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  1. Shame on you, Nancy (19 replies)
  2. Carville Nails It (8 replies)
  3. Boot-uh-judge (7 replies)
  4. Rand Paul Names Names (1 replies)
  5. The Trump family & children (1 replies)
  6. Looking for Iowa caucus results?......here they are..... (12 replies)
  7. Just found this on Youtube. SOCIALISM in America? See for yourself 90 miles away (0 replies)
  8. Chris Matthews : The Tingle Is Gone (3 replies)
  9. Rush Limbaugh Announces Advanced Lung Cancer Diagnosis (3 replies)
  10. After Impeachment is voted Down on Wednesday... (18 replies)
  11. The left meltdowns, excuses and accusations galore (5 replies)
  12. Former CIA Chief John Brennan, Who Spied on Trump, FREAKS... (2 replies)
  13. Favorites again in Dem primaries? (0 replies)
  14. Barbra Streisand: Adam Schiff Would Make a Great President (5 replies)
  15. Top 8 Reasons Trump Already Won Impeachment (1 replies)
  16. Acquittal Day? (32 replies)
  17. Please (11 replies)
  18. Giuliani Taunts Biden with Impending Release of Interview (0 replies)
  19. GOP Senators Confident No New Witnesses, Schumer Concedes Likely Defeat (0 replies)
  20. Coronavirus Passed From Chicago Woman To Spouse (4 replies)
  21. NBC Ignored Trump Signing USMCA Trade Deal (0 replies)
  22. Day 9 impeachment (23 replies)
  23. Elizabeth Warren Blames Trump For Disease Outbreaks Like Coronavirus (3 replies)
  24. Dershowitz goes on 'The View' (1 replies)
  25. Lindsey Graham and His 'Predicted' Impeachment Witness List (0 replies)
  26. Biden Says He Needs to Pick a Good VP Because He's Super-Old (0 replies)
  27. Democrats Promise to Persecute Trump Supporters if They Take White House (0 replies)
  28. Trump rally in NJ - blue state (2 replies)
  29. Anyone Watching The Q & A In The Senate? (29 replies)
  30. Joe Biden Has Mini Meltdown as Bernie Sanders Surges to First Place (10 replies)
  31. Bernie Sanders Still Won't Explain How He'll Pay for Medicare for All (2 replies)
  32. FBI reviewing claims Ilhan Omar married her brother (3 replies)
  33. Alan Dershowitz: Articles Against Trump Fly in Face of Constitution (0 replies)
  34. Lee Zeldin on Why Republicans Have 'No Sympathy' for Democrats' Bolton Demands (0 replies)
  35. Illiterate rubes and confederacy of dunces (6 replies)
  36. Trump Defense Lawyer Pam Bondi Rakes Hunter Biden Over the Coals (0 replies)
  37. Day 6 impeachment news (0 replies)
  38. MSNBC's reporter screws up Kobe Bryant news report (2 replies)
  39. Oh, It's On!... (0 replies)
  40. GOP senators incensed by Schiff's 'head on a pike' remark (2 replies)
  41. Anyone Listening To The President's Team? (1 replies)
  42. Bernie Campaign Calls Police On Reporters... (2 replies)
  43. Thank you President Trump (1 replies)
  44. Laura Ingraham Puts CIA ‘Whistleblower’ on Blast (1 replies)
  45. Rudy Fires Warning Shot – Going to Release Evidence on the Biden’s (3 replies)
  46. Democrats Sealed Their Own Fate in Senate with Rushed House Impeachment (0 replies)
  47. LIAR Adam Schiff Makes Up ANOTHER Fake Trump Quote in His Opening Argument (2 replies)
  48. Cool Website, Like Youtube Only Conservative... (2 replies)
  49. McConnell backs off, abruptly eases impeachment trial limits (9 replies)
  50. Is Anyone Watching The Impeachment Trial? (17 replies)
  51. Bloomberg Remarks on church shooter who saved lives (7 replies)
  52. Jeff Van Drew Says 100,000 Supporters Request Tickets to Trump Wildwood, NJ (0 replies)
  53. Trump was right about Puerto Rico (0 replies)
  54. ICE Director Blasts NYPD, Mayor Bill De Blasio Over Sanctuary Policies (2 replies)
  55. Graham: Early Dismissal Of Impeachment Case ‘Dead For Practical Purposes’ (0 replies)
  56. President Trump Restores First Amendment Protected ‘Right To Pray’ In Public Schools (16 replies)
  57. Bernie Voters Threaten to Sit Out Election if Democrats Steal Primary From Him Again (7 replies)
  58. Best Comical Take-Down of Pelosi Democrats EVER (0 replies)
  59. Virginia Judge Rules No Guns Allowed At Pro-Gun Rally — In OPEN-CARRY STATE (1 replies)
  60. Chief Justice John Roberts could cast tie-breaking votes at Trump's impeachment trial (1 replies)
  61. WashPost Wails After McSally Calls CNN Reporter, 'Liberal Hack' (3 replies)
  62. Lawrence O’Donnell: ‘There Will Be NO ONE Defending’ Trump on MSNBC (2 replies)
  63. Goldman Sachs Poll Finds Nearly Universal Agreement: Trump Will Win Reelection (0 replies)
  64. Homelessness #1 Issue for California Voters in 2020 (2 replies)
  65. Rand Paul: ‘I Think the Bidens Are as Corrupt as the Day Is Long’ (0 replies)
  66. Ken Starr, Alan Dershowitz Join Trump’s Impeachment Legal Team (0 replies)
  67. Democrats Must Be Punished for Groundless Impeachment (0 replies)
  68. The CNN Effect? Sanders Leads Biden in New Poll, Warren Fades Away (4 replies)
  69. Impeachment Trial Begins as Senators Are Sworn In; Chief Justice Roberts too (1 replies)
  70. Tucker Carlson - forget Warren, down to Biden and Sanders (1 replies)
  71. Sanders Supporters Shocked to Find Bias at CNN (1 replies)
  72. Ignorant Liberals Who Were COMPLETELY WRONG About Trump’s Trade War with China (1 replies)
  73. Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski Says Warren Is Lying About Sanders Feud (0 replies)
  74. Scarborough: History ‘Will Be Bleak’ for Those ‘Lying’ for Trump (1 replies)
  75. Sessions tells Senators to 'toughen up' (6 replies)
  76. Trump’s Lawyers ‘Deserve to Pull in Whoever They Feel Contributes to Their Case’ (0 replies)
  77. Bombshell or Stink Bomb? Dems Drooling Over Rachel Maddow 'Gotcha' Interview (9 replies)
  78. Warren hot mike moment at Demmycrat debate...... (1 replies)
  79. O’Keefe Drops Part 2: Bernie 2020 Organizer - Secret Service Notified (0 replies)
  80. Trump Signs Historic Trade Agreement with China – Here Is the List of Top Advantages (0 replies)
  81. House Democrats Pass Bill Sending Articles of Impeachment to Senate (1 replies)
  82. Critics Discount Too Much of Trump’s Job Performance (1 replies)
  83. Arrests In Regards To Bringing Live Mortar Round To Pearl Harbor Base (3 replies)
  84. Joe Biden Posts Emotional Tweet on Hunter (3 replies)
  85. Trump at National Championship Game (0 replies)
  86. Burisma Hacked: Joe Biden Faces Potentially Damaging Document Dumps (2 replies)
  87. US Supreme Court refuses to Free the Nipple (2 replies)
  88. Schiff: Calling Bidens to Testify Would Turn Impeachment into a Sham (5 replies)
  89. O’Keefe Taunts 2020 Democrats: First Bombshell Tape is Going to Drop This Week (3 replies)
  90. Booker drops out of race; Trump notices (4 replies)
  91. Democrats Always Choose America’s Enemies Over America (0 replies)
  92. Crenshaw Answers Warren's 'Disingenuous' Question About Soleimani (0 replies)
  93. Pelosi Says McConnell Is a Russian 'Accomplice' (1 replies)
  94. John Kerry Claims Obama 'Never Had a Whiff of Scandal' So Let's Remind Him Of Some (0 replies)
  95. Iran's Messaging About The Downed Airliner Echoes Democrats and Liberal Media (5 replies)
  96. CNN Settles Lawsuit With Nick Sandmann (0 replies)
  97. Elizabeth Warren: The 'Survival of our planet' depends on the 2020 election (4 replies)
  98. DRUDGE Turns Full ANTI TRUMP (3 replies)
  99. Calif. Family Blames State Sanctuary Policies For Murder Of Daughter (0 replies)
  100. Washington Post: Russians Pranking Maxine Waters Undermined America (1 replies)
  101. FBI Director Tells Surveillance Court He ‘Deeply Regrets’ Failures (0 replies)
  102. Let Trump be Trump for impeachment trial (1 replies)
  103. 8 year old sex offender (1 replies)
  104. Corrupt Actions of Mueller Gang Slowly Coming to Light After Release of IG Report (0 replies)
  105. Iranian Ambassador OUTRAGED after Iran Accused of Bulldozing Crash Site (5 replies)
  106. Vermont Dem State Senator Introduces Bill to Ban Cellphone Use For Those Under 21 (1 replies)
  107. College Professor Says Iran Should Target 52 Sites In America — PROMPTLY GETS FIRED (2 replies)
  108. Democrats Criticize Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Refusing to Pay Party Dues (2 replies)
  109. Delta Force's Boykin: Trump Was Justified (0 replies)
  110. Mika Brzezinski Suggests Trump Is Blackmailing Graham, Rubio (0 replies)
  111. Ilhan Omar Says Trump Admin Triggering Her ‘PTSD,’ Internet Explodes (3 replies)
  112. Katie Tur outraged at Stern White Military Men (3 replies)
  113. Jobless Claims Fall By More Than Expected to 214,000 (0 replies)
  114. Appeals Court Releases $3.6 Billion for Border Wall (0 replies)
  115. Censure Pelosi for Holding Up Impeachment (3 replies)
  116. Bat Shit Crazy... (1 replies)
  117. CNN Settles Lawsuit (2 replies)
  118. McConnell Has The Votes (0 replies)
  119. Study: Nearly 400K ‘Anchor Babies’ Born In 2019 (0 replies)
  120. Washington D.C. Ramps Up Security Following Iran’s Threat Of ‘Harsh Retaliation’ (3 replies)
  121. 2020, And So It Begins... (3 replies)
  122. Gone by 2020, Maybe 2030? Never Mind (0 replies)
  123. The Anti-Benghazi (76 replies)
  124. 2019 Was The Highest Rated Primetime Year In Fox News History (0 replies)
  125. Biden says he'd nominate Obama to Supreme Court 'if he'd take it' (5 replies)
  126. ‘I Feel like I Killed Evil’ (3 replies)
  127. Male Privilege (4 replies)
  128. This! (0 replies)
  129. Latest Spending Bill Gives Afghan Military 3X More Funding Than Southern Border Wall (0 replies)
  130. President Pence? (7 replies)
  131. Mo Brooks Warns of a ‘Mentally Erratic’ Chief Justice (1 replies)
  132. FISA Court Releases Previously Classified Order... (1 replies)
  133. The Greatest Stock Market Rally in US History Continues (0 replies)
  134. The Dems all drove together to last night's debate... (5 replies)
  135. John Durham Is Investigating Former CIA Director John Brennan’s Role in 2016 Election (1 replies)
  136. How Much Does the U.S. President Make for Retirement? (2 replies)
  137. Democrat’s Sham Impeachment Can’t Stop President Trump’s Miraculous American Revival! (0 replies)
  138. Networks blackout the news (5 replies)
  139. Cocaine Mitch Still Seems To Have A Brain Cell or Two (7 replies)
  140. House Democrats Ordered Not to Gloat During Impeachment Vote (2 replies)
  141. Marijuana Legal and Minimum Wage Up in Illinois in 2020 (6 replies)
  142. How will this House be remembered..... (4 replies)
  143. Now A Third Way, The Impeachment That Wasn't (4 replies)
  144. Nikki Haley Says ‘Every American Should Watch This’ Comey Video (0 replies)
  145. ‘More Due Process For Salem Witch Trials’ - Trump letter to Pelosi (0 replies)
  146. Back to the Fisa warrants (10 replies)
  147. IG Report Makes Clear That Durham Needs to Investigate Biden, Susan Rice, John Kerry (3 replies)
  148. Move to dismiss charges after opening? (10 replies)
  149. Trump Now Leads All of His Likely Rivals in National Polls, Even Biden (1 replies)
  150. ‘TOO DAMN LATE’: Gowdy Shreds Comey... (2 replies)
  151. Texas Democrat Doubles Down On Wishing Barack Obama Had Cancer (7 replies)
  152. ‘Borat’ Director Warns of Deadly Riots if Trump Remains in Office (3 replies)
  153. Schumer: Hunter Biden Would Be a ‘Distraction’ in Impeachment Trial (5 replies)
  154. Is the U.S. Department of State Playing God? (3 replies)
  155. GOP Sen. Hawley: The FBI Interfered in the 2016 Election (2 replies)
  156. House Democrats Pass Farm Bill Aimed At Granting Amnesty To Illegal Aliens (0 replies)
  157. Taylor Swift Says George Soros Funded Deal That Exploited Her Music Rights (0 replies)
  158. Right To Vote Restored For Ex-Cons In Ky. (5 replies)
  159. President Trump Shreds Apart The House’s Case After Articles Of Impeachment Pass In J (0 replies)
  160. Rep. Louie Gohmert and Rep. Debbie Lesko go off on impeachment (3 replies)
  161. Tlaib blames white supremacy in shootings - by 2 black suspects (11 replies)
  162. Even MSNBC Is Forced to Admit: FBI Made 'Pretty Egregious, Very Clear Mistakes' (0 replies)
  163. Mollie Hemingway Rips Lying James Comey over Dossier (0 replies)
  164. Horowitz: FBI Created ‘Fraudulent Evidence’ In Investigation... (3 replies)
  165. FISA warrants based "entirely" on phony dossier (0 replies)
  166. Brennan Lied in SWORN Testimony About Not Including Phony Dossier in IC Assessment (1 replies)
  167. Joy Behar: Clinton Was Sleeping with Lewinsky — Trump Is Sleeping with Putin (2 replies)
  168. The Nuclear Option: Obama Spied, FBI Lied — But Trump Impeached? (1 replies)
  169. Ten Disturbing Findings in the Justice Department Inspector General Report (0 replies)
  170. Nighttrain (14 replies)
  171. In order for it to count....switchi partie to Republican.... (3 replies)
  172. President Trump will be in Hershey, PA tonight .....and..... (3 replies)
  173. "Sheriff Vows to 'Deputize Thousands' to Defend Gun Rights....." (0 replies)
  174. ..Americans OUTSIDE the DC bubble think of & our POTUS & impeachment?! Listen /watch (0 replies)
  175. IG report out on start of mueller investigation (15 replies)
  176. US Attorney Durham objects IG findings on Russia probe origins in stunning statement (1 replies)
  177. Rudy to Release Report on Ukraine-Biden Crime Family Findings This Week (1 replies)
  178. Dems Led by Jerry Nadler REFUSE GOP Lawmakers’ Right to Hold Minority Hearing Day (1 replies)
  179. President Trump’s Approval Rating Jumps 5 Points in One Week (2 replies)
  180. Rush Limbaugh Show’s ‘Bo Snerdley’ Aims To Bring The Black Vote Back (0 replies)
  182. Democrat-Sponsored Voting Rights Act Passes House In Partisan Vote (2 replies)
  183. Calif. Congressman Duncan Hunter To Resign (0 replies)
  184. "This evidence will all be released very soon....” (5 replies)
  185. Trump Job Numbers vs Trudeau’s (0 replies)
  186. Mitt Romney Caught Endorsing Antifa…Refuses to apologize... (2 replies)
  187. For years, The Army football team has used the slogan “God Forgives, Brothers Dont’.. (2 replies)
  188. Democrat State Rep Charged With Stealing.... (3 replies)
  189. Economy Adds 266,000 Jobs in November, Beating Expectations (0 replies)
  190. Biden lashes out at town hall questioner in heated exchange: ‘You’re a damn liar, man (4 replies)
  191. Let the unsealing begin ...... (0 replies)
  192. This woman is a gift - ................... (3 replies)
  193. If Melania Trump called you right now........... (11 replies)
  194. For the first time in state history, there are more than 2 million active voters .... (0 replies)
  195. Candice Owen....Quote of the day... (0 replies)
  196. ` The liberal professors who testified “with no bias” with TDS, today. . (0 replies)
  197. Prof. Karlan is a real bundle of joy!......../ (4 replies)
  198. A candidate having supporters on their knees so he can shoot whipped cream in mouth.. (3 replies)
  199. Devin Nunes slaps CNN with $435 million defamation lawsuit (9 replies)
  200. CNN Says Partisanship Not in Lisa Page's 'DNA' (0 replies)
  201. Alyssa Milano is ‘F***ing’ Upset (11 replies)
  202. Kamala Harris drops out of presidential race (4 replies)
  203. Trump Campaign Says It Will Shut Out Bloomberg News From Events (0 replies)
  204. 21 Reasons Not To Believe Christine Blasey Ford’s Claims About Justice Kavanaugh (0 replies)
  205. Republicans Release 10 Key Findings From Schiff Show Trials that Destroy Democrats (2 replies)
  206. House (R) releases report refuting every accusation (0 replies)
  207. Schiff continues his lying (9 replies)
  208. Democrats Will Vote on Impeachment Before Schiff’s Report Even Goes Public (3 replies)
  209. First the IG report on abuse on the 9th.... (6 replies)
  210. Impeachment Breaking Fundraising Records Every Month (0 replies)
  211. Verbal 'Shots Fired' at Kellyanne Conway's.... (0 replies)
  212. CROWD ATTACKS LONDON MAYOR “You can’t rule anymore” (3 replies)
  213. Islamic Takeover In Michigan: Thousands of Shia Muslims March in Rashida Tlaib’s (2 replies)
  214. "Four Were Hanged In 1865 Democrat Coup Involving Lincoln’s Assassination ..." (0 replies)
  215. Marine veteran turned congressional candidate calls Kaepernick a 'national disgrace.. (2 replies)
  216. "Thats all I want..." (0 replies)
  217. ‘KILLING EUROPE how Muslim immigration is destroying Europe is an absolute must-see! (1 replies)
  218. Democrats are Cornered – Their Only Way Out of the Schiff Sham... (1 replies)
  219. Democrat Attorney: “Nothing I’ve Seen – Has Moved the Ball Towards Impeachment” (3 replies)
  220. How British have passively succumbed to the Muslim INVASION ...!! (5 replies)
  221. What an honor and a privilege it would be to................ (3 replies)
  222. Blacks For Trump........ (4 replies)
  223. "Aint that a shame..." (1 replies)
  224. Why Schiff is Withholding Transcripts of ICIG Michael Atkinson (1 replies)
  225. Joe says...where is everybody? (0 replies)
  226. Now Warren is using Obama's "You didn't make that" crap (3 replies)
  227. So many knew & they knew abt BillClinton too! Seal Accuses Oprah of Knowing Weinstein (0 replies)
  228. Breaking ... Newsweek has fired Jessica Kwong for Fake story. Good!!! (1 replies)
  229. .......We will never have another like him! (1 replies)
  230. Please Go..Go Now!!! (8 replies)
  231. Giuliani Out Soon as Trump's Lawyer, Gowdy Rises (4 replies)
  232. Melania Trump & MAGA = Hate Speech (2 replies)
  233. Obama’s Former CIA Director Brennan’s Security Clearance Was Once Again Questioned (0 replies)
  234. Law Requires POW-MIA Flag Displayed Whenever US Flag Is Displayed... (0 replies)
  235. Kid Rock Rants Onstage About Oprah Winfrey, Says He's Fine Being "Called" Racist... (6 replies)
  236. Rashida Tlaib Snirks and Walks Away When Asked to Condemn Antifa, Hamas, Sharia... (0 replies)
  237. Illinois Democratic senator resigns amid federal corruption, bribery probe.... (0 replies)
  238. Kamala Harris suffers new blow as aide resigns with scathing letter....... (6 replies)
  239. Trump Visit U.S Soldiers On Thanksgiving at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan.... (1 replies)
  240. Trump sneaks into Afghanistan (2 replies)
  241. Liberals Blame Fake ICE University Program on Trump (4 replies)
  242. Easiest way to trigger lefties (12 replies)
  243. Hunter Biden Would Be One of Our Top Witnesses in Impeachment Hearings (1 replies)
  244. Ilhan Omar Challenger Banned From Twitter... (1 replies)
  245. Strippers Used Sex Toy on a Drugged Out Hunter Biden at NYC Strip Club (2 replies)
  246. Ten Reasons to Be Thankful for President Trump This Thanksgiving (1 replies)
  247. In Praise of Conservative women! (2 replies)
  248. It JUST keeps getting better & better peeps..... (0 replies)
  249. CNN Hopes Americans Worry About.. climate catastrophe this Thanksgiving (3 replies)
  250. I almost agree with Dems on free $$ for illegals and education (7 replies)