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  1. Proof That Waterboarding Does Work (146 replies)
  2. A Very Good Question (2 replies)
  3. Bin Laden's "burial" (18 replies)
  4. Bin Laden, Confirmed Dead? (50 replies)
  5. A Warning: The Coming Is Near (8 replies)
  6. Rebel Commander in Libya Fought Against U.S. in Afghanistan (13 replies)
  7. "Domestic Terrorist" Jailed for Making silver Coins (20 replies)
  8. Another take on Iran policy (5 replies)
  9. "Palestinian" terrorists murder Israeli family including infant; Gazans celebrate (2 replies)
  10. OBAMA: Executive Order INDEFINITE DETENTION (9 replies)
  11. Hmmm, Yellow Cake For Iran (5 replies)
  12. Breaking news (6 replies)
  13. 90% of Afghan Crimes commited by Afghan police (0 replies)
  14. America Being Led Into War by Chickenhawks Again (35 replies)
  15. TSA wands/pats children AFTER trip at train station (48 replies)
  16. Qaddafi ordered the Lockerbie bombing ?? (2 replies)
  17. "CIA spy" giving nuclear bomb material to Al-Qaeda (3 replies)
  18. An International Story That Proves My Sig (2 replies)
  19. WMD's Smuggled Into US? (19 replies)
  20. Drug lab discovered in Nangarhar, material destroyed (4 replies)
  21. UK Prime Minister David Cameron attacks 'Multiculturalism' in Britain (0 replies)
  22. Trained mice to sniff out terrorists at airports! (2 replies)
  23. This needs to happen more! Text sent early blows terrorist up (4 replies)
  24. He is not a Terrorist (20 replies)
  25. Terrorist killer on trail, another former CIA assest (0 replies)
  26. FBI's 'suspicious' files on suspicious people... (13 replies)
  27. Egyptian or Al Queda Extremists Kill At Least 21 Christians (21 replies)
  28. Mother Cuts Out 4-Year-Old Daughter’s Heart While Reciting Koran (73 replies)
  29. Terrorist in training! (11 replies)
  30. The cause and possible solutions to Islamic Terrorism (115 replies)
  31. Treating Asymmetric Aggressors As Enemies OR The Nation-States Demise (0 replies)
  32. Afghan policeman kills 6 American troops (1 replies)
  33. Taliban Leader in Secret Talks Was an Impostor (5 replies)
  34. Few Afghans know reason for war, new study shows (0 replies)
  35. Naked Body Scanners - Pedophiles Dream (122 replies)
  36. The Islamification of France (2 replies)
  37. Libs Claim Pres Bush Confessed To War Crimes (184 replies)
  38. Sharia Law or suffer consequences? (14 replies)
  39. French troops on the run again (1 replies)
  40. Saddam rules over cell with Iron Fist (0 replies)
  41. My, My It Seems Wikileaks Also Show That All Those Intelligence Agencies Were Right (124 replies)
  42. People can think like Nazis and not even know it (51 replies)
  43. WikiLeaks’ 400,000 Iraq War Docs Reveal Torture, Civilian Deaths (40 replies)
  44. Gates Chanels Gaffer: "We'll never leave Afghanistan.." (3 replies)
  45. Domestic Terrorism in United Arab Emirates (1 replies)
  46. LOS ALAMOS leaking like sieve. nuke secrets? maybe, plutoium? maybe (0 replies)
  47. Germany Going Islam (35 replies)
  48. Has The Muslim Brotherhood Declared War On US? (6 replies)
  49. France Arrests 12 in Anti-Terror Sweeps (18 replies)
  50. Killing Other People's Children - By Lawrence McGuire (20 replies)
  51. Civilian Casualties: Theirs and Ours - By William Blum (10 replies)
  52. Feds Sound Travel Alert (3 replies)
  53. Causes of Terrorism - (36 replies)
  54. Various War Quotes (3 replies)
  55. Abraham Lincoln on unconstitutional US wars of invasion (80 replies)
  56. Inhumane Treatement Of Terrorists at GITMO (24 replies)
  57. America's Holy Crusade against the Muslim World - by Michel Chossudovsky (41 replies)
  58. Obama's Afghanistan strategy: Don’t listen to the generals (0 replies)
  59. Obsession: Radical Islams War Against the West. (1 replies)
  60. Obama's Secret Prisons: Night Raids, Hidden Detention Centers, the "Black Jail," etc. (0 replies)
  61. 12 year old muslim beheads man (54 replies)
  62. Tailban and AlQuida threat overblown? (0 replies)
  63. Captured: the War in Iraq (1 replies)
  64. what do you think of this (2 replies)
  65. What If Saddam Were Alive Today? (6 replies)
  66. U.S. paying Taliban Protection money in Afghanistan? (4 replies)
  67. too late to strike Iran ??? (31 replies)
  68. Ground Zero Mosque: Shariah law ??? (41 replies)
  69. Islamification of Britain (7 replies)
  70. Child Terrorist tortue confession AOK judge says (4 replies)
  71. Honor Killings (0 replies)
  72. ACLU files suit for terrorists (24 replies)
  73. Things are getting worse for our boys in Afghanistan (0 replies)
  74. Mosque Near Ground Zero gets green light (5 replies)
  75. Pentagon/U.S. can't account 8.7 BILLION in Iraqi $ 4 rebuilding? Trillions missing (16 replies)
  76. American Terrorist? (8 replies)
  77. Mill & intell people est 500 Al Quida left in Pak&Afg. (29 replies)
  78. top secret america -- (5 replies)
  79. On Gitmo: From Some Detainees Perspective (8 replies)
  80. Civilian Deaths Rise As Afghan Fight Intensifies (44 replies)
  81. Dying Lockerbie bomber 'could survive for 10 years or more' (10 replies)
  82. NY Times - Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority (14 replies)
  83. High Court: Americans Can’t Help Terrorists (2 replies)
  84. KSM Trial Decision Put Off Until After Midterms (0 replies)
  85. No mosque at Ground Zero (2 replies)
  86. what's wrong with Britain ?? (3 replies)
  87. German Engineering vs. Muslim Terrorist Technology (0 replies)
  88. Revolution Muslims Message to America (5 replies)
  89. Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video (14 replies)
  90. *islam Man Behind Bomb Attempt In NYC* (2 replies)
  91. *Mohammed Sick F--ks* (1 replies)
  92. *Islam Offended Over Cartoons AGAIN!!* (4 replies)
  93. more Obama terrorists (0 replies)
  94. "Al-Qaeda" threatens to blow up (enter place here) (1 replies)
  95. *More Muslim Shit* (3 replies)
  96. Terrorist sentenced (20 replies)
  97. *The Swiss Love Muslims Hate Jews* (1 replies)
  98. *Muslim Boobie Bombers Blow Blood Bath* (1 replies)
  99. Bombers kill at least 38 in Moscow subway (0 replies)
  100. *SHOCKER: Ayabs Unite Against Israel* (6 replies)
  101. *Are Those Tits Real, Or Are They Explosives?* (2 replies)
  102. Pakistani court charges 5 Americans with terrorism (1 replies)
  103. WTF? Israel knew about 9/11 beforehand and didn't share info? (1 replies)
  104. *Jihad Jane Goes Down* (40 replies)
  105. *Turkey Racked By Quake: I'm Okay!* (1 replies)
  106. *Son Of Hamas Converts* (1 replies)
  107. *Man Claims To Know Where Osama Is* (2 replies)
  108. Officers: Pakistan arrests American-born al-Qaida (2 replies)
  109. *Obama May Of Lied To Become President* (38 replies)
  110. *Be Careful Whom You Get Into Bed With* (0 replies)
  111. *Islamic Man Opens Fire At Pentagon* (8 replies)
  112. Four jailed over plot to attack U.S. bases (0 replies)
  113. *IED Goes Boom!! On RAGHEADS!!!* (0 replies)
  114. *Muslim Headscarf In Calif: Its Begun* (51 replies)
  115. *Build The Twin Towers Back Again* (7 replies)
  116. Did Israel Just Acquire A Strategic Bombing Capability? (2 replies)
  117. *Military Muslims Tried It Again: Covered Up Dec.09* (12 replies)
  118. Remember Gibbs Last Week On Iran? (6 replies)
  119. *Don't Set On That Vest: BOOM!* (0 replies)
  120. *Does Anyone Else Think The Way We Fight Terrorism Is Stupid?* (25 replies)
  121. *Newt Knows* (2 replies)
  122. Taliban High Commander Captured (67 replies)
  123. *Muslims In Italy Going Nuts Again* (1 replies)
  124. *Muslim Attempts To Blow Up Power Plant In Texas* (27 replies)
  125. Who Will Obama Support If Israel Takes Out Iran (2 replies)
  126. What is Iran going to do? (80 replies)
  127. *Iran About To Get Mud Hole Stomped In Its Side* (22 replies)
  128. Exclusive: Russia scuttles new U.N. Taliban plan (0 replies)
  129. *Philly Black Mafia* (11 replies)
  130. *Christmas, Hannaka, Kill People On Planes* (1 replies)
  131. Today's The Day For Good News! (3 replies)
  132. Suicide bombers? (0 replies)
  133. *How Will We Defeat islam?* (53 replies)
  134. Jordanian double-agent killed CIA officers (1 replies)
  135. modern binary explosives (1 replies)
  136. *So Allah Isn't The Same Christian God After All?* (0 replies)
  137. Female Marines, Sailors Assist Afghan Women (2 replies)
  138. More Drones Needed In Yemen (2 replies)
  139. *Muslim: And You Want To Board An Aircraft?* (6 replies)
  140. al Qaeda Leaders Behind Terror Plot Were Released by U.S. (9 replies)
  141. Punishing The Innocent for Failure To Lead (3 replies)
  142. How Cool! Two Days And They've Got Us Covered (2 replies)
  143. *New Security: Fool Proof For Flyers* (0 replies)
  144. Tomorrow's War: Yeman (2 replies)
  145. *Is It Me..... Or Are They Saying....?* (1 replies)
  146. *Look At The Pic On This Link* (1 replies)
  147. Osama's family missing since 9/11 attacks found living in secret compound in Iran (3 replies)
  148. *Happy Islamicmass* (11 replies)
  149. Support our Soldiers (0 replies)
  150. Marines launch Afghan Offensive (4 replies)
  151. Obama's Afghanistan Speech (2 replies)
  152. Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist (0 replies)
  153. *Swiss Grow Balls: Ban Aspect of Islam* (2 replies)
  154. Liberals Vow to 'Spank' Obama Over Afghanistan (4 replies)
  155. Looking for a War On Terror Propaganda Poster (2 replies)
  156. *CWN Reports: Muslims Murder Rivals* (0 replies)
  157. Lawyer: 9/11 defendants want platform for views (4 replies)
  158. *Bag-O-Crap Hasan Should Of Been Stopped!* (13 replies)
  159. *Fools Can't See* (7 replies)
  160. I need an answer from an informed liberal? (57 replies)
  161. *Coming To A Nation Near You* (0 replies)
  162. Bow Wowzer: Says Slow Down Hasan Case* (0 replies)
  163. *Irans: Ocult Locations Being Taken Over* (2 replies)
  164. Sudden Jihad or "Inordinate Stress" at Ft. Hood? (3 replies)
  165. *General Says: The Rest Of Our 3k Muslims Are Good* (3 replies)
  166. Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists (5 replies)
  167. *Shooters Ocult Teacher Knew: Did Nothing* (12 replies)
  168. *More* (2 replies)
  169. Why isn't the Pentagon using this technology to protect our soldiers? (10 replies)
  170. *We The People: Chose God, What's Happened?* (0 replies)
  171. *Americas Better Days Are Behind Us* (13 replies)
  172. *Hilary Speaks Muslim:Free Money* (0 replies)
  173. *WTF Italy Taking Down The Cross?* (47 replies)
  174. *Everyday Pirates or Muslim Pirates?* (39 replies)
  175. Just a thought about all this (7 replies)
  176. *Following The Whoran muslim Style* (12 replies)
  177. Kerry - McChrystal's Rewgust Goes Too Far and Too Fast (0 replies)
  178. If Biden's Plan Prevails (7 replies)
  179. Obama Quietly Authorizes 13,000 More U.S. Troops for Afghanistan (7 replies)
  180. *Police Looking For Trouble: They Know Its Out There* (2 replies)
  181. *Irans Midget Feeling Lucky* (0 replies)
  182. Troop Morale Falling In Afghanistan (0 replies)
  183. *Arabs Want To Take USA Down* (8 replies)
  184. Shocking? Not. (6 replies)
  185. French President Tells Obama “We Live In The Real World” (3 replies)
  186. The Body Bomb (5 replies)
  187. Bin Laden Threatens European Allies (0 replies)
  188. Be careful around maintenance workers! (15 replies)
  189. *Eww Darn It! muslim Gets Busted in Dallas!* (0 replies)
  190. What nice Muslims we have (18 replies)
  191. Al Qaeda Releases New Video Predicting Obama's Fall (10 replies)
  192. 7 former CIA Directors say Eric Holder Is Wrong (14 replies)
  193. Fallen Soldier Thought Afghan Mission 'Useless': Family (1 replies)
  194. *muslim From Colorado Drives A Shuttle Bus* (5 replies)
  195. *This Man Following The Horan* (4 replies)
  196. Great job to the Commandos and Obama (2 replies)
  197. *More muslim Plots* (17 replies)
  198. *I'm Against Everything Muslim* (0 replies)
  199. Revamp of Afghan military strategy (10 replies)
  200. Did This Open The Newscasts This Evening? (21 replies)
  201. Time for Utter Outrage (2 replies)
  202. Cheney, Republicans Blast Interrogation Probe (25 replies)
  203. Patriotic Rock Art (0 replies)
  204. *Saudi: Nothing To Lose Your Head Over, Oh Really?* (4 replies)
  205. How I feel about The War On terror. (30 replies)
  206. How it is (3 replies)
  207. Retrieve our soldier (6 replies)
  208. Another Dem Witch Hunt - CIA Had Secret Al Qaeda Plan (6 replies)
  209. Released Gitmo prisoner now leads Taliban forces against U.S. troops (5 replies)
  210. What's going on in iran (7 replies)
  211. free circumcisions for terrorists (5 replies)
  212. Miranda Rights for Terrorists (31 replies)
  213. Lieberman, Graham Vow to Shut Down Senate if Interrogation Photos Released (0 replies)
  214. Poll: Most oppose closing Gitmo (33 replies)
  215. Some Guantánamo detainees to get laptops (0 replies)
  216. Army chief says US ready to be in Iraq 10 years (4 replies)
  217. N.Y. Police: Terror Suspects Wanted to Commit Jihad (3 replies)
  218. The scum also rises...When will it stop? (38 replies)
  219. The Casualty Con - Bam Falling For Taliban Tricks (4 replies)
  220. Why Are Liberals No Longer Talking About Iraq? (96 replies)
  221. U.S. May Revive Guantánamo Military Courts (6 replies)
  222. U.S. To Release Photos Showing Alleged Abuses By American Personnel (4 replies)
  223. Napolitano - 9/11 Terrorists Came From Canada (0 replies)
  224. Obama releases top secret CIA interrogation techniques (107 replies)
  225. No Charges Against CIA Officials for Waterboarding (32 replies)
  226. Obama Administration quietly expands Bush's legal defense of wiretapping program (77 replies)
  227. Obama's Thinking, So Very Reminds Me of Wilson (2 replies)
  228. American jihadist calls for holy war in new video... (1 replies)
  229. Terrorist Cells - TRAINING CAMPS in AMERICA - actual video (9 replies)
  230. Obama: Taliban and al-Qaida must be stopped (125 replies)
  231. 130 Taliban killed in Marine raid (0 replies)
  232. The End of the Global War on Terror (6 replies)
  233. Robots Take Center Stage in U.S. War in Afghanistan (2 replies)
  234. Video: Taliban Threaten to Behead Pro-Taliban Canadian "Journalist" (3 replies)
  235. This day in Terrorism History... (25 replies)
  236. Holder - Gitmo Is Well Run But We Will Close It Anyway (2 replies)
  237. Officials: Most troops out of Iraq in 18 months (11 replies)
  238. WaPo on Gitmo Detainee Who Returned to Jihad: Was It Gitmo’s Fault? (0 replies)
  239. Google Earth reveals secret history of US base in Pakistan (0 replies)
  240. Geography professor claims to have found Osama bin Laden (13 replies)
  241. 'Tough year' ahead in Afghanistan: US general (8 replies)
  242. Dems Fought The Surge - And The Surge Won (30 replies)
  243. The supergun that kills from a mile - against the Taliban (12 replies)
  244. Good For Obama (6 replies)
  245. 20 Dead as Taliban Attackers Storm Kabul Offices. (4 replies)
  246. Falluja’s Strange Visitor: A Western Tourist (0 replies)
  247. Yemen To Free Al-Qaeda Suspects (0 replies)
  248. President Obama Puts Brake On Afghan Surge (0 replies)
  249. Obama Knows More Then General David Petraeus (143 replies)
  250. Tough love: U.S. Soldier chews out Iraqi police (4 replies)