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  1. Give Department of Peace a chance (19 replies)
  2. Americans Want to WIN in Iraq, are Liberals listening??? (41 replies)
  3. Any Sincere Liberals left????????? (1 replies)
  4. Liberals-Avoiding Personal Responsibility (1 replies)
  5. JFKerry Treason Thread (136 replies)
  6. Considering who's running - I'd vote for a Savage Nation (2 replies)
  7. Guess who is now a CFR member-It's Angelina (11 replies)
  8. Enemies hope the Hillary campaign show will bring her down (0 replies)
  9. Quiz: Are you a Capitalist? (10 replies)
  10. Romney family tree has polygamy branch (10 replies)
  11. Richardson looks to mobilize Hispanics (3 replies)
  12. Critics bash Mexican truck decision (35 replies)
  13. Changing Prices Doesn't Change Reality (1 replies)
  14. Dems move to limit Bush's war authority (18 replies)
  15. Democrats Draft Plan to Limit Iraq Mission (11 replies)
  16. Liberal Lies: Tales from Mainstream Media (2 replies)
  17. Liberals Have Reached Their Apex (4 replies)
  18. Tunnel, Retrofit, Surface Streets or new Viaduct? (6 replies)
  19. Fox News Derangement Syndrome Alert (4 replies)
  20. Rivals fear the slim chance that says Gore may run again (0 replies)
  21. U.S. Urged to Reconsider Venezuela Ban (2 replies)
  22. War between the Clintons and OsamambamaaHussienAllah (0 replies)
  23. Re: the drug legalization debate (40 replies)
  24. Words Have Meaning (0 replies)
  25. John Edwards: "Perhaps the Greatest Short-Term Threat to World Peace Is...Israel" (7 replies)
  26. Clinton Vows To End U.s. 'arrogance' As President (95 replies)
  27. Sleeping with the Enemy (1 replies)
  28. Dismissed Attorneys Had Positive Evaluations. GOP Interference? (3 replies)
  29. Republican Party Ties To New York Man Funding Terror (66 replies)
  30. Jack Murtha: The Britney Spears of Congress (36 replies)
  31. Group Wants Congressman Virgil Goode to Explain Comments About Muslims (0 replies)
  32. What Makes One Anti-Semitic? (2 replies)
  33. Hillary says Confederate flag should be removed (31 replies)
  34. obama not an african american (14 replies)
  35. Just another reason to NOT vote for Hillary... (8 replies)
  36. Why Romney is now pro life (23 replies)
  37. Some mull idea of Sen. Bill Clinton (2 replies)
  38. White House Advisors Searching For Ways To Bypass Congress Altogether (22 replies)
  39. Should I be a Libertarian? (12 replies)
  40. Question for those who would retreat (39 replies)
  41. No, EVERYONE Hates Blacks (26 replies)
  42. Dems Owe Blacks An Apology For 150 Years Of Overt Racism (8 replies)
  43. Democrats Hate Blacks (34 replies)
  44. Question for War Supporters (64 replies)
  45. GOP activists circling Clinton's campaign (0 replies)
  46. Flashback: Shameful Day in the Senate (3 replies)
  47. Reid: The Senate Is on Record Against Escalation (23 replies)
  48. WoW...Take a look at this Video.. (6 replies)
  49. Mitt.... World Class Flip-Flopper (40 replies)
  50. Senate blocks Iraq war resolution debate (0 replies)
  51. Cowards Give Up On Gis - & Give In To Evil (25 replies)
  52. Religious Freedom and Treason (11 replies)
  53. Got This In An Email... VEERRRRY Disturbing... (4 replies)
  54. Cigargate (6 replies)
  55. U.S. Rep. Murtha touts way to choke off Iraq war (6 replies)
  56. Rudy Giuliani's Vulnerabilities (10 replies)
  57. Obama eyes the West Wing, not "The West Wing" (0 replies)
  58. The Democrats and the media's "Halo Effect" (0 replies)
  59. Obama..... the Rorschach Blot (6 replies)
  60. How Liberals Debate (0 replies)
  61. What Happens If a Deficit Falls and Almost No One Reports It? (4 replies)
  62. Dems Shut Down Debate on War (0 replies)
  63. Obama Restructures a Remark on Deaths (5 replies)
  64. 2008 (42 replies)
  65. Michelle Malkin... (22 replies)
  66. Libby Wants Andrea Mitchell to Testify (2 replies)
  67. Republican Rep. Connie Mack Blasts Joe Kennedy for Chavez Oil TV Ad (16 replies)
  68. Lott Sets Schieffer Straight (0 replies)
  69. Ségolène Royal unveils far-left economic campaign platform (1 replies)
  70. Put up or shut up, Obama tells Howard (19 replies)
  71. Obama is dark skinned (18 replies)
  72. Clinton on Rove, Gingrich, and Delay: 'I'm the one person they are most afraid of.' (7 replies)
  73. What Media Bias? - The “Democrat Halo” Effect (5 replies)
  74. Obama backs up the race card (15 replies)
  75. Barrack Hussein Obama Is Now Running (0 replies)
  76. Edwards Rehires Racist Bloggers (2 replies)
  77. More Liberal Lunacy (45 replies)
  78. Saluting Reagan... (3 replies)
  79. Marine outside of the Whitehouse (2 replies)
  80. Newest Name in the mix for President! (4 replies)
  81. Illegal Aliens (29 replies)
  82. Proposed Abortion Ban Clears Miss. Senate (7 replies)
  83. Faith and politics (2 replies)
  84. We're the Government----and You're Not! (3 replies)
  85. Now Pelosi wants her own private jet! (119 replies)
  86. Barak Hussein Obama....Who is he??? (12 replies)
  87. Biden Returns to Campaign Trail With Duct Tape Over Mouth (caution satiare zone) (5 replies)
  88. Weddings, appointments, birthdays, enemy's screwups... that's what calenders are for! (2 replies)
  89. The US Has The Richest "Poor" In The World (6 replies)
  90. To Libs, More Spending Is A Cut (12 replies)
  91. Liberal Media's Job - Bash Pres Bush (13 replies)
  92. Obama Related To George Washington? (9 replies)
  93. Pelosi 49% Favorable, Other Congressional Leaders Panned by Voters (0 replies)
  94. I Broke Into Your House.... (39 replies)
  95. Bush sends Congress $2.9T spending plan (4 replies)
  96. Sink The Reagan (2 replies)
  97. Democrats Urge Tighter FCC Rules (9 replies)
  98. Do your elected officials work for you? (2 replies)
  99. A New Political Quiz (5 replies)
  100. Feinstein warns Republicans not to stop Iraq debate (5 replies)
  101. Edwards: raise taxes for healthcare (27 replies)
  102. Libs Attack '24" (4 replies)
  103. To Libs America Is The Problem (1 replies)
  104. Obama Mentor Rallies Black Support (2 replies)
  105. What Newsom faces in aftermath of scandal (3 replies)
  106. Imam leads Democrats (19 replies)
  107. Board Member Identification (10 replies)
  108. Liberal Version Of Freedom of Speech (37 replies)
  109. Libs Upset Pres Bush Calls Them Democrat Party (112 replies)
  110. Romney says Hillary too timid on Iran (1 replies)
  111. What's wrong with this? (3 replies)
  112. Hillary Heckled By Peace Niks (4 replies)
  113. Edwards Building New 28,000 Sg Ft Mansion (4 replies)
  114. How Dems Have Lost Their Cool (0 replies)
  115. Laffing Americans (0 replies)
  116. Protester Spits At Iraq War Vet (0 replies)
  117. If A Conservative Had Said This (0 replies)
  118. Minimum Wage To Pass But With Tax Cuts (0 replies)
  119. Obama Shuns Fox News (14 replies)
  120. Lights Out In CA (or else) (5 replies)
  121. Libs Want To Bring Back The Unfairness Doctrine (178 replies)
  122. Hillary's Whining Is Falling Flat (2 replies)
  123. John Kerry Makes Headlines Again... In Iran! (10 replies)
  124. women in politics (17 replies)
  125. Diversity for Diversity’s Sake (17 replies)
  126. Conflict In Iraq (0 replies)
  127. Rove to take the stand? (16 replies)
  128. Pelosi fails to disclose role in Family Charity (0 replies)
  129. A deal in the desert for Sen. Reid? (0 replies)
  130. Clinton wants all U.S. troops out of Iraq when Bush leaves office (239 replies)
  131. White Flag Flying (1 replies)
  132. For the Tancredo fans... (2 replies)
  133. Kerry Blasts Foreign Policy, Says U.S. Has Become 'International Pariah' (7 replies)
  134. Iowa Idol (1 replies)
  135. Congressional Delegation: We Are Convinced There Must Be a Political Solution to Prob (3 replies)
  136. 2008 Candidates and Poll Numbers (21 replies)
  137. Jimmy Carter: "Too many Jews on the Holocaust Council" (13 replies)
  138. The Video You Can't Miss (5 replies)
  139. Skip the Man, Marry the State (1 replies)
  140. Culture and People (1 replies)
  141. Your Political Typology (6 replies)
  142. Congressional Minority Bill of Rights: Then and Now (31 replies)
  143. Kerry Out for 2008 (7 replies)
  144. State of the Union? Soviet. (4 replies)
  145. Cheney and Palosi See-saw (1 replies)
  146. Republicans attack Bush (20 replies)
  147. Hil defends war critics (1 replies)
  148. Bush (6 replies)
  149. Democrats' Unconstitutional Power Grab (2 replies)
  150. ...Must Remain 'Exclusively African-American' (10 replies)
  151. One Man's Opinion (15 replies)
  152. Jews In Congress (4 replies)
  153. Diversity, Our Greatest Strength (9 replies)
  154. CNN debunks false report about Obama (32 replies)
  155. Demo response to State of Union to emphasize making N.O. a priority (7 replies)
  156. A night at the symphony (8 replies)
  157. Pelosi's crew and Osama bin Laden share common goal (0 replies)
  158. Here's Our Next President... (147 replies)
  159. Hillary runs for the White House as ‘new Thatcher’ (18 replies)
  160. Heeeeeere We Go!!! (7 replies)
  161. Obama (4 replies)
  162. Not Ready To Lead (1 replies)
  163. Obama's State Of The Union Address (3 replies)
  164. Obama bill to cap Iraq troops (19 replies)
  165. George Bush Is a Hero (6 replies)
  166. Is America Ready for Obama? Is America Ready for a Socialist? (2 replies)
  167. Leftists in Search of Permanent Democrat Majority (6 replies)
  168. Franken Seeks Advice for Possible Bid (22 replies)
  169. Lawmaker tells Blacks to 'get over' slavery! (17 replies)
  170. Dems plan for big oil (3 replies)
  171. Dangerous Democrats vs. the Free Market (20 replies)
  172. Da BOMB (2 replies)
  173. Kucinich: Congress To Take On FCC (29 replies)
  174. Democratic Majority: How To Lose Your Way in 100 Hours (1 replies)
  175. Pelosi Smells Of Tuna (2 replies)
  176. Barack Obama 'the new Jack Kennedy' (18 replies)
  177. Bush to sign Koyoto? (17 replies)
  178. Does The Government Lie? (47 replies)
  179. Choose Victory Over Running (7 replies)
  180. Tunagate: Today's Catch (12 replies)
  181. Video: Barney Frank throws a fit … on the House floor (10 replies)
  182. y Clinton Calls Situation in Iraq Heartbreaking (3 replies)
  183. Taking Condi From A Baby: War Suddenly Turns Barbara Boxer Pro-Life (9 replies)
  184. Why Should the Middle Class Fight Tax Hikes on the Rich? (0 replies)
  185. Now a school bans 13-year-old from wearing crucifix (4 replies)
  186. Franco - American (0 replies)
  187. I LOVE the bible belt...NOT!!! (38 replies)
  188. Body found.... (1 replies)
  189. CINDY moonbat SHEEHAN (2 replies)
  190. Dems Burn A 'kidless' Rice (16 replies)
  191. Income inequality (2 replies)
  192. House OK's minimum wage increase to $7.25 (24 replies)
  193. Taking day off for football costs Dems credibility (7 replies)
  194. 8th graders want to toss the 2nd (8 replies)
  195. A Cynical Opposition (5 replies)
  196. Democrat Hate For Bush Drove Me To The Bible (13 replies)
  197. President Bush lifts ban on Alaska oil exploration (4 replies)
  198. Lt. Ehren Watada (25 replies)
  199. Nancy Pelosi (6 replies)
  200. James Kim's Father blames who for his son's death? Everybody but his son, it seems :( (0 replies)
  201. Minimum Wage (25 replies)
  202. In the Fight Against Terrorism, Some Rights Must Be Repealed (23 replies)
  203. Media & Numbers (14 replies)
  204. Usa Invaded By Foreign Nationals (17 replies)
  205. Feds Close Miami Port breaking! (9 replies)
  206. Cindy Sheehan Protests Gitmo in Cuba (79 replies)
  207. Conflict In Iraq (58 replies)
  208. San Franciscans Hurl Their Rage at Parking Patrol (2 replies)
  209. Muslim Leader Blames Senator Boxer for a Death Threat Against Him (2 replies)
  210. Peace activists beach at Bush (5 replies)
  211. What Thomas Jefferson learned (1 replies)
  212. The New General In Iraq (5 replies)
  213. Isn't This Just So Typically Kerry? (3 replies)
  214. Are Middle Schools Bad For Students? (15 replies)
  215. Ex-Dem. Party boss blasts Kerry in book (13 replies)