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  1. I'm so glad I tossed my Mac 7 years ago... (2 replies)
  2. House Roll Call: Murtha reprimand (0 replies)
  3. So this is what PBS does with our taxes (49 replies)
  4. Dems plan Iraq bill minus timeline but with benchmarks, and raise Minimum wage....... (5 replies)
  5. Political experiment wants YOU! (134 replies)
  6. Hillary's Theme Song (13 replies)
  7. Campaign Finance Reform Disqualifies John McCain (2 replies)
  8. US senator calls for American troops in Darfur (16 replies)
  9. A Gay Republican Org. (1 replies)
  10. Second Life for Study Group (36 replies)
  11. Edwards charges $55,000 to speak to UC Davis students about poverty (139 replies)
  12. McCain's getting nasty (45 replies)
  13. Hillary's Big Secret (9 replies)
  14. Senator wants pre-K for all 4-year-olds (24 replies)
  15. Could this be any more hypocritical? (13 replies)
  16. Pelosi defends Murtha vs. GOP reprimand (12 replies)
  17. The Pot calling the Kettle Black (Carter on Pres. Bush) (10 replies)
  18. The 27% problem (96 replies)
  19. Ted Kennedy on Immigration (18 replies)
  20. White House 2008 rankings: The Republicans (22 replies)
  21. Immigrant bounty program (64 replies)
  22. Huckabee fights to reach top-tier status (6 replies)
  23. the point of debates (5 replies)
  24. Harry Reid Cartoons (16 replies)
  25. Saw a clip of Ronald Reagan last night (65 replies)
  26. McCain's death blow (46 replies)
  27. Registered Republicans- would you vote for Ron Paul? (20 replies)
  28. People of "color" (11 replies)
  29. The Perfect Immigration Solution (13 replies)
  30. Tancredo (13 replies)
  31. The next American president should disengage from the Middle East (14 replies)
  32. House Overwhelming Rejects Bush Plan For Unfettered Mexican Trucking In US (25 replies)
  33. Stop the lies (38 replies)
  34. The Romney, Kerry connection.......... (8 replies)
  35. Trump for President (16 replies)
  36. Bush 33 : Congress 29 (10 replies)
  37. Why Dems Hate Wal-Mart? (24 replies)
  38. It's Time For Liberals To Start Supporting America! (436 replies)
  39. Gay Marriage (2 replies)
  40. Romney believes voters will accept a Mormon (11 replies)
  41. was it voter fraud..... (8 replies)
  42. Loosechange debunked (45 replies)
  43. Another American Century or Another American Civil War? (35 replies)
  44. What are the $$ Candidates $$ hiding ? (3 replies)
  45. Clinton Says Bush Governs 'For the Few' (0 replies)
  46. Piece of Crap, Joined at the Hip, bush Attack Dog... (19 replies)
  47. Bush Supporters are WRONG!! (1 replies)
  48. Mayberry Machiavellis (1 replies)
  49. A vote for Romney is a vote for Satan (13 replies)
  50. Mrs. Obama becomes a stay at home mother (1 replies)
  51. DNC chair Dean says party needs to invite young evangelical Christians (14 replies)
  52. Rudy re-affirms abortion rights stance (16 replies)
  53. Do we really believe in Democracy? (35 replies)
  54. Democratic budget plan takes shape (0 replies)
  55. Who is Barack Obama? (60 replies)
  56. Bush Told War Is Harming The GOP (8 replies)
  57. Bush says he's OK with Iraq benchmarks (4 replies)
  58. Why do you hate Capitalism? (85 replies)
  59. Listening To The Generals On The Ground (142 replies)
  60. Considering the Spin Going On, I Hesitate At Posting This (7 replies)
  61. Senators Need to Know You Support Making English the Official Language (26 replies)
  62. Obama's Misstep (5 replies)
  63. Hate Crimes Are Stupid (13 replies)
  64. The Growing Public Trough (3 replies)
  65. Pelosi threat to sue Bush over Iraq bill (47 replies)
  66. Dean on Electoral College System: ‘Get Rid of It' (58 replies)
  67. Gravel for Prez! (8 replies)
  68. The #1 issue in the '08 elections (62 replies)
  69. New bill would fund war in two stages (65 replies)
  70. Dems Offer Reparations to Guam For Japanese War Crimes (2 replies)
  71. Dems on Gas Prices (110 replies)
  72. Islamist Penetration's First Stage Has Begun...in Congress (25 replies)
  73. Why do you hate Socialism? (116 replies)
  74. Religion Of Liberalism Going Morally Bankrupt (0 replies)
  75. With New Clout, Antiwar Groups Push Democrats (2 replies)
  76. Are American Democrats De Facto Socialists? (16 replies)
  77. Liberalism=Evil (29 replies)
  78. Conservatives give more to charity (2 replies)
  79. Gun control: One man's stand (23 replies)
  80. Who won the Republican Debates? (61 replies)
  81. Who won the Rep Debates? (1 replies)
  82. Dems Tangled in Netroots (0 replies)
  83. Will Fred Thompson's racist role have political repercussions? (3 replies)
  84. This is how Adults do it (68 replies)
  85. Somebody is afraid of Fred Thompson running? (18 replies)
  86. Obama gets Secret Service detail (1 replies)
  87. Tancredo Driving The Debate (28 replies)
  88. Bush plans to veto hate crimes bill (22 replies)
  89. Which celebrities should come out of the closet? (4 replies)
  90. Cut and RUN... Wikipedia (50 replies)
  91. Iraqis on Vacation (28 replies)
  92. Republican debates (84 replies)
  93. Mitt on Leno (18 replies)
  94. I Bought a Bird Feeder... (10 replies)
  95. Take That Traitorous Defeatists! (22 replies)
  96. Time to Take the Fight To Them (1 replies)
  97. Bush flip-flops on troop withdrawal timetables (16 replies)
  98. Rudy crawls out of bed with Chavez to criticize him (0 replies)
  99. McCain Comeback? (20 replies)
  100. Feinstein’s Cardinal shenanigans (7 replies)
  101. Pelosi: ‘This Legislation Respects the Wishes of the American People to End the Iraq (47 replies)
  102. Oh oh.....Biden and wmd's... (18 replies)
  103. Four Years And Counting (64 replies)
  104. The Thought Police (45 replies)
  105. How is the Iraq legislation just passed by the Democrats in Congress seen in Iraq? PJ (3 replies)
  106. The Trial of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of The House (7 replies)
  107. Why Air America Failed (25 replies)
  108. msnbc Dem President Candidate debate. (10 replies)
  109. Clinton Says Her Southern Twang a Virtue (33 replies)
  110. Democrats Jump on Rudy Giuliani for Something He Didn't Say (17 replies)
  111. Thoughts of the Average Voter (as [Correctly] Imagined by Politicians) (0 replies)
  112. Send 'em a white feather (49 replies)
  113. George Tenet rips Bush new asshole (12 replies)
  114. Playing Ketchup… Again (0 replies)
  115. Michelle Malkin Gone Wild! (23 replies)
  116. Dem war votes target GOP lawmakers (12 replies)
  117. Pentagon urged to close secret database (0 replies)
  118. House OKs Iraq Troop Withdrawal Bill (5 replies)
  119. Hunter calls for Reid to step down over 'war is lost' remarks (30 replies)
  120. Giuliani warns of 'new 9/11' if Dems win (145 replies)
  121. Defeatocrats video..Michelle Malkin. (3 replies)
  122. A Glimpse into the Mind of Nancy Pelosi (23 replies)
  123. Office Of Special Counsel Is Onto Karl Rove (73 replies)
  124. Reid and Consistancy (1 replies)
  125. People who hate Bush hate him because... (123 replies)
  126. At Least Don Imus Didn't Call Black Republicans 'Moronic' (0 replies)
  127. Lee Iacocca's new book: Where Have All the Leaders Gone? (9 replies)
  128. What is a conservative? (32 replies)
  129. What Is New Here? (10 replies)
  130. Nuclear power poll (49 replies)
  131. Clinton: Repair Damaged Environment (22 replies)
  132. Is an abortion a constitutional right? (39 replies)
  133. Repeal the Second Amendment? (116 replies)
  134. The Israel Factor (146 replies)
  135. Romney and Guiliani hit with SC Republicans (0 replies)
  136. Latter-Day Copperhead (0 replies)
  137. Key Initiative Of 'No Child' Under Federal Investigation (0 replies)
  138. Clinton says husband would be ambassador (39 replies)
  139. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/19/AR2007041902571.html? (63 replies)
  140. Gonzales experiencing early senility? (0 replies)
  141. Pro Bush? Anti Bush? (15 replies)
  142. Right, left or center? (1 replies)
  143. Vermont Senate OKs Bush, Cheney Impeachment Resolution (2 replies)
  144. Corrupt Politicians (218 replies)
  145. Lefty or Righty (20 replies)
  146. John McCain dictates U.S. foreign policy (2 replies)
  147. Congressman resigns key post after FBI searches home (30 replies)
  148. Hillary's status as front-runner slipping in key states (20 replies)
  149. Conservative or Liberal? (30 replies)
  150. US Senate freezes Colombia military funds (5 replies)
  151. Two US lawmakers seek to protect abortion rights (6 replies)
  152. Jefferson’s district director subpoenaed (16 replies)
  153. Thompson Meets With House Republicans (10 replies)
  154. SUpreme Court Upholds Ban on Partial Birth Abortion (33 replies)
  155. Oboma compares Imus to VT shooting (10 replies)
  156. Straw poll (17 replies)
  157. Reid warns against rush on gun control (9 replies)
  158. Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney (179 replies)
  159. Angri-Culture (39 replies)
  160. Gonzo testifies! (175 replies)
  161. Nearly Half of Voters Concerned About Clinton Corruption (10 replies)
  162. An Interview With Fred Thompson (8 replies)
  163. Romney stumps in South Carolina (1 replies)
  164. White House cannot find 4 years of Karl Rove's emails (30 replies)
  165. NJ Governor breaks law, then everything else (0 replies)
  166. The Presidential Records Act of 1978 violated (172 replies)
  167. World Bank's Staff Association calls on Wolfowitz to resign (91 replies)
  168. Over-the-top Aggression in Political Forums (17 replies)
  169. Senators propose labels for adult Web sites (11 replies)
  170. Partisanship (29 replies)
  171. Blood In The Water (1 replies)
  172. Some W. House e-mails on fired attorneys may be lost (18 replies)
  173. Senate, mostly unafraid, Passes Stem Cell Research (7 replies)
  174. Even Lee Iacoca get's it, do you? (16 replies)
  175. Obama: Fire Imus (70 replies)
  176. What do you all think of term limits?? (11 replies)
  177. Hillary Clinton Comedy... (3 replies)
  178. Pelosi, Lantos may be interested in diplomatic trip to Iran (2 replies)
  179. The Sounds of Silence (188 replies)
  180. David Limbaugh hits nail on the head (1 replies)
  181. Fox and Hounds (5 replies)
  182. Very brief poll- Yes or No (52 replies)
  183. Mrs. Edwards is a snobish %*@#$ (46 replies)
  184. Citizen Tom (2 replies)
  185. The GOP in Iowa (25 replies)
  186. Random survey fun (3 replies)
  187. Democrats Shift The Message: To GOP Advantage? (20 replies)
  188. Has America Moved Right or Left? (54 replies)
  189. Romney doubles to 25% in New Hampshire (3 replies)
  190. Almost half of America think Hillary is corrupt (83 replies)
  191. Democrat meets banned Muslim Brotherhood (50 replies)
  192. Freedom of Speech for Whom? (0 replies)
  193. What Pelosi Stands For (3 replies)
  194. Nancy Pelosi Should Resign (11 replies)
  195. Why is marijuana illegal again? (49 replies)
  196. Limbaugh and Cheney: A couple of rich, smug white guys (15 replies)
  197. Mitt likes vetos (0 replies)
  198. Impeach Bush chorus growing, Dems say (17 replies)
  199. As nation faces a grave threat, Pelosi assumes presidential power (38 replies)
  200. Don't like someone's views? Throw stuff (31 replies)
  201. Al Gore more dangerous than global warming (37 replies)
  202. Clinton launches petition against Bush veto on war funding (3 replies)
  203. Clinton: We take things your things for the common good.. (28 replies)
  204. The Bush Cult (45 replies)
  205. Prof: White Privilege is the Problem (0 replies)
  206. Bush rival breaks Syria boycott (8 replies)
  207. Massachusetts Governor violates law (1 replies)
  208. Oh my GWAD.....I just watched Jon Kerry and Trerzzzz Hinze.. on Bill Oreilly... (5 replies)
  209. Obama: Return of Jesus? (5 replies)
  210. GOP recieving record high in campaign funds (0 replies)
  211. Hillary admits longtime affair with Rosie (16 replies)
  212. The Revolutionary Candidate (35 replies)
  213. Did the Impeachment proceeding begin last night? (6 replies)
  214. Another Republican in the mix (5 replies)
  215. Political persuasion... (13 replies)
  216. House Budget Bill: Two Views (6 replies)
  217. Feinstein quits committee under war-profiteer cloud (5 replies)
  218. Speaker Pelosi Traveling to Middle East (9 replies)
  219. Really divide the country- what do you think would happen? (28 replies)
  220. Hillary Clinton (4 replies)
  221. Liberals (46 replies)
  222. Quiz on Political Stance (28 replies)
  223. Maybe Newt Has A Chance (12 replies)
  224. Pelosi Refusing to Support British on Iran? (6 replies)
  225. Corrupt Legislator Indicted! (9 replies)
  226. Romney challenges McCain on immigration. (9 replies)
  227. Saddam, Al Qaeda, the CIA and the Lies of the American Elite (0 replies)
  228. Edwards experiences surge in support (11 replies)
  229. When will Republicans learn to stop apologizing? (7 replies)
  230. Wishful Theorists (2 replies)
  231. Bush demands war bill with no strings (77 replies)
  232. Equal Rights Amendment Reintroduced (15 replies)
  233. Brilliant speech explaining the liberal mind. (22 replies)
  234. Judge Dismisses Torture Lawsuit Against Rumsfeld (2 replies)
  235. Fifty percent of adults would not vote for Clinton (4 replies)
  236. Pork Update (25 replies)
  237. McCain Feingold, Five Years Later (3 replies)
  238. Dangerous Demagoguery (2 replies)
  239. Hagel say impeachment "an option" (38 replies)
  240. Romney Finds perils (7 replies)
  241. The GOP is dying (43 replies)
  242. Why do Democrats crave defeat? (38 replies)
  243. Pentagon chief Gates 'wanted Guantanamo shut' (10 replies)
  244. If you deported all the ethnic minorities... (36 replies)
  245. Richardson says he’ll provide universal health care as president (4 replies)
  246. My National Security Letter Gag Order (15 replies)
  247. Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper' (90 replies)
  248. Target the House (3 replies)
  249. Anti-war protesters arrested at Pelosi’s office (3 replies)
  250. Edwards to Continue ’08 Bid Despite Wife’s Cancer (26 replies)