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  1. I am angry at latinos or hispanics who support illegal immigration (0 replies)
  2. dems using rush, to make america forget general betrayus ad (50 replies)
  3. why n.o.w. doesnt go after islams treatment of women (0 replies)
  4. Stop Apologizing/Making excuses for islam and islamo nazi terrorists (0 replies)
  5. What do you make of this? (2 replies)
  6. Questions raised over terror exercise (1 replies)
  7. controversial opinion piece by new york times, agree or disagree and why? (206 replies)
  8. In Judging Risk, Our Fears Are Often Misplaced (0 replies)
  9. Files raise questions on Gitmo transfers (0 replies)
  10. Lets chill about global warming (0 replies)
  11. Gotta love government, they really know how to keep a budget Report: Millions wasted (0 replies)
  12. Senate Democrats Condemn Limbaugh’s Attack On Our Troops (5 replies)
  13. Justification for War in Iraq (21 replies)
  14. is pakistan going to fall to al queda, will it reform? (1 replies)
  15. Iraqi deaths fall by 50 percent (0 replies)
  16. Im going to take a contreversial stand. (7 replies)
  17. Fred Thompson the second coming of Ronald Reagan (5 replies)
  18. *Who Do The Neoliberals Fear The Most This Election Season?* (53 replies)
  19. I believe the so-called jena 6, are not victims and should be charged with ... (15 replies)
  20. don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow! (162 replies)
  21. Let's get our first debate going! (9 replies)
  22. Shocker: “War Protesters” Draw Small Crowd (8 replies)
  23. What the p.c. media, public schools, & universities wont teach you about islam (8 replies)
  24. Presidential Leadership (3 replies)
  25. Americans Continue to Choose Unbiased News (26 replies)
  26. Congressional Democrats Propose Cigarette Tax Hike to Pay for Children's Health Cover (12 replies)
  27. France has balls, listen to the speech. (2 replies)
  28. Hillary’s ‘Baby Bonds’ Inflate 1000% In 1 Year (4 replies)
  29. Newt is Officially Not Running in 2008 (12 replies)
  30. Possible topics... (30 replies)
  31. Murtha must testify in defamation case (1 replies)
  32. Pictures Of The Danish Muslim Cartoons (24 replies)
  33. Prayer and the president's veto (7 replies)
  34. I’m ready for a vacation - Uncle Jay Explains Congress (0 replies)
  35. Richardson to Boy Scouts: Be Prepared . . . to find another Honorary Chairman (13 replies)
  36. Hillary Flip-Flops on herself and her hubby.. (5 replies)
  37. George Bush's America...Laying the Foundation for Fascism (216 replies)
  38. Congress needs to approve a budget (23 replies)
  39. Who is your candidate? (29 replies)
  40. George Soros & MoveOn.org (10 replies)
  41. Blackwater Stirs Up American Crock Of S**T (4 replies)
  42. What we should be telling our immigrants (0 replies)
  43. local/municipal politics.... (4 replies)
  44. Who is the worst US President in history (71 replies)
  45. Michigan Republican Straw poll results (0 replies)
  46. Why Polls Shouldn't Be Used to Make Decisions (7 replies)
  47. Clinton Targets Blacks in First S.C. Radio Ad (18 replies)
  48. 75% of Americans approve of GW's handling of war on terror (11 replies)
  49. Americans Debt ratio is huge (23 replies)
  50. It’s Time To Abolish The U.S. Electoral College (112 replies)
  51. US and our allies want us out of Iraq (35 replies)
  52. I want specifics! - What do you dislike about Hillary Clinton? (31 replies)
  53. The Totalitarians Among Us (40 replies)
  54. one man's opinion (0 replies)
  55. Harry Reid....definition of insanity... (2 replies)
  56. N.Y. Drops Citizenship Proof For Driver's Licenses (12 replies)
  57. what is going on with this case (jena 6) (5 replies)
  58. FBI investigating Steven for corruption (14 replies)
  59. Clinton: I am not a lesbian (20 replies)
  60. CEO's who formerly supported Bush are now supporting Dems.. (9 replies)
  61. I would like too see.... (2 replies)
  62. who are the 46 million without healthcare, and why dont they have it? (8 replies)
  63. An economic question (47 replies)
  64. problems with accuracy regarding the crusades (6 replies)
  65. I would like to debunk some myths. (4 replies)
  66. A common sense plan to stop illegal immigration and ensure our national security (3 replies)
  67. Its time to fight back against walmart. (18 replies)
  68. Senate rebukes MoveOn.org for Gen. 'Betray Us' ad (111 replies)
  69. Why Democrats Just Absolutely Hate Being Called ..... (105 replies)
  70. Evangelical leader not supporting Thompson (16 replies)
  71. The drug for Dems (0 replies)
  72. *Jimmy Carter Says Irans Not To Worry About: He Said That In 1979* (8 replies)
  73. Maybe He Is Great: But *CWN* Is Greater* (0 replies)
  74. The latest debate (0 replies)
  75. Who bears blame for anti-war failures? (4 replies)
  76. Democrat Leaders Become More Radicalized (14 replies)
  77. *The Bitch and The Black Guy* (22 replies)
  78. *happy 9~11* (2 replies)
  79. The Undorsements: O.J. Backs Hillary (1 replies)
  80. Court upholds Maryland gay marriage ban (7 replies)
  81. Shamnesty Watch: Keep the heat on the DREAM Act…Only 18 Senators have committed to vo (0 replies)
  82. So when the dems defeat bush in 08.... (31 replies)
  83. Did I miss something? (1 replies)
  84. Mugged By Reality (0 replies)
  85. *Looking Good: Hillary Going For HealthCare Again* (12 replies)
  86. Values Voters Debate (12 replies)
  87. Liberal Interpretation (3 replies)
  88. Romney tells UN they might lose funding (1 replies)
  89. Murtha: Dems will pick up 40-50 seats in Congress next year because of Iraq (2 replies)
  90. Why Fred Thompson (28 replies)
  91. Is conservatism fractured? (7 replies)
  92. Why not vote Libertarian? (16 replies)
  93. never met a liberal that actually walked the walk... (40 replies)
  94. Is Bush what he says he is? (21 replies)
  95. Hispanics shift hospitals' resources (28 replies)
  96. *Do We really Want Obama's Wife Running This Country?* (16 replies)
  97. *I Can't Stand Gingrich: Classic Rino* (10 replies)
  98. Conservatives will never understand (30 replies)
  99. Rudy Giuliani is a liberal (28 replies)
  100. Your other right hand (8 replies)
  101. A Sleeper Amnesty: Time to Wake Up from the DREAM Act (4 replies)
  102. Hsu's suicide note (1 replies)
  103. Rodham settles Case - but the REAL story is the details surrounding (8 replies)
  104. Does this candidate get your vote? (3 replies)
  105. The Two Cents Campaign: Show Al the money... (4 replies)
  106. The Candidate who is driving the media crazy.. (2 replies)
  107. letting AQ spread (60 replies)
  108. a trip to the past to understand the present (5 replies)
  109. *Kucinich: Traitor Of All America* (39 replies)
  110. *GD Forbes Is Still Dumb As Hell: How Did He get Rich Anyways?* (2 replies)
  111. Antiwar leaders stymied, frustrated (13 replies)
  112. NAACP targets Minuteman Grandma (1 replies)
  113. The Next President (48 replies)
  114. who is responsible for the US debt? (230 replies)
  115. Fred Thompson is Gay (47 replies)
  116. If it weren't for conservatives this would be a nice world. (38 replies)
  117. Novak: Not Such a Dark Prince (3 replies)
  118. ive heard alot of talk, about monitoring calls over-seas (0 replies)
  119. who should decide if abortion is legal or illegal (86 replies)
  120. Down the drain rudy: Illegal immigration not a crime (13 replies)
  121. Fred Thompson's website (16 replies)
  122. Obama's wife - "He's snory and stinky".... (28 replies)
  123. Bush has bad day at Sydney Opera House (30 replies)
  124. US Democratic hopeful Kucinich meets Assad, blasts Bush (4 replies)
  125. Fugitive fundraiser captured... (11 replies)
  126. Impeach Bush a littering violation? I think not. (4 replies)
  127. Last nights debates (6 replies)
  128. Fred Thompson finally announces run (16 replies)
  129. Rep. Jennifer Dunn, RIP (5 replies)
  130. Democratic donor Norman Hsu fails to appear.... (6 replies)
  131. Ohio GOP congressman dies (93 replies)
  132. "I cry a lot" - GWB (33 replies)
  133. McCain is an idiot (6 replies)
  134. Will the Democrats call for the following resignations? (53 replies)
  135. Stop Pushing race relations under the rug (1 replies)
  136. California Senate actually does something good. (2 replies)
  137. Country is at Risk Again, new Immigration bills coming up (10 replies)
  138. We the People...The Buck Stops Here! (1 replies)
  139. Melanie Morgan Videos (4 replies)
  140. LTC. Patterson Rips Anti War Activist (21 replies)
  141. Move America Forward Pro Troop Rally Support Videos (6 replies)
  142. Status Report on border fence (29 replies)
  143. GOP Candidate Duncan Hunter to Lead Pro-Troop Rally in Carson City (33 replies)
  144. Will the Real Enemy of America Please Stand Up... (54 replies)
  145. Activist judges strike again (16 replies)
  146. Fred Thompson Announcement (17 replies)
  147. Freedom of speech (52 replies)
  148. WANTED: Major Hillary Campaign Contributor & Swindler (19 replies)
  149. Pranksters shrink wrap Rove's car (9 replies)
  150. Report from Vancouver, Washington: Rep. Baird Gets Blasted (3 replies)
  151. Bush trying to strangle Mayor Nagin? LOL (16 replies)
  152. Edwards: Americans should sacrifice their SUVs (101 replies)
  153. LMFAO! Lieberalism Dinged Me Because He Still Thinks Craig Is A Demo (6 replies)
  154. Pictures From President Bush's Visit Today (6 replies)
  155. Castro on Hillary and Obama (109 replies)
  156. Education (23 replies)
  157. "Romney tosses Craig under the bus" (5 replies)
  158. Of Mice and Mormons (0 replies)
  159. More Blacks Run as Republicans in the South (5 replies)
  160. Attorney General Gonzales just resigned (59 replies)
  161. Just Shut Up, Go Home, And Take Your Kid With You (20 replies)
  162. How To Cure People Of The Liberal Disease (125 replies)
  163. Is it really feasible that the USA (158 replies)
  164. Three Possible Positions on Iraq, Pick One and Stick With It! (47 replies)
  165. Tancredo's TV Add (15 replies)
  166. Ted Nugent (4 replies)
  167. Nugent on Hillary and Obama (72 replies)
  168. Will George W. Bush help or hurt the GOP in '08? (21 replies)
  169. Important Bill Being Debated In Congress... (0 replies)
  170. Democrats Seeking 'Bumper Sticker' Campaign Slogan (20 replies)
  171. Sick & Tired of the party lines crap (16 replies)
  172. Tancredo On The Newark Tradgedy (2 replies)
  173. I met Governor Richardson and Senator Biden Today (25 replies)
  174. President Bush Coming to RENO!!! I WILL Try and Get Pictures... (33 replies)
  175. Reagan dumps on Dubya in diary (48 replies)
  176. “There is only the Fight” (17 replies)
  177. Twenty-Nine Hour Rudy is a Yankee (45 replies)
  178. Democrat Rep. arrested for assult in an airport (43 replies)
  179. Jane Fonda’s Radio Network Tanks (18 replies)
  180. Interview with President Hillary Clinton / March 1, 2010 (13 replies)
  181. Mike Huckabee tells fellow Republicans: "Stop the character assassination." (35 replies)
  182. Anne Rice Declares Self Pro-Life, Pro-Hillary... (2 replies)
  183. Major Harry Reid Protest In Carson City On September 3rd. (5 replies)
  184. Tancredo's Campaign Website Hacked By Muslims (8 replies)
  185. A Damn Good Impartial Commentary.... (8 replies)
  186. Take this political test, and see what you really are. (11 replies)
  187. Another Perjury? (26 replies)
  188. Racism is not white (57 replies)
  189. A Letter I Recieved From Senator Ensign Reguarding Immigration (1 replies)
  190. Illegals Are Not Immigrants (10 replies)
  191. Rush interviews Karl Rove (0 replies)
  192. Should allegedly unbiased news sources judge others? (0 replies)
  193. Bush is easily amazed (13 replies)
  194. Cooking with Obama --- Arugala recipes!!!! (4 replies)
  195. Learn from the fall of Rome, US warned (5 replies)
  196. Out on the Tancredo Watch (9 replies)
  197. Rattling the skeletons in Mitt's closet (135 replies)
  198. Chicago Dems Want to Tax Bottled Water (24 replies)
  199. GOP Recruits Support Iraq War (2 replies)
  200. Pres Bush at 44% Approval - Dem Congress at 25% (34 replies)
  201. Learn from the fall of Rome, US warned (47 replies)
  202. Tommy Thompson drops out of the race (13 replies)
  203. The libs have already stolen the election (24 replies)
  204. Ted Nugent!! Views on the 2nd amend... (2 replies)
  205. Gotta love Tom Tancredo websites (1 replies)
  206. What Would Democrats Do? (0 replies)
  207. Rove Resigns (38 replies)
  208. Doesn't Hillary look like Adolph Shitler??? (61 replies)
  209. Are You More Conservative than a 2nd-Grader? (0 replies)
  210. Why are pro abortion people anti death penalty? (128 replies)
  211. 'King Corruption' Reigns (0 replies)
  212. Obama: Enough With The "Black Enough" Talk (0 replies)
  213. Obama Judges a Judge (0 replies)
  214. A Bridge To Blaming (0 replies)
  215. A Look At The Future (2 replies)
  216. Tancredo Campaign Update (20 replies)
  217. How the Democrats Blew It in Only 8 Months (12 replies)
  218. Expect Another Polarized Election (0 replies)
  219. The Liberal "Center" (0 replies)
  220. Obama confronts 'blackness' as issue (4 replies)
  221. Dems Want To Raise Gas Tax (3 replies)
  222. It's Sheehan VS Pelois (16 replies)
  223. Dems Tossing Independents Overboard? (37 replies)
  224. Republicans start to smell blood (46 replies)
  225. Sub-prime politicians (0 replies)
  226. Bush Just Keeps Pissing Me Off More Every Day..... (119 replies)
  227. And This Is Why We Call Her "HITLERY!" (21 replies)
  228. Senator Obama Caught In Another Lie! (13 replies)
  229. Gravel: Military should encourage queers to enlist (14 replies)
  230. North American Union launching August 20? (1 replies)
  231. A bleak future and Rush Limbaugh (119 replies)
  232. Bush Wants To Cut Corporate Tax Rates (44 replies)
  233. Ski resort's 'Impeach Bush' vote backfires (4 replies)
  234. Leahy Sets Deadline - White House Yawns (9 replies)
  235. How Much In Taxes Should You Pay? (3 replies)
  236. Iowa Caucus poll (3 Threads Merged) (28 replies)
  237. Civil Unions -- Why not? (2 replies)
  238. A candidate with sincere passion (4 replies)
  239. What are your thoughts? (19 replies)
  240. You Must Be a Liberal If.............. (13 replies)
  241. Two Debates and The Differences (27 replies)
  242. Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings and the Senate (0 replies)
  243. New Congress, Same Culture (0 replies)
  244. Hillary : Government Must Stop Foreclosures (0 replies)
  245. Giuliani: Only I can beat Hillary Clinton (0 replies)
  246. It's No Longer the DLC's Party (0 replies)
  247. Dem Debate Get Interesting - Somewhat (3 replies)
  248. Specter immigration alternative is a sham (8 replies)
  249. Mitt's ultimate flip flop - satire (0 replies)
  250. Why 'liberal' doesn't quite fit (14 replies)