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  1. Vatican Forgives John Lennon For Jesus Quip (35 replies)
  2. Disgraced Pastor Returns — As Businessman (62 replies)
  3. Overpopulation (29 replies)
  4. Drinking Kool-Aid (0 replies)
  5. Last-minute Bush abortion ruling causes furor (6 replies)
  6. LOL! I agree with this sign! (1 replies)
  7. Didn't want to hijack dmp's post... (43 replies)
  8. Find your voice (4 replies)
  9. What makes a minority? (84 replies)
  10. Obama voters won't get communion... (112 replies)
  11. Explain It Again - BUT ... REAL ... S-L-O-W ... (38 replies)
  12. Jewish group wants Mormons to stop proxy baptisms of dead Jews (3 replies)
  13. Joy Is God, God Is Love, Love Is Eternal (3 replies)
  14. City Boy Grows Up Fast To Give Family A Chance (1 replies)
  15. Europe’s Christian Comeback (4 replies)
  16. NY family opposes end to care for brain-dead boy (45 replies)
  17. Thousands in Salt Lake City protest LDS stance on same-sex marriage (1 replies)
  18. Jesus is a friend of mine.. (10 replies)
  19. That's My King! (2 replies)
  20. It's almost that time of year (1 replies)
  21. Calif. gay marriage ban backers target businesses (42 replies)
  22. I think this guy may have a point........."born a rapist".. (44 replies)
  23. Does anyone remember Dr. Gene Scott? (11 replies)
  24. Israel Not Among Nations Getting Visa Waiver From U.S. (0 replies)
  25. Lawsuit against God thrown out (18 replies)
  26. Apology to Mundame (0 replies)
  27. Soldier Punished In Beating Of Jewish Trainee (4 replies)
  28. Survey: Evangelicals Back McCain; Other Religious Voters Shift To Obama (0 replies)
  29. Sometimes the Pope scares me. (41 replies)
  30. perfect or imperfect..... (5 replies)
  31. brilliant weekend.... (2 replies)
  32. Been to a high school dance recently? (77 replies)
  33. Do you ask for Blessings? (11 replies)
  34. Marriage, a Biological Institution (23 replies)
  35. Evangelist: 'Puberty' Is Age Of Sexual Consent (20 replies)
  36. Christian Tongue Talkers, Who Believes Them? - Moved (32 replies)
  37. Church: why go? (98 replies)
  38. Why your kids are ignorant liberals..... (12 replies)
  39. Today's Gospel Lesson for MFM and Those who Love to Hate Him. (61 replies)
  40. POSITIVE, NON-political, Islamic Thread (22 replies)
  41. French woman to sue Church of Scientology for 'organised fraud' (6 replies)
  42. Bishops criticize Biden's abortion statements (13 replies)
  43. Embargo called against Osama's campaign supporters (0 replies)
  44. The Internet Makes Me Feel Fat (9 replies)
  45. What is spirituality? (36 replies)
  46. When under my roof you'll live by my rules (23 replies)
  47. I have a request... (14 replies)
  48. There Was An Awful Smell Outdoors Yesterday (12 replies)
  49. the religious left...... (85 replies)
  50. what do you like & not like about christianity (0 replies)
  51. what do you know about judaism (4 replies)
  52. Corporate ethics (11 replies)
  53. Have a blessed Janmashtami (3 replies)
  54. What do you think of when you hear the word... (54 replies)
  55. McCain Advisers Say Stance on Abortion Is Crucial for No. 2 (8 replies)
  56. Questions on heaven. (30 replies)
  57. could you be friends with a muslim? (110 replies)
  58. Homosexual Rights trump religious freedom (93 replies)
  59. Knights Templar 'Heirs' Sue Pope For Billions (9 replies)
  60. China Confiscates Bibles From American Christians (34 replies)
  61. Church says "No Thanks" to Lottery Winner's $600k donation (21 replies)
  62. Murder In The Family: Honor Killings In America (1 replies)
  63. Islam and the black stone/kaba (27 replies)
  64. Sharia Banking (9 replies)
  65. ...on the Role of Fathers. (9 replies)
  66. Lambeth Conference: Archbishop Blames Queers For Church Rift (7 replies)
  67. Fire Reported At Westboro Baptist Church (9 replies)
  68. Schivo Revisited? (0 replies)
  69. Why can't I despise queers? (23 replies)
  70. Body In Freezer As Man Preached (0 replies)
  71. Ya know sometimes I have a complete distain for "evangelicals".. (36 replies)
  72. Yeshiva Student Returns Obama's Kotel Note (145 replies)
  73. Washington- The Christian Soldier (10 replies)
  74. Public Re-traction (9 replies)
  75. im speechless (3 replies)
  76. Hating A Person/Politician (29 replies)
  77. Dobson Shifts Positions, May Endorse McCain (12 replies)
  78. The newest craze to hit America? (25 replies)
  79. Religious Group Demands McCain Staffer's Ouster (0 replies)
  80. Prayer Rugs--cheap (21 replies)
  81. Doing the right thing (3 replies)
  82. Kinda squirrely in the Religion/Ethics Forum tonight (3 replies)
  83. April Insults (1 replies)
  84. Man sues Church over "God injury" (3 replies)
  85. History of Jihad, & Islamic theft of christian & Jewish Land (2 replies)
  86. The Korans 164 Jihad Verses (9 replies)
  87. Tablet ignites debate on messiah and resurrection (11 replies)
  88. Female pope will hear your confession (2 replies)
  89. Religious Polygamist Texans Launch Clothing Line (13 replies)
  90. Sand Niggers are retarded (2 replies)
  91. for all the christian haters (65 replies)
  92. What exactly is "fair"? (2 replies)
  93. Why do so many Christians believe in a place called "Hell"? (36 replies)
  94. God and Mammon (5 replies)
  95. Obama To Scrap Bush Faith Based Offices (21 replies)
  96. USA Religious beliefs (8 replies)
  97. is it ethical to fire people for this? (10 replies)
  98. If you want to understand Islam, part 2 (0 replies)
  99. Qualifications to be a pastor: (40 replies)
  100. If you want to understand Islam... (63 replies)
  101. Crazy people. Let their kid die. (21 replies)
  102. Knocked up slut, gives bad examples for young girls (66 replies)
  103. Happiness in Marriage (15 replies)
  104. Do Christians Have A Right Or Duty To Self-Defense? (31 replies)
  105. The Sermon on the Mount (70 replies)
  106. Abortion or Genocide, Which Has Killed More? (165 replies)
  107. Some of you honestly are incapable of or simply intectually lazy too think (1 replies)
  108. challenge to the anti-war people (6 replies)
  109. a challenge to the pro-gay marriage people (80 replies)
  110. personal responsibility (6 replies)
  111. Divorce is a sin against God (105 replies)
  112. Dead Marine Forgot about God Before He Died (8 replies)
  113. gwb Promises Pope He Might Convert To Catholisism (17 replies)
  114. Proper Use Of An Evolution Text Book (54 replies)
  115. Atheist Freak Predicts No God, No End to World (18 replies)
  116. does honesty matter to you? (42 replies)
  117. Religious freak predicts doomsday: June 12, 2008 (18 replies)
  118. Canada fines Christian pastor (22 replies)
  119. Liberals: Would you accept your child as being a Conservative Republican? (27 replies)
  120. Would you accept your child being gay or lesbian? (149 replies)
  121. From where does marriage originate? (19 replies)
  122. Four better or four worse for marriage of four (11 replies)
  123. Religion with power (29 replies)
  124. Ministry (50 replies)
  125. I'm not offended, but you will be (18 replies)
  126. Bestiality 'OK if animal approves' (99 replies)
  127. Would you inform on a benefit cheat? (11 replies)
  128. Temple Mount '100% Islamic' (4 replies)
  129. Plan To Reunite Children With Pedophiles And Polygamists Falls Through (4 replies)
  130. Islam-promoting principal defied order to protect kids (16 replies)
  131. Vatican sends threat over women priests (27 replies)
  132. New York state and the equal protection clause... (16 replies)
  133. Muslims equate Christians with terrorists (6 replies)
  134. Barack Obama the Antichrist? (5 replies)
  135. Gunfire At California Church (16 replies)
  136. is america an ethical nation? (16 replies)
  137. Maybe I'm crazy (11 replies)
  138. The purpose of religion (53 replies)
  139. Usurping the authority of your religious tome (13 replies)
  140. Is denying gays the right to marry discrimination (37 replies)
  141. Is heterosexual marriage a civil right (29 replies)
  142. Free Quran coming to your doorstep (3 replies)
  143. Gay Marriage get used to it (100 replies)
  144. Ellen Degenerate to wed (25 replies)
  145. The Homosexual Movement And Pedophilia (368 replies)
  146. Six year old girl beaten by Imam (37 replies)
  147. How did you find out about God? (12 replies)
  148. should we legislate (1 replies)
  149. what is youre definition of a moral issue vs a personal responsibility issue (1 replies)
  150. Black Liberation Theology (4 replies)
  151. American Culture (2 replies)
  152. Unethical GOPers Use Hate and Race To Bait (15 replies)
  153. Domination Wrestles With Pastor's Statements (17 replies)
  154. History Exam? That's a Rioting! (1 replies)
  155. New Mexico Police remove four children from a church compound (1 replies)
  156. Iranian film depicts life of Jesus (4 replies)
  157. Floor Collapse at Christian Rock Concert (16 replies)
  158. planned parenthood accepting donations to eliminate blacks (35 replies)
  159. How dare reverend wright (75 replies)
  160. important ethical question on gays (64 replies)
  161. Is MARRIAGE a "Right?" (145 replies)
  162. Maineman's Sermons (43 replies)
  163. I think its time to have more forgiveness (2 replies)
  164. The Church of "O" (8 replies)
  165. Common sense and religion (61 replies)
  166. Zoophillia (32 replies)
  167. Ethical question (55 replies)
  168. Pope acknowledges Church pedophilia problem (15 replies)
  169. Profound Question (2 replies)
  170. The religious case against homosexuality (164 replies)
  171. Montgomery Co MD Pulls Greeting to Pope From Buses (3 replies)
  172. What really killed Christ? (102 replies)
  173. Sex ed programs cut teen pregnancy rates (29 replies)
  174. Kids' dress-up day draws Christian ire (5 replies)
  175. Revised Church of Oprah (1 replies)
  176. I know im gonna catch hell for this, but I have to stand up for my beliefs (32 replies)
  177. what are YOUR morals and ethics. (11 replies)
  178. Snoop Dogg Interesting and amusing (3 replies)
  179. Freedom of speech, pass the word (4 replies)
  180. Fitna (12 replies)
  181. Catholics open $50 million cathedral (36 replies)
  182. Do YOU believe gays deserve the same rights as married couples (62 replies)
  183. Demon art, pass. Christian art, Fail (18 replies)
  184. anti-Christian remarks by teacher (36 replies)
  185. Parents indicted in faith-healing death (15 replies)
  186. James 1:26 (12 replies)
  187. reverend wright's new castle (31 replies)
  188. Parents pick prayer over docs; girl dies (18 replies)
  189. easter service at Obama's Church (0 replies)
  190. woman witnesses to assailant (0 replies)
  191. *Local Brite Divenity School, To Honors Racsits Wright Soon* (4 replies)
  192. Vatican rejects bin Laden's new "crusade" charges (0 replies)
  193. Pope: Enough with slaughters in Iraq (41 replies)
  194. *Islam Demanding Respect: Like That Ever Worked!* (2 replies)
  195. how can he be in a church for 20 years and now denounce these types of comments? (2 replies)
  196. are you down with this crew homies (6 replies)
  197. the rule is stupid (37 replies)
  198. White man stands up to diversity training and WINS! (5 replies)
  199. Muslim Helped Save Jews During Subway Hanukkah Beatdown (1 replies)
  200. Oh great---more deadly sins ! (12 replies)
  201. Romney wins medal in religious freedom (1 replies)
  202. Is organized religion like a drug cartel? (3 replies)
  203. I dont think this question has been asked, and it should be (20 replies)
  204. Researcher: Moses was tripping at Mount Sinai (8 replies)
  205. is it ethical to have a child out of wedlock? (88 replies)
  206. Lie enablers = queers? (5 replies)
  207. I have a romantic question (175 replies)
  208. so ive changed my position on the death penalty (18 replies)
  209. I guess according to people like gabby and maineman (3 replies)
  210. They better be tried as adult/Teens Accused of Beating Disabled Woman (10 replies)
  211. does this murderer deserve a sex change on your dime? (3 replies)
  212. interesting story on work (0 replies)
  213. 2 former jihadists open up about islam (0 replies)
  214. Muslim Play Time (0 replies)
  215. the religion of peace strikes again (0 replies)
  216. and you think im mean to women? (0 replies)
  217. gun free zone? tell that to his family! (0 replies)
  218. What the palestinian propaganda channel bbc wont show you (12 replies)
  219. Stones land, and they hurt people (1 replies)
  220. Do you believe in moderate muslims, and if so how can we help them? (0 replies)
  221. A muslim converts too judaism, very interesting (1 replies)
  222. Islam & Judaism (without the irrationalness) (1 replies)
  223. The Normalcy of Brokenness (8 replies)
  224. Recreating Islam (33 replies)
  225. *truth* (10 replies)
  226. A question for Martin (17 replies)
  227. why are we politically correct about gays? (48 replies)
  228. Same-sex marraige causing Anglican splits in Canada (4 replies)
  229. Pew forum on religion (0 replies)
  230. why is it so hard to fathom that the democratic party is not this pure (52 replies)
  231. Is Christian Tolerance Tolerable Anymore? (10 replies)
  232. *Are You Smarter Than God: And Can You Judge Between God And Man?* (106 replies)
  233. Operation Clambake (2 replies)
  234. a lead on the Ark of the covenant (2 replies)
  235. JWs and Mormons fastest growing Churches (1 replies)
  236. "Thou shalt have sex every day..." (40 replies)
  237. French bring sex education into the open (10 replies)
  238. A video especially for Hugh and ... (8 replies)
  239. Candian Islamic Cleric Has A Bit of Trouble (2 replies)
  240. Decline and Fall of Western Civilization (8 replies)
  241. *Islams Self Condemnation: Within Its Walls Death Is Preached* (0 replies)
  242. Islamic Multiculturalism (0 replies)
  243. what next a text message? (1 replies)
  244. Gabby's islamic friends take deadly toll on iraqi women (12 replies)
  245. Gordon B Hinckley died (8 replies)
  246. NPR Rips Into Christians (31 replies)
  247. Chariot Wheels found in Red Sea? (0 replies)
  248. Out To Get Scientology (10 replies)
  249. Gay Jesus in play upsets church officials (20 replies)
  250. People of Color (37 replies)