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  1. DOJ: Democrats Paid Pennsylvania Election Officials to Stuff Ballot Box (1 replies)
  2. Calif. Gov. Newsom Advances Surveillance State Amid COVID-19 (4 replies)
  3. RNC Raises More Than $27M In April (4 replies)
  4. Senate Homeland Security Panel Approves Hunter Biden Probe Subpoenas (1 replies)
  5. Rashida Tlaib rages over cheat by mail (6 replies)
  6. Joe Biden Forgets ‘Coronavirus,’ Claims He Doled Out ‘$84 Billion’ in Recovery Act (1 replies)
  7. More On Masks-For Those Interested (10 replies)
  8. Trump and hydroxychloroquine (5 replies)
  9. Watch this video on Gates and CDC.. (2 replies)
  10. Hoo Boy! It's Not Just The Right Gunning For Civil War (12 replies)
  11. A Time For A Bit Of Grace (9 replies)
  12. Catching wild pigs............ (2 replies)
  13. Obamagate Is Trending (11 replies)
  14. Those Asking For Flynn's Unmasking Revealed (9 replies)
  15. Another University Prof Arrested For China Ties (7 replies)
  16. NY Gov. Cuomo Has Done Abysmal Job Handling COVID-19 (5 replies)
  17. Judge Sullivan Halts DOJ From Dropping Flynn Charges (3 replies)
  18. H.R. 6666: COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act (1 replies)
  19. Social distancing snake oil (33 replies)
  20. MN Governor and MN Dept of Health busted 'cooking the books' with their "models" (1 replies)
  21. UK plans 14-day quarantine for incoming travelers (170 replies)
  22. California Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Executive Order Permitting Voting By Mail (20 replies)
  23. UK imperial model was a fraud (7 replies)
  24. President Trump Warns More Documents Exposing Spygate Cabal Will Be Coming Out Soon (3 replies)
  25. ‘There Will Be No Democracy’ Without ‘Universal Mail-In Voting’ (1 replies)
  26. Flattening the curve (5 replies)
  27. Masks: Who is responsible for the air we breathe? (7 replies)
  28. Karens Come In All Sizes, Shapes, Genders, and Nationalities (5 replies)
  29. Cancel the pandemic and lockdowns (47 replies)
  30. Arbitrary Covid Weirdness (100 replies)
  31. DOJ Dropping Flynn Case (3 replies)
  32. Obama Says GOP's Biden Inquiry Promotes 'Russian Disinformation' (0 replies)
  33. Wait, Donald Trump's approval is up again? (3 replies)
  34. Pelosi gets testy about Reade questions (0 replies)
  35. Drugs and China (3 replies)
  36. The Media Is Blatantly Lying About Trump’s Coronavirus Response (3 replies)
  37. 'If elections were today' polls are meaningless. Biden will implode come November (9 replies)
  38. Pelosi Blocks Investigation of China and Origins of Wuhan Virus (4 replies)
  39. ‘Committee to Draft Michelle Obama’ as Vice President Has Registered With FEC (5 replies)
  40. About The Memory Hole (1 replies)
  41. If Biden drops out... (6 replies)
  42. A Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama ticket to replace Joe Biden? Is it even possible? (2 replies)
  43. Cardinal Dolan: Left Wing Is ‘Snotty’ over My Dealings with President Trump (0 replies)
  44. Donald Trump: Nicolle Wallace ‘Third Rate Lapdog’ for MSDNC (1 replies)
  45. Joe Biden Forgets Word for ‘Coronavirus’, Loses Train of Thought (0 replies)
  46. Question: is the premise for new Corona RULES good or sound? (3 replies)
  47. Gallup: Trump surges to approval high, best ever OK from independents... (1 replies)
  48. Joe Biden Is Cooked (1 replies)
  49. Flynn Case Reveal Obama White House Was Running the Operation (0 replies)
  50. Reade Says Complaint Would Prove Biden Aides Lied About Not Knowing Her (0 replies)
  51. USNS Comfort Saluted Goodbye After Treating 182 Patients (6 replies)
  52. Interesting read - "Permanent Coup" (0 replies)
  53. Flynn Revelations ‘Bigger Than Watergate’ (4 replies)
  54. Senate Records Detail Meetings with Putin, Could Be ‘Taken out of Context’ (0 replies)
  55. Biden's written response (5 replies)
  56. Oh! It's Satire!?! (0 replies)
  57. New Models, New Normal? (1 replies)
  58. Biden To Address Reade Matter Tomorrow On Morning Joe (8 replies)
  59. Former FBI General Counsel James Baker Has Flipped - Gen Flynn (13 replies)
  60. Pelosi Says She’s ‘Satisfied’ With How Biden has responded (2 replies)
  61. Kushner’s Booming Economy by July Claim ‘Absolute Fantasy' (1 replies)
  62. Biden's Team Tone Deaf? (0 replies)
  63. Horror For Elderly Dead (2 replies)
  64. Some Concerning Numbers (3 replies)
  65. If Pelosi were consistent (1 replies)
  66. You Were All Wrong About My State, We’re In Better Shape Without Draconian Lockdown (9 replies)
  67. Unpredictable, But Predicted Unemployment During The Corona (1 replies)
  68. Remember The AZ Couple That Ingested Fish Tank Cleaner (3 replies)
  69. Hillary Clinton sends special message to Tara Reade (0 replies)
  70. DOJ & FBI framed General Flynn? (5 replies)
  71. Trump Dossier Author Had Undisclosed Meetings With Clinton Lawyers (0 replies)
  72. EO To Force Meat Packing Plants To Be Open (22 replies)
  73. Inject bleach or eat bleach tablets (32 replies)
  74. President's intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat (0 replies)
  75. 'Most Progressive Agenda...in History’ (1 replies)
  76. Gift agreement? (0 replies)
  77. Bribing for votes (1 replies)
  78. Texas Approach To Re-Opening (0 replies)
  79. 2 more witnesses come forward against Biden (4 replies)
  80. Battle for Control of the Senate Will Be a ‘Dog Fight’ (0 replies)
  81. Donald Trump Wants State Lockdowns to Face Legal Scrutiny (3 replies)
  82. We don't need mail in voting. (5 replies)
  83. Let's Start an FBI Investigation into Biden-China Collusion (3 replies)
  84. Not A Single Democratic Will Acknowledge Sexual Assault Allegations Against Biden (6 replies)
  85. The 18 Times Joe Biden 'Forgot' Important Information During His Presidential Run (3 replies)
  86. Tough probing questions Obama got during press briefings. (0 replies)
  87. Changing Campaign Funding (1 replies)
  88. Will MSM and congress finally investigate Biden's harassment? (0 replies)
  89. Chi Com coronavirus T shirt (79 replies)
  90. Gowdy nails it on these politicians issuing unconstitutional edicts. (9 replies)
  91. Uh-Oooohh... More Trouble For Creepy Uncle Joe's ME-TOO Moment... (7 replies)
  92. It's A Start: American Opinions On China and CCP (1 replies)
  93. Unconscionable (23 replies)
  94. Fighting Back The Nazi Governors (4 replies)
  95. "Silver lining is damage to Trump" (5 replies)
  96. Michigan Democrats Trying To Build Michigan GOP? (2 replies)
  97. Favorite Drudge alternative (8 replies)
  98. Mexicans, Trump, and rapists (0 replies)
  99. Trump is not a racist (0 replies)
  100. Democrats to Punish Black Michigan Lawmaker Who Said Trump Helped Her Beat Covid-19 (0 replies)
  101. Biden: Covid19 a wake up call to act on climate change (15 replies)
  102. The Future of the Democrat Party (4 replies)
  103. Finally Some Voices of REASON Among The TYRANNY... (9 replies)
  104. Madison, WI Nazi Style Crackdown... (134 replies)
  105. First Virus Death Now Put 3 Weeks Earlier (1 replies)
  106. Gretchen Whitmer Awards Coronavirus Contract to Far Left Political Firm (2 replies)
  107. Remember That Hospital Ship NY Desperately Needed? (0 replies)
  108. Pelosi. WTF? (4 replies)
  109. I'm tired of all comparisons to 9/11 (0 replies)
  110. Food For Thought (4 replies)
  111. Another one with the "voter fraud is a myth" BS (2 replies)
  112. How Donald Trump Should Make China Pay for Coronavirus (1 replies)
  113. Democrats Underestimate Trump at Their Own Peril (3 replies)
  114. New deal potentially reached? (0 replies)
  115. Is Former CIA Director John Brennan Headed For An Indictment? (0 replies)
  116. Boycott China, international community is pissed (0 replies)
  117. Joe Biden: Dr. Fauci Should Be ‘Only Person’ Heard at WH Briefings (0 replies)
  118. Joe Biden: I’d Pick Michelle Obama as Running Mate ‘in a Heartbeat’ (0 replies)
  119. Trump will lose in a landslide (1 replies)
  120. New Trump ad - Let them eat cake (7 replies)
  121. Wtf (7 replies)
  122. Adam Schiff has got to go (2 replies)
  123. Congress not meeting until Wednesday (0 replies)
  124. Governor Phil Murphy Bans Annual Drive Through Tulip Farm (0 replies)
  125. The Smartest Thing I'm Likely To See This Week (0 replies)
  126. Cuomo Praises Trump's Response to the Wuhan Coronavirus: 'Phenomenal Accomplishment' (1 replies)
  127. Pelosi Is Pushing a Coronavirus Lie Even Though It's Been Debunked (2 replies)
  128. Entire Segment Talking About How Lockdown Protestors Are Racist Confederates (1 replies)
  129. I just be too dumm to knew any bitter (0 replies)
  130. Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism (2 replies)
  131. Dan Crenshaw rips apart Bill Maher (1 replies)
  132. Why won't congress get back to dang work? (1 replies)
  133. Trump Is Urging ‘Insubordination’ and ‘Illegal Activity’ by Supporting Protesters (0 replies)
  134. Yes, It Is Appropriate to Defend 2nd Amendment During Coronavirus Pandemic (6 replies)
  135. Why is congress not back at work? (0 replies)
  136. Michigan manbaby protest: Wait, we thought conservatives were "rugged individuals" (3 replies)
  137. Tammy Duckworth Falsely Accuses President Trump of Killing Americans (1 replies)
  138. China Tries (and Fails) to Get Wisconsin to Pass Law Praising Beijing on Coronavirus (2 replies)
  139. California Shouldn’t Demand Money from the Rest of Us Only to Give it to Illegals (0 replies)
  140. Trump Responsible for Coronavirus ‘Body Bags’ Because He ‘Abandoned’ Leadership (0 replies)
  141. Cocky Joy Behar: Biden Could Vanish and Still Win 2020 Election (3 replies)
  142. Joe Biden’s Blunders Make Voters Question Candidacy (3 replies)
  143. 15 House Democrats Call to Replenish Small Business Relief Fund (0 replies)
  144. Trump: Why Did WHO Make Inaccurate, Misleading Claims About Virus? (0 replies)
  145. 'Joe Biden has a big China problem': Trump preps campaign assault on fall foe (1 replies)
  146. “Bill Barr Announced There Are Going to be Indictments” (7 replies)
  147. ‘the Biggest, the Costliest, the Most Deadly Cover-Up in the History of Mankind’ (3 replies)
  148. Sebastian Gorka: Greatest Threat from Coronavirus Is Democrat Push for Mail-in-Voting (0 replies)
  149. Democrats Must End ‘Endless Vacation’ and Get Back to Work (0 replies)
  150. Watching The President On 'Re-Opening' The Economy Through States (24 replies)
  151. I am a little racist, most Mexicans are rapists! (2 replies)
  152. Michigan Governor Faces Protests (21 replies)
  153. Hunter Biden Still Hasn't Resigned From Chinese Company (2 replies)
  154. Well said points about our President (5 replies)
  155. Dem Sen. Murphy: We’re in Crisis We’re In Because of Trump, Not China and W.H.O. (0 replies)
  156. Opening The Country-Not An 'Either/Or' Choice (0 replies)
  157. WHO Aid Cut Off (14 replies)
  158. Confused Biden Announces He Is Dropping Out Of Race, Endorses Joe Biden (2 replies)
  159. Kavanaugh Accusation Was A Big Story. Biden Accusation? Not So Much (0 replies)
  160. BREAKING: John Brennan Is Main Focus of Durham Investigation (2 replies)
  161. MSM cuts from Trump "propaganda" video (5 replies)
  162. Big Government and The Public Safety Reasoning (132 replies)
  163. Schiff needs to go (6 replies)
  164. Who are your favorite YouTube commentators? (0 replies)
  165. Now Obama pushing mail in voting (0 replies)
  166. Twenty One Million Fewer Cellphone Users in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death (1 replies)
  167. Endgame ........ (0 replies)
  168. Today: Trump Owns Acosta, Again (8 replies)
  169. Trump lies about voter fraud (2 replies)
  170. New Trump Ad Goes Well With My Pariah Message (1 replies)
  171. Award-Winning Dem Official Arrested On 6 FELONY CHARGES of Election Fraud... (1 replies)
  172. Black, Millennial, Female and… Conservative (5 replies)
  173. Biden living under a rock (3 replies)
  174. Serve at the pleasure of the president (11 replies)
  175. This reporter should be jailed (0 replies)
  176. Michael Dukakis had an 18 point lead in August 1988 (0 replies)
  177. Trump’s Economic Approval Rating Hits Highest Level Ever (19 replies)
  178. Biden Cronies Accused of Withholding Coronavirus Resources for Political Purposes (7 replies)
  179. Bernie Sanders Quits White House Race (22 replies)
  180. Is Voter Fraud Real? (11 replies)
  181. Gretchen Whitmer, from Bidens short list of running mates (0 replies)
  182. Left going nuts -Oh no, Trump has financial connection hydroxychloroquine (3 replies)
  183. Acting Navy Secretary Modly resigns (12 replies)
  184. Trump, World Leaders Send Messages of Support as PM Johnson Remains in ICU (2 replies)
  185. Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules That Gov. Evers is Not a Dictator (17 replies)
  186. Another IDIOT on the MSM (2 replies)
  187. The left is pissed about ICIG Atkinson firing (29 replies)
  188. The president admitted... (3 replies)
  189. Crimes against Humanity (1 replies)
  190. Trump: I’ll Ban ‘Bump Stocks’ Through Executive Order (47 replies)
  191. Governor Doesn’t Rule Out Martial Law As Coronavirus Response (1 replies)
  192. The Economy Is Collapsing. So Is Trump's Reelection Bid (8 replies)
  193. AOC is just stupid and nuts (2 replies)
  194. ‘Stop Eating Bats!’ (2 replies)
  195. Schiff and Pelosi (6 replies)
  196. An Era Of Clarification (1 replies)
  197. Sometimes It IS The Truth (4 replies)
  198. DNC National Convention (6 replies)
  199. U.S. House Backs Extension of FISA Surveillance Law (15 replies)
  200. Oh brother, here comes AOC in the midst of all of this (3 replies)
  201. Anyone see Tapper/CNN interview Gavin Newsom? (17 replies)
  202. This is not blame/hatred time (0 replies)
  203. 2 billion for voting by mail (26 replies)
  204. Schumer bill would require FBI to regulate body armor sales (32 replies)
  205. Bill would make Oregon second in nation to enact .05% DUI law (6 replies)
  206. I Think We All Knew This Was Coming-NYC Binding Triage (3 replies)
  207. Giving Thanks For Big Mercies (1 replies)
  208. Investigations, False Headlines, Supporting China (8 replies)
  209. Two Front Good News (2 replies)
  210. The Aircraft Carrier (6 replies)
  211. Showing respect in a time of lockdown because of the coronavirus crisis (7 replies)
  212. Now 3 People I Have Connections With Test Positive (4 replies)
  213. Tucker Carlson Tells Government To ‘Stop Lying To Us’ During COVID-19 Crisis (8 replies)
  214. States That Didn't Shut Down (9 replies)
  215. Small Example of Dropping Social Distancing too Early (28 replies)
  216. Once Upon A Time, This Would Have Applied To Me (0 replies)
  217. Rhode Island National Guard Stopping Cars With NY Plates and Seeking NY Residents (7 replies)
  218. Another Possible Treatment Underway For Testing (0 replies)
  219. Democrat Goes Crazy on House Floor Wearing Pink Latex Gloves (5 replies)
  220. Best Prepared Doesn't Mean Prepared (0 replies)
  221. Why Partial Shutdowns May Be Counterproductive (0 replies)
  222. President Trump Signs Historic CARES Act (32 replies)
  223. Trump orders General Motors to make ventilators under Defense Production Act (2 replies)
  224. Gov. Andrew Cuomo Admits Stockpile of Thousands of Unused Ventilators (0 replies)
  225. More Responsible, Measured, Non-Hysterical "news" From MSDNC. (0 replies)
  226. Real Time Clinical Trials Start With Hydroxychloroquine and Zmax (4 replies)
  227. Obama Tells Americans to Stay Home For the Foreseeable Future (7 replies)
  228. We’ve Moved from ‘Partisan’ Period to Unanimous Passage of Coronavirus Bill (4 replies)
  229. Is Pelosi Cliff Searching Again? (4 replies)
  230. Joe Biden Stuns ‘The View’ By Claiming Coronavirus Cure Will Make The Problem Worse (4 replies)
  231. Relief Deal Done In Senate, But . . . (1 replies)
  232. Trump Should Thank Pelosi (16 replies)
  233. Mardi Gras, New Orleans, Corona Virus (0 replies)
  234. Some Good News On The Drug Cocktail (1 replies)
  235. Pelosi Backs Down (11 replies)
  236. Cuomo Today (35 replies)
  237. Hillary desperately trying to avoid giving testamony. (0 replies)
  238. Do not trust the dem party or its firm allies mainstream media. (2 replies)
  239. “KARMA” – Classless Leftists Mock Rand Paul After Coronavirus Diagnosis (2 replies)
  240. Pelosi Leads The Democrats Off The Cliff-NYTs Notes (13 replies)
  241. Now Cuomo says 80% will get the virus (6 replies)
  242. A Good Idea (0 replies)
  243. Funny prank on politicians, not so funny (0 replies)
  244. Suppress the message from the President (22 replies)
  245. U.S. economy deteriorating faster than anticipated (15 replies)
  246. Cuomo changes course, willing to try medicine (2 replies)
  247. Trump signs bill that will regulate airline seat sizes (0 replies)
  248. Ex-chief of Rosneft subsidiary in Kabardino-Balkar Republic is under investigation fo (5 replies)
  249. CV mortality rates (1 replies)
  250. A Mere 8 Days Ago Joe Biden Was Still Attacking Trump’s Travel Bans (4 replies)