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  1. If you want Aspies / Auties to "come out of their shell". (1 replies)
  2. Social and emotional considerations are just a smokescreen (3 replies)
  3. Stay Single... Die Young... (3 replies)
  4. Coronavirus (777 replies)
  5. Hyperbaric (6 replies)
  6. I am so mad right now! (7 replies)
  7. ACLU Calls for Tampons in Men's Rooms in Order to Achieve 'Menstrual Equity' (3 replies)
  8. Score One For Good Guys That Pump Iron... (2 replies)
  9. My MRI (1 replies)
  10. Twinkle, Twinkle (2 replies)
  11. Living As An Empath... (0 replies)
  12. Earth's Magnetic Field.. (9 replies)
  13. Still Think Video Games Are Completely Harmless? (34 replies)
  14. Anybody Ever Heard of KRATOM? (18 replies)
  15. IBM Makes It's Cancer Fighting IT Open Sourced (1 replies)
  16. Shark Swallowed Whole-Not the Top Of Food Chain Here (5 replies)
  17. Common cold virus could cure cancer, pioneering trial suggests (0 replies)
  18. Galaxy Merger (1 replies)
  19. Trying To Resurrect My BED (0 replies)
  20. Hyperbaric chamber (13 replies)
  21. Want To Know How SMALL You Are? (4 replies)
  22. Cool... (0 replies)
  23. 5G Will Use the Same Frequencies as Pain-Inflicting Military Weapon (0 replies)
  24. 5G And The IOT: Scientific Overview Of Human Health Risks (0 replies)
  25. DEMOCRATS Appear to be Absolutely OBSESSED With KILLING PEOPLE... (9 replies)
  26. Deepest hole on earth, bored by man (4 replies)
  27. How to be a Climate Thinker (1 replies)
  28. Dissenting Darwin (91 replies)
  29. More And More Young Men Sound FEMY... (2 replies)
  30. All Meat Diet - Daughter of Jordan Peterson (0 replies)
  31. Visual Phenomena & Optical Illusions (0 replies)
  32. How Music Makes You Smarter, Stronger, and Might Save Your Life (1 replies)
  33. People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 6 Special Personality Traits (11 replies)
  34. Just Mind Blowing How Many FAT People There Are... (11 replies)
  35. Global warming correction (1 replies)
  36. This Is A Wonderful Story (1 replies)
  37. What Happened To Me Today At The VA Clinic... (2 replies)
  38. I Had Kind Of a Strange Night Last Night... (26 replies)
  39. Well, I Went And Done It, Gunny... (104 replies)
  40. Is "Feckless Front Hole" PC? (2 replies)
  41. We aren't ready for what's coming (5 replies)
  42. Milk comes from cows. Milk is Dairy, cows are not. And other questions (10 replies)
  43. An Historic Miss Universe? (5 replies)
  44. Changing kids' gender is malpractice. Good video (0 replies)
  45. This Study Might Be Enough To Make Liberals Give Up On Science (3 replies)
  46. Happy Father's Day (0 replies)
  47. Must be the Back to Nature (Bowel) Movement in the Progressive Northwest (2 replies)
  48. OH MY FREAKIN' GAWD... Here We Go AGAIN With The PERVERTED LEFTIST CRAP! (26 replies)
  49. New Shingles Shot? (7 replies)
  50. How Big Govt-backed Bad Science made americans fat (11 replies)
  51. Terrence Popp: Never Be Friends With Chicks (2 replies)
  52. New Ocean Cleanup Device Set To Launch As Great Pacific Garbage Patch Grows (1 replies)
  53. ...that and OTHER science. How media + bias = "science" (0 replies)
  54. California science fair project tying race, IQ sparks outcry (2 replies)
  55. Watch Meteors Crash Into Earth (3 replies)
  56. British Surgeon Fined for Burning Initials onto Livers of Patients (0 replies)
  57. Heal (13 replies)
  58. As a former Heart Attack victim...still kicking. This is for EVERYONE. Compliments. (7 replies)
  59. Record-breaking cold sweeps US in first days of 2018 (5 replies)
  60. I Want One... (7 replies)
  61. Docs Drumming Up Business (2 replies)
  62. to what extent are feelings truly “native” to ourselves? (2 replies)
  63. b-b-b-but life EVOLVED (magically) - there IS no creator (9 replies)
  64. Joe Rogan is pretty smart - on Bill Nye and Climate Change (20 replies)
  65. Octreotide Scan next month (8 replies)
  66. Stephen Hawking issues dire warning: We have less than 600 years until Earth becomes (7 replies)
  67. Sex Robots... (22 replies)
  68. U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change (71 replies)
  69. Check this video out... (0 replies)
  70. What Is This New Phenomenon, Have to *PROCESS* Something? (20 replies)
  71. Why you should have NO self-esteem (6 replies)
  72. Terminator moves step closer to reality as scientists create synthetic muscle (1 replies)
  73. Will Sharing a Bed With Your Dogs Come Back to Bite You? (5 replies)
  74. At 18yrs old, Never menstruated - she found it she's missing something... (10 replies)
  75. Family off-gridders...couple and kids build a lifestyle (10 replies)
  76. The gender QUESTION (20 replies)
  77. This Seems Hopeful: Slowing Metastasis In Cancer Patients (4 replies)
  78. Rehab PT, Learning From Babies (0 replies)
  79. Scientific Study: Journalists Are a Bunch of Drunks With Sub-Average Brain Function (3 replies)
  80. Why Do Women Use Shaming Tactics on Men? (39 replies)
  81. What to do about people who are impossible to please ... (11 replies)
  82. Is this what guys really go through? (2 replies)
  83. Great news for anyone afraid of getting surgery, or the Infection....PLEASE READ. (2 replies)
  84. Changed my belief - this sorta proves Evolution to me. Sorry Intelligent Design folk (3 replies)
  85. Another of life's unexplained mysteries (6 replies)
  86. NASA confirms huge exoplanet find. (3 replies)
  87. NOAA Scientists Falsify Data to Dupe World Leaders on Climate Change (4 replies)
  88. Getting a good night's sleep might go a long way to improving sex life (6 replies)
  89. New research names environmental factors that can increase the risk of dementia (0 replies)
  90. Ripe old age: humans may already have reached maximum lifespan (2 replies)
  91. Get your Shingles Vaccination (13 replies)
  92. Medical Care and Obesity (0 replies)
  93. Weight Loss stories (1 replies)
  94. “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts” (2 replies)
  95. 'Forbidden Symmetry' Found in 4.5-Billion-Year-Old Meteorite (2 replies)
  96. Finding Happiness. (4 replies)
  97. headlines - matter.....must have been done on purpose (0 replies)
  98. 'Sleeping giant' glacier may lift seas two metres: study--(hogwash) (13 replies)
  99. Poor AL GORE. After 10 years. His Oscar winning BJ film is proven WRONG.... (2 replies)
  100. Hints of a New Particle Could Completely Change Physics as We Know It (2 replies)
  101. Don't lose your head: Doctor ready to perform first human head transplant (0 replies)
  102. Scientists Just Discovered a Black Hole 3.8 Billion Times the Mass of Our Sun (4 replies)
  103. It's too late to save the seas (7 replies)
  104. What It Means to Be Trans Species (0 replies)
  105. Scam phrases (6 replies)
  106. Are Dykes Known For Bladder Control Problems? (23 replies)
  107. Interesting reading (1 replies)
  108. Pretty Well Sums It Up (138 replies)
  109. Neanderthal Concept Has Imploded (15 replies)
  110. Which is the angriest looking "car face"? (3 replies)
  111. End of an Era : MythBusters Ends (4 replies)
  112. A financial epiphany (14 replies)
  113. Study: 1 in 3 americans implanted with RFID chip many unaware (6 replies)
  114. Spectacles (1 replies)
  115. Flat Earth theories: misunderstood history (0 replies)
  116. Cosmic explosion that shines 570 billion times brighter than the sun (0 replies)
  117. Human-animal chimeras are gestating on u.s. Research farms (2 replies)
  118. New results from world's most sensitive dark matter detector (0 replies)
  119. Human Common Ancestor Lived 3500 Years Ago (1 replies)
  120. Breaking! Dino Blood Is confirmed again (0 replies)
  121. See Alice (0 replies)
  122. Sand into Fuel? (2 replies)
  123. The Deadliest Jobs in America (13 replies)
  124. So that's why... (2 replies)
  125. antibiotics (10 replies)
  126. Why balance matters and all creatures are valuable (21 replies)
  127. Britain's oldest tree appears to be undergoing a sex change after 3,000 years (2 replies)
  128. The case for starting sex education in kindergarten (0 replies)
  129. Scientists Theorize the Big Bang may not Have happened (244 replies)
  130. Cruz destroys Sierra Club President over Global Warming (0 replies)
  131. Nature thrives in Chernobyl, site of worst nuclear disaster (2 replies)
  132. Anti-vaxxers dun goofed (27 replies)
  133. sleep patterns (9 replies)
  134. An important business concept raised by Black Diamond (1 replies)
  135. Something to be considered (7 replies)
  136. Is prejudice a form of laziness? (1 replies)
  137. NASA finds liquid H20 on Mars! (2 replies)
  138. British man has erection for five days after taking 35 Viagra in an hour as joke: (22 replies)
  139. A second Science and Tech quiz (8 replies)
  140. How do you compare to average Americans in science? (40 replies)
  141. Dr. Temple Grandin: We're different, NOT less (1 replies)
  142. Cognitive illusions - Are we in control of our decisions (1 replies)
  143. We float on the Ocean of humanity (0 replies)
  144. Hand of Hope - NSFW picture (3 replies)
  145. What is the RIGHT amount of conflict? (4 replies)
  146. Possible new particle hints that universe may not be left-handed (0 replies)
  147. Debunking the Big Bang... (48 replies)
  148. Almost 18, KC teen learns he may remain ward of Illinois (0 replies)
  149. Rice-fish culture (0 replies)
  150. Article on the movement for home funerals (1 replies)
  151. What gives me satisfaction (7 replies)
  152. Interesting course on happiness (0 replies)
  153. Experiment on monkeys in their natural habitat (0 replies)
  154. Pornography on the Balance (19 replies)
  155. NASA: Earth from one million miles (0 replies)
  156. Original 1867 Internal Combustion Engine Running (0 replies)
  157. Two Sets of Identical Twins, Raised As Fraternal (1 replies)
  158. Beaten for being "creepy" (16 replies)
  159. Where is the best place for older employees? (0 replies)
  160. Homeostasis Interest (5 replies)
  161. Which place has the best work culture? (2 replies)
  162. Scientists move closer to bringing woolly mammoth back to life (0 replies)
  163. Hearing Aids (1 replies)
  164. Feeling Blue? (7 replies)
  165. Our precious little snowflakes (0 replies)
  166. What have you reconsidered after giving up? (0 replies)
  167. Ubiquitous skills - Your ticket out for limited social skills (2 replies)
  168. They made her pay! Nice job jury. (32 replies)
  169. Europe's Spaceport is NOT even near Europe (1 replies)
  170. EPA water NAZIs (0 replies)
  171. Places you don't go or things you don't do because they are beyond your ability? (8 replies)
  172. I DON'T think Gnostic Bishop is a troll (49 replies)
  173. Is the SUN electrical and not Nuclear (0 replies)
  174. Quark ages: How these particles are the key to new physics (0 replies)
  175. This is REALLY scary!! (0 replies)
  176. Becoming disabled by choice, not chance: ‘Transabled’ people feel like impostors in t (4 replies)
  177. outrageous big pharma stories (1 replies)
  178. Withholding information versus Officiousness? (0 replies)
  179. The V.A. comes through for feet care. (0 replies)
  180. Coffin remains tell life story of ancient sun-worshiping priestess (1 replies)
  181. Pediatricians Warn of Abortion-Breast Cancer Link (1 replies)
  182. NASA Spacecraft Finds Galaxy as Bright as 300 Trillion Suns (0 replies)
  183. Breathing (8 replies)
  184. Cuba's Lung Cancer Vaccine (1 replies)
  185. Creature out of Nightmare (1 replies)
  186. This Special Bleeding Glacier Is A Rare Phenomenon In Nature - You Have To See It (4 replies)
  187. Globull Warming Enviro Wackos will ignore the effects of this..... (1 replies)
  188. Iowa Case Sheds Spotlight On Whether People With Alzheimer's Can Consent To Sex (0 replies)
  189. `.....Text-message mental health counseling` (0 replies)
  190. How Easter Helped Bring Down a Medical Myth About Ulcers (1 replies)
  191. Was There? Is There? Will There Be? Life On Mars (1 replies)
  192. Wolves Changed Rivers (1 replies)
  193. Scientists Map America's Loudest, Quietest Places (2 replies)
  194. Alien star system buzzed the Sun 70,000 Years Ago (2 replies)
  195. 2 Billion Years Unchanged, Bacteria Pose an Evolutionary Puzzle (55 replies)
  196. Neanderthals = Humans? (8 replies)
  197. New Study Finds American Heads Are Getting Bigger (1 replies)
  198. Doctor: You know hat condition the VA has been treating for you? You didnt have it (13 replies)
  199. Modern Alternatives to Vaccines and drugs (3 replies)
  200. Retired climate professor admits .... (10 replies)
  201. Chile banned abortion and... (0 replies)
  202. Ambulance Drone (0 replies)
  203. Single Payer Health Insurance Collapses in Vermont (1 replies)
  204. Heart Attack Grill (4 replies)
  205. WHO exposed in Prenatal Mass Murder Operation in Kenya - See more at: http://www.boil (2 replies)
  206. Loyalty to the company = stupidity (3 replies)
  207. The Ten Layers of Absolute Freedom (8 replies)
  208. Obama's Health Redistribution Largely Successful (4 replies)
  209. How to spot fake experts (10 replies)
  210. The Roots of the Mid-life Crisis (1 replies)
  211. `Bone Broth: 4 Reasons Wellness Experts Are Obsessed (Plus Recipe!)` (0 replies)
  212. People who give away vacation days get smaller raises (0 replies)
  213. Ten Stupid Rules That Drive Great Employees Away (7 replies)
  214. Trends for White Collar vs Blue Collar Senior Citizens (2 replies)
  215. Transgender = mental/emotional disorders made worse by surgery (1 replies)
  216. Virus that makes humans more stupid discovered! (5 replies)
  217. Breakthrough Prizes in science, math earn winners $3 million each (2 replies)
  218. So THAT'S Gabby's Major Malfunction (0 replies)
  219. Scientists figure out how our penises evolved (4 replies)
  220. WHO To Qatar: Would You Mind Telling Your Citizens Not To Drink Camel Piss?… (5 replies)
  221. Cars Of The Future ‘Will Detect Flatulence’ In Drivers (0 replies)
  222. As people get heavier, crash-test dummies gain weight (3 replies)
  223. Spanish Intelligence Intercepts Plot to Weaponise Ebola (0 replies)
  224. Brain decoder can eavesdrop on your inner voice? (2 replies)
  225. 17 Most Popular Topless Beaches from Around the World (2 replies)
  226. `CDC issues "updated" guidelines for high-risk Ebola cases` (1 replies)
  227. `Elon Musk: 'We are summoning the demon' with artificial intelligence` (2 replies)
  228. 3 Flu Vaccine Myths —Busted! (14 replies)
  229. The Stunning Re-Creation Scientists Say Shows What King Tut May Have Looked Like (1 replies)
  230. Study: Elephants may know when it's raining 150 miles away (0 replies)
  231. Again, why even bother getting health insurance? (12 replies)
  232. Male brains wired to ignore food in favour of sex, study shows (6 replies)
  233. Do Dogs Fart or Do They Just Take the Blame? (13 replies)
  234. Ebola Vs... (93 replies)
  235. Broccoli May Hold The Secret to Improving Autism (2 replies)
  236. Ebola threatens chocolate (3 replies)
  237. You want fries with that? (14 replies)
  238. Obedience - Obeying a Man in a Uniform (2 replies)
  239. Static electricity (13 replies)
  240. Viking treasure haul unearthed in Scotland (2 replies)
  241. Hidden STD Epidemic: 110 Million Infections in the US (1 replies)
  242. Regular cannabis use leads to long-term mental health problems and addiction (9 replies)
  243. Total Lunar Eclipse On Wednesday Will Be a Rare 'Selenelion' (0 replies)
  244. Wtshtf (5 replies)
  245. The Cult of Neil deGrasse Tyson (1 replies)
  246. Multi-tasking makes your brain smaller (4 replies)
  247. You want to understand me? Here's what I face (6 replies)
  248. Safest mode of travel is... (1 replies)
  249. This is how weather should be done - (2 replies)
  250. Obamacare Architect Finds Cure for Old Age (9 replies)