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  1. Islam, Socialists & Nationalists (1 replies)
  2. DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties (4 replies)
  3. Turkish state support for terrorism goes back a long way (0 replies)
  4. Does this make me a bigot? (6 replies)
  5. Afghan boy suicide bombers (4 replies)
  6. Why it's counter productive for the gov't to suspect ALL Muslims (12 replies)
  7. Iran to buy 114 Airbuses to revamp aging fleet (7 replies)
  8. US Air Force shelves Warthog plane retirement amid IS fight: media (5 replies)
  9. Islamic State member executes his own mother (14 replies)
  10. Terrorism-related arrests made in 2 states (1 replies)
  11. Charlie Hebdo marks year since attack with provocative cover (0 replies)
  12. An Interesting Read On The War Obama Has Waged (3 replies)
  13. ISIS rape handbook (2 replies)
  14. Samuel L. Jackson Wanted San Bernardino Killers to be ‘Some Crazy White Dude’ (16 replies)
  15. 9-11 Video Archives...Awesome (0 replies)
  16. Why not ???? (2 replies)
  17. A Muslim's Admission .... (36 replies)
  18. ALLAHU AKBAR hits vegas strip (30 replies)
  19. WaPo Editorial Calls Out Obama On Iran (3 replies)
  20. Want A Slice of Jihad With That Pie? (1 replies)
  21. It's Not Just The Southern Border (1 replies)
  22. Another Possible Problem In MO (1 replies)
  23. Terrorism and the Southern Border (0 replies)
  24. British sniper killed 5 ISIS terrorists with 3 shots, report claims (2 replies)
  25. Tony Blair-Not Obama's Lap Dog (1 replies)
  26. From A Brother Of One Killed In San Bernadino (0 replies)
  27. Time For Reality (6 replies)
  28. Threat To Chicago and Other Western Cities (4 replies)
  29. Whistle Blower (1 replies)
  30. Calling On Kerry To Name ME Christian Genocide (1 replies)
  31. Sharia Law preferred By Many Muslims in America (21 replies)
  32. Yes, Turkey IS Buying Oil from ISIS (4 replies)
  33. Muslim Terrorist Attack Deaths in the U.S. (49 replies)
  34. Did The Wife Radicalize The Husband? (32 replies)
  35. The facts shoot holes in Obama's claim that US is only host to mass killings (3 replies)
  36. The Spymasters (1 replies)
  37. December 6, 1941 (25 replies)
  38. Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State (3 replies)
  39. Joint Chiefs chairman: 'We have not contained' ISIS (2 replies)
  40. We are coming (2 replies)
  41. AQ suicide bombs ISIS (3 replies)
  42. 300 MILLION radical Muslims (1 replies)
  43. This Guy Has It Right (1 replies)
  44. Trump Doubles Down on Waterboarding (55 replies)
  45. Russia says 'destroyed' Syria rebels in area where jet brought down (24 replies)
  46. Group issues GRAVE warning to ISIS: stay away from New York or… (1 replies)
  47. ISIS to Hollande: we will come to crush your country (4 replies)
  48. Female terrorist held on the floor (0 replies)
  49. General Petraeus - no boots on the ground (0 replies)
  50. French town Roubaix hit (0 replies)
  51. US Drops Leaflets Warning ISIS Before Air Strikes On Oil (21 replies)
  52. Chinese police shoot dead 28 from 'terrorist group' (3 replies)
  53. Schools sing praise to Allah, create propaganda posters for ISIS (21 replies)
  54. Multi-Attack Exercise Planned Before Attacks In Paris (0 replies)
  55. For ALL Obama fans. And you wonder why we call him a Liar. (0 replies)
  56. Somalis, Shelbyville and Severe Culture Shock (1 replies)
  57. Hillary: Muslims Have ‘Nothing Whatsoever to Do With Terrorism’ (21 replies)
  58. US Special Forces take out two Al-Qaeda terrorists and rescue terrified survivors (2 replies)
  59. Interviews with captured ISIS... (56 replies)
  60. 'This Week' (0 replies)
  61. Now It's Mali Under Attack (3 replies)
  62. ISIS Chemical Weapons (1 replies)
  63. Bush was right all along (24 replies)
  64. Matermind of Paris attacks dead (4 replies)
  65. Coalition Airstrikes Destroy ISIS Oil Tankers (10 replies)
  66. Gun sales surge (0 replies)
  67. French President Francois Hollande Welcomes Refugees Despite Paris Attack (10 replies)
  68. 70 arrested in USA over ISIS (83 replies)
  69. ISIS Claims To Have Killed Norwegian and Chinese Hostages (2 replies)
  70. Syrian Refugees in U.S. Include 2,098 Muslims, 53 Christians (11 replies)
  71. Jordan's King Abdullah on ISIS (0 replies)
  72. my elected officials (11 replies)
  73. PUTIN: ISIS Funded By 30 Countries Including G20 Members (20 replies)
  74. Reporter Confronts Traitor and Chief Obama (23 replies)
  75. 8 attackers in Paris (9 replies)
  76. 'Jihadi John' Believed Killed in 'Flawless' US Airstrike (32 replies)
  77. Twin Suicide Bombings In Beirut- 4 Killed, 40+ Wounded (1 replies)
  78. SAA Liberates Another Airbase- Snackbar Positions Mopped Up (0 replies)
  79. SAA Female Units (6 replies)
  80. New Russian Military Equipment Revealed (2 replies)
  81. Several Russian Helicopters Carpet Bomb ISIS In Palmyra (47 replies)
  82. Latakia Attacked By 'Moderate' Al Qaeda (0 replies)
  83. IRAQI FORCES SURROUND RAMADI- Preparing For Immediate Attack (0 replies)
  84. Well Done! SAA Lift 3 Year Long Siege Liberating Kuweires Military Base From ISIS (2 replies)
  85. EXCUSES: General Blames "Bad Weather" For Decrease In Strikes Against Terrorists! (13 replies)
  86. TAKING OUT THE TRASH: 263 Terrorist Targets Destroyed By Russians (39 replies)
  87. U.S. officials believe ISIS planted bomb on Russian plane (10 replies)
  88. CLAIM: Free Syrian Army and The Army of Islam Use Women As Human Shields (1 replies)
  89. Thousands of Muslim migrants 'disappear' from camps (13 replies)
  90. ISIS claims responsibility for Russian jet crash (42 replies)
  91. Now into Syria too... (152 replies)
  92. U.S. to Begin 'Direct Action on the Ground' in Iraq, Syria (15 replies)
  93. Next Wave of Muslim Invasion: It's ALL Men (27 replies)
  94. Russia Destroys most ISIS Heavy Weaponry, U.S. Promptly Airdropped 50-Tons of Weapons (8 replies)
  95. Russia+Iran Preparing Take Back Of Syrias Biggest City- Aleppo (0 replies)
  96. Senior al-Qaida commander killed in an airstrike in Syria (1 replies)
  97. Afghan Military Deserters (1 replies)
  98. Say Hi To The 'Moderate Rebels' (21 replies)
  99. Iraqis Are Asking Russia to Bomb ISIS (4 replies)
  100. Clip from Homeland (14 replies)
  101. 'Utter silence' Netanyahu stares down UN General Assembly (14 replies)
  102. Another angle on torture (2 replies)
  103. Is waterboarding torture? (115 replies)
  104. Russians give Putin OK to use troops in Syria (5 replies)
  105. ISIS planning ‘nuclear tsunami’ (4 replies)
  106. Niqabs should be allowed during citizenship oath, Mulcair says (0 replies)
  107. Why didn't Islamic militants blow up abortion clinics, homosexual bars, distilleries? (5 replies)
  108. Where were you (23 replies)
  109. For tomorow (11 replies)
  110. Spies Revolting Agaist Centcom/Administration (0 replies)
  111. Devout Muslims in action (21+ Graphic): murderers using fire (2 replies)
  112. Muslim Man in Florida Charged with Attempting Terrorist Attack in Florida! (12 replies)
  113. Tyr, You're Going To Like This (1 replies)
  114. ISIS Chemical Weapons Against Kurds (10 replies)
  115. Reflections On WWII Beginnings/End/Today (0 replies)
  116. Will Obama Now Listen To The Pentagon? (0 replies)
  117. Nuclear Iran: Is the U.S. Really Suicidal? (16 replies)
  118. Escapism in the UK ... (30 replies)
  119. Tennessee Suspect Texted Friend Link To Quranic Verse Before Attack (1 replies)
  120. Nothing To See Here, Move Along (2 replies)
  121. Where is the president when Marines Die? (23 replies)
  122. 8 Minutes After Obama's "Deal Speech" (2 replies)
  123. Obama's Delusion With Iran (46 replies)
  124. ISIS Child Soldiers Execute Syrian Soldiers (14 replies)
  125. Isis Expansion Along U.S. Borders (58 replies)
  126. While Obama Seeks to Disarm America, Left Wingers Have Engage in More Terrorism in Am (1 replies)
  127. Sanctions that would cripple Russia (9 replies)
  128. Imported muslims arriving now in these u.s. Cities (2 replies)
  129. Obama putting US at risk to fulfill Gitmo campaign promise? (4 replies)
  130. American teenager pleads guilty to helping Islamic State (3 replies)
  131. Muslims Slaughter Innocents as Obama Declares That ISIS Terrorists be Given Good Trea (1 replies)
  132. People, including Muslims can only take so much crap (36 replies)
  133. Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Assad (0 replies)
  134. Stupidity Reins at the State Department (12 replies)
  135. Pamela Geller Original Target For Beheading (3 replies)
  136. Diet Coke’ Muslim Discrimination Passenger Has Ties to Radical Imams (28 replies)
  137. June 29th A Day To Watch? (3 replies)
  138. Obama Owns ISIS Rise (9 replies)
  139. another micromanaged war (4 replies)
  140. If True This Is Going To Be 'Something' (5 replies)
  141. `.......Meet America's New 'Bunker-Buster' Super Bomb` (3 replies)
  142. IDK How Much More 'Success' We Can Take (8 replies)
  143. Nun: 'Islam Is ISIS. Whoever Says Otherwise Is a Liar' (2 replies)
  144. ‘YOU SHOULD BE KILLED': Muslim Tells Pamela Geller on TV She Should be SLAUGHTERED (8 replies)
  145. ISIS threatens - 70 terrorists in 15 states. (16 replies)
  146. Mortar Firing 101 (3 replies)
  147. ACLU, Pagans, Abortionists, Feminists, Gays to blame for 9/11 - Rev. Jerry Falwell (0 replies)
  148. Islamic Genocide Of Christians (9 replies)
  149. Politicians and The Persecution of Christians (8 replies)
  150. `......US military option 'old habit that dies hard': Iran FM` (3 replies)
  151. Murdock: The Unseriousness Of Obama (1 replies)
  152. Fool of the Week : Boston Bomber's Mom (3 replies)
  153. When The Scales Fell From His Eyes (2 replies)
  154. Iran, Yemen, Leading From Behind (12 replies)
  155. DHS Secretary: At Least 40 Americans Who Fought With ISIS Overseas Are Back in the US (42 replies)
  156. `Palestinian rockets killed more Gazans in 2014 war Amnesty International said...` (0 replies)
  157. This Is Why We Are likely To Lose (5 replies)
  158. Britain to investigate Sharia courts, crack down on extremist preachers (8 replies)
  159. CIA chief says ISIS has 'snowballed' (2 replies)
  160. Activists say airstrike hits Islamic State-held oil refinery (0 replies)
  161. You did what the UK didn't ... (3 replies)
  162. Change of Heart (0 replies)
  163. ISIS Next Taget: Lebanon (2 replies)
  164. Islamic terror? I just don't see it... (30 replies)
  165. Daesh and the Islamic world (12 replies)
  166. Belgium jails Islamist group members (0 replies)
  167. Nine minutes from someone with a REAL warning to all of us. (7 replies)
  168. Saudi Arabia, a world leader in beheadings (0 replies)
  169. Far fewer terror attacks now than in the 1970s (10 replies)
  170. Panel: Unlike Obama, Jordan's King Shows Leadership in Terror War (28 replies)
  171. Even Egypt thinks Hamas are terrorists (3 replies)
  172. Daesh (0 replies)
  173. Drones, Awlaki Part 2 (15 replies)
  174. “Against This Enemy [ISIS] We Have to Keep Our Heads”................................ (8 replies)
  175. France terrorist buried over city's objections (3 replies)
  176. Syria training program could involve 1,000-plus US troops (2 replies)
  177. Obama: Europe should better integrate Muslims (81 replies)
  178. `..........White House: Obama Will Fight Media To Stop Anti-Jihad Articles` (3 replies)
  179. They're here (20 replies)
  180. Some U.S. websites Supporting Muslim Expansion (8 replies)
  181. Speaking of drone strikes, and Awlaki (57 replies)
  182. Victims of Terrorism relief and acknowledgements (6 replies)
  183. ISIS: How & What Can Be Done With Female Sex Slaves (1 replies)
  184. ISIS Beheads 4 Christian Children In Iraq (4 replies)
  185. Torture Report Hurts America – Dick Morris (1 replies)
  186. How about chronicling successes from those protecting our nation? (0 replies)
  187. Fort Hood victims set to receive Purple Hearts, combat status (6 replies)
  188. Obama’s Planned Giveaways To Iran (2 replies)
  189. How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11? (21 replies)
  190. AL Qaeda to ISIL western linage? (0 replies)
  191. Afghanistan opium harvest at record high... again (10 replies)
  192. ISIS terror chief 'believed dead' (4 replies)
  193. Obama Wants To Give Them Amnesty (3 replies)
  194. The US Now Involved In 134 Wars Or none, (2 replies)
  195. Convert to Islam Tests Boundaries of Germany’s Terror Laws (5 replies)
  196. ISIS supporter getting a BABY to kick the severed head of a Syrian soldier (1 replies)
  197. sex slave market day (31 replies)
  198. Nigerian extremist says kidnapped girls married (1 replies)
  199. `Israels quite doomsday Submarines are almost ready........` (0 replies)
  200. OBAMA Destroying Syria’s Oil Infrastructure Under Guise of Fighting ISIS (1 replies)
  201. Breaking: Man Attacks D.C. Cop With Ax…Update: Suspect Black Male (0 replies)
  202. Black Panther leader calls NYC hatchet attacker ‘crusader seeking justice’ (4 replies)
  203. Former Guantanamo detainees suspected of joining ISIS, other groups in Syria (27 replies)
  204. Stone-throwing Muslims bloody Christians in Michigan (6 replies)
  205. Kurd teen Girls Sending ISIS to Hell (2 replies)
  206. U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS (0 replies)
  207. Gang Of Black Men Attacking People Near University Of Illinois (15 replies)
  208. ISIS controlled Journalists? (7 replies)
  209. Obamamite Cosby's Dhimmitude (2 replies)
  210. Terrorists caught screwing a goat (24 replies)
  211. 2 million in Mecca for start of hajj (8 replies)
  212. Copper coated microchip implant allows terrorists to speak to god (5 replies)
  213. ISIS advancing on Baghdad (5 replies)
  214. ~ A-10 Warthogs Back to the Middle East ~ (6 replies)
  215. thoughts please (9 replies)
  216. Terrorist Attack Alert for Las Vegas, Nevada (4 replies)
  217. Who is really Behind Isis? (6 replies)
  218. Teaching your kids about the Sept. 11 attacks (6 replies)
  219. ISIS under attack (13 replies)
  220. ISIS Leader Sodomizes Eleven Muslim Recruits Then Blackmails Them if They Speak (34 replies)
  221. ‘Profile, Profile, Profile’ Muslims: Fox News Panel Goes on the Offensive (4 replies)
  222. Obama: Constitution and War (4 replies)
  223. Should we Attack Saudi Arabia (66 replies)
  224. Al-Qaeda India branch’s first attack ends in dismal failure as jihadists 'raid wrong (1 replies)
  225. Never Forget (4 replies)
  226. Female Fighters Terrifying Terrorists (6 replies)
  227. Middle Eastern MucK, Obama stuck. [Opinion] (1 replies)
  228. ISIS beheads another American on video (27 replies)
  229. ISIS wants WMD (45 replies)
  230. Two questions about jafar??? (31 replies)
  231. dead terrorist explodes (11 replies)
  232. UK PM warns ISIS is coming to streets of London (7 replies)
  233. While everybody pays attention to the Cop shooting in Mo. (3 replies)
  234. Report: 'Islamic State' Terrorists Killed 500 Yazidis, Buried Some Victims Alive Rea (6 replies)
  235. Israel, Hamas agree on new 72-hour truce (4 replies)
  236. Wall Street Journal Confirms That Obama is Arming Hamas Terrorists (6 replies)
  237. Netanyahu to Obama: “Don’t Ever Second Guess Me Again” (3 replies)
  238. BREAKING: Israel Promises No More Cease Fires… They’re Going to Destroy Hamas (1 replies)
  239. Heeeeeeeere's Pallywood (38 replies)
  240. Hamas negotiating secret arms deal with North Korea (1 replies)
  241. Netanyahu: Hamas trying to 'hoodwink' world (1 replies)
  242. UN Council Agrees on Demand for Gaza Cease-Fire (2 replies)
  243. Report: Hamas Turns to North Korea for Arms (2 replies)
  244. This is what Our member Drummond is living today. (20 replies)
  245. ISIS Leader Threatens Obama: 'We're Coming for You' (5 replies)
  246. When Burying a Terrorist, You Might Want to Remove the Suicide Vest First (8 replies)
  247. This is What is Really Going on in Gaza Right Now (59 replies)
  248. Incoming !!! (19 replies)
  249. Hamas Just Attempted To Create A Horrific Nuclear Disaster In The Heart Of Israel Rea (17 replies)
  250. "Peaceful Muslims" are not relevant to the discussion (29 replies)