduction (16 replies)
  155. Purple Hearts Back From Iraq (0 replies)
  156. Verified Military members? (129 replies)
  157. REMF's - You Got to Love Them (52 replies)
  158. One of many (41 replies)
  159. Have a ? for CSM, PEGwinn and/or Gaffer .... (10 replies)
  160. Outcry grows over Marine's "urine video" (44 replies)
  161. Navy SEAL I Punched Jesse Ventura For Saying We Deserved To Lose Guys In Iraq (6 replies)
  162. Can someone explain what C-4 is? (124 replies)
  163. The War in Iraq is "Over" (104 replies)
  164. Wow, what a story! (7 replies)
  165. Ate up like a Soup Sandwhich. From the files of : Stolen Valor or "disgraceful" (1 replies)
  166. Obama: Harder to end a war than to begin one (0 replies)
  167. Professor Says Sending Troops Care Packages is Shameful (42 replies)
  168. A Really Nice Veteran's Day At A Local High School (1 replies)
  169. Remains of war dead dumped in landfill (40 replies)
  170. Don't ask, don't tell (30 replies)
  171. Happy Birthday! (9 replies)
  172. A quandry (36 replies)
  173. Dakota Meyer - Marine gets Medal of Honor (15 replies)
  174. Sanctuary County Bans ICE Holds (31 replies)
  175. Police May Detain Photographers If Their Photographs ‘Have No Aesthetic Value’ (2 replies)
  176. Military General Advocates Cuts in Military Spending (12 replies)
  177. Why a Navy and a Coast Guard? (12 replies)
  178. Catapult the propaganda: DOD Social media (21 replies)
  179. old news but: KBR Bad water, Dirty Clothes, OverCharging, Dirty Tents (0 replies)
  180. Heinlein would be very proud. Starship troopers is born. (15 replies)
  181. US & Israel Helped 'Breed' Indestructable Botnet (0 replies)
  182. How long will Israel allow Iran to continue to make a nuclear bomb? (13 replies)
  183. Freaking Unbelievable! If It Had Been Bush? (0 replies)
  184. Bodies of WWII airmen brought home more than 60 years after crash (0 replies)
  185. Duo Plans Cross-country Bike Ride-Raising Awareness for Vets (0 replies)
  186. Israel spying on US: A long history (5 replies)
  187. War Powers And Disobeying Illegal Orders (63 replies)
  188. disgusting and why I dont trust government (1 replies)
  189. Don’t Worry: Osama Was Shot in Accordance with Islamic Tradition (14 replies)
  190. When a Soldier comes home (2 replies)
  191. US's most advanced FIGHTER PLANES Kids can fly (3 replies)
  192. Pretty Cool! Navy Laser Sets Ship on Fire (2 replies)
  193. Cosby recalls his Navy career (2 replies)
  194. Gates Agrees, Bush's Wars Were Nuts (56 replies)
  195. Military Using Psyops against congress (2 replies)
  196. Video For Night Train (1 replies)
  197. Question for our Vietnam vets (10 replies)
  198. Richard 'Dick' Winters dead at 92 (1 replies)
  199. Colonel Douglas Burpee - 23 Years Of Military Service - A Muslim (186 replies)
  200. Thunderstruck - US Army Aviation (1 replies)
  201. the Hanoi Taxi (0 replies)
  202. Just because I think it's cool!! (7 replies)
  203. Did you serve? Why or why not? (32 replies)
  204. US deploys 'game-changer' weapon to Afghanistan (10 replies)
  205. Help Santa Stuff Stockings (0 replies)
  206. Military Guys Being Themselves, Even With Toys For Tots (1 replies)
  207. Restrepo (1 replies)
  208. Gene Simmons military tribute (0 replies)
  209. Gates Speeds Up Delivery Of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Report (0 replies)
  210. Sgt. Homo Rides Sgt. Homo Again, But Legally (7 replies)
  211. For Our British Allies In Afghanistan and Iraq (0 replies)
  212. Somethings I Missed On Blackfive (0 replies)
  213. Happy Birthday... (0 replies)
  214. Veteran's Day deals (0 replies)
  215. Bodies, Mass Graves Found on Iwo Jima (0 replies)
  216. Britain can never again fight alone (15 replies)
  217. U.S. military now accepting gay applicants (20 replies)
  218. Reasons sFor Veterans Fraternal Organization membership decline (0 replies)
  219. Any VFW Members Here? (6 replies)
  220. Korea: the forgotten war (4 replies)
  221. the real Rambo (0 replies)
  222. first living vet since Nam gets CMH (2 replies)
  223. Vetrans sue CIA (2 replies)
  224. Wanna murder somebody? Don't join the Army.. (0 replies)
  225. Army probes soldiers punished for skipping Christian concert (4 replies)
  226. Antiwar activists rally around suspected leaker (2 replies)
  227. Appeals court: Stolen Valor Act unconstitutional (4 replies)
  228. Tribal Holiday Celebrates Navajo Code Talkers (5 replies)
  229. Lesbian cadet quits West Point, cites 'don't ask' (37 replies)
  230. Cool vid (2 replies)
  231. David R Gillie, USN speaks at the Oath Keepers (0 replies)
  232. G.I. Joe & Lillie (0 replies)
  233. Kee Bird: frozen in time (2 replies)
  234. Congressional Medal Of Honor, This is FANTASTIC (0 replies)
  235. VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV (7 replies)
  236. DADT Is officially revoked (2 replies)
  237. Rolling Thunder 2010 - A Soldier's Vigil (2 replies)
  238. Happy birtday us army (4 replies)
  239. My unit on deployment list (1 replies)
  240. Strategic Operations, Inc (1 replies)
  241. Texas National Guard Crackdown (0 replies)
  242. Suspected Taylorsville Lake drowning victim identified as Fort Knox soldier (0 replies)
  243. Taliban seize border town as Afghan forces retreat (0 replies)
  244. Army changes enlistment procedure (0 replies)
  245. My Life as a Gay Officer (6 replies)
  246. dadt vote coming (23 replies)
  247. AP Investigation: Texas man faked way into Army (0 replies)
  248. U.S. launches criminal probe on soldiers in Afghanistan (12 replies)
  249. Army veteran fatally shot at MacDill AFB by FBI (0 replies)
  250. children's salute (0 replies)