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  1. Black Man Arrested In ‘KKK’ Graffiti Case At Eastern Michigan (1 replies)
  2. Delingpole: Now 400 Scientific Papers in 2017 Say ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth (10 replies)
  3. Vicente Fox to Trump: 'You're Not Fighting Fake News, You're Creating Them' (0 replies)
  4. Get your cameras ready! (13 replies)
  5. Brazil's hard shift to the right with Jair Bolsonaro (0 replies)
  6. Cotton Balls to Footballs and Basketballs Without Freedom Is Not Much Progress (3 replies)
  7. Grade School Cancels ‘Not Inclusive’ Halloween (10 replies)
  8. Official Says UK Will Not Prosecute Returning ISIS Terrorists From Syria and Iraq (4 replies)
  9. ‘There’s No Institutional Racism in America at All Anymore’ (16 replies)
  10. Islamist scholar accused of rape (0 replies)
  11. Unhinged University Teacher: ‘I Always Call on Black Women First… White Men Last’ (3 replies)
  12. Joy Reid: Trump Represents A Time When People Of Color And Women ‘Knew Their Place' (1 replies)
  13. Wilson claims "empty barrel" is racist, MSNBC runs with racism too (12 replies)
  14. Obama and Bush decry deep US divisions without naming Trump (8 replies)
  15. Anger over Donald Trump's UK crime tweet (7 replies)
  16. Leftist Agitators Crash College Republicans Meeting — Demand Safe Space! (0 replies)
  17. Women invite sex assaults, sometimes the way they dress (4 replies)
  18. The mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska (0 replies)
  19. Playboy Announces First Transgender Playmate (21 replies)
  20. THIS is how you make a difference (0 replies)
  21. NYT could have ended Weinstein in 2004 (0 replies)
  22. Most College Students Clueless About the First Amendment (2 replies)
  23. VA Removes Battlefield Cross From Cemetery (1 replies)
  24. N. Korea To Launch More Satellites, Leaders Meet Is Seoul To Discuss Neutralization (2 replies)
  25. Funniest Headline/Story of the Day... (4 replies)
  26. Four Ann Arbor city council members take a knee (2 replies)
  27. Mother put children in oven, turned it on (10 replies)
  28. Rose McGowan (20 replies)
  29. Dreamer, You're Nothing But A Dreamer... (3 replies)
  30. If North Korea attacks the U.S. tomorrow... (53 replies)
  31. Fired for not serving police (3 replies)
  32. Triggering halloween costumes (12 replies)
  33. Truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth (4 replies)
  34. Austria Takes A Hard Right (0 replies)
  35. Bowe Bergdahl Pleads Guilty To Desertion, Misconduct (9 replies)
  36. The Interstate 91 country music massacre: bump-stock saved lives (3 replies)
  37. Danger Of War, Germany Warns After Trump’s Move On Iran Nuclear Deal (14 replies)
  38. ..........Next family vacation, N. Korea!! (0 replies)
  39. Trump Admin. Will Decertify Iran Nuke Deal, Announces Additional Sanctions On Iran (5 replies)
  40. Iran’s Influence In Venezuela & Latin America (0 replies)
  41. Women Boycott Twitter (23 replies)
  42. I Think Obama's Iran Deal Just Got Killed (1 replies)
  43. Elite College Students Say America 'Not Worth Being Proud Of' (13 replies)
  44. How Trump and America Made the NFL Bend the Knee (6 replies)
  45. `.......Does everyone in Hollywood get groped?` (10 replies)
  46. John from MGTOW is Freedom says, "Don't Trust Women, EVER." (22 replies)
  47. I Notice No Thread Yet About This PIG Weinerstein... (5 replies)
  48. Mensa Offers Tillerson, Trump IQ Showdown (1 replies)
  49. Players will stand - Roger Goodell (7 replies)
  50. POTUS Trump Makes Decision on John Kelly’s Replacement as DHS Secretary (1 replies)
  51. Boy Scouts Will Admit Girls (17 replies)
  52. Same Behavior From Your Husband (13 replies)
  53. Another - making players stand is like slavery (4 replies)
  54. Slave owner mentality (13 replies)
  55. Judge Mathis (0 replies)
  56. Mattis to Army: ‘Stand ready’ if North Korea diplomacy fails (4 replies)
  57. 3 women accuse Weinstein of rape (3 replies)
  58. More coming from Veritas soon... (8 replies)
  59. Twitter supports fired ESPN host (6 replies)
  60. "Nov 4 It Begins" (1 replies)
  61. Eminent domain for the Wall (1 replies)
  62. Hypocrites over at the NFL (1 replies)
  63. Jerry Jones - we will respect flag - or players will sit (10 replies)
  64. Blatant Falsehoods from ABC about the shooting (1 replies)
  65. A watermelon by itself - is it racist? (10 replies)
  66. Trump or the media? (1 replies)
  67. VP Pence bails on NFL game when players kneel (72 replies)
  68. Teacher blames shooting on Trump (0 replies)
  69. 7 dumbest celebrity reactions to Vegas shooting (7 replies)
  70. HOW is this a burden? (3 replies)
  71. San Juan mayor (3 replies)
  72. Car Hits Peds In UK; 3 Arrested for Times Square Terror Plot (5 replies)
  73. Trump Expected to Decertify Iran Nuclear Deal (15 replies)
  74. Hillary Clinton Blames GOP and NRA (11 replies)
  75. Trump's economy (21 replies)
  76. Las Vegas Gunman Made ISIS Tape, Says Former Trump Campaign Official (1 replies)
  77. TSA Agent Asked For actresses Number (14 replies)
  78. The wisdom of a 3rd grade dropout (0 replies)
  79. Las Vegas shooting: Iraq veteran who stole truck to save victims publishes text conve (0 replies)
  80. Repeal the Second Amendment (8 replies)
  81. Time to release JFK assassination files? (6 replies)
  82. Millions of NRA Members should be put To death (11 replies)
  83. Why ‘thoughts and prayers’ is starting to sound so profane (13 replies)
  84. The Left Is Now Unhinged (5 replies)
  85. NRA Funds Domestic Terrorism (1 replies)
  86. 6 Things to Know about Mass Shootings in America (34 replies)
  87. Gender Was Invented in Order to Control Reproduction (7 replies)
  88. Social Security Numbers Should Go (11 replies)
  89. Basic Math about Planned Parenthood puts writer in place (2 replies)
  90. Anheuser-Busch and the NFL (2 replies)
  91. Blacks vs. Police (3 replies)
  92. From the mouth of a guy paid to protect the Seahawks...on Mike Bennett and kneeling (0 replies)
  93. The video Antifa, ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN, and most MSM liars do not want us to see. (8 replies)
  94. Tom Petty dead at 66 (10 replies)
  95. CBS Legal Exec Fired For Vegas Shooting Hot Take (20 replies)
  96. Celebrities Rush to Call for Gun Control After Las Vegas Mass Shooting (49 replies)
  97. Puerto Rico - Local Government Is Preventing Supplies From Getting to People (1 replies)
  98. French court rules girl, 11, 'consented' to sexual relations with man, 28, sparking o (2 replies)
  99. Vegas Shooting - 50+ Dead, 500+ injured (116 replies)
  100. All that kneeling ignores the real cause of soaring black homicides (3 replies)
  101. ‘buried by islam’... (0 replies)
  102. High School Football Players Kicked Off Team For Protesting During Anthem (4 replies)
  103. Islamic Convert Convicted of Oklahoma Beheading Wants Death Penalty (2 replies)
  104. When the Method Overwhelms the Message (10 replies)
  105. There Are No Oppressed People in America (4 replies)
  106. Now Betsy DeVos is a white supremacist too (2 replies)
  107. Now a 1st grader kneels in school? (2 replies)
  108. I am once again an NBA fan (1 replies)
  109. Assange has "absolute proof" (2 replies)
  110. Kaepernick Donated $25,000 to Cop Killer Fund (0 replies)
  111. Hood rats for cheerleaders - in high school? (22 replies)
  112. Democrats praise Tom Price resignation.... (0 replies)
  113. Kids kneel - season canceled and coach suspended (2 replies)
  114. Antifa plans civil war (31 replies)
  115. Teacher at Public School Kneels in Classroom During Pledge of Allegiance (2 replies)
  116. Federal Judge Smacks Down DOJ Lawyers Protecting Hillary (2 replies)
  117. Sewer mouth steals MAGA hat and loses her mind (10 replies)
  118. Librarian sends books back to Melania - racist propaganda (8 replies)
  119. Trump Stops Air Force One from Taking Off to Speak with Injured Police Officer (0 replies)
  120. Best mail in a long time!! (0 replies)
  121. Athletes don't kneel are white supremacists (3 replies)
  122. False in Exchange for Pardon (0 replies)
  123. Action taken Against the , NFL ALLOWING THIS KNEE TAKING CRAP. (0 replies)
  124. Black students demand frat turned over to them (2 replies)
  125. Now it's a beach ball, it's scary. (14 replies)
  126. The cost of illegal immigration (0 replies)
  127. If Border Wall Goes Up, Statue of Liberty Must Come Down (4 replies)
  128. Pantihose smuggler....a real WINNER (6 replies)
  129. Antifa Teacher Arrested Again. This Time For Battery (7 replies)
  130. CNN fake crap (9 replies)
  131. Taliban Tries To Kill Mattis During Surprise Afghanistan Visit (2 replies)
  132. Communist West Point Graduate Called Mattis An ‘Evil, Vile F***’ (23 replies)
  133. Defy immigration officials? You're fired! (3 replies)
  134. ‘Freedom of Thought and Speech’ Are Under Attack (0 replies)
  135. Kneeling to pray (9 replies)
  136. Terminate All Federal Government Support to NFL (3 replies)
  137. I Think This is a Good Idea... (1 replies)
  138. Trump - and his response to Puerto Rico (6 replies)
  139. Al Green to force impeachment vote over trump NFL comments (7 replies)
  140. Donald Trump criticised for silence over Puerto Rico disaster (5 replies)
  141. So, Has The US Declared War? (29 replies)
  142. How about those Steelers? (75 replies)
  143. 2 Florida Childcare Workers Allegedly Taunted, Tormented Boy With Autism on Video (3 replies)
  144. Marriott refuses to cancel conference booking by anti-Muslim hate group (2 replies)
  145. Another WTF at a school, and yes, it's in Cali (5 replies)
  146. Trump is against those kneeling in the NFL (271 replies)
  147. Saturday morning truth from comics (2 replies)
  148. Fla. Teacher Tells 11-Year-Olds to Call 'Them' the Gender-Neutral Pronoun 'Mx' (8 replies)
  149. Antifa Professor: 'Off the Pigs' (2 replies)
  150. Melania Gives Speech at UN About Protecting Children – Liberals Trash Barron (0 replies)
  151. White House: Trump Is Sending Rescue Teams To Mexico After Earthquake (2 replies)
  152. 8-Year-Olds Take a Knee to Protest National Anthem (2 replies)
  153. All White People Are Racist and Always Will Be (9 replies)
  154. North Korea's nuclear blackmail (0 replies)
  155. Woman Says Hobby Lobby’s Cotton Display Insensitive Toward Blacks (4 replies)
  156. 7.1 Earthquake Hits Mexico City (10 replies)
  157. UN Speech (29 replies)
  158. Calling into question O'reilly assault (2 replies)
  159. What if... (0 replies)
  160. OK, Paris Agreement Just Might Be OK For the US (11 replies)
  161. I'll be back (1 replies)
  162. Female CNN Anchor Freaks Out When Clay Travis says he's for 1st Amendment and BOOBS (15 replies)
  163. Perhaps It's Too Soon To Say Brick & Mortar Stores Are Dead (0 replies)
  164. Another London Rail Attack (1 replies)
  165. Venezuela's president advises malnourished citizens to breed rabbits and eat them (0 replies)
  166. NOKO Sent Another Missile Over Japan (1 replies)
  167. Piers Morgan Absolutely Evicerates Hillary Clinton (2 replies)
  168. NYC: Jewish mom, daughter beaten up at Queens subway station (5 replies)
  169. UC Berkeley Poll: 53% of California Democrats Oppose Free Speech (3 replies)
  170. Thomas Jefferson is next to come down (0 replies)
  171. Trump's mismatched suit (6 replies)
  172. William Ury: Getting to Yes by playing both sides (0 replies)
  173. Terrorist attack, or criminal attack/action? (1 replies)
  174. Navy SEALS will provide security at 'Free Speech Week' (8 replies)
  175. NYT Reporter Says She Knows People ‘Still In Therapy’ Over Clinton Election Loss (0 replies)
  176. Leaked Images Show Armed Mexican Cartel Smugglers Crossing into U.S., Feds Confirm (0 replies)
  177. China looks at ending sales of gasoline cars (1 replies)
  178. Radiation Detected From NOKO Tests (1 replies)
  179. Breitbart’s Steve Bannon to Speak at Upcoming Berkeley Free Speech Week (0 replies)
  180. MSNBC Anchor Recalls Night Trump Won: I Was ‘About To Throw Up’ (5 replies)
  181. American Flags Trashed At University’s 9/11 Memorial (1 replies)
  182. Equifax screws 143M americans (7 replies)
  183. UN Passes Mega-Ultra Toughest-Ever North Korea Sanctions, Again (14 replies)
  184. Laura Ingraham getting her own show on Fox. (2 replies)
  185. Scumbag looters arrested (1 replies)
  186. Kelly replies to Gutierrez, who called him a "disgrace to the uniform" (6 replies)
  187. "I can hear you" (0 replies)
  188. Conservatives Mock LA Times for Saying Berkeley Is 'Bracing' for Shapiro (0 replies)
  189. 9/11–We Forgot (1 replies)
  190. Protest Showdown Between Antifa And Patriot Prayer Results In Arrests (0 replies)
  191. Trans Boy Transitions To Girl — Then Back To Boy (4 replies)
  192. Isis - "May Allah Drown the Enemies of Islam" (6 replies)
  193. DOJ To Supreme Court: Making Gay Wedding Cake Would Violate Baker's Rights (1 replies)
  194. Another category 4 on the heels of Irma (1 replies)
  195. In North Dakota, Trump Gives Nod to Democrat Senator Heitkamp (0 replies)
  196. God Bless America (6 replies)
  197. There Is No Such Thing as a 'Deserving DREAMer' (39 replies)
  198. ‘Transgender Propagandists’ Committing ‘Child Abuse’ (2 replies)
  199. Black Parents Sue School, Claim Bullies Abuse Daughter for 'Acting White' (3 replies)
  200. Name campus building after cop killer? (1 replies)
  201. 3 Part Series: Rape Charges On Campus Obama (1 replies)
  202. Truth Suffers in Defense of Antifa (7 replies)
  203. Hurricane Irma (25 replies)
  204. Who Wouldn't Shop Here? (1 replies)
  205. Gas - Shortage - Prices/Gouging (0 replies)
  206. First grader sent to office for 'misgendering' fellow student (5 replies)
  207. Nikki Haley to UN: North Korea's Kim Jong Un 'Begging for War' (24 replies)
  208. The media and DACA, and some (most) you don't see (0 replies)
  209. Houston Proves Everything the MSM Says About Our ‘Divided’ Country Is a Lie (1 replies)
  210. Fathers go away (7 replies)
  211. People Are Seriously Mad that Taylor Swift Hasn't Condemned Trump (5 replies)
  212. Fire Season (0 replies)
  213. A New Way to Transgress: 'Invisibility Microaggressions' (4 replies)
  214. The hypocrisy of antifa (0 replies)
  215. Breaking CNN news... (0 replies)
  216. Trump attacked for declaring prayer day for Harvey victims (9 replies)
  217. “I Had a Different Opinion of Him, Now I Think He’s a Wonderful Man” (10 replies)
  218. Tale of Two Presidents: Donald Trump versus Barack Obama on Louisiana Flooding (0 replies)
  219. Teacher Makes Students Remove Trump Apparel, Says It’s ‘Neo-Nazi’ Slogan (5 replies)
  220. We Believe in the 2nd Amendment and Will Carry You Out of the County in a Body Bag (0 replies)
  221. North Korea Earthquake (0 replies)
  222. Well This Isn't Supposed To Be The Narrative (1 replies)
  223. Looks Like NoKo Has Done 6th Nuclear Test (6 replies)
  224. Disneyland caves to transgenderism (4 replies)
  225. Utah nurse wrongfully arrested (12 replies)
  226. Cleveland Police Officers and EMT Refuse to Hold US Flag at Game (5 replies)
  227. Harvey Rumor Control (0 replies)
  228. They've lost their minds (9 replies)
  229. Planned Parenthood (5 replies)
  230. No more Fox News in the UK ... (15 replies)
  231. Has China ever hoped to teach NKorea the same lessons as India? (0 replies)
  232. Port Conditions After Harvey (0 replies)
  233. Higher Education: Will They Learn? (3 replies)
  234. Hurricanes -- Something to Ponder (2 replies)
  235. Kathy Griffin retracts apology, rips backlash over gory Trump photo shoot (8 replies)
  236. Is THIS racism from a lefty group? (2 replies)
  237. Harvey - saddest story ever :( (1 replies)
  238. I support Price Gouging. Here's why.... (8 replies)
  239. CIVILIANS in America Aren't an ARMY... (20 replies)
  240. Woman calls cops: didn't like the quality of the meth! (0 replies)
  241. Gender "X" on id's? (4 replies)
  242. WaPo Gives Stunningly Accurate Account Of Antifa Attacks On ‘Peaceful Protestors’ (1 replies)
  243. No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All! (15 replies)
  244. Patriots Movement from Charlottesville send out message... (15 replies)
  245. Houston police focus on saving lives, battling looters (4 replies)
  246. What has America become? (2 replies)
  247. BREAKING: Hope I'm Reading This Wrong (38 replies)
  248. This Will Be The Story For Weeks After The Hurricane... (24 replies)
  249. How to destroy your kid without killing him? Just kill his sister and mom (2 replies)
  250. Here's the double edged sword (5 replies)