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  1. *Hillary Begs For Some Soft Balls: Creates Her Own, Campaign Collapsing Now* (1 replies)
  2. Hillary's Campaign Planted Question at Forum (15 replies)
  3. House Passes AMT Bill - But Jacks Up Other Taxes (6 replies)
  4. Global warming: The greatest scam in history (3 replies)
  5. John Kerry: I'm Now Prepared to Fight Off Swift Boat Veterans (141 replies)
  6. A Failure to Lead (37 replies)
  7. Rudy On A Roll (29 replies)
  8. House Dems Oppose Licenses for Illegals (0 replies)
  9. Cheery Conservative Huckabee Shakes Up Republican Race (36 replies)
  10. New Hampshire: Romney 32% Giuliani 17% (1 replies)
  11. Video: Hillary: When I’m ‘President Again’ (6 replies)
  12. Paul supporters using stolen money (9 replies)
  13. Hillary Stiffs Another Waitress (28 replies)
  14. Libs Vote Down Tax Increase for Kids Health Care (0 replies)
  15. Halting Hillary brings together '08 Dems (0 replies)
  16. Immigration 2008: A Presidential Watershed (3 replies)
  17. Iowa Debate To Exclude Lower Tier (4 replies)
  18. So far GOOD news in Washington State's Election (3 replies)
  19. Illiberal Statism (32 replies)
  20. Democrats and Waterboarding (1 replies)
  21. some claim that President Bush shouldn't have started this war (0 replies)
  22. china (5 replies)
  23. *Ron Paul: Says We Support Dictator In Pakistan, USA Policy Flawed He's Crazy* (2 replies)
  24. Debate Policy Presidential Poll - MEMBERS (29 replies)
  25. Republican second choices (12 replies)
  26. Kucinich's Resolution to Impeach Cheney Stalls Other Business in House (4 replies)
  27. Fred Thompson begging for applause (2 replies)
  28. Fuck Cindy Sheehan (6 replies)
  29. DebatePolicy Presidential Poll - DEMOCRAT (12 replies)
  30. DebatePolicy Presidential Poll - REPUBLICAN (42 replies)
  31. Mukasey Won’t Say Waterboarding Is Torture But in 1947 the U.S. Called It a War Crime (90 replies)
  32. Never thought I'd say this (10 replies)
  33. A History of Liberal Disasters (9 replies)
  34. WEB EXTRA / Kerry says he’ll be ready next time (0 replies)
  35. Yeah, this guy sure loves free speech (4 replies)
  36. Update Email From Team Tancredo (4 replies)
  37. *Parts Of Mexico Under Water: Did They Ask For USA Help?* (6 replies)
  38. Tancredo giving up seat in Congress (2 replies)
  39. Evangelicals unhappy with GOP choices (5 replies)
  40. I smell bullshit (1 replies)
  41. racist mexicans (45 replies)
  42. Dennis Kucinich To Bring Impeachment To House Floor (8 replies)
  43. Rangel's tax plan heartens GOP (2 replies)
  44. We do not live in a democracy (4 replies)
  45. Biden's History Lesson to Fourth-Graders (0 replies)
  46. 'This Will Make voter fraud EASIER... (3 replies)
  47. Hillary Indecisive? Please (4 replies)
  48. Stop L.O.S.T. - Law of the Sea Treaty (0 replies)
  49. Obama takes questions from 5-year-old (8 replies)
  50. Media Matters Hack: Tim Russert must be stopped! (0 replies)
  51. UN to Tax United States (11 replies)
  52. Republican Party in sad disarray (13 replies)
  53. If Congress Truly Wants to Help Children (5 replies)
  54. Missing headlines: leftwing voter fraud guilty plea (0 replies)
  55. *Hillary Takes It On The Chin Last Night: Bash-fest Worked!* (1 replies)
  56. Wanna know who gets what from whom? (1 replies)
  57. Clinton Gets No Love in Democrats Debate (19 replies)
  58. Ron Paul On Jay Leno Last Night (24 replies)
  59. Law of the Sea (LOST) (0 replies)
  60. Ralph Nader Sues Democratic Party (8 replies)
  61. and MAX STRIKES AGAIN! HAHA! (24 replies)
  62. Who is the fiscal party (19 replies)
  63. The age old question and the answer (188 replies)
  64. Media Coverage is LOST (10 replies)
  65. Commander in Chief Hillary? (87 replies)
  66. The latest moonbat fashion must-have (1 replies)
  67. Do a majority of Americans demand strict immigration policy? (9 replies)
  68. Democrats' Million-Idea March (3 replies)
  69. Anti-Clinton video draws Web audience (8 replies)
  70. Edwards: COLLEGE FOR EVERYONE!!! (44 replies)
  71. Hitlery leads the polls!! (1 replies)
  72. Moving In The Right Direction (8 replies)
  73. House Democrats Propose Tax Overhaul (0 replies)
  74. If Bush resigned (2 replies)
  75. The new Witch Hunters? (11 replies)
  76. Edwards plans big for presidency (4 replies)
  77. Who is the enemy? (1 replies)
  78. Patriotism? (5 replies)
  79. GOP Should Learn from Louisiana Election (3 replies)
  80. Who's Watching The "Watchdog"? (0 replies)
  81. Fred Thompson vs. the moonshiners (2 replies)
  82. Message to Democrats - Where do we go from here? (16 replies)
  83. Liberty: Earned v. Inherited (2 replies)
  84. why cant we just call a spade a spade (59 replies)
  85. Why did americans lose the ability to comprimise? (6 replies)
  86. If you had to choose between obama or hillary winning the nomination (5 replies)
  87. *Damaging Film Comes Out About Hillary's Questionable Money Being Raised* (1 replies)
  88. Hillary Uncensored (11 replies)
  89. Do you believe in H.I.P.P.A. (7 replies)
  90. Would you support a flag burning amendment making it illegal to burn it (34 replies)
  91. No More Economic Aid For U.s. Campuses (13 replies)
  92. Tell this fucker, NO Rewards for illegals! (2 replies)
  93. Why is college becoming almost un-afforadable for the average american (12 replies)
  94. What do you consider "Patriotic" & "Unpatriotic" (1 replies)
  95. What are you thoughts on affimative action? (5 replies)
  96. Uncle Bob Jindal: Man of No Color (2 replies)
  97. North AMERICAN UNION & VCHIP TRUTH (6 replies)
  98. Louisiana going Red (21 replies)
  99. Ted Rall, what a guy (3 replies)
  100. "I had sex with Larry Craig" (39 replies)
  101. important article (0 replies)
  102. How do we stop the spread of std's and hiv in america (9 replies)
  103. What is the purpose of the US Federal Government? (19 replies)
  104. Restore the Militia for Homeland Security (6 replies)
  105. Go Dino! (2 replies)
  106. Protestor Attacks Condoleezza Rice On Capitol Hill (56 replies)
  107. I believe diane feinstein deserves a thank you (7 replies)
  108. What do we do about social security (54 replies)
  109. How do we pay down the 9 trillion dollar debt to 0 and how long will it take (4 replies)
  110. Are Democrats too confident in 2008 election race? (24 replies)
  111. Gay Groups tell Obama to cut ties with truth (29 replies)
  112. Hillary! Uncensored - Banned By The Media (10 replies)
  113. Tom Harkin's Iowa Steak Fry (7 replies)
  114. Red Alert, Friends! (10 replies)
  115. Debates tonight (5 replies)
  116. Interesting perspective on torture (0 replies)
  117. Something Positive for young girls and women (0 replies)
  118. Tell N.O.W. To stop worrying about being called racist, and start speaking out (3 replies)
  119. A GOP Formula For Victory In 2008 (58 replies)
  120. with Democrats like these (0 replies)
  121. FRC Straw poll (0 replies)
  122. anybody know anything about this superbug? (1 replies)
  123. Great news for anyone with a daughter (3 replies)
  124. does anyone remember or was alive during black monday? (10 replies)
  125. I know i should be surprised, but this probably goes on everyday (1 replies)
  126. Illegals Old to drive in N.Y. (0 replies)
  127. Rudy expresses his support for illegal immigration (15 replies)
  128. J Jackson: The right to use Nigger (2 replies)
  129. *Harry Reid Makes CWN Angry* (3 replies)
  130. Flashback....President Clinton explains Iraq strike (28 replies)
  131. Fred Phelps says Thompson supports their views (5 replies)
  132. The Liberal Compassion Mirage (24 replies)
  133. Harry Reid shows that he is a shameless no class SOB (6 replies)
  134. An unlikely treasure-trove of donors for Clinton (6 replies)
  135. Ron Paul Stands up for the Constitution. (61 replies)
  136. GOP moves to halt money for Woodstock (0 replies)
  137. Phelps associating himself with Thompson (8 replies)
  138. Another democratic idiot (29 replies)
  139. Heads Blown Off For The President's Amusement? (57 replies)
  140. Brownback backs out (7 replies)
  141. House fails to override Veto of SCHIP (25 replies)
  142. Gore rules out Presidential bid.....(snort) (6 replies)
  143. Showdown On The Fairness Doctrine (0 replies)
  144. Their Seven Deadly Sins (2 replies)
  145. Colbert for President? (7 replies)
  146. Bush tries to sell war with Iran (54 replies)
  147. American wars (4 replies)
  148. Playing Politics With Genocide (9 replies)
  149. Wolrd Courts, The U.N., and U.S. Soverignty (0 replies)
  150. Cheney and Obama are distant cousins (10 replies)
  151. Our Sovereignty lost and a global tax (3 replies)
  152. BANNED Pres. Bush Interview (54 replies)
  153. I’ll trade you dead babies for votes SCHIP (8 replies)
  154. Any takers? (19 replies)
  155. Video: Job of U.S. soldiers is killing “mothers and sisters,” says David Crosby (11 replies)
  156. Fred Thompson disappears from campaign trail, cancels events (27 replies)
  157. Democratic Party Turmoil From Within (14 replies)
  158. And yet another video why George Bush is a Douchebag...Ron Paul for Pres (72 replies)
  159. Legal or not (14 replies)
  160. *Obama Doing And Saying What The Liberal Base Want To Hear* (1 replies)
  161. *Obama Gathering Momentum* (4 replies)
  162. 'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California (10 replies)
  163. *Obama Pins Hillary: Flip Flopper* (4 replies)
  164. Dialogue with Democrats Now Akin to Diplomacy with Terrorists? (1 replies)
  165. Gire - The Anti-Bush (13 replies)
  166. The GOP's 20% problem (2 replies)
  167. Black leader picks Hillary over Obama (1 replies)
  168. Ron Paul..... (31 replies)
  169. Hillary (5 replies)
  170. Mitt Romney confronted on medical marijuana (16 replies)
  171. Dems Want $1 TRILLION Dolar Tax Increase (46 replies)
  172. Hillary's Spend-o-meter (4 replies)
  173. Hillary - "I Have A Million Ideas - The Country Can't Afford Them All" (4 replies)
  174. Pelosi Agrees - Censor God From Flag Certificates (71 replies)
  175. Next debate - Part 2 (8 replies)
  176. How about our next debate - Illegal Immigration? (23 replies)
  177. Democrats Edge Away From Troop Withdrawal (0 replies)
  178. Hillary Backs Off Baby Bond (2 replies)
  179. Hillary's Very Bad Dream Video (0 replies)
  180. Justification for War in Iraq - Discuss! (57 replies)
  181. Jimmy "Batsh*t Crazy" Carter at it again.... (4 replies)
  182. Thompson stumbles out of the blocks (16 replies)
  183. Marijuana (5 replies)
  184. Hillary Continues With Plan to Socialize America (15 replies)
  185. Craig will have to settle for being gay (4 replies)
  186. Republican debates (8 replies)
  187. Something amusing (2 replies)
  188. To The Leftist On THis Board (20 replies)
  189. GOP hits Hillary's 'baby bonds' (5 replies)
  190. Thompson, the Southern Hillary Fighter!!!!!! (0 replies)
  191. Tryphorgetin --- for all you Hillary supporters! (1 replies)
  192. Bar low for Thompson as debate looms (3 replies)
  193. Who made Hillary Queen? (9 replies)
  194. Anything To Win (1 replies)
  195. Anatomy of a BIG Lie: 'Phony Soldiers' (14 replies)
  196. Rush Week (2 replies)
  197. 12 Year Old Used in Dems Radio Address Not So Poor (86 replies)
  198. Dems Using Tax Money To Silence Conservative Radio (8 replies)
  199. Thompson continues to shoot his feet off (5 replies)
  200. Hillary Is The Queen Of Pork (0 replies)
  201. Jeri Thompson: The woman behind the man (3 replies)
  202. Obama wants to be an instrument for God (29 replies)
  203. Oh What A Difference 12 Years Makes (5 replies)
  204. Sertes (2 replies)
  205. The Only Way to Win the Immigration Battle (0 replies)
  206. Phony Soldiers, Phony Outrage, and Phony Patriotism (72 replies)
  207. KKK Byrd Pays Back Moveon.org (42 replies)
  208. Question (38 replies)
  209. Was 9/11 an inside job? (21 replies)
  210. the sdpd is corrupt (41 replies)
  211. 5 Dem Pres Candidates Skip Vote on Defense Spending (6 replies)
  212. Just a thought ... (12 replies)
  213. Hillary wants Bill to have "diplomatic role" (7 replies)
  214. Jeri Thompson: Not a Lawyer (25 replies)
  215. Liberals Slam Hillary For Being - Well Hillary (0 replies)
  216. Bill Clinton: Hillary wants me to restore image of US (3 replies)
  217. The Tactics of Dishonest Politics (0 replies)
  218. If we leave iraq tommorrow what will happen. (11 replies)
  219. Contreversial opinion or idea (0 replies)
  220. why cant anything in politics being honest? (8 replies)
  221. conterversial question for you (25 replies)
  222. Supreme Court: Campaign lies (about foes) are protected free speech (10 replies)
  223. Malaki says blackwater must go (39 replies)
  224. Dem Congres at Record Low Approval (98 replies)
  225. Hillary touts bill to unite illegals' kin (34 replies)
  226. Tell this anti american illegal alien enabler what you think (0 replies)
  227. Video: Crazed by Rush, Wes Clark calls for political discourse to be rated (0 replies)
  228. Tell La Raza what you really think of them. (6 replies)
  229. Interesting ... (0 replies)
  230. Tell oakland airport how you feel about their disrespect of our troops! (0 replies)
  231. Can i have the names of the 41 assholes, i mean senators so i can call them and email (9 replies)
  232. President Vetoes Children's Health Insurance Bill (31 replies)
  233. Support the true patriots of this country (3 replies)
  234. illegal aliens are ruining this country (0 replies)
  235. America belongs to the united states, not god, not illegal aliens (1 replies)
  236. I am angry at latinos or hispanics who support illegal immigration (0 replies)
  237. dems using rush, to make america forget general betrayus ad (50 replies)
  238. why n.o.w. doesnt go after islams treatment of women (0 replies)
  239. Stop Apologizing/Making excuses for islam and islamo nazi terrorists (0 replies)
  240. What do you make of this? (2 replies)
  241. Questions raised over terror exercise (1 replies)
  242. controversial opinion piece by new york times, agree or disagree and why? (206 replies)
  243. In Judging Risk, Our Fears Are Often Misplaced (0 replies)
  244. Files raise questions on Gitmo transfers (0 replies)
  245. Lets chill about global warming (0 replies)
  246. Gotta love government, they really know how to keep a budget Report: Millions wasted (0 replies)
  247. Senate Democrats Condemn Limbaugh’s Attack On Our Troops (5 replies)
  248. Justification for War in Iraq (21 replies)
  249. is pakistan going to fall to al queda, will it reform? (1 replies)
  250. Iraqi deaths fall by 50 percent (0 replies)