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  1. AP: Water makes US troops in Iraq sick (2 replies)
  2. Which Intelligence Agency is the best? (6 replies)
  3. Support the Troops by Untying Their Hands (3 replies)
  4. How do you negotiate (184 replies)
  5. Hamas hails 'heroic' Jerusalem attack (55 replies)
  6. *This Day And Age: Still Fuzzy Surveillance Cameras* (4 replies)
  7. *Arabs In Gaza, You Might Want To Vacate The Area For Awhile* (1 replies)
  8. Very Graphic video~ Islamic Terror -Live Beheading (21 replies)
  9. Evidence suggests Chavez gave FARC $300M (3 replies)
  10. *Chavez Getting Ready For Ass Beating: Time Is Right* (3 replies)
  11. *Peace Process? What Peace Process? You're Nothing But Terrorists!* (0 replies)
  12. Prince Harry and the Media (2 replies)
  13. status of the war (26 replies)
  14. Have You Forgotten? (54 replies)
  15. Damn Those Warmongering Euros (0 replies)
  16. Pre-war statements made by democrats regarding Iraq. (6 replies)
  17. Old Front & Enemy Made New (1 replies)
  18. On Extremists Sunnis In Iraq (4 replies)
  19. Purported Al Qaeda Video Shows Prisoners Burned Alive (13 replies)
  20. What About Those 'Benchmarks'? (4 replies)
  21. Our Friends, The Saudis (8 replies)
  22. On Iraq: The Political Front (0 replies)
  23. the dem controled senate approves spying on the american people... (5 replies)
  24. Bill Clinton Pardoned Terrorists? Yes He Did... (2 replies)
  25. *Get Gitmo Radicals Dead Pres. Bush: Don't Leave Office Without It* (1 replies)
  26. Al-Qaeda leaders admit: 'We are in crisis. There is panic and fear' (12 replies)
  27. Support these patriots, by simply making a phone call (0 replies)
  28. we face a war on terrorism at home every day (4 replies)
  29. Poll is Osama Bin Laden dead or alive?? (9 replies)
  30. Osama Bin Laden dead???? (3 replies)
  31. Ready to quit Afghanistan, Canada PM tells Bush (22 replies)
  32. Conterversial Opinion (3 replies)
  33. US Shift Seen to Pakistan, Afghanistan (21 replies)
  34. Stupid Suicide bomber falls down stairs (1 replies)
  35. Saddam Interrogator says "Saddam Faked WMD's" (4 replies)
  36. Do you support child molestation? (4 replies)
  37. Do you support torture? (1651 replies)
  38. Bin Laden's son to father: Change your ways(Video) (0 replies)
  39. Clashes Kill Nearly 50 in Southern Iraq (5 replies)
  40. Bin Laden's braided peacenik son on a mission (9 replies)
  41. You might be a radical Muslim if: (4 replies)
  42. Bush sets arms sale to terrorist nation (18 replies)
  43. Anti-war Soros funded Iraq study (1 replies)
  44. Bush: Iran threatens world security (19 replies)
  45. One Year Later... (48 replies)
  46. President Bush calls Iran 'threat to world peace' (61 replies)
  47. Bribes' free top Taleban leader (1 replies)
  48. Major Joint US-Iraqi Operation Begins (4 replies)
  49. Iran's Provocation (9 replies)
  50. Vionlence, Killing, Bloodshed, Non-stop, With No End In Sight... (9 replies)
  51. NY Times Accuses Troops of War Crimes (137 replies)
  52. Why the Bush Administration is losing the "war on terror" (25 replies)
  53. Lets not forget about the wounded (2 replies)
  54. PRIVATE POLL: Question; Do You Think We Should Get Out Of Iraq, Or Stay There? (165 replies)
  55. 2007 Deadliest for US Troops in Iraq (26 replies)
  56. Lessons From the Surge (92 replies)
  57. What's Happening (0 replies)
  58. Long Picture (0 replies)
  59. Learning the Lessons of the Past, Again (0 replies)
  60. Interesting shift for al Qaeda in Pakistan (19 replies)
  61. Al-Qaeda Claims Responsibility For Bhutto's Death (0 replies)
  62. *Egyptian Muslim Imam Caught Making Bomb In The Philippines: Claims Its A Mistake* (5 replies)
  63. I dont ever wanna hear another word, about how america is not a moral nation (5 replies)
  64. Holy Night (0 replies)
  65. Come to America and experience our " enhanced techniques ". (17 replies)
  66. Is the Mission Complete? (49 replies)
  67. Dems Cut and Run From Surrender Date Again (14 replies)
  68. 250 Iraqi Detainees Claim Torture By US Forces (62 replies)
  69. Interrogation: Anti-Bush Overreaction (6 replies)
  70. One World Government (9 replies)
  71. Our Friends, The Pakastanis (2 replies)
  72. Afghan Mission Is Reviewed as Concerns Rise (14 replies)
  73. Turkey Hits PKK From Air and With Artillery (0 replies)
  74. Hard Corps - A great story (7 replies)
  75. Goose Creek (1 replies)
  76. A Gitmo trial beats judgment at Nuremberg (0 replies)
  77. British Doubt Iran Report (0 replies)
  78. US Troops Are Winning in Iraq - When Will Dems Admit It? (2204 replies)
  79. Israel No Nuclear Threat To Neighbors, Says Gates (11 replies)
  80. Anti-war exhibit wins British art prize (3 replies)
  81. National Intelligence Estimate: Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 (477 replies)
  82. Check it out SAUDIboy! (0 replies)
  83. 'axis Of Idiots' (52 replies)
  84. Savaging The Savages: Many See Islam Clearly* (1 replies)
  85. "Message to the Peoples of Europe” new film by Sheikh Osama Bin Laden (10 replies)
  86. Name a teddy bear "Muhammed" - off with your head. (5 replies)
  87. Glenn beck tonight (1 replies)
  88. Special Bulletin from the Pentagon (2 replies)
  89. *Islam In France: Hard Times For Good People* (1 replies)
  90. *Its Name Is: Mohammad* (6 replies)
  91. hummer fly like a bird new movie lol (29 replies)
  92. US, Iraq Deal Sees Long-Term US Presence (10 replies)
  93. Bride, groom stopped in Iraq actually terror suspects (8 replies)
  94. a real battle between American army and Taliban in Afghanistan live on YouTube (22 replies)
  95. As Democrats See Security Gains in Iraq, Tone Shifts (24 replies)
  96. 'Al Qaeda rolodex' found in Iraq (3 replies)
  97. Terror plots thwarted since 9-11 (1 replies)
  98. Global Incident site (0 replies)
  99. Prepare to feel very uneasy (30 replies)
  100. The Failure Rates at Los Angeles and Chicago Stunned Security Experts. (9 replies)
  101. Dems See No Evil (2 replies)
  102. Dems Stymied on War Bills (16 replies)
  103. Executing the Winning Strategy in Iraq (29 replies)
  104. They Had Mass In Iraq Yesterday (0 replies)
  105. Are Dems Going To Cut Off War Funds? (2 replies)
  106. Is Musharaff Going To Take Out The Taliban? (3 replies)
  107. D.C. imam declares Muslim plan to conquor America by 2050 (39 replies)
  108. Anti-War folk: ""These are nonviolent people. They are not attackers," (4 replies)
  109. Video: Removing RPG from a soldier's hip. Ouch (1 replies)
  110. U.S. Military Reversing Iraq Troop Surge (8 replies)
  111. Tokyo Hillary (4 replies)
  112. Dems Pushing For Surrender Once Again (201 replies)
  113. Another Indication That Iraq Has Been Won (14 replies)
  114. LA Times - Torture: the new abortion (44 replies)
  115. Great news from iraq - NY Times Puts It on Page A-19 (14 replies)
  116. Video...Bali Bombing Cleric..Bombing America Cool.. (1 replies)
  117. Masharif declares Marshall Law in Pakistan (11 replies)
  118. No More Excuses (41 replies)
  119. Serious Success in Iraq Is Not Being Recognised (0 replies)
  120. Example Of Why NON MSM Coverage Is Better (3 replies)
  121. Madrid terrorists will walk free... (13 replies)
  122. *Japan Needs to Wipe Out The Pirates In Somalia* (1 replies)
  123. U.S. Military: Iranian-Made Rockets Hit Base Near Baghdad (8 replies)
  124. Effing Media (2 replies)
  125. Iraq shuts down Kurdish rebel offices under threat of attack (0 replies)
  126. Have You Heard Of Lt Michael Murphy? (20 replies)
  127. Something Old That Influenced My Perspective (2 replies)
  128. A General says it like it is (4 replies)
  129. Garage wouldn't serve soldier (uk) (20 replies)
  130. Is the war getting too expensive? (4 replies)
  131. The real Indonesia (5 replies)
  132. Truth about islam from an ex-muslim lady (5 replies)
  133. Plamegate and Iran's Nukes (12 replies)
  134. Iraq and Roll (1 replies)
  135. *The Shock!: Turkish Muslims And Iraqi Muslims Killing Each Other!* (4 replies)
  136. *Iran Threatens To Attack Iraq If We Bomb Them* (1 replies)
  137. *Radical Islam Is* (93 replies)
  138. Afghan arms shipment came from Iran: NATO general (2 replies)
  139. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare (30 replies)
  140. Who Thinks This dude should be arrested and tried for treason (6 replies)
  141. Turkey needs to stop pretending it did NOT commit genocide (3 replies)
  142. AQ in trouble...... (0 replies)
  143. Kurdish rebels warn Turkey of large-scale offensive (2 replies)
  144. Turkey Government asks Parliament to let troops enter Iraq (39 replies)
  145. Coulter: Arabs are "Camel Jockeys" (63 replies)
  146. another liberal surrender monkey??? (106 replies)
  147. Bush Endorses the surrender of Americnan Sovereigny (21 replies)
  148. Bush Endorses a Military Dictatorship (0 replies)
  149. terrorist mastermind converts to christianity (5 replies)
  150. Turkey threatens repercussions for U.S. (61 replies)
  151. what happend to all the death and destruction? (35 replies)
  152. How long has this man been wanted? (20 replies)
  153. Terrorists Endorse Hillary (76 replies)
  154. Team Bush Screws Up AGAIN! (99 replies)
  155. Warning Iran (9 replies)
  156. *Bastard Saudi King Lets Free Terrorists: Hope They Blow Up His Palace* (6 replies)
  157. The Erosion of a Murder Case Against Marines in the Killing of 24 Iraqi Civilians (0 replies)
  158. 1 in 5 Democrats Say World Will Be Better Off if U.S. Loses War (52 replies)
  159. Troops Want Respect - Not Pity (4 replies)
  160. Dems Will End The War By Raising Taxes (64 replies)
  161. When Islamists Get Caught: MAS Edition (6 replies)
  162. Islamic extremism has been a threat since the beginning of islam, and must be (19 replies)
  163. U.S.-led forces are making headway (6 replies)
  164. Returning Troops Banned From Airport Terminal (29 replies)
  165. House Resolution Supporting Limbaugh (54 replies)
  166. Al Qaeda on the ropes? (3 replies)
  167. Will the 12th Imam cause war with Iran? (52 replies)
  168. Positive happenings from Iraq (16 replies)
  169. WHAT?! Dems commit troops to 2013?!!! (82 replies)
  170. Congress rebukes Ahmadinejad (5 replies)
  171. Arnold leads charge against Iran (1 replies)
  172. President Ahmadinejad - Coming of the Madhi (39 replies)
  173. US snipers 'bait' Iraqis: report (25 replies)
  174. *America Won't Forget Little Hitlers Crapping On Our Flag* (26 replies)
  175. *What If Ahmadinejad Has A Nuclear Bomb On His Plane?* (32 replies)
  176. Iranian guard officer arested in Iraq (6 replies)
  177. *More Reasons To Be Concerned About Islams* (1 replies)
  178. Bin Laden declares war on Pakistan (7 replies)
  179. Terrorists love Liberals (11 replies)
  180. From the files of ... uh... ya think? (3 replies)
  181. *Syria Has Chemical Weapons: They Are Caught Red Handed* (10 replies)
  182. *Islam In Any Place, Is Always Death* (0 replies)
  183. *War Is Brewing On Irans Little Hitlers Forehead* (3 replies)
  184. *Sharing The Islamic Love:Death Religion* (0 replies)
  185. Rod Dreher: What the Muslim Brotherhood means for the U.S. (4 replies)
  186. Failed suicide bomber turns on al Qaeda (6 replies)
  187. Syria seeks nuclear tech from N. Korea (3 replies)
  188. The Perfect day (3 replies)
  189. Most amazing pics EVER of 9/11 (85 replies)
  190. Another Certified Military EXPERT for the Liberals to attack speaks. (27 replies)
  191. German kid knew of 9/11, warned teacher (2 replies)
  192. Terrorists: We'll cut off head of 'prostitute' Britney Spears (46 replies)
  193. Israel spots nuclear installations in Syria (9 replies)
  194. Islam - A religion of "peace" (67 replies)
  195. President Bush begins pulling troops - Bush Orders Troop Cuts (62 replies)
  196. Caught in the act: New drone kills two insurgents planting IED (1 replies)
  197. Fact: Anti-War Protesters are JACKED UP! Here's one who murdered... (3 replies)
  198. Young Muslims begin dangerous fight for the right to abandon faith (1 replies)
  199. *Israel About To Drop A Hurting On Arabs In Gaza Strip* (0 replies)
  200. *9~11 What I Bring Away From That Day* (30 replies)
  201. Ex Senator: 9/11 Arabs Cooperated With Zionists (0 replies)
  202. Petraeus is a LIAR!! (82 replies)
  203. *Swiss Learning To Boot Islam: Its Not To Late* (3 replies)
  204. *Algeria Isn't Muslim Enough For OBL* (3 replies)
  205. Iran's nuclear progress exaggerated... (19 replies)
  206. Bin Laden's Cave found (22 replies)
  207. *More reasons We Must Work Together To Fight Islam: Philippines Wars Is Ours* (7 replies)
  208. islam treats their women so well.... (1 replies)
  209. Our followers ‘must live in peace until strong enough to wage jihad’ (26 replies)
  210. Do you think something big will happen this week? (13 replies)
  211. Your elected president, what would you do about iraq (6 replies)
  212. Osama's latest top forty entry... (7 replies)
  213. *America Already Has Plans In Place: If Islam Does Something Crazy* (5 replies)
  214. The big surprise (11 replies)
  215. I'm confused, Jafar (107 replies)
  216. 'New Al Qaeda plot to blow up planes on September 11' smashed (17 replies)
  217. Terrorism pays after all. (12 replies)
  218. What happens to Muslim apostates? (14 replies)
  219. Muslims get pissed when man pisses in their mosque (67 replies)
  220. Why does nobody talk about... (29 replies)
  221. *Bush Flies Into The Hornets Nest: True American Hero!* (4 replies)
  222. *Irans Little Hitler Sounding Shaken: Wonders Now If USA Will Attack?* (99 replies)
  223. *Europe Ready To Kick Muslims OUT!* (53 replies)
  224. Al Qaeda resorts to using children (5 replies)
  225. Tribal Leaders unite against Al Qaeda (7 replies)
  226. No Progress huh? (36 replies)
  227. What would it take? (53 replies)
  228. Teditorial: War is the answer (6 replies)
  229. Iraqi Father about his son's death: "No remorse - He died for Americans Soldiers (3 replies)
  230. If only we could get ours hands on THESE guys (sad) (66 replies)
  231. Muslim "leaders" angry over FBI-Released Photos of Suspicious Ferry Riders. (31 replies)
  232. george was appointed by who? (9 replies)
  233. Arab Woman gives Muslims a Thrashing (6 replies)
  234. Padilla is convicted (8 replies)
  235. The Media Is So Gun Ignorant! (WOT-related) (49 replies)
  236. Who is the "terrorist organization" here? (11 replies)
  237. What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy ? (19 replies)
  238. Inside Iraq (0 replies)
  239. Dems Say It Will Take Years To Leave Iraq (3 replies)
  240. LMAO - U.S Citizens on the Iraq War (4 replies)
  241. UN To Expand Role In Iraq (0 replies)
  242. The Left Is Going To Hate September (40 replies)
  243. Even NY Times Reporter Says Surge Is Working (1 replies)
  244. Explosives from Iran weakening security in Iraq, commander says (1 replies)
  245. Bagdahd Diarist Admits He Lied (7 replies)
  246. AP Analysis Now Says Surge Is Working (1 replies)
  247. Attacks on Bush Boost America's Enemies (2 replies)
  248. Terrorists teaming with drug cartels (1 replies)
  249. Taliban attacks U.S. post..... (1 replies)
  250. Shifting perceptions of the war (0 replies)