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  1. Nuclear bomb detonation in space (4 replies)
  2. BIrd Flu! Bird Flu vaccines (3 replies)
  3. Alzheimer's Study Retracted For Manipulation (10 replies)
  4. What happens when you stop taking weight-loss drugs? (2 replies)
  5. What Happens If You Put A MANUAL Transmission In REVERSE While Driving? (3 replies)
  6. Landmark Study Reveals 'Transgender' Kids Actually Have Other Mental Health Diagnoses (4 replies)
  7. You Won't View Transgenderism The Same Ever Again (0 replies)
  8. US regulator issues highest alert for heart pump linked to 49 deaths (0 replies)
  9. Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things (0 replies)
  10. Martin Kulldorff: professor Fired by Harvard for getting Covid right (1 replies)
  11. So .... landing on the moon after 50 years (3 replies)
  12. Ancient human ancestors actually did live with dinosaurs, stunning new research (3 replies)
  13. NEW YORK state “The Worst Children’s Health Bill Ever,” (4 replies)
  14. Thanks to Fauci & Co., America now must worry about measles outbreaks (17 replies)
  15. Solar activity and earthquakes (0 replies)
  16. How to Escape Mediocrity and Mental Illness - The Road Less Traveled (0 replies)
  17. Assisted suicide in Canada (18 replies)
  18. You need a a mechanic that will work AGAINST the manufacturer (1 replies)
  19. West Antarctica Temperature FALLS 2°C in 20 Years (2 replies)
  20. Should Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Be Considered DWI? (7 replies)
  21. Farmer Reveals the Benefits of Natural Farming & Dangers Behind the Scenes Food Ind (1 replies)
  22. Overlooked Miracle Drug for Cancer? Why Big Pharma Fears Fenbendazole (38 replies)
  23. The Psychology of Malignant Narcissists - People of the Lie (0 replies)
  24. Being Fit is Controversial Now... (7 replies)
  25. The Monster Behind Gender Theory, and the Atrocious Lie He Based It On (0 replies)
  26. How to be Free in an Unfree World (3 replies)
  27. CDC: Maternal Health Figures Improving Post-Dobbs (1 replies)
  28. Complete Spinal Cord Injury Repair (1 replies)
  29. WEBSITE users mystery.... (3 replies)
  30. Will Civilization Collapse? (44 replies)
  31. Perfect Day (5 replies)
  32. Democracy and the Road to Tyranny (0 replies)
  33. MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL (208 replies)
  34. Why Stupid People Think They Are Smart (1 replies)
  35. More lying by scientists, global warming crap (48 replies)
  36. the Proposed 28th Medical Freedom Amendment (29 replies)
  37. It's not climate change that's causing heat waves this summer but no one wants to exp (1 replies)
  38. What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine? (21 replies)
  39. Will the Gulf Stream really collapse by 2025? (21 replies)
  40. Gender dysphoria growing among younger adults amid ‘increasing acceptance,’ study fin (12 replies)
  41. Court Throws Out Woman's $300,000 Hospital Bill (4 replies)
  42. Psyops (1 replies)
  43. Hydrogen Fuel! Scientist James Tour Demonstrates Method For Free & Clean Green Energy (0 replies)
  44. Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening (1 replies)
  45. 5th grade teacher enrages activists, audience: 'That's not Hateful, That's Fact (0 replies)
  46. Op-Ed: PBS documentary spews more falsehoods on fake youth vaping epidemic (0 replies)
  47. Candida auris fungal infections spreading in US at 'alarming' rate, says CDC (2 replies)
  48. Scientists Restore Rats Severed Spinal Cord "Almost Perfect Motor Control" (1 replies)
  49. Unrepentant US health agencies issue more bizarre directives (4 replies)
  50. Mind Control: WEF Technocrats tools to Observe and Track Human Thoughts With Implants (0 replies)
  51. WEIRD Science -Weird Scientist (1 replies)
  52. NIH spends millions on equity, LGBT issues instead of researching cures (0 replies)
  53. Died Suddenly (3 replies)
  54. Nearly 3,000 people have already died from the flu this season: CDC (0 replies)
  55. Remember When? (5 replies)
  56. CNN says feed your pets bugs (0 replies)
  57. Go figure (2 replies)
  58. Govt. Researchers: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly, After All (7 replies)
  59. Scientific journal calls for suppression of research contradicting LGBT ideology (4 replies)
  60. One Health (0 replies)
  61. TRADOC Mad Scientist & Psycho-Neurobiology and War (0 replies)
  62. Finally! Some push back on climate change issues (10 replies)
  63. New type of windmill (1 replies)
  64. Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control (0 replies)
  65. All I am Offering is the Truth (0 replies)
  66. Height discrimination: How 'heightism' affects careers (6 replies)
  67. An Increase in Nihilism Plays Havoc With Mental Health (0 replies)
  68. Cognitive Biases and Brain Biology Help Explain Why Facts Don’t Change Minds (6 replies)
  69. scientist says humans should become cannibals to fight climate change (35 replies)
  70. Won't becheard in MSM as treatment for cancer (1 replies)
  71. Global Warming - AN Actual Scientific Theory (minus politics) (4 replies)
  72. Chinese scientists develop ‘vampiric’ technique that may reverse aging process (2 replies)
  73. Japan sets new record, brings world closer to internet 100,000 times faster than curr (1 replies)
  74. Suicide Trend (8 replies)
  75. The Great Reset (0 replies)
  76. Geothermal Energy (12 replies)
  77. Has Camila Cabello already "hit the wall" at 25? (1 replies)
  78. AI model detects mental disorders based on web posts (3 replies)
  79. Ian Smith New Jersey gym owner (3 replies)
  80. Third world solar motorcycle - Brazil (0 replies)
  81. Burial costs covered for Canadians killed by approved vaccines (39 replies)
  82. The unvaccinated looking smarter each day that passes (8 replies)
  83. Your Reality is not completely shared by anybody else . Thank God for that !!! (24 replies)
  84. I'll take someone with a sunny disposition every time (6 replies)
  85. Vitamin C --The Cure-- threatens Big Pharma profits . (12 replies)
  86. Top 3 Overseas Havens with Best Retiree Benefits in 2021—InternationalLiving.com (0 replies)
  87. Vaccine Damage . 150 second Video about Mercury Death Shots . (3 replies)
  88. Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists (5 replies)
  89. Plants Used by The First Australians Seem to Stop Cancer Cells Rejecting Treatment (1 replies)
  90. Game is up . Killer shots cause heart attacks . (12 replies)
  91. Specialist finds the Vaxxed are MAC tagged . Killer Shots with a tag device . (4 replies)
  92. Fully vaxxed account for 85% of COVID deaths (6 replies)
  93. Video on Covid 19, And Natural Immunity (1 replies)
  94. How the Desire for Status Explains (Pretty Much) Everything (2 replies)
  95. Why do so many still buy into the narrative? (3 replies)
  96. Speaking of Viruses (0 replies)
  97. Inversion Table (2 replies)
  98. Healthy Denver Policeman & Veteran -34 Year Old- can't walk after Vax (1 replies)
  99. The Nuremberg Code (1947) part 1 Medical Ethics (13 replies)
  100. Question (3 replies)
  101. Shingles Vaccine (75 replies)
  102. 269 drugs interact dangerously with Pfizer shot including Flu Vaccines (0 replies)
  103. Hot mic: Israel Health Minister admitting mandates about control, not science or meds (0 replies)
  104. Anders Tegnell: Sweden won the argument on Covid (0 replies)
  105. Customs officials confiscating Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (3 replies)
  106. Vaccine Mandate walkouts - it's starting (27 replies)
  107. Law professor lecture on covid mandates (2 replies)
  108. Ivermectin and Leukemia (3 replies)
  109. HOW and WHY Pseudo Vaccines kill kids (2 replies)
  110. Florida’s COVID-19 response outperforms lockdown states on excess deaths, Edu & Econ (2 replies)
  111. Seriously? (2 replies)
  112. WHO DATA --- 2.2 million disasters and counting (12 replies)
  113. Since anecdotal evidence is cool and all (5 replies)
  114. OVER 2 million ADRs --- New World Record and from WHO figures . (0 replies)
  115. ADE set to kill / maim millions as forecast ? (6 replies)
  116. More Fetal deaths since Covid "Vaxx" than in last 30 years for all Vaccines (2 replies)
  117. Majority of Delta deaths in England occurred among vaccinated NOT unvaccinated (5 replies)
  118. People harmed by vaccine ...testimonies (57 replies)
  119. Dr Brooks an Oxford Ph D tells the Vaxxed about their deaths . (1 replies)
  120. Sheeple complicit in their own demise (2 replies)
  121. Some people have a gene offering protection from Covid, experts say (4 replies)
  122. Australia is doing my research for me: 78% of hospitalized Covid + are fully vaxxed (31 replies)
  123. The covid bible (0 replies)
  124. Testimony against vax mandate (14 replies)
  125. Government whistle blower on vaccine (1 replies)
  126. DeSantis responds to Biden limiting (1 replies)
  127. Doctors form new alliance to combat censorship (5 replies)
  128. Smallpox: The Plague That Humanity Defeated (7 replies)
  129. Epic cdc crimes (2 replies)
  130. FDA admits no test exists for any Covid variant (8 replies)
  131. Biden vaccine mandate (44 replies)
  132. Brain destroying virus coming your way (4 replies)
  133. They knew in 2020 (4 replies)
  134. For FJ (18 replies)
  135. World's leading pervert still a scheming business person (0 replies)
  136. Covid vaccines linked horror show worsens . Europe reeling . (15 replies)
  137. Among teens , Covid kills more than all other vaccines And Injures and disables more (4 replies)
  138. I had no idea (28 replies)
  139. Health Impact News (1 replies)
  140. The complete criminality of the PCR Test . (0 replies)
  141. So it is Pfizer that is the AntiChrist (4 replies)
  142. Less than 1/3 of Delta variant deaths are from the unvaxxed (2 replies)
  143. Position paper from Israeli Public Emergency Council (1 replies)
  144. The narrative is crumbling (22 replies)
  145. US judge orders hospital to treat Covid patient with ivermectin (47 replies)
  146. Nobel Prize winner rubbishes Covid Vaccines -- cause mutations . (4 replies)
  147. Killer Disease for Children from Covid inoculation . FDA knows. (1 replies)
  148. Weather Control now used by many countries . Unless you are a Compliance Gullible . (15 replies)
  149. NIH upgrades Ivermectin status (2 replies)
  150. Funeral Director --"Most Deaths are Vaccinated " . (13 replies)
  151. Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines Stopping Delta (21 replies)
  152. 15 mins of a deleted video..... (1 replies)
  153. ISRAELI STUDY ends PLANSCAMDEMIC . End of Lies (5 replies)
  154. Germany halts all Covid Vaccines --- unsafe and not recommended (10 replies)
  155. Tokyo Medical Association press conference recommends Ivermectin for Covid (11 replies)
  156. FDA gives FAKE approval for Pfizer inoculation . (3 replies)
  157. Even Mainstream Media Is Now Asking Big Questions About Covid Vaccines (17 replies)
  158. Over one billion deaths this winter from killer vaccine ? (2 replies)
  159. Pfizer has not got fda vaccine approval despite the claim . (14 replies)
  160. ADE (Antibody Dependence Enhancement) (1 replies)
  161. Vaxxed blood shows ' stacking ', typically seen in Blood cancer patients (0 replies)
  162. Over 200 , 000 dead in europe from vaccine ? (10 replies)
  163. Vaxxed patients blood examined . Horrific findings (0 replies)
  164. Us lab stands on threshold of nuclear fusion goal (0 replies)
  165. Vaccinated people have " had it " . You were advised . Rip (9 replies)
  166. Study: Deadly lambda variant could be vaccine-resistant (1 replies)
  167. Covid over 80 times less dangerous than thought (2 replies)
  168. "Wakeup Call": Pfizer Vax Only 42% Effective Against Infection In July (1 replies)
  169. More dying from vaccine than covid (3 replies)
  170. POOR VACCINES PROMOTE MUTATIONS AND VARIANTS . Vaccinated to suffer more (1 replies)
  171. FDA Lied To The World On DECEMBER 10 , 2020 . (7 replies)
  172. Will Marburg take over as Fear Agent from the fast failing Covid Hoax ? (7 replies)
  173. High iq crtitical thinkers most likely not to be inoculated (8 replies)
  174. Surely Impossible . They think more sorts of injuries caused by the death shots . (0 replies)
  175. No, the Unvaccinated Aren't Selfish or Ignorant. Here's Why I'm not Vaxxed (4 replies)
  177. Who suffering from neurological damage . (0 replies)
  178. Judy tells you everything you do not want to know (2 replies)
  179. Vaccines Make "Limited Difference In Infectiousness" Of Delta Variant (10 replies)
  180. Fetanyl almost kills deputy (2 replies)
  181. Cdc admit they have no delta variant test (13 replies)
  182. On the Topic of Obesity (13 replies)
  183. Covid spreading among vaccinated in hugely vaccinated countries (0 replies)
  184. First Autopsy of Vaccinated person Found to Contain Spike Proteins in every organ (17 replies)
  185. Precious inoculations worth trillions to be binned ? (0 replies)
  186. Killing a few more in Europe but only 1.9 million injured . (16 replies)
  187. Vaccines only killing a few and not injuring too many . (5 replies)
  188. Stop using the carrot- and start using the stick. .. hmmmmm (10 replies)
  189. The Lazy, Immoral Attacks by COVID 'Heroes' Are All Politics | Opinion (2 replies)
  190. F.D.A. Will Attach Warning of Rare Nerve Syndrome to Johnson & Johnson Vaccine (4 replies)
  191. For the women (1 replies)
  192. Vaccine deaths increase by 2,000 in a week (9 replies)
  193. Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review (10 replies)
  194. Must see this video on air-car!!! (5 replies)
  195. New Device Creates Water From Thin Air (3 replies)
  196. Houston hospital suspends 178 employees who refused Covid-19 vaccines (3 replies)
  197. What If We Had Nuclear-Powered Rockets? (0 replies)
  198. Israel has found a possible link between Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis (17 replies)
  199. Model Stephanie Dubois Suffers Blood Clot, Dies Days After Getting COVID Shot (0 replies)
  200. "Wokeness" Invades Science, The Insanity Spreads. (4 replies)
  201. MIT study of anti-maskers (1 replies)
  202. Vaccine package insert (6 replies)
  203. Cuba is ideal for Aspies and Auties to learn about unwritten rules and their value (1 replies)
  204. Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Rese (3 replies)
  205. Toyota’s Hydrogen-Powered Engine Sounds Pretty Damn Good (4 replies)
  206. Ivermectin and Vitamin D (51 replies)
  207. Russian Vaccine & Vietnam Spammers Funzies (1 replies)
  208. 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting Covid-19 Vaccine (6 replies)
  209. A Virginia man who got Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine developed a severe rash t (8 replies)
  210. Yet Another Case Of Government Influenced Utter Bullshht- Propaganda (1 replies)
  211. Thread For Jim, a possible explanation.. (10 replies)
  212. Fauci Is Not Your God (1 replies)
  213. Surgeon dies of COVID-related illness weeks after receiving second Covid vaccine shot (0 replies)
  214. Looking for COVID19 Data - help? (2 replies)
  215. Some States May Be Well on Their Way to Herd Immunity (0 replies)
  216. COVID vaccine is as-is and at your own risk - think twice (2 replies)
  217. Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SAR (8 replies)
  218. Could both sides be wrong on COVID ? (0 replies)
  219. What EVERYONE is missing, and nobody is talking about... (3 replies)
  220. Why are large events only considered "superspreaders" in rich countries? (0 replies)
  221. Does being a sissy worsen Coronavirus? (1 replies)
  222. Worried about sperm quality? (1 replies)
  223. Solar System (1 replies)
  224. Llama nanobodies? (0 replies)
  225. Getting COVID right? (0 replies)
  226. Blood type may affect severity of COVID-19 infection, new study suggests (0 replies)
  227. NASA patented a faster, cheaper route to the moon. (5 replies)
  228. ‘Jurassic Park experiment’: 750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes to be relea (9 replies)
  229. FRONTLINE DOCTORS ADDRESS COVID-19 DISINFORMATION -Banned Trump tweet- (9 replies)
  230. You Can Stop Cleaning Your Mail Now (2 replies)
  231. Hyperbaric Chamber and Cognition (1 replies)
  232. FYI: Elite Torture Children & Drink Their Adrenalised Blood called Adrenochrome. (1 replies)
  233. On and about Covid 19 lies (1 replies)
  234. Olivia de Havilland, the Last Remaining Star of Old Hollywood, Turns 104 (1 replies)
  235. Multiple Scientists: C0R0NAVlRUS Altered in Lab to Better Attach to Humans (0 replies)
  236. Coronavirus spread by asymptomatic people 'appears to be rare,' WHO official says (15 replies)
  237. Satellite images of packed Wuhan hospital suggests coronavirus outbreak earlier than (1 replies)
  238. The coronavirus was likely in the US before anyone knew it existed. (6 replies)
  239. Why Sweden (and others) Already Won the Debate on COVID ‘Lockdown’ Policy (9 replies)
  240. Gilead study shows shorter five-day course of remdesivir works as well as 10-day one (0 replies)
  241. I believe that a good diet is a healthy diet. (2 replies)
  242. Some new thoughts on COVID-19 from a former USAMRIID MRV. (6 replies)
  243. Anyone seen Fauci Lately? (4 replies)
  244. George Carlin video on heath , immunity and America (1 replies)
  245. AZ COVID Stats 4/9/20 (0 replies)
  246. I Honestly Didn't Think People Would Be This STUPID... (2 replies)
  247. It's ALL FAKE (3 replies)
  248. Well, I Just Got Home From The Emergency Room... (13 replies)
  249. If I become infected with the coronavirus, what are my odds of survival? (1 replies)
  250. For Those Who Mocked Preppers, Your Day Of Reckoning Is Arrived... (2 replies)