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  1. Snowden reveals ISIS is a CIA/Mossad asset. (15 replies)
  2. Which will jafar choose? (41 replies)
  3. Why do Muslims support terrorists? (16 replies)
  4. Negotiating with Terrorists? (74 replies)
  5. And they declare jihad if Koran is burned?!? (46 replies)
  6. Obama's trick to get back into Iraq without losing FACE! (3 replies)
  7. US-made Stinger missiles have likely fallen into ISIS hands, officials say (14 replies)
  8. Iraq (36 replies)
  9. Who created modern day terrorists (24 replies)
  10. Who is responsible for fighting terrorists? (40 replies)
  11. President Obama shirks his campaign pledge not to deal with Hamas (11 replies)
  12. The Terrorists arrive in Qatar... (101 replies)
  13. DIA Chief: White House Will Whitewash Jihadist Threat 'Over My Dead Body' (69 replies)
  14. Australia to list Nigerian militant group Boko Haram as terrorist organisation (5 replies)
  15. British sniper in Afghanistan kills six Taliban with one bullet (16 replies)
  16. Bin Laden son-in-law convicted at NYC terror trial (33 replies)
  17. National Guard Reservist Arrested In Al-Qaida-Linked Attack (9 replies)
  18. Do You Know Why? Main Stream Media can't answer... (4 replies)
  19. NEW best 14 second vid - don't watch if you dislike death (13 replies)
  20. Use of Stolen Passports on Vanished Jet Raises Concern About Terrorism (11 replies)
  21. Best 7 second video ever! (14 replies)
  22. Boston Bombing Truth? (6 replies)
  23. Where are the Islamists? (4 replies)
  24. Former O'Hare TSA Agent Spills Secrets (20 replies)
  25. War on losers (8 replies)
  26. Proof...will be denied by everyone connected.. (2 replies)
  27. Japan tells world to stand up to China or face consequences (0 replies)
  28. Is Al Qaeda a group we should worry about? (16 replies)
  29. The Islamization of Britain in 2013 (39 replies)
  30. Muslim women now suicide bomb in Russia. (0 replies)
  31. Federal judge says NSA program appears to violate Constitution (2 replies)
  32. State Department offic: 40 to 60 new enemies are created for every drone strike (23 replies)
  33. Kansas airport bomb stuff... (1 replies)
  34. FBI Can Remotely Operate Laptop Cameras Secretly (10 replies)
  35. mission patch for U.S. rocket carrying spy satellites (0 replies)
  36. TSA now Searching cars parked without warrant (2 replies)
  37. More Kentucky Muslim Terrorists were relocated here!! (38 replies)
  38. Al Qaeda in Kentucky? (21 replies)
  39. Who knew USA and Britain funded Islamic terrorists this way??? (2 replies)
  40. We Will Bleed You to Death (17 replies)
  41. Obama: I'm Really Good At Killing People (0 replies)
  42. Pakistan slams US for killing Taliban leader (9 replies)
  43. Like I said - terrorism and Al Qaeda NOT dead (6 replies)
  44. Anger in France, Mexico (2 replies)
  45. What is the difference....? (3 replies)
  46. NSA Spying Did Not Result In a SINGLE Foiled Terrorist Plot (41 replies)
  47. "Obama a Muslim Terrorist" (5 replies)
  48. Malala Yusafzai on the Daily Show (1 replies)
  49. How many Americans know about this? (11 replies)
  50. Israel ready to tackle nuclear Iran 'alone' (9 replies)
  51. Muslim Imam Calls For Terror Attacks in America (10 replies)
  52. Sued by Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), (7 replies)
  53. Abdul Haji - Muslim Hero of Westgate (77 replies)
  54. Boston And More Government Lies (7 replies)
  55. Massacre in Kenya (192 replies)
  56. Al-Qaeda Backers have U.S. Contracts in Afghanistan... (1 replies)
  57. Beheaded in front of children, Assad's thugs are dragged to their doom and butchered (37 replies)
  58. Where were you (16 replies)
  59. A war the Pentagon does not want.... (3 replies)
  60. Brutality of Syrian Rebels.... (2 replies)
  61. Rand Paul: Why I'm voting 'No'... (1 replies)
  62. I can’t rule out boots on the ground if Syria implodes (16 replies)
  63. Calling it Treason (0 replies)
  64. Obama, Syria, and al Qaeda (24 replies)
  65. Syrian rebel eating heart of dead victim. This is what obama will help win. Video not (97 replies)
  66. Fox Guarding the Henhouse (6 replies)
  67. CIA Files Prove U.S. Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran (8 replies)
  68. Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies (40 replies)
  69. Egypt Two Minibuses ambushed, killing 25 policemen. (0 replies)
  70. Not Going To Happen (2 replies)
  71. President Played Cards During bin Laden Raid?! (14 replies)
  72. What's the difference? (50 replies)
  73. I like this pissed off House Wife (3 replies)
  74. Obama/Biden Montage: We "Decimated Al Qaeda" (0 replies)
  75. Possibe Terror Attack and Obama Plays Golf (13 replies)
  76. Bin Laden (0 replies)
  77. Syria's Assad may cling on, Britain will not arm rebels: (0 replies)
  78. Something Palestinians Do Not Want Us To See.... (1 replies)
  79. International terrorizm and interested parties (49 replies)
  80. Syrian rebels beheads bishop François Murad (85 replies)
  81. Obama hasn't fooled the Irish. (3 replies)
  82. Pork-laced bullets designed to send Muslims straight ‘to hell’ (74 replies)
  83. Shoe bomber sentenced and the Judges statement (4 replies)
  84. Fort Hood suspect expected to argue shooting was in defense of Taliban (10 replies)
  85. Al Qaeda Chemical Weapons Plot (44 replies)
  86. Bloomberg, Ricin Attack (4 replies)
  87. Killer of British Soldier was Held in Kenya (43 replies)
  88. Rumsfeld Gives White House Failing Grade on Terror (38 replies)
  89. Drone strike on 4 Americans - Rev is gonna lose his mind! (56 replies)
  90. Terror Attack Woolwich, England (2 replies)
  91. US Hasn't Detained Five Benghazi Terrorists Due to Trial-Related Evidentiary Concerns (0 replies)
  92. AP Big Story: FBI Knows Benghazi Murders, Obama Wants 'Smart' Diplomacy (6 replies)
  93. Prez has Authority to commit troops Anytime anywhere without congress... (20 replies)
  94. Iran to preside over United Nations arms-control forum later this month (2 replies)
  95. FBI surrounds house of Saudi student with pressure cooker pot... (28 replies)
  96. Did Imam really curse the souls of fallen Navy Seal team 6 special forces members? (2 replies)
  97. 4 killed in bombing of a New York tavern... (13 replies)
  98. Washington Post Goes Soft On Cop Killer and Terrorist (0 replies)
  99. Study Examines Political and Social Beliefs of Muslims (4 replies)
  100. Israel bombs Hezbollah-bound missiles in Syria (10 replies)
  101. Saudi's Warned Of Tamerlan In 2012? (22 replies)
  102. Benghazi survivor: Help was close enough but never sent (16 replies)
  103. Obama administration officials threatened whistle-blowers on Benghazi (6 replies)
  104. NEW Bi-Partisan report on torture (778 replies)
  105. Bashar Assad becomes a Saddam Hussein clone (15 replies)
  106. What's the Ricin-Bombing Connection? (5 replies)
  107. Report Shows Obama, Clinton blew Benghazi response (2 replies)
  108. Rand Paul flip flops on drones (50 replies)
  109. Islamberg, USA . The Muslim Only Town Where Residents Learn Guerilla Warfare Tactics (35 replies)
  110. 2 Arrested in Canada Planned to Attack Train, Police Say (7 replies)
  111. Israeli Doctors Are Treating Boston Bombing Suspect (0 replies)
  112. Is Miranda rights for every U.S. citizen? (67 replies)
  113. With Al Qaeda shattered, U.S. counter-terrorism's future unclear (79 replies)
  114. Ricin Confirmed Regarding Letter Sent To Senator (3 replies)
  115. Gitmo Terror Detainees Were 'Crushed' By Obama's Failure to Close Prison (43 replies)
  116. Finally - Suspect Arrested, Linked to Daniel Pearl Slaying (2 replies)
  117. U.N. finally confirms ?????? (7 replies)
  118. Another Palestinian Photo-op Goes Belly Up (21 replies)
  119. Bad Ass of the Week (10 replies)
  120. Why don't we see Islamic attacks in Latin America? (59 replies)
  121. Do You Care Whether Four Americans Died? (18 replies)
  122. 68,000 almost forgotten warriors (20 replies)
  123. Legal "justification" 4 Prez to Kill people White Paper, Full text (18 replies)
  124. Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower off to Prison While Torturers He Exposed walk FREE (14 replies)
  125. Obama's Drones for American Kills! (96 replies)
  126. Assad's "Soldiers" [NSFW] (8 replies)
  127. Who Cares, right? (24 replies)
  128. Islamic Fascism: the Nazi Connection (6 replies)
  129. Pakistan: U.S. drone kills senior al-Qaeda leader (3 replies)
  130. U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands (59 replies)
  131. Inside the FBI: sibel edmonds story book review (1 replies)
  132. Doesn't Sound Like Good News (27 replies)
  133. Terror groups (22 replies)
  134. war on "terror" weapons (36 replies)
  135. Facebook censoring anti-Obama memes (36 replies)
  136. Intelligent Muslims shooting RPG's (43 replies)
  137. Why Do You Kill, Zaid? (10 replies)
  138. FBI thwarts New York Fed bomb plot (26 replies)
  139. Al-Qaeda Leader Calls for Holy War Against the U.S. Over Video (0 replies)
  140. 14 year old girl shot by Taliban (70 replies)
  141. Army Tells Soldiers the SIGNS of potenial Terrorist... (14 replies)
  142. Diplomats asked repeatedly for more security before Libya attack (0 replies)
  143. Why it is only Good to hate the Evil that is Islam! (40 replies)
  144. About Hamas, the terrorist organization... (25 replies)
  145. Dangerous and deepening divide between Islamic world, West (7 replies)
  146. US versus Canada airport security? (12 replies)
  147. Funnies about terrorists (6 replies)
  148. Anyone wonder why Toby Keith hasn't been targeted by the Jihadists? (13 replies)
  149. Obama's I Got OBL Movie (3 replies)
  150. Who has seen this?: Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips (10 replies)
  151. Is Obama Going To Send Blind Sheik To Egypt? (33 replies)
  152. Four U.S. soldiers murdered by supposed ally.. (18 replies)
  153. In 2004, Didn't Stories Like This Result In Questions For Bush? (1 replies)
  154. Teen charged with attempted terrorist bombing.. (3 replies)
  155. In The ME, Africa I Can Buy Into Ignorance (1 replies)
  156. The Failure That Is Obama (11 replies)
  157. State Department had credible intel 48 hours before attacks (4 replies)
  158. Some Good News (6 replies)
  159. Blame Is Probably At The State Department (46 replies)
  160. The Man THat Anticipated The Attacks (1 replies)
  161. Tomorrow Is 9/11/12 (56 replies)
  162. Al-Qaida's No. 2 in Yemen killed in airstrike (16 replies)
  163. Is the socalled "Arab Spring" dead? (36 replies)
  164. Canada cuts off diplomatic ties with Iran (4 replies)
  165. 17 villagers beheaded after wild music party -A-stan !! (7 replies)
  166. U.S. troops punished over Koran burning, urination video (13 replies)
  167. Al-Qaida linked websites threaten ex-Navy Seal turned author (4 replies)
  168. Kenya: 48 people killed in what is called tribal clashes, most likely Islamists usual (6 replies)
  169. Muslims wage campaign to target those that oppose their world plan to take over.. (8 replies)
  170. Islam spreads its tentacles and terror. (0 replies)
  171. Iran's supreme leader orders fresh terror attacks on West (3 replies)
  172. Two U.S. soldiers killed by Afghan police officer.. (3 replies)
  173. Three U.S. Marines shot dead on military base in A-stan.. (22 replies)
  174. Three U.S. special ops troops killed... (20 replies)
  175. Al Qaeda in Syria?? (181 replies)
  176. WTH?... U.S. gives $100 million to Hamas controlled Gaza! (4 replies)
  177. Spain Arrests 3 In Active Al Queda Cell (1 replies)
  178. New Epytian Prez vows to realease Blind Shiehk AQ's "spiritual" leader (25 replies)
  179. US drone attack kills some more vermin! (124 replies)
  180. Massacre of French Jewish children... (2 replies)
  181. Stoopid Arabs need to learn from Japanese (4 replies)
  182. Thatcher's military aid to Saddam (0 replies)
  183. Syria's WMD's could someday be used here on us. (560 replies)
  184. Suspected stupidcide bomber in Bulgaria had Michigan drivers license! (32 replies)
  185. Sen. Paul eyes floor vote on stripping Pakistan aid unless jailed doctor released (0 replies)
  186. Al Qaeda not trying to get into US? (60 replies)
  187. Taliban to ban polio vaccinations for children until US stops drone strikes (8 replies)
  188. White House said to give inside access for bin Laden film (4 replies)
  189. NDAA: No Detaining Americans, Says Federal Judge (17 replies)
  190. U.N.: Afghan heroin Production UP 61% last year (29 replies)
  191. US secretly releasing Taliban fighters, report says (7 replies)
  192. Why we need to remain vigilant (19 replies)
  193. Officials Watch for Terrorists With Body Bombs on US-Bound Planes (3 replies)
  194. Airports Want TSA out (9 replies)
  195. 'International Permission’ Trumps Congressional Permission For Military Actions (64 replies)
  196. AP: Iran may be cleaning up nuke work (7 replies)
  197. Holder: U.S. can lawfully target American citizens (99 replies)
  198. U.S. Senators Say Saudi Gov't Links to 911 bombers, (31 replies)
  199. TSA wants arrest powers on a highway near you (24 replies)
  200. Lt Col. Reports from Afghanistan (1 replies)
  201. The left says Bush left Obama with two useless wars. (69 replies)
  202. Brits detained by homeland security... (30 replies)
  203. Obama had no balls to close Gitmo (34 replies)
  204. TSA Promises to be everywhere... (38 replies)
  205. Joe Biden - The Taliban Is Not Our Enemy (28 replies)
  206. Exclusive: Secret U.S., Taliban talks reach turning point (1 replies)
  207. Weird, no news about Al Qaeda holding American hostage (15 replies)
  208. Iran Has Another 'Nuclear Facility' Explosion (10 replies)
  209. FBI fake terror entrapment? Job security maybe (31 replies)
  210. Cain & Bachmann Want to Reinstate Waterboarding (22 replies)
  211. Premature Detonation (5 replies)
  212. Taliban Muslims execute 13 Americans, Afghan Policemen and a civilian (88 replies)
  213. US support "good" terrorist (11 replies)
  214. 16 year old American killed in drone strike (33 replies)
  215. Honor Killing Muslin Father Murders Daughters and Wife (0 replies)
  216. 600 Page Fatwa Condemning Terrorism (26 replies)
  217. Muslims Condemn Terrorism (11 replies)
  218. Poll: 1 in 3 vets say Iraq, Afghan wars a waste (4 replies)
  219. Saudi Man Arrested at New York Airport With Bag Full of Weapons (51 replies)
  220. Libya is Free.. (9 replies)
  221. Why Muslims are still mad at America - By Steven Kull (250 replies)
  222. What Patton Would Say Today (0 replies)
  223. Al-Qaeda's second-in-command killed in Pakistan (5 replies)
  224. Hezbollah et al in Mexico? (3 replies)
  225. Obama, Terrorist Hound Dog (2 replies)
  226. Bush and Clinton Counter-Terrorism Czar Alleges Massive 9/11 Cover Up (1 replies)
  227. Iraq...........Endless Quagmire (5 replies)
  228. Another Lybian Rebel leader Killed (0 replies)
  229. Widespread Terror Attack In Oslo, Norway (96 replies)
  230. Planning to attack Military Entrance Processing Station - Govt cant tell truth (1 replies)
  231. It's Going To Be Part Of Obama's Legacy (0 replies)
  232. Obama to outline Afghanistan troop withdrawal plan (0 replies)
  233. Pakistani Girl Forced to Wear Suicide Vest (1 replies)
  234. Pakistan Ambassador Defends Arrest of CIA Informants (3 replies)
  235. US dealmaking with Taliban? (28 replies)
  236. MI6 attacks al-Qaeda in 'Operation Cupcake' (4 replies)
  237. Drones Get Another Top Al Queda Leader (27 replies)
  238. Cynthia McKinney’s new job: Being Qaddafi’s Tokyo Rose (34 replies)
  239. Obama On Libya: No Reason For Congressional Approval (22 replies)
  240. Congress cedes Prez indefinite war powers? (1 replies)
  241. Secret Service interrogates 7th grader (82 replies)
  242. Rumsfeld Tells Bottom Line (0 replies)
  243. Iraq war, the Intel was Cooked on purpose... (111 replies)
  244. A fascinating read that seems very plausible (7 replies)
  245. In One Week A Hit and A Near Miss (1 replies)
  246. Bush Led, Bin Laden Dead, but Where's the Credit? (0 replies)
  247. Obama owes thanks, and an apology, to CIA interrogators (1 replies)
  248. For DragonStryk, Revelarts and Noir ***** NOT SAFE FOR WORK **** (25 replies)
  249. Obama won't release photos of dead Bin Laden (1 replies)
  250. The secret stealth drone that helped kill Bin Laden (0 replies)